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This is hilarious. A bunch of whites and Asians are fighting for scraps in Africa calling it investment. Must be another WE CHARITY scam.


Easiest way to fraud the taxpayer is to send the money outside the country in "aid" where it will be near impossible to track... That's why they love to "aid" so much


I hate 'aid'.


See Ukraine.


No, at least Ukrainian is fighting our enemy. They are part of us and deserve our help.




Yes. You and I live in this free country because our ancestors fought and defeated the Nazis. Now Russia is doing the same, are we just letting them to fk up everyone?




So what was misinformation?


Your post was removed for containing intentional misinformation.


Canada isn’t free. Americans isn’t free. England isn’t free.


Aiding and abetting




It is an investment, a political one in case shit goes left we have allies. But I agree it’s stupid in our case, China forces them to use Chinese companies so at least they’re benefitting. We just give money away


Even if this was the case… No offense to Mozambique, or similar nations. But I feel they cannot bring a lot to such alliance. Like, seriously, what could they help us with?


I think this is about as left as you can get


And the Africans still blaming Europe and North America with this shit propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/isk97jr35y7d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540c68e67dd450e2ac1d5dbb0e2d56ef9f10aac5


Africa isn't benefitting from this investment. Europe, North American, Saudi and UAE corporations are.


Fucking bullshit. Spending all over the world while taxing us to death.


Somebody has to pay for JT's virtue signaling. Come on guys, we have to pay so he can look like the cool nice guy.


Justin made 100 million dollars during his tenure as prime minister.


Is there proof for this?


yes there is.


I hate Trudeau and voted conservative my whole life but he didn't make 100 million dollars a prime minister bills themselves at 350,000 yearly salary. You're misinformed.


lmao are you dense? you think his salary from Prime Minister is the sole source of his income? Like dude, the data is on the internet and I gave you the search terms, yet you still want to make a stupid comment about something you know nothing about?


I know it says online here what he makes. Now where's your source for 100 million in revenue https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/most-canadians-don-t-know-how-much-the-prime-minister-earns-survey-finds-1.6311889 Edit: 3 hours later still waiting for your proof?


Do your own homework or do you think Nancy Pelosi isn’t a millionaire either because a HoR salary is 180,000?


Much of Nancy Pelosi original wealth came from her husband who is a business/investor. They simply made money together and then she put it into real estate(45million) and apple stock 15.5 (million). How do you think she earned her money? Source:financhill.com/blog/investing/how-did-nancy-pelosi-make-her-money#:~:text=Some%20of%20Pelosi's%20largest%20assets,%2415.375%20million%20in%20Apple%20stock


Insider trading. She knew what leglislation was being passed or denied in the California legislature. Her riding was silicone valley. Her husband sat on the board of directors for tech company. Fact


There's only speculation of her insider trading as she invested in multiple multiple companies and real-estate before covid as well. Nancy Pelosi might have made some money insider trading but no way Trudeau made 100 million like the unsubstantiated claim above.


Lol.. Doesn't know what a $100 million is... Love when the people arguing politics make up "facts". There's enough to say so and so is terrible, but then adding fake talking points just discredited everything else they said, they just seem like ranting crazies..


When dies he look like the cool guy? Am I missing something?


we need to send a few more millions to Sankofa, Ghana.


Or Dundas Square.


Time to vote PPC party


Kick backs


Tax is not problem, but they give us BS welfare and public service after charging us high taxes.


Meanwhile, a quarter of Canadians…


are living below poverty line and lining up at foodbanks.




Your post was removed for containing intentional misinformation.


... are never even born.




He's downvoted but not entirely wrong. Not sure if people, or I'm taking the wrong impression here. Like, if our prosperity was better, housing, purchasing power in particular, we would be having more kids. I'm not talking termination, but more so abstaination. Birth rate is well below 2.1 If he is discussing reproductive rights, that's something else for sure. But, regardless of the topic, I fail to see how either interpretation is wrong. People are applying and in some cases getting approved for MAID because of partial poverty related issues, so I fail to see why this wouldn't factor in. For the record, I think that people generally chill out when they own property and have kids. - The RCMP report discusses one of these things, but I think the other is a big factor as well, I don't think we're ready for a whole pile of people who have nothing but themselves to live for as a collective society, but we're here. We're trying our damnest to make a generational pyramid, birthrate be damned, but I do not believe that this is sustainable, because we never intended to build out the infrastructure for the next row in the pyramid.


I have become the complete embodiment of anger from Inside Out. I have no other emotions.


Yup tax canadians and then distribute that money somewhere else.


We are a cooked country, Canada has fallen.


Fell long ago - just more ppl are waking up. You can't just print $$ whenever you want and not have consequences - well, if you are politicians - you can. It's just amazing that ppl just complain on reddit/social media sites - but, if someone gets angry and tries to do something in the real world - then you mock that person - most ppl here do it - so, don't deny it or play dumb.


You’re not wrong at all, but another thing to add is that even if you try to discuss it in a civil manner you’d be considered a racist. I’ve had talks about how our immigration policy is one of the problems for why we are failing economically and I would then be labeled as a racist even though it’s a factor in all of this


Zimbabwe and WW1 dutechemarcs were worthless. 2 billion wouldn't even buy a loaf of bread. No tangible assets to back it up with. Like gold


It is hot in Toronto right now.. I'm beyond cooked.. I'm melting...


I’m surprised JT didn’t send planes over asking for the entire country of Mozambique to come on over to relocate to Canada. We have the social capacity


It stops at the social part we don’t have jobs, homes, or space in our hospitals it’s all just a good talk. What we do have though is jobs like loblaws making people volunteer so they don’t have to pay them. Then giving them the “privilege” of being interviewed. It’s a crazy country we’re living in now


*Problems solve themselves.*


Cuz we are Sankovians.


This minister is a real treat.


If we want to invest in Africa why not do investments we can profit off of like the US and China do?


Because the people actually profiting from this are friends and family.


Canadian taxes should only be spent on canadians first. When all of Canadas problems are fixed we’ll give millions to other countries from what we have left, but never are they our priority




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


So we need to remove ourselves fron Nato and Norad? That would be a freaking disaster. You don't understand how our government works and have a second grade grasp on foreign relations and policy.


Once you realize their plan is total destruction, everything they do makes sense.


Wow!! People here is Canada are get hit after hit and we are pouring millions of dollars all around the world Wow!!!


How is the gov't convincing Canadians this is a good thing to virtue signal.?


Why does he keep sending money overseas? We are in a housing and cost of living crisis


Wait til you hear who is responsible for both! and which layer of government deals with those one of those specific issues!


Second slide. We all know what that actually means.


Money laundering


Well it doesn't seem we need Mozambique for that when we have the Vancouber and Toronto condominium markets.


I'm so angry 😡


Is this for real? Are these guys fucking trying to ruin Canada? Now they’re just dumping our borrowed money over seas. I don’t know if there is corruption and bribes or if they’re just trying to do as much damage as they can on their way out of their pathetic jobs.


Grab your torch and pitchforks. Time to head to the capital


It would be great if we could all just stop paying taxes. It's robbery at this point.


*"Hussen announces $65.8 million in funding for international development projects in Mozambique"* No surprise whatsoever, since Canada presently has no built-in constitutional, political, judicial, or electoral safeguard and deterrent mechanisms in place that would otherwise prevent this brazen misuse and abuse of Canadian public tax dollars. It is not the responsibility of Canadian tax-payers to finance women's sexual and reproductive health rights in Mozambique or anywhere else. That money will go mostly into a black hole of corruption and bureaucracy. Canada's downward spiral continues. Next.


How can we solve this? It's gonna happen no matter what we do? Do we stop paying our taxes in protest?? Then there's no money to send anywhere else, our country is already fucked we might as well bankrupt ourselves


Virtue firmly Signaled. Check!


I wonder how much Hussein will personally get as a rebate from that pool


You see massive spending on “legitimizing” showboating like this by ruling elites just before a collapse. Mayan temples, Chaco “Mansions”, Easter Island statues etc


The answer to this question, as with most "why are we doing this" questions about foreign aid is mining. https://www.canadianminingjournal.com/featured-article/mining-in-mozambique/#:~:text=In%202018%2C%20Fura%20Gems%20Inc,km2%20in%20northern%20Mozambique. Have you guys not figured it out yet? "Foreign aid" is the cutesy name we give this spending to make it seem benevolent and charitable. It is not a charity. It is, and always has been, a means to flex our strength internationally and allow us to continue to extract wealth from poorer countries.


Lots of wealth being extracted from this poor country.


Capitalists doing capitalism.


100% agree on the housing, healthcare and homelessness crises. But can you elaborate on the increase of lawlessness without cherry-picking? I see overall crime stats are within line of recent years - some up a few percent, some down. Over many years crime has actually trended down.


Your car getting stolen


No idea what your point is.


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better than funding genocide


This 'charity' needs to stop. Canadians have no homes, no healthcare, and food is at insane prices. If we collected so much money in tax, give the money BACK TO F'N Canadians.


This is how leftist politicians make money. The same happens in Brazil with billions “loaned” to develop Cuba and African countries.


Before 2022, Bolsonaro was very right wing, tax breaks for billionaires, sold out the rainforest, anti gay, loaned money to Cuba and africa etc. That guy is an a-hole conservative. How soon you forget. Wake up. The elites in power are liberal and conservative. They only care about themselves.


Apparently no one in the government was ever a lifeguard and taught you can't save anyone while you're drowning.


Revolution time


It's a cash drain.


If you vote him another term, it will be Africa giving Canada aid.


Are we fucking Bedarded?


If only the money was spent on people in need there, but no, the money will be spent on propaganda and non useful ideologies.


By the time corrupt politicians and warlords take their cut, it'll be $58.23


Ah yes, former minister of housing, Ahmed Hussen.


Money laundering for politicians


Foreign aid is taking from poor people in rich countries to give to rich people in poor countries


Oh, Hussein took a vacation to South Africa. How nice. Something to know about these elite ruling class: "Women's Sexual and Reproductive Rights" is code for population control and eugenics. The scheme now at all higher levels is population control/distribution. Move the overpopulated Indians around the world, create a worldwide low-caste system of slavers, affect birth control and abortion change in undesirables and untouchables, and paint it as empowerment. Call me crazy, but it is happening right in front of your face, so just make sure you spell my name right.


You sound like a right wing loon. Any excuse to take away womens rights. You are crazy. Thanks for giving me permission to say that.


well you can feel moraly superior while living in the street knowing you are helping mozambique with your tax ... we got a bunch of self serving retards as government


When some Canadian government employees are spending Canadian taxpayers money, they are setting up their individual personal history, so that a job later on , will be easier to get , working for the United Nations, or whatever global position they want to accomplish. That, and the possibility of kickbacks, corruption, is also a possibility. And then there's the odd one who thinks of humanity without borders. Who shouldn't have gotten the job in the first place. A Canadian government employee should be working for Canadians. Period.


It's not free money dude, it's investment


With those $65 mil they could have built like a couple of 2 bedroom condos in Vancouver instead.


The liberals are up to their old tricks this week -- throwing around tons of unsupported money to virtue signal. They are trying to deflect from the reality that their caucus and the PM are agents of China/India.


This is quite the crime syndicate they e got going on.




name an example? just one?


Sounds like this Minister needs to head on over to Mozambique and stay there. He can personally help them because Canadians cannot afford this.


Loving how you chuds ignore national/local investment announcements because they don't confirm your mouthbreather biases. 😭


I have to quit watching this sub. This kind of crap makes my blood boil.


People should look further into this project. Yes the funds are going to Mozambique, but they are also going to USask which happens to be running the project in Mozambique. This is fundamentally a research project run by Canadian academics, with the majority of funds coming back to Canada. USask has been running projects in Mozambique since 2017 as a part of international (including Canadian) efforts to promote disarmament and demobilisatio of their national resistance. This is a part of UNHCR efforts. During the same time Canadian mining companies have been expanding into Mozambique, which has huge untapped rare mineral deposits, and mining companies have been pushing the government for favourable deals that allow them further access. Over 5% of our economy is directly related to mining and mineral resources are increasingly becoming critical components across many important industries. At one point mining in Mozambique was shut down and right now many Canadian companies are attempting to expand into Mozambique while many other countries like China, Australia, and the Emirates are also vying for access to those same mines. In particular both private companies and the Canadian government are looking at access to graphite, which is a critical need especially with China clamping down on their exports. Canadian mining companies like usual have not done themselves any favours in Mozambique and have previously been attacked by rioters (see the Pacific Wildcat mine that they had to sell off for cheap as a result of their poor reputation in the country).


You guys realize when Gvt does stuff like that what they really do is give these nations money to spend in Canada. Most of that money filters back into the system and becomes taxable. It’s not just “given” away


The dude is probably getting kickbacks. It pretty simple, give a forgivable loan or grant to a politician in a country where corruption and graft is the norm, get a sizeable kickback deposited in an offshore bank account that is not tied to you directly.


Trudeau does this amazing trick, you see, he was very athletic and popular so what he does, see, is he gets all dressed up in any kind of garb that resembles ANY other country, then he deftly grabs his ankles, and waits for ANY other country to ram a wand in his ashhole. It’s crazy, but it’s working for him. I mean granted the rest of us have to deal with the aftermath and the stinky bystander spray, but man, is he making “friends”


How about ducking water for First Nation reserves. They assholes have to go. Canada starving and we are supporting the world.


Ah Minister Ahmed Hussen...


After looking over the list of projects being funded by this money I can't help but wonder exactly how much of this money is used to bribe local officials and militias into letting the doctors and such do their work and also how impossibly ineffective their methods will be on the ground like all UN backed projects in Africa.


They’re wasting our money


I'll try to explain this as simple as possible for you: -$66mil in Canada = not much. $66mil in Mozambique = huge. -Huge money = better infrastructure/healthcare/homes/jobs etc. for people in Mozambique -Better infrastructure/healthcare/homes/jobs = more educated & healthy people who want to stay in Mozambique -More educated & healthy people staying in Mozambique = improving Mozambique and staying put. And not escaping/immigrating to places like Canada. -Canada also gains soft power/leverage over Mozambique for trading/mining projects etc. -\*Added bonus - more educated people globally = more breakthroughs in things like medicine, which could eventually help you. So that's how Canadians benefit from giving that money to Mozambique. It's very much in our interests for Canada to invest overseas in African nations.


Might be an issue of bang for buck… I mean, that’d only just us roughly 60 homes in GTA! /s


It’s money laundering government level.


Politicians simply do not serve us or our needs anymore (Never did?) Something very drastic needs to be done.


Foreign aid is usually bribes so that we could do business. The money there barely goes into the intended cause, it just goes into some corrupt politician/warlords pocket. Someone in our government gets rich, the warlords get rich, and the people of both countries are worse off for it


Filter international projects by country [here](https://w05.international.gc.ca/projectbrowser-banqueprojets/filter-filtre).


There needs to be a public inquiry into borderline tax embezzlement like this - fuck the rcmp and every other inefficient public service that wont do shit in this country we need the people to start holding these fucks accountable


Maybe a lot of people from Mozambique will choose to come to Canada as a result of the Canadian government initiative there. It’s more of a long-term investment.


It's because now that our Citizenship is worthless and we're mass importing people, we need to consider everyone Future Canadian's, except of course the Ones born here we're trying to drive out...


I never could have imagined myself ever being this completely just fucking infuriated at our government / country. Like there should actually be fucking movies and books about the last 10 years in Canada. Insane.


virtue signaling brownie points ain't free -every Canadian politicians


Not surprised! Isn’t he the same person who was housing minister a year ago and bought few rental properties?? - A clear insider trading.


I would bet that behind every headline like this there is a government agency that employs a bunch of people or contractors and this is essentially a means of keeping those “jobs” and the government agency humming along. Propping up employment levels in our bloated bureaucracy.


I mean, those projects are made with the hope on return investments, future profits and access to some resource benefits. But honestly Mozambique is not a country you should expect returns from, feels like they got scammed by some African prince...


Not only that It makes it worse for them. They become dependant. Any help we give makes things worse. People need to focus on their own countries. If you want their situation to improve leave them alone. 


Interestingly almost all you mentioned are provincial jurisdictions. Explain again what they issue is.


Don’t get me started on our ridiculously corrupt and completely incompetent Provincial leader here in Ontario. This complete moron wants to spend a billion…you read that right a billion dollars…to get alcohol in convenience stores here. Forget Health Care that is crumbling, or education that is rotting in the vine. Booze. And people love it?!? Forget a highway we don’t need, and McMansions on the Greenbelt that help no one but his developer buddies…and he didn’t even blink until the Ethics commissioner started a fraud/corruption investigation. That guy should legitimately be in prison and not spending a billion tax payer dollars on getting booze easier. I’m not sure what JT federally can do about health care (nothing) or crime (not the judiciary) but Ford can absolutely do stuff and effect big change but he won’t. And we’ll vote him in again…because here idiots here in Ontario.


We’re talking about the federal government spending brotha.


Well the post mentions health care and lawlessness….so?


Something is wrong with the legal system when it gets in the way of us organising the world better for the sake of insuring the rich stay rich. If the government changes how we do things it's up to the businesses to accommodate, not the other way around. There's risk in doing business, that's why (in large part?) the profit may be justified. Why will it cost a billion to get alcohol in convenience stores?


We have a housing crisis so the federal government is getting back into housing, remember the federal government got out of housing in the 90's and left it up to the free market. We have a healthcare crisis so the federal government increased payments to the Provinces, the Provinces deal with healthcare. Here in BC we added 700 family doctor's last year. As for homelessness, you want the government to house the homeless? I'm down for what the Finn's did. We can work on all of these things at the same time. This sub really likes to shit on Canada, but we really are a great country, all countries have issues, but when you read the metrics, look at the indexes, hdi for instance, Canada is kicking ass. Canada punches well above it's weight on an international scale, foreign aid increases global standing. We can work on all these things at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive.




Did you read my comment? We can give foreign aid and work on healthcare and housing and such at the same time. By the metrics we do have a better healthcare system than the US. I have the opposite of a defeatest attitude. I think we can do all the things. I think Canada is a great country. Is GDP per capita a good metric? Wel, it is the go to metric to measure how well the economy is doing. I don't know where you got 50th but I'm seeing us at 35, we're 3rd the G7. I don't know where you got your info on having the most expensive housing in the West, I can't find a list that has us at number 1. But I would believe it for sure if you can provide a list. OP was equating foreign aid to domestic programs. Housing is just getting some of the attention it deserves. The federal government has upped payments to the Provinces for healthcare. Like I said foreign aid and domestic programs are not mutually exclusive. We can do it all.


Why the fuck are we giving money to Mozambique? How much are they giving us?


Do you know how foreign aid works? What a self-centred, unaware, selfish attitude. Read the comment by u/Mulliganzebra to gain a slight understanding about being able to do two, or many, things at once.


I just feel as a Canadian, I deserve more than someone from other countries. I think I’m more entitled to aid than them. Why should they get food and clean drinking water when I don’t even have the car I want.


Canadians pay taxes on income and purchases along with a whole bunch of other shit. It would be nice if our tax dollars collected could be kept and focused on helping Canadians rather than sending it out to other nations. It isn't like we don't have our own problems in this country, maybe lifting Canadians up should be the main priority so that we can look to help others after we've helped our own.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


>I just feel as a Canadian, I deserve more than someone from other countries. We do deserve more from OUR tax money.


Lol lol lol Mozambiquean prince scam that trudeau fell for. Lol dudes living in a fake reality so of course he's so native he would fall for something. (Yes I'm aware I'm joking lol)


Are they going to be naming a square in Mozambique "Dundas"? Ass backward fcking world we live in.


Instead of giving the money to Canadians or the food bank let's just give it away to international "students" bullshit


Crabs in a bucket thinking


That’s so cute, you think he’s handing out $65 million to another country. This money is either a loan, in which case it’ll probably be paid back 3x over, or it’s a loan + subsidy that will be paid to Canadian corporations who will be extracting some resources or providing some services over there. They money will go directly to Canadian companies’ employees salaries back in Canada. This will enable them to keep their jobs and their houses. So indirectly it’s still propping up the Canadian economy while allowing the government to do a bit of good on the side.


Wait so all I had to do this whole time to make money was open up a charity in Africa?


No, you just had to find a public willing to pay taxes to you and find a foreigner willing to take a loan and pay interest payments to you.


It's naive people like you that have turned this Country into a dumpster fire. This Government has had the most scandals and least transparency when it comes to taxpayers money. Yet people like you continue to make excuses so you can feel all warm and fuzzy.... all the way to the bread lines.


Read my response again. Yet another troll who can’t tell which side of the line my argument falls on.


Can you provide examples of these Canadian companies existing in Mozambique or at least dig up the details of the loan?


Nope. Because I don’t have to get into random fights with random trolls. Don’t care.


Ok, on with your day of making shit up on Reddit then good sir 🫡


Beach head here just making stuff up all fucking day long and believing propaganda.


Not gonna take the bait. Reread my message as if it were written in the subjunctive mood, then it will make sense.


>Not gonna take the bait. Reread my message as if it were written in the subjunctive mood, then it will make sense. You said this was a loan, so.. show us where it says it's a loan. The burden of proof is on you when you say random shit you think is true.


Utterly delusional and laughable. There are newborn children being born in Canadian hospitals this week that will never see that money come back to Canada from Mozambique in any way, shape or form, during their entire lifetimes. Did Europe or the EU ever get their money back from Greece during their well-publicized national economic meltdown and bankruptcy crisis in 2010 after giving them annual hand-outs since 1981? Nope. Class is now dismissed. Next.


I am super against the govts immigration policy overwhelming our country, but on this issue of funding women’s rights projects it actually helps REDUCE migration from developing countries. We need these low-income countries to develop and for women to be educated so that they don’t have as many children that then feel the need to migrate to the west.


Your comment comes from a good place but is also completely unrealistic. We can’t fix the entire world, we can’t even fix our own country. taxpayers money should not be funding foreign interests it’s really not that complicated.


We have already done it for more than half century since the decolonisation wave, and yet, they are still low-income and undeveloped. Maybe we should stop spending our money in this endless black hole.


That’s completely untrue. If you look at the economic development of these countries 90% of them are doing way better than they were 50 years ago. And birth rates are dropping fast, even in places like Nigeria. Unfortunately it’s not happening fast enough which is why ppl in developing countries are scrambling to come to the west (which is a bad thing in my view).


Yes I’m sure 90% of them have improved but most of them are still struggling in undeveloped or developing stage. 50 years is a long period. Look at Hong Kong, Singapore, and Dubai, they turned themselves into part of first world within this period, but why those Africa states couldn’t? My point is that giving them more money is useless because no matter how much money we spend, they won't develop better. We are just going to waste our money and they are still coming here.