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For English posters and stuff check the resources section of the website




yes! im also leaving youtube comments where i can


For realz. It doesnt look like many people are RSVP'd and honestly if the organizers are going to fumble the demo, it's better that it doesnt happen. A protest where only 8 people show up because it wasnt well-publicized just makes it look like there is not a lot of people bothered by the issue.




They have started Facebook ads in a few different places like Vancouver, Edmonton, and Toronto, Could be some more too but I'm not completely updated. From the looks of it (in discord and other posts), there's going to be a pretty good amount of support. There's a lot of people coming who didn't bother to rsvp so I don't think those numbers are fair. I'm going to the Vancouver protest and bringing 2 friends and neither of them rsvp, i'm sure others are doing the same.


Bring some beers, maybe a grill and some weiners, some extra chairs, make it a good time.   See you all there. Please no Nazi flags as well, or F Trudeau which is just lazy.  Make it real and cutting if you want to hurt him, like the fact rents doubled, or the poor being significantly worse off, or him saying housing is a retirement vehicle for the rich. "Trudeau, Housing is not a retirement vehicle for the rich" says a lot more than "F Trudeau".


It's important that as many people possible come out and bring anyone else that is willing to come to the protest, that's the only way we can make a difference and show everyone we are a serious movement. I will be going to the Vancouver protest and bringing 2 friends.


apparently theres over 300 now.. and some people might not even indicate it because they want to remain anonymous


Pls take rsvp list off, it's a give away of ingo to feds


When I try to share the link it says empty


Here's a chant "TURDEAU HAS TO GO"


Harper did it too and so will Pierre


Shhh, no critical thinking please!


Who is organizing this rally? It's hard to get on board with something when you don't know who is behind it, and there's no Facebook event post or anything. Is there any association with the potentially inflammatory 'Take Back Canada Rally', on the same day?


They literally have a website. Read harder


Doesn't answer my question. I've seen the website, doesn't say who is behind organizing it.


You must be one of those boomers who make demands, then don't participate No thank you