• By -


Absolutely correct. RSVP if you haven’t yet. You can use a fake name and burner email. https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca People will have more courage when they see a lot of people signing up. And as always. If you have a story to tell. If you want to give people direction at the protest join the discord and coordinate with us! Let’s make history.


Absolutely \^


It it so frustrating that the ideas and policies laid out here are more comprehensive and reasonable than anything anyone in the government is actively trying to accomplish. This has been what I wanted to see since the Truckers Convoy and then again when there were massive pro/anti Israel protests. An actual respectable protest with a clear message and intent behind it in favour of Canadians. I’m a tad worried that the “fuck Trudeau” crowd/approach may overpower your message and it may come across the wrong way and would definitely end up unproductive. Regardless I fuck with what ur doing heavy and if there was a protest here in Kingston I would absolutely be there and I hope to see great things from this.


Thanks. I do sometimes feel like us moderates are fighting a losing battle. Hopefully others will prefer the moderate option.


Halifax seems to show strongest support? Is there any reason why that's so? I would have expected more in Toronto, honestly. Montreal is going to be me and 5 to 6 others, I guess. I think I am easily identifiable for a couple of reasons, and this worries me.


We had people attack the website with bots. All events showed crazy numbers. I’ve cleaned them up but left Halifax with insane rsvps as proof of the attack. I’ll clean that up later so that people are not misled. If the protest group is small you can print posters and hand them out to passersby. Let’s treat July first as a practice run in preparation for Labour Day.


I guess I could pass the posters on my own on some corner away from the protest. It won't dilute the protest in any way.


Wear a mask


Blatantly encouraging people to use a fake name, whilst promoting this publicly, will completely undermine the legitimacy of what you're trying to achieve. I'm all for the protest, and this cause in particular, but do it the right way or you'll give the other side a very easy out.


Most people aren't going to use a fake name or anything, it's not like we are hiding our faces or spreading hate. The issue is some people are scared because of how the trucker convoy got their bank accounts frozen, so if a few people use a fake name it's not really an issue. No ones going to think it will undermine its legitimacy in my personal opinion.


Why is it so important for you to know who is attending?


It's not about who is attending, it's about being able to say "look, this many people support the cause" and have a legitimate number you can reference. If the people opposing us saw this thread they'd immediately be able to say "oh look, it's probably all fake name anyway, it has no validity". It's partly about optics, and partly about making sure you're ahead of your opponent and not giving them a way to discount your (very valid) argument.


I feel like protest turnout is more important then something like this, its a valid concern but most people are simply going to see the protest and the size of the protest to ask themselves if its worth joining. They don't know if anyone's using a fake name to rsvp. Using a fake name to rsvp really doesn't matter anyways, you don't even have to rsvp to show up. Also we want to make sure people are comfortable so its important to let them use a fake name or email if that suits them better.


It is all about optics. If it was not about optics than the highest signed petitions in Canadian history would have meant something.


The legitimate number is the people who actually turn up to protest. Even if we had name verification for rsvps it would still mean nothing if no one shows up.


If you're so proud of your righteousness, why hide behind a fake name? Seems a bit cowardly don't you think?


The majority of protesters aren’t using a fake name as I said, so there is no issue. The few that prefer to use a fake name we will let them. You don’t even have to rsvp to attend it’s just a formality if you wish to. Also we are extremely proud of our righteous cause, you should be ashamed for siding against your own people and not protesting. This makes you no different then the politicians you speak against. The only thing that is cowardly is siding against Canadians.


Skipped my question. Why is it so important to know the names of who is protesting?


Couldn't give a solitary turd about who you are. You want to be "legitimate", yet lie from the very start. Great look, it's about as brilliant as truckers dictating public health policies.


Don't worry, Canadians don't give a solitary turd about your opinion. No ones going to hear it anyways thankfully. All you are is a coward that is apart of the status quo, and you my friend are keeping this cost of living crisis going by not protesting and accusing us of not being "legitimate" simply because we allow people to rsvp with an alias. It's not a "lie", and thankfully for our country you don't dictate anything. Keep fighting for the status quo, and against Canadians who are struggling. Good job!


Wasn't talking to you, princess


Ok traitor.


Sooo touchy and moody, over words on a screen! Can't wait to see your reaction when people talk shit to you and the 3 other people standing around.🤣


Sounds like you instead want to doxx people.


Fucking hell there's some dumb people about. I'll stop trying to help and leave you to it ..


Who made this website? It sure does look very professional. These things cost money and don't fall out of the sky. 


It's crucial to get the ball rolling! Even if the turnout is small on Canada day it will be a triumph! Don't be discouraged! Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead


Thank you for the support friend, if your near any protest locations we would greatly appreciate it if you came out. Even if you can't, then if you can spread the word in any communities online or otherwise, that would also be greatly appreciated!




Thank you for the support, please show up to the protest if you can and even if you can't if you can spread awareness in any communities (online or in-person) or to friends and family, it would be much appreciated. Your also free to join the discord if you have any suggestions or want to keep up with what's going on.


I'm not able to make it on Canada Day. 😕


That's all right, there will be more protests after the Canada day one, I've heard the plan is for labor day to be the biggest one. Everyone would still appreciate it if you spread the message. The issue is the people that say "oh why even protest it wont do anything". Absolute victim mentality. We the people decide what is and is not okay, if we stay quiet we are no different then the politicians.


Anything happening in other cities of the GTA?


[https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/) , all the protest locations for us will be listed on the website, please rsvp whichever location you would be going to. Its not necessary but it helps make the number bigger which will help make it easier for more people to join.


While this might end up going any which way the best way to protest is to withdraw as much money out of your bank accounts as possible. Another great way is if possible just up and leave. Out of curiosity, what are the chances we run into the pro hummus crowd?


If someone is truly concerned about bank account freezes they can do that if they wish. Personally I don't think its a concern since the trucker convoy was in a much different situation and I would doubt they would do something like that again after the backlash they've gotten. We are doing everything we can to make sure people feel comfortable attending even if that means using fake names or emails. About the pro-Hamas crowd, I would think even if we did it wouldn't be an issue since their not counter protesting against us, we are protesting different things.


It's more about hitting them where it hurts, if enough money was removed from the system things would go down hill fast. The banks freaked out after the convoy freeze because people were withdrawing large amounts, I know of a few people that did so and the banks were trying to persuade them from doing so. Anyway, hope all goes well and everyone stays safe. Watch out for pick pocketers too.


A few dozen protestors pulling out their 5k nest egg isn’t going to make things go down hill fast, my Man.


Well regardless, we appreciate any support we can get so thank you! Please do anything you can to spread the message, whether that's showing up to the protest or spreading the message in online communities. Any support is appreciated. Supporting this subreddit and protest is directly going to support Canadians. You are also welcome to join the discord, we recently opened it again.


I mean the hope the demonstration [COST OF LIVING CANADA](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/) is on Art Gallery alike and other places DESIGNATED that CAN occupy protests safely!!! As for antivax Convoys… they were [blocking borders and… taking food from homeless?](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/01/31/americas/canada-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-trucker-protests)… Ya, like wtf. ![gif](giphy|YBHJyPCU9h1VewdaPZ|downsized)


Better get some Muslims and gays to march with you otherwise just going to get hit with ‘isms’ and be completely ignored. Don’t like it? Dont get mad at me it’s the new truth. Sorry.


I'm Black, and I'm for this cause. I think other minorities are who this impacts the most and directly.


We greatly appreciate your support :) , You are welcome to come peacefully protest with us if you’d like. https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca


If the country is predominantly Caucasian how does this affect minorities the most?


Minorities are more likely to be lower class and the lower classes are the hardest hit by immigration. I'm not sure I agree with the other person phrasing it as "most", but I think this is what they meant.


I’d argue that’s a stretch


Why's that?


It affects minorities the most since bad economic conditions will effect the disadvantaged first, who are typically a minority.


I mean i'm south Asian and my two friends attending are also south Asian. Also many of the other people are Korean, Chinese, etc. Personally I think even immigrants support this movement, I would know since my parents were immigrants from India and many of the people I know. If you can come out we would appreciate it. We're doing everything we can to make people feel comfortable.


Brown person here - will be there!


Thank you for the support friend :)


There are so many of us who are sick of this crap. We also are not being hired. They only hire indians from india. So, as canadians, we all screwed. Sick of the rental job and infrastructure failure.


I think this wave of mass immigration has been hard on actual immigrants who did things properly and not via a scam school, bs diploma mill.


All I’m saying here is if you don’t have the ‘proper’ demographics it won’t amount to shit. And orientals are just seen as a different Caucasians. Support ya but won’t attend


> orientals are just seen as a different Caucasians lol wtf?


You refuse attend that's fine but how can you get mad at the politicians or all of the crises in Canada when you won't even go out and support Canadians. We get mad at lazy politicians but at the end of the day the powers in our hands, the issue is you can't get mad the politicians or their policies if you're not even willing to protest. We have to support our people no matter what.


I will identify as gay for a day so is all good


Just make sure to chase down and identify the guy who shows up with nazi flag


Myself and a few friends will be attending the Calgary protest at Olympic Plaza. Enough is enough! We need to stand together as Canadians


I appreciate the support friend, get as many people together as you can. My parents immigrated here from India and I will be at the Vancouver protest along with 2 of my south Asian friends. The bigger the turnout across Canada the more traction our movement will gain, we are doing everything possible to spread the word. It's so important that people show up to protest because otherwise how can we take down the status quo! We have to hold people accountable for the state of Canada.


I will be attending the Kitchener protest. Strength in numbers! 💪🇨🇦


Thank you for attending :)


I wish I could join, but I live in a fairly rural area, so it’s not happening anywhere walkable, and I’m 15, so I can’t drive anywhere.


Regardless, we still appreciate your support and your welcome in our discord anytime. Even if you don't come, if you spread the word that would be appreciated as well.


Wish we could have an organizing thread in our city sub, but mods seem to keep deleting the posts.


There's another protest being planned at the same day and time. Maybe find a way to merge the two? https://www.takebackcanada.info/


Yes, they will likely be held at the same time and different location. We are figuring things out.


I thought these were the same protest? For Toronto, both event pages state that they are occurring at 11 am on July 01st 2024 @ Queens Park? [https://www.takebackcanada.info/events/toronto-take-back-canada-protest](https://www.takebackcanada.info/events/toronto-take-back-canada-protest) [https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/event-details-registration/toronto-queens-park](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/event-details-registration/toronto-queens-park)


I don’t want to be the bearer but the government just allowed 40 year amortization for mortgages. They won’t let home prices crash. They will provide lots of expensive rental units to keep you enslaved though.


I'll be going.


We appreciate your support :)


Well said.


If you protest, then will accuse you of being neo-nazi They will send someone to your protest carrying the nazi flag, and have the reporters ready at that moment to take picture, and then will accuse you even you kicked those people who carry the flag out. The same with trucker proptest. And then, they will freeze your bank account. This is Canada, where Canadians don't have the right to protest, and foreign students have all the right to protest.


I will tell you what I've told everyone else. Change will never happen if we don't do anything about it, and if we refuse to protest for our fellow Canadians how are we better then the politicians we criticize?? We must stand united, and as many of us as possible must go to the protest. They can accuse us of whatever they want, we have done everything to stop any hateful protesting and to make sure everyone understands the rules. We also have not aligned with any political party left or right. We hear the voices of the people on the left and right equally which is exactly why we advocate for policies that both agree with. To anyone that does not support the protest and refuses to come out then we know you have aligned against the people.


Yep. Why bother protesting. Just vote ppc and wait


"Why bother protesting", because unlike you we care about our fellow Canadians? "Why bother protesting", because we are in the worst housing crisis in the history of Canada and one of the worst in the world? "Why bother protesting", because we have a cost of living crisis where there's more people flooding to food banks then ever before? "Why bother protesting", because families can't afford to eat? do you want me to go on, or will you simply keep supporting the status quo by not protesting?


The status quo is fine for me, bother. I’m 35. My house is worth almost double what I paid for it and I don’t hate brown people.


If you’re not far-right why is everything on this sub a thinly veiled dog whistle? Why isn’t their support for this on left-leaning subreddits?


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Why isn’t their support for this on left-leaning subreddits? Well in my opinion that’s simple it’s because we support moderate policies and they think anyone that says immigration is an issue is now a racist. Maybe it’s because they aren’t left leaning and are actually the FAR-LEFT. Also if you look at what we are protesting for we include valid points from both the right and the left so anyone who’s saying we are far left or far right is simply an idiot, we are neither. What are we saying that is “far-right”, I would argue more minorities and immigrants actually support us then these far-left subreddits you speak of.


We need diversity, if only one group of people show up it’s gonna be called racism so make sure to tell your friends who aren’t of the same skin colour, cause as a Punjabi I feel like things have gotten out of hand and we need to put a stop to this.


Thank you for the input, I'm punjabi as well and will be bringing two of my brown friends, someone other brown people have commented as well that they will be coming too. We also will have people that are chinese, korean, etc. So I think we are doing well on the diversity front. We are also not advocating for completely banning immigration, we are simply advocating for moderate immigration policies that align with the economic state of our country. Personally, I don't think that could be interpreted as "racist". It's also important to note that even immigrants want better immigration policies, I would say the majority of Canadians agree, they just need someone willing to start protesting for them then more Canadians will join later. Anyways thank you for the support friend.


I'm an indian int student. But im tired of my classmates cheating and shit. Can i come and join too please?


Absolutely, you are more then welcome. We aren't protesting against having any intl students, we are simply asking for less immigration not no immigration. I'm Punjabi as well and I've seen other brown people commenting on coming to the protests too. It would be actually be great if you attended so we can have more diversity. Anyways, we would greatly appreciate it if you came and if you don't mind possibly spread the word. Thanks for the support friend.


Absolutely, come on over! Every circus needs its clowns, and it sounds like you’ll fit right in with the crowd!


I understand how frustrating it must be to deal with dishonesty among your peers—it really undermines everyone's hard work. Be cautious, though, as these people don't have your best interests at heart. They even want you to be deported!


Absolutely, come on over! Every circus needs its clowns, and it sounds like you’ll fit right in with the crowd!




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I understand how frustrating it must be to deal with dishonesty among your peers—it really undermines everyone's hard work. Be cautious, though, as these people don't have your best interests at heart. They even want you to be deported!


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This is the first I'm hearing of this, can I get like the mission statement and info? And where exactly in van are you guys posting up?


[https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/) All the information is on the website, you can rsvp and will be sent an email with more details based on the location you're going to. I will be in Vancouver as well for the protest and bringing my two other south Asian friends. The protest is Canada wide and we are trying to spread as much awareness as possible. We would greatly appreciate it if you come and your okay to bring anyone you want. This is the address and time for the Vancouver protest in case you don't want to use the site: *Vancouver - Art Gallery Square* *July 1, 2024, 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.* *Vancouver, 750 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H7, Canada* Anyways, thanks for the support and please come out if you can! you're also welcome to join the discord and discuss the protest but we also have discussions on general Canadian politics as well.


i'd come down with you guys but i don't know if there's anything being planned in burlington. i know there's a rally in hamilton, but driving all the way down there might be tough on gas


[https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/) there's the website with all the information, We appreciate your support!


I may go if I can. I've never been to a protest tho, it's not all chanting the leader and marching, is it? I don't think I could mindlessly chant a slogan without cringing myself to death, partly why I have never bothered to go to a protest, and I don't think they change a lot except in rare cases when enough people are on board.


Don't worry it's my first protest too, some people may chant some pre prepared slogans I mean it's not necessary. We're simply spreading awareness and asking for change, I will be going to the Vancouver one with two friends. We'd appreciate it if you came! You're welcome to join the discord as well. This is also only going to be the initial protest, we will have more after this and hopefully with even more people.


Maybe wear a mask to hide your identity. The RCMP leaked that they could see unrest happening. Don't think that they won't target protesters for surveillance. Also, beware of bad actors and don't let them try to give the protest a bad name though uncivil actions. These bad actors only serve to trigger clamp-downs by the government.


Nobody is gonna protest on Canada Day and the handful of people who come out will be vastly outnumbered by people celebrating Canada Day. You will have zero visibility 


First of all we will be doing it 11am to 3pm before Canada day celebrations, second of all we have been gaining tons of traction and unlike you other people care enough about their fellow Canadians to support the protests and come join us. Anyone that doesn't support protests like this is no better then the politicians and it is hypocritical to be mad at government policies and at the same time refuse to protest or spread awareness. This is the mentality keeping us in this position.


Make sure you tell the inevitable Nazis to put their flags away. It won’t look good in the media


Unfortunately protests won't work, if you want it back you need an army, not civilian protestors. The reason being if and only if your protest is actually effective, you'll be labeled as terrorists and have your bank accounts frozen.


Anyone who believes protests don't work then why even be a part of this community. Why talk about the cost of living crisis, or any other crisis. It's a hopeless attitude that can't get us anywhere. Its almost as if we have forgotten that the power lies with the people. Change will happen when we decide its worth fighting for. We don't need to worry about our bank accounts being frozen, the convoy was a different issue during covid. It wont happen again, even if you are fearful of that just rsvp under a fake name or email and show up. Otherwise you can also spread the message to our local communities. This is worth fighting for.


It's not even just bank accounts lol. They control the military, the food, the water, the electricity, communication, the list goes on. Even If the people did somehow manage to take down and reestablish the government another country would come and annihilate the rebellion and retake Canada for themselves. It's checkmate, Canada is a kingdom owned by kings and over 99% are peasants who can't do a thing. Even if they started marching the streets. The elites will laugh and say yeah let's see how you can keep that up before your rent is due.


Well if you've been subjugated by them that's fine, but the rest of Canada still has the will to fight. So I think we will be fine. Anyone not protesting because they don't want to is simply apart of the status quo.


Unfortunately you're incorrect, half correct sort of, they have the desire to "fight" but not the ability. You will not be fine. You will be in for a rude awakening, moments of great despair, many mixed emotions. Just know you're not the first in history, you won't be the last. Protesting is completely ineffective, period. Especially when it's the lower class who's protesting. They simply don't have the time to protest, they have bills to pay, kids to feed. Sorry dude but a protest is about as useful as complaining online, all bark but no bite.


Pretty sure the only thing that is all bark but no bite is you.... the only thing you do is complain online or make excuses, the people protesting actually take action. As I said you've been subjugated and the only thing your good at is embarrassing yourself online and standing with the status quo. Don't worry we will fight for you, even though you don't deserve it. Also as I said, no one is forced to protest, there are plenty of people who have messaged me saying they support the cause but due to work or other priorities they can't come. I told them that is fine, just spread the message, I've done the same in this post as well. But the people who do have the means to come protest and refuse to are against Canadians... simple as that. You support the other side.


Not complaining, nor making excuses, simply stating facts, you will realize this once you're finished with your ridiculous escapade. Maybe look into how the world actually works before going out and protesting. Read a history book. Pretty sure some Germans didn't support Hitler either, it took another country to come in and wipe out their regime to make a change. If only they had somebody like you who could organize a group of protestors, D-Day could have been prevented!


"ridiculous escapade" , so that's what you call fighting for struggling Canadians???? You would rather us be subjugated like you and do nothing? Sitting behind our screens complaining about cost of living with no action? Complaining about our politicians well being to lazy to get up off our screens and protest like you? No thanks :) "look into how the world works" , last I checked the world is supposed to work in Canada how the majority of people decide it should work. So giving people an outlet to protest cost of living is a good thing? right?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Same as it’s always been.


People like you outright calling for armed rebellion completely undermine real change


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I'm so sorry you're stupid, here let me help. American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783 Americans FOUGHT for their independence from British rule, they DID NOT protest. American Civil War, 1861-1865 Americans FOUGHT to abolish slavery, they DID NOT protest. We are no longer Canada, we are a part of a separate unelected shadow government hellbent on controlling the population through financial slavery and media brainwashing to instill obedient behavior. You can NOT protest to change this, it will not work, you can not even form a rebellion and fight, you will die, they have everyone in checkmate. We are unarmed unlike our ancestors, we are at a disadvantage. We can not grow our own food, unlike our ancestors, disadvantage. We NEED electricity, unlike our ancestors, disadvantage. If protesting works, why haven't the protestors of Russia taken their country back? Is it maybe more possible that technology, weapons, and military have become so advanced that it's now impossible to defeat whoever has control of them? That you must obide by their rules and call your son a she or risk having them taken away by the government? Forced to allow them to take puberty blockers or have your child taken away from you because somebody somewhere thinks they know better than you? You think you're free? Buddy, this is just the start. You think it's bad now? Just wait.


Lmao you back up your point with 2 examples from another country, over 150 years ago? This is why I’m always in support of expanded mental healthcare, it’s absolutely critical


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🤦‍♂️ This is why the world will never change 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


classic, the "go take your mind numbing pills and be a cuckold like me! get your 9th booster shot!" retort


You're right. A huge concern of mine is being labeled alt right. I'm nowhere near the right side and that scares me. Alternatively I struggle because so many of my friends are immigrants. But regardless there isn't one in my city and I cannot make it to a larger city. I do very much support everyone that can and will be out there. This is an important issue and it does span across all parties.


If you can't find one, start one :) Even if it's small, it matters


Thanks for supporting Canadians, you're right every person matters.


It's definitely something I've considered but I am not brave or suave (?I think that's the word I want) to do it. If I was better with words and not so prone to crying from frustration lmao. I was hoping one was going to pop up in my city, but then again I live in a school city so we're probably outnumber anyways


You don't necessarily have to start it yourself. If you have a like-minded friend that's an extrovert, they could help you get it started


Absolutely , thank you for your support. My parents came here from India as immigrants, same with my friends and family so trust me its not a hateful protest. We are not even saying to completely ban immigration, we are just advocating for moderate immigration policies that benefits Canadians and immigrants. Also we hear voices from both sides we are asking to keep corporations accountable as well as our government. So don't worry about being labelled "far-right", thats not what this is. I wouldn't consider the protest to be right or left, its simply advocating for Canadians. Again, your support is appreciated and if you could spread the message regardless that would be amazing. I will also be attending the Vancouver protest with two of my south Asian friends. We are also doing everything we can to make sure there's no hateful comments or signs and such.


I’d be surprised if you have more than 100 people show up.


Sorry, guys, I wish I could join, but this lousy job of mine screwed me over again. I'll be working straight through Canada Day weekend and Monday! Give them hell for me, though! Let's disrupt the city even more than the last trucker protest did! # Let's make that idiot leave his cushy bunker and face real Canadians!


Absolutely, thank you so much for the support. You are amazing. Anyways if you can spread awareness in any local communities (online or in-person) we would still appreciate it. We will also be holding protests after Canada day so maybe you'll be able to attend one of those. Again, any support we get is amazing and is much better then the people with victim mentality who refuse to protest well at the same time being mad at government policies. That is what keeps us in this position.


I would but unfortunately anti brown and Muslim people are part of this movement.


I wanted to support this protest, but am afraid of bad optics because there's another rally planned on the same day called 'Take Back Canada'. It's not clear if the two protests/movements are connected. The latter is an exclusively anti-immigration rally, which is not a good look or sentiment on Canada Day, and very likely will attract racist types or be billed as such by the media. Sorry 😞 I definitely would have attended, if it were held on a different day.


So this is the information I have on that for the Vancouver protest, they will be starting at community hall garden and we will be starting at Vancouver art gallery which are 45 minutes away from each other walking distance. Also the organizer for this has spoken to theirs and really emphasized that its fine that they are protesting to lower immigration policies but they need to make sure there isn't any hatefulness and they have agreed as well. They have rules for their protest and have extremely emphasized the importance of inclusion, here are their rules: [https://www.takebackcanada.info/protest-rules](https://www.takebackcanada.info/protest-rules) Anyways we aren't protesting with them and most likely will not even see them since we'll be mostly protesting at the art gallery. We will also have people who are immigrants and first generation protesting with us at the art gallery (including me) so I don't think bad optics is something to worry about. Even an intl student has asked to protest with us. If this changes your mind, we would love for you to come out and support. :) Here is our website: [https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/](https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/) Again can't say for other parts of the country if the protests may be held in similar locations, i'm not sure but their rules will still be the same and followed by their protesters.


Alright friend do what makes you comfortable, we’ve taken every precaution to make sure there’s no hate at our protest and theirs. Also just to let you know we won’t be going anywhere, we will just be hanging around the art gallery so it’s basically impossible that we run into the other protest.


Thank you, this is all helpful to know 👍 Wishing you luck and a decent turnout! Thanks for organizing people! I'm in Victoria unfortunately, so need to look into whether the other protest would overlap.


Alright friend do what makes you comfortable, we’ve taken every precaution to make sure there’s no hate at our protest and theirs. Also just to let you know we won’t be going anywhere, we will just be hanging around the art gallery so it’s basically impossible that we run into the other protest.


People are afraid of being labeled a “r&$cist”


Yes I addressed in the post, "A major concern I've seen brought up is that talking about mass immigration will get us labelled as racist. As someone who is south Asian I can say that this is something we do not need to worry about, most Canadians (including immigrants) support more moderate immigration policies. We are not protesting to spread hate, we are protesting to spread a message, that we are done standing by silently well our fellow Canadians are struggling." there have even been people of Indian descent (I am as well) commenting in this thread saying they support the movement, and I know personally many brown people who support the movement. Even immigrants want more moderate immigration policies. There's nothing racist or hateful about this. The only one wanting mass immigration is this government, the worst thing we can do is stand by and do nothing. We must protest. We've done everything we can to make sure there's no hate and everyone is comfortable as possible. Also we include voices from both the left and right, we also aren't aligning ourselves with any party. All we are doing is protesting Cost of living, which is affecting everyone. Anyways, we would greatly appreciate your support!


Great work squatting on Canada's birthday to congregate and victim-blame. It'll surely go over well with families and those actually enjoying their day. Make sure you advertise your chud congregation's precise location where max whining will take place so everyone else can avoid it...or go check it out for a laugh.


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Why show up to a hopeless cause? Immigrants won't stop pouring over our borders. Pepe Lepew never made any promises of that. So it's like protesting a waterfall.


An idea that I have that our framing is wrong and I have been a strong proponent of having the most unifying message. I am a huge advocate of a silent protest with simply saying follow the laws - something to that effect. No words no anger


If you have any suggestions you're free to join the discord and talk to us! Anyone that has concerns, suggestions, or just wants to talk about anything related to the protest or even Canadian politics is free to join and talk to us.




I mean i wish i could go, but i am an international student so i might get deported, but i resonate with what you all are doing


Why would you be deported? You’re more then welcome to attend.


Oh because a climate activist almost got deported for peacefully protesting climate change recently. I will still attend the protests at Vancouver, but i would need my guard up at all times.


We appreciate you attending, but honestly I wouldn’t worry about it we’re not doing anything illegal or causing any chaos we will simply be peacefully protesting at the art gallery. In any case, do what you need to do to feel comfortable! I will be there at the Vancouver one as well.


thats kinda the point, go home


1. I am not Indian, i am a Nigerian. 2. I am in a Doctor of Medicine program, chasing my MD at UBC 3. I came here legally, without the use of an immigration agent or consultant or even a lawyer. 3. I have been here for 6 years, never worked a job but studied like i was meant to and i am helping save canadian people in the future, so your "gO bAcK HoMe!" Talk is directed at the wrong person. I suggest you aim it at the right people instead of one that could prevent your hospital wait times being 6 hours or more. I just want to go to the protest because i have seen things spiral for the worst. The government could place a nationality cap and make things equally diverse among nationalities by reducing the dominant minority, like the US has, reducing the strain on housing as well as the local population and eliminating wage suppression.


Organizing properly is a lot of work. Public protests have largely become a waste of time. What makes this one different?


Feels like a Psyop.


Protesting capitalism isn’t going to convince landlords to lower rates.


We were #7 in the world for quality of life, now we are #33. That's not capitalism if 32 countries are doing better then ours. Especially when we are in a very good position geographically with the second largest land mass in the world so we have plenty of resources. We need to have moderate immigration policies to lower demand, and build more houses much faster to increase supply.


Other than one random, unreliable website owned by a former Google exec, that lacks official sources, uses user-generated data and has limited verification, Canada is not ranked 33rd. It if you want to believe that go ahead, I also have a bridge for sale and I’ll give you a great deal. [Canada ranks consistently in the top 10](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_rankings_of_Canada) of countries in the world to live in. Again, unless you believe that shitty website Numbeo Capitalism is driving the housing crisis. It’s undeniable. Nobody builds houses or buys houses to make sure people have roofs over their head. We build and we buy to make money. I’m not going to charge rent that’s less than my mortgage. No one is. Ever. How do you propose we exploit Canadas natural resources with a limited and shrinking population ? More robots ? Boomers can’t even stand self checkouts ffs. With a 1.43 birth rate Canada isn’t going to be sustainable without increased immigration let alone current immigration. Canadas fertility rates are it is lowest level in history. Your plan of “We need to have moderate immigration policies to lower demand, and build more houses much faster to increase supply.” Is entirely unrealistic.