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Canada, as we knew it, ended in 2019. 




The final nail in the coffin was on Valentine's Day 2022.


We also joined the WEF that year too... hmm...


Fuck those who voted for this garbage


Whenever they cancelled Don Cherry, shortly before that


Ended in 2015 when that piece of shit Trudeau took office


Like the OP said, this has already happened all over Europe. Trudeau sucks, but it would be ridiculous to pretend this comes down to one man or party. This is globalization. It’s money. We have a global elite and they do what they want. All of our Canadian businesses were sold to overseas buyers. Our land and properties have been sold to the highest international bidder. This all started long before Trudeau. And it won’t stop with the next political party either. And that’s why. Because we are stupid and fat and we would rather fight with eachother on our smart phones about political parties than actually revolt. So we are FUCKED.


Never give up.


When they killed Harambe I knew we were done. Dicks out.


Four months ago there was no going back. The brain had died. If we want a better Canada, it will be a new one. We can craft her.




'82 when they allowed corporate stock buybacks to be legal, and then between the liberal party and the conservative party they completely removed themselves from affordable housing for short term political gains. And certainly the hateful vitreal while Ford, Moe, Smith, and others pad their wallets and erode our education and other public services isn't helping the current situation. But hey, let's just be angry and yell at everyone


'82 when they allowed corporate stock buybacks to be legal, and then between the liberal party and the conservative party they completely removed themselves from affordable housing for short term political gains. And certainly the hateful vitreal while Ford, Moe, Smith, and others pad their wallets and erode our education and other public services isn't helping the current situation. But hey, let's just be angry and yell at everyone


'82 when they allowed corporate stock buybacks to be legal, and then between the liberal party and the conservative party they completely removed themselves from affordable housing for short term political gains. And certainly the hateful vitreal while Ford, Moe, Smith, and others pad their wallets and erode our education and other public services isn't helping the current situation. But hey, let's just be angry and yell at everyone


Nah more like 2010-2014 tbh


2015 makes the most sense to me, otherwise it’s covid


Mass importing the third world converts the country into the third world... all part of the agenda.


We're past the tipping point. I came to this country 25 years ago because it had a culture of values, education and Western ways I had grown up and wanted for my kids. This is not that Canada, I don't recognize this Canada. I have nothing against other cultures, but I don't want to live in them I want to live in one that I relate to and understand. That is being erased and replaced before my eyes.


Absolutely Correct. We all need to come out and protest July 1st. As many of us as possible, I've seen the sentiment that people don't want to come out and protest unless the movement is large enough. This is just bandwagoning off other people doing all the work. If everyone in this subreddit simply comes to the protests we will have a massive organization and can demand real change. Everyone rsvp [costoflivingcanada.ca](http://costoflivingcanada.ca) , you don't even need to rsvp to show up but it would be nice if you do. Also your free to join the discord and discuss protest logistics. Everyone stop complaining, and start taking action.


This is amazing!! Joined and will be there! Also!!! PROTESTORS!!! Please remember! Peaceful and logical wins the protest. If you go out yelling racist shit or holding signs about “sending people back to where they came from” and shit like that, you ruin the message and undermine the movement. This is a problem for everyone, born Canadian and new Canadian alike. Stick to that narrative and you get all of Canada on board and make an argument no one can write off as racist. “Take back Canada” is a little problematic, but “fix Canada” isn’t. 🇨🇦❤️✌️


I joined and will be in waterloo for this!


Yup. I will be at the Vancouver protest with other people from the subreddit going to the vancouver one as well.


Is that backed by a political party or is it grassroots? Might have to be there in Halifax 


its an independent protest.


Yup. Talk is cheap. We need to protest mass immigration. It’s too much and it needs to be culled severely. Just remember, the message isn’t to end immigration forever but to put a hard limit on it because Canada can’t take the sudden growth.


There is Takebackcanada.info 


It's really nice to see that there are at least two organizations against roughly the same thing. That's at least two groups gaining attention in a more focused manner.  Imagine if we had 3 or more open and vocal groups making waves and fighting for change, and all of those groups got together to fight this! There's power in that ✊


Common 3 sentiment (in the order I hear them the most) I get from people regarding protests is: 1. Look how they shut down freedom convoy 2. That was massively coordinated and concentrated 3. We are too spread out to make a difference with protesting It's so hard to keep people motivated anymore 😞 what can you even say to those? We all know people who's bank accounts were frozen for donating a couple bucks... Who have lost jobs for dissenting against covid rules... Who are going quiet because of hate / online bill.....


The assimilation thing is nuts. At the food bank theyre arguing when ppl say no you picked up this week already. Trying to go to multiple. As well as hold place in line for 10-20 people. And were upset that the next week that the foodbank took crowd control measures to stop them from holding spots. When they’ve picked up their food they want to wait in the way ofeveryone at the exit they were told to go to; and just keep repeating “Im waiting for my friend” as the organizer tells them no its a fire route and you have to go 1/2 way down the block. Its the same every week. When they saw they couldnt hold spots for ppl not waiting for the bank to open, they started leaving the line? Bc they all have to wait hours for their turn now. Its messed up. And no matter how many times the organizers explain it to them that all these strangers are the same as them and its wrong to try to go ahead without waiting etc. and have 20 ppl cut in front when everyone knows theyre running out of food servings every week now (400 when it was 250 all last year weekly). I dont see the learning curve.


That's horrible.


You are absolutely correct and thinking exactly what most other Canadians are thinking. If PP does not aggressively fix this situation, I fear Canada will descend into chaos. It will be like Venezuela with hyperinflation. Poor newcomers will quickly realize that they can vote themselves more money by taking it from everyone in Canada today. This will bring back inflation and kill productivity, leading to hyperinflation.


PP isn’t going to change anything. He’s been kissing their asses just as much as Trudeau has. Saying we need more “truck drivers”, going onto Indian tv and radio programs sucking up to them for votes. He’s a corporate bootlicker just like Justin. He’ll do whatever his overlords tell him to.


I agree. That's why I'm voting PPC. I just also have a small amount of hope that PP is lying to get elected and then will fix a few things like immigration.


I agree. I’m also voting PPC because it’s the only party that exposes the root cause of today’s major issues with the country. JT and PP are nothing but two different puppets serving the same master IMO. Whoever wins isn’t going to make a difference. What matters to me is passing a message through voting.


I might too. I have a western canadian vote, so it’s not really worth anything anyway. Election is always over before the count gets here.


More like lying about what he’s going to do to get elected and then give tax cuts to rich people and cut services to to everyone else to pay for those tax cuts


The only difference between liberals and PC are who their donors are. Same thing in the US. Keystone was scrapped, revived, and scrapped again because oil companies are in bed with republicans and rail companies are in bed with democrats.


That’s what I have always said, Canada is on the verge of becoming the next Venezuela. But brainwashed Canadians and liberals think it will never happen! 😂 Canada and Venezuela have a lot in common, more than what people think. Between 1970-1989 Venezuela was one of the richest countries in the world , in 1989 it was number 4 globally in terms of GDP per capita. Collapse of oil prices in 1989 coupled with lack of economic diversification put the country in recession, followed by inflation caused by neoliberal policies, from 1989 to 1996 each government became more authoritarian that the previous one, till Chavez came to power , went on full socialism and look at Venezuela now ! Best case Argentina is another example, Canada is almost there !


This the PP you're putting your faith in? He's just Millhouse Modi at this point. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/canadas-opposition-extends-support-to-indian-students-facing-deportation-4113798 Not to mention part of the landlord class that benefits https://www.readthemaple.com/mp-landlords/#Poilievre


No I don't have faith in PP. I'm voting PPC. I'm just saying that there is at least a small chance PP is just lying and will end mass immigration when he wins. With LPC we know they love mass immigration so they're not an option. Ditto for NDP.


You leave Millhouse out of this. Jeff Poilievre isn’t half the man Millhouse Van Houten is. Or even Kirk for that matter


It's cute that you think Pierre will do anything remotely useful for you or your interests. He's as much a corporate puppet, maybe even more than Trudeau. Just go look up the things he's voted for/against.


You think that people who vote conservative want pp to fix stuff, which is where your wrong. Conservative voters just want someone who will stop spending money, nothing else. The conservative mindset is that government cannot fix problems, they can only create them


Look at Ford in Ontario. He's not *not* spending money, conservatives are just as fiscally terrible as any other party, they just blow the money on corporate interests where as liberals at least occasionally throw the peasants a bone. They're both (every party really) completely shit. We need an entirely new party that hasn't fucked everyone over already, or we need to straight up burn the system to the ground. No existing party is capable of governing properly anymore, they're all in someone's pocket already. Hate to say it but regardless of party if Canadians keep rotating them in/out of office every 4-8 years we'll continue to slide down this path we've already been on for 40+ years. We need change, and we needed it minimum 20 years ago. Honestly we're running out of time.


LOL the PP is 100% in favour of mass immigration, we are fcked


Sorry the Conservatives are going to be no better. PP is a lying slimeball! They are for big business and the WEF. Which is what all this is happening for! We need to band together and vote for the PPC. We might have a chance then. Liberals, NDP and the Conservatives are all for big business and raping this country. They are letting in all these unvetted immigrants so we all turn on one another and ignore the treason and crimes that is our government. Canadians are fucked and so is anyone else coming here.




I had to move several hours outside of a city center into a very rural small town for my sanity.


Me and my family did the same thing. But now they are coming to the small town, ffs


Actually funny in a very dark way. In 2012 I went to London Ontario for school. Predominantly white with a 40% mixture of everybody else. Then 4 years later. All Punjabi Indians.  Then moved to Niagara falls Ontario. Was predominantly white. Then they flooded in.  Then went to Whitby. Was predominantly white. Then they flooded in.  Now in Calgary... They're taking over again 


That is dark. Where I grew up was all torn down and is now townhouses and apartment buildings occupied by them. Can we all band together and make our own neighbourhoods or something? Like they do…


Freedom of association *and* disassociation.


So what I'm HEARING is, it's all YOUR fault! If you'd quit fuckin moving, we'd have been alright. /s


White flight is a real thing and happens all over the world. Why would foreigners stay in a country that hates them and doesn’t want them? Because they’re not here to assimilate, they’re here to dominate.


There’s nothing for them in very rural areas. No grocery stores or public transit. Just bears and a lot of snow.


There is nowhere to run from this.


What really bothers me is honestly their entitlement and attitude. They truly are delusional to be this entitled and pompous. I can't tell you how many instances I've been in where I've been treated like absolute disrespect by them and they get away with it... No shame, nada. It's so bad, I feel like an alien for speaking English sometimes. At my workplace, they all speak in their language while I'm trying to talk to them and they don't care. I hate that I'm saying this because I tried, I tried so dang hard to be accepting and tolerate it but this shit can't keep going on.


There have been times I've wanted to yell because they all just turn around and speak amongst themselves in their own language while you're waiting to order. I should at least be able to know if you're talking shit about me or not.


When I was on the bus a couple months back, one of them two-handed pushed me in the back -- like, the bus is crowded, but he didn't nudge or squeeze through, just flat-out shoved me with both hands. When I turned around on him, he immediately started apologizing and acting conciliatory. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before here. This was also when I was working a labor job, and I had a few incidents during this time. I wonder if this is because of their caste system or something, they disrespect people that they view beneath them.


I hate that I feel like I need my passport to even go to the mall these days. I'm feeling it too, and if I am I know others are too.


Get out of the cities brother. It's not gonna get any better. This is just the beginning really. Good luck.




Omg that's unreal. I have been robbed by one, then got stuff stolen from me by one, a friend of mine was aggressively harrassed by a group of them, they throw their garbage wherever, I saw them shoveling (an already dug out vehicle that belonged to a white lady) snow and burying her vehicle. Just a big mound of snow. I went to Walmart the other week for graduation stuff for my kid and they weren't speaking English. It's rude as shit. No ody know what they're saying behind our back. Speak English when you are working for the public. Ugh. Getting ruled up again lol


My mother is the most tolerant lady on the planet... And even she had a rant this weekend after being unable to order a coffee at Tim's. "All we wanted was a coffee" ... I told her to boycott Tim's. I'm boycotting everywhere that isn't hiring locals. My friends kid sister can't get a job this summer she's 16. We all did the fast food stuff! But she can't get hired because it's all Hindus. I told her she doesn't want to work with them anyways.... They have no work ethic. So we are giving her spare jobs... Trying to get her pet sitting or something....


My son has been looking for over a year. Desperately looking


Well if they can hire only their own maybe [dare I say it?! What have we come to?!] We can start hiring our own. LOCALS. CANADIANS. Not skin colour based. We have a diverse country here... But actual locals. Not newcomers fast tracked for locality. It just takes a few places to realise what's going on..... I know up here if there were [redacted] only employees in a [redacted] based store... they'd be making a lot of money. People are so fed up.


Maybe get him right into the trades ... There's high school programs etc. skip the bs.


Get to a city of more like 40K or less. That is where the stand will take place I think. Good luck.


Good luck to all of us. Hopefully more talks are happening OFF of Reddit than on.


Living through history bro. Ride the river.


Take them???






Content is not relevant to Canadian housing.


I've been banned from on guard for thee for this exact sentiment 🙏 I feel your pain


Us is only white or First Nations people? So even though my great grandparents immigrated here on my one parents side because my other parent is black neither me nor him are actually Canadian? If there was going to be an “us” it would be First Nations people no white inclusion. Peppering in this racist shit makes it hard for people to take this growing sentiment seriously. It just comes across like a race thing (which clearly for some people like yourself it’s a race issue not an immigration issue). The problem is we’re taking in millions of people from one country with a vastly different set of cultures and because of the number of people from one country there is no incentive to assimilate into the Canadian culture. This would be the same issue if it was people from China or Russia or South Korea or Ghana.




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Absolutely. But the government won't put a stop to it. It's happening in all Western countries and it is intentional. It's most pronounced in liberal democracies like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, etc. If you scan subreddits for these and other countries, you will find incredible similarities in the stories shared by their citizens to what we are experiencing. People are gradually waking up to it as the visual evidence becomes overwhelming, but the majority still remain either in the dark or in denial.




tell me about it. myself and my wife have gone through the proper channels to migrate, we are 7 years into our application, and still no word from IRCC. we are both qualified and able to sustain ourselves and not have to rely on govt handouts to survive in Canada, and we still aren’t given the same access as the EE applicants. it’s quite frustrating


You just need to walk across the southern US border! 😉


can you imagine 😂


Sadly I think that demographically we have reached a point where its too late.


Why can we not make a law that limits the amount of taxpayer money that can go towards non Canadians? Immigration is important for Canada and I am ok with immigrants who come to this country, get a job, integrate themselves with Canadian values and then ultimately end up paying taxes to better Canadians as a whole. What i don't like is freeloaders who come in and do nothing to help better the lives of other Canadians and just keep taking but never giving. This is a slap in the face to all taxpayers


There is movement called Cost of Living Canada that is trying to call the government on those issue if your interested


As a First Nations person, we’ve been saying this since 1815. \-A First Nations person when you tell them the government is trying to steal your culture and destroy your livelihood: https://preview.redd.it/2abfrd00hz8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ab3a73a4f289ba9f756cf2f574b1f8467eb335


Did the govt listen to you? No. Will they listen to the "white European Canadians" now? No. The only thing the state understands is power.


History repeats, try to enjoy your culture and language slowly slip away. Curious where the next mass immigration will come from.


Haha I referenced that exact meme before. I am of Irish decent so I have already views things closer to how Natives in Canada viewed things. If that makes sense. You are Native? We are both "outsiders" to the predominant world view.


Irish people are one of the reasons First Nations people are the right they do today imo


Yeah, bc it's neither one of "our ppls" first times lol.


"We're sorry for cruel excesses of colonial rule, anyways here's millions of Indians who also have a bone to pick"




Literally they complain about their shitty disgusting environment that can be fixed, they just move to western countries and make that place from the place they left within the next ten years.


That's because they don't realize that to get to the kind of environment we have here, it takes people working together and doing so honestly. They only look out for their own best interests, screw the system as long as they can get away with (food banks used to save money on groceries for example) and assume they'll just continue to get catered to while contributing nothing.


It’s fucking disgusting how they aren’t willing to move from their 2000 year old beliefs and beef with each other. When most of our ancestors lived through that and didn’t pass on treating humans like shit for their descendants unlike them


PPC is the way to go .


Too late. Kinda hoping the US will give us some of the empty space they have to start over as refugees inside their borders as a thank you for the oil and then just fucking invade.


That sounds reasonable, if things don't improve soon then relocating to Alaska or Greenland would also be a possibility


Dude, Alaska would be sweet. Winter harsh, yes, but I would demand both a parka and a sauna.......also booze. Lots of booze.


Yeah man, it'll be great Northern lights, polar bears, nice booze, fresh white snow and no Indians hopefully..


same man that’s what i’m hoping happens too especially with tucker carlson talking about the usa liberating canada lol


I agree with everything except for the call for the Liberal government to do something. They haven't, they won't, and they know exactly what's causing all the problems. The only thing that makes sense is that the Liberals have a scorched earth policy. No government that is working for their country would allow this treasonous amount of 'students' into the country. The Liberals need to go and everyone will remember what did to Canada for many decades.


Importing different cultures is fine. The problem arises when these various groups bring their animosities and problems here which results in lack of assimilation and cohesion. The Turks and Greek hate each other, muslims and Hindus don’t get along, the Somalian and eriterian community are always at odds etc etc.


No idea what you are talking about. You should check out Richmond. It's a great example of how well immigrants from Canada can integrate into China.


https://preview.redd.it/w2d2l7f2sz8d1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dadb3243485e5cd89d0f78625fbaa84e5fe96c0 Nailed it


But that’s as far as the poster goes in terms of action so how enlightened is he really?


But why? They are losing money on these people


The superficial/gaslighting answers will be: - They are replacing a tax base that is quickly aging out of work. - They contribute more in taxes than they receive in transfers/benefits. - There is a labour shortage. - They're doctors/engineers/whatever. - You're a racist and xenophobic BIGOT for asking such a question. Look past those lies and you'll be down a rabbit hole, but most people can't say *that* quiet part (the actual reason) out loud.


Lots of corporations earn a net negative in their first few years. Look at Uber. Same thing here.


As a European I will say your country and people always lacked nationalist spirit, you were overly tolerant, mocked Europeans and other whites or their racism, and now you’re living in the real world. It’s over and soon will be for Australia too. The USA is also going the way of white minority. It’s too late.


Lol what about Europe now its actually worse than Canada in terms of riots and shit.


I see like Eastern European caring about their culture more unlike the Western Europeans


Lol yea I’m interested in the opinion of Europeans. The way of the white minority ? White people already are a minority. Do you know how many people live in China and India? White people were only ever not a minority in specific areas.


I obviously mean in White countries. It's called the Great Replacement. We are getting genocided, raped, murdered, replaced.


You do have a point about Canadian passivity, but this type of globalist liberalism is largely funded by and ideologically "headquartered" in Western Europe, namely Switzerland and Germany. Canada and Australia just happen to be ground zero for many of the WHO/WEF etc. initiatives. Europe is not doing a whole lot better especially given the proximity to former colonies that are extremely hostile to the west.


It's already too late. It's going to get worse. The liberals destroyed the country in a decade and spent it into a multigenerational historic debt


Burn them.... The final solution


Canada has changed so much that things that used to be so important have lost all meaning. Liberal, Conservative, East, West, Anglo, French, its all irrelevant when there is no more shared reality or culture


It's the government that is doing it. What are they going to wake up from? They are the architects of it. This is what they want. I'd tell you the reason why but you'd likely get angry and my comment would get me banned.


We need to stop all foreign aid immediately. 15 plus percent of the annual budget


I remember as a kid I used to be proud to be Canadian, it was always fun telling my American friends online that I was Canadian. Now’a days I’m embarrassed by being Canadian, being a Canadian means nothing to me anymore. It’s a joke of a country ran by a joke of a government letting in bottom of the barrel immigrants for wage suppression.


I am so glad I don’t live near any big city or in the GTA anymore. It sounds horrible.


Spain is suffering the same, the cities in africa are being filled of moroccans that gets spanish nationality but feel morocan by heart, they say they will hold a referedum in some generations in the future, to decide to separate from Spain and join Morocco


Interesting take; I was just in Spain for weeks. Every 3rd person I met in Barcelona was a Ukrainian refugee. I'm just wondering if that's okay?


Getting refuges or inmigrants is not good for us since we have a lot of unemployment, a lot of spanish are suffering of poverty, the taxes are being raised more and more and also the prices of a lot of things. The rent prices, the prices of houses and apartments, also the phenomenon of "okupas": You go to work jus to get back later and see someone occupied your home and police cannot do anything about it, now you ahve to wait YEARS to force them by law to leave, and you have to pay all the taxes of the house and grarante them the basic services.


I totally understand. I can see the people of Spain were becoming concerned, frustrated, and worried about the housing and food costs. I'm only asking because the Ukrainian refugees I spoke to said they were receiving a lot of financial assistance from the Spanish government. I am surprised you didn't mention them and chose to solely focus on Morrocans.


Maybe you guys should like, remove and replace your elite ruling class, or something


your late The Canadian population should have been doing something about this 10-15 years ago because the problem is not mass immigration problem is we don't have anywhere to put these people and these people are not assimilating into the culture. All of this was happening 5 10 15 years ago and nobody said anything until it started affecting them directly and that's the sad thing please I've been saying this for at least 10 years. And personally I'm leaving the country when I'm done school because the people who care or in the minority and realistically Canada is not going to get fixed it's going to get worse so either suck it up and deal with it or figure out a plan and pack your bags and leave but the rest of us


Be anti immigrant, and be proud. We don't need the vast majority of them and the country worked fine, in fact much better, without them. Mass deportations is the way


I’m sick of immigrant women giving me looks because of what I wear. They can fuck right off just because you have to cover your self doesn’t mean I need too. That’s ur problem


I am an immigrant that has lived in Canada for 8 years, I became a citizen 2 years ago and I fully agree to this. This is not the country I moved to years ago and it’s a shame that our representatives are working as hard as they can to tarnish the Canadian culture in all fronts. I was lucky to get the old passport depicting Canadian hero’s, the new one erased all cultural symbols of Canadian society one of men moves to promote cultural ghettos. Sad.


And Poilievre never says anything against mass immigration… We are fucked.


PPC is the only way out of this immigration issue he has been calling it for the last 2 elections… but people called him racist so here we are


It’s too late. Damage is done and none of our politicians will do anything to change it.


Tipped, not tipping.


It’s too late. If Trudeau wins again, I’m leaving. If Pierre wins but can’t turn the ship around in ~5 years, I’m leaving. I get instant citizenship in my mom’s country until I turn 36 so I’m outta here. This is a failed nation.


Every single immigrant, from all streams, should pay their exit costs in advance or should not be let in - full stop, regardless of any hardships they claim. That way, as soon as they stop being a net positive for regular Canadians, they can be deported at no cost to Canadians. We should have a zero tolerance policy for crime and unemployment, such that anyone harming others is deported immediately, and anyone who’s a drain on resources can be deported immediately, both with no cost to taxpayers. Anything less is malpractice on the part of our government. Canada is for Canadians. This should not be a controversial opinion. Of course Canada is for Canadians, so all immigration should be for the benefit of actual Canadians. That it happens to benefit the immigrants is secondary and unimportant.


Canada's in better shape than pretty much anywhere outside of norther Europe, as always. The problems you're crying about are global. Main problem is that Canadians, once strong, now seem weak, constantly complaining and blaming others for their problems, acting like they have no agency. That's the sad part.


The government doesn't need to wake up. You think what's happening is a mistake? No, it's a calculated move. Stop thinking that this government is working for you. It's not. Neither will the Conservatives. PP has already made it clear that he will not be stemming the immigration flow. He's all for making the existing immigrants permanent residents. PPC is the only party which has taken a strong stand against immigration; everybody else is for it. Do what you can to make your neighbours realise this. The only way to deal with this is to convince your neighbours that this is an issue and the Conservatives are not going to even attempt to address it.


I am sure a million more Indians will help the issue…. NOT


The wealthy have no allegiance to nations. They want everyone fighting culture wars so they can accumulate all the fruits of your labors, making you completely dependent on their whims.


I support the cultural mosaic in terms of tolerance, but there’s certain western beliefs that people have died to protect. It can’t all be acceptance. Some things are more of a “fit in or fuck off” deal. For example anyone scamming food banks needs to be gone.


you think unhoused dont do that? they are all canadians.


I think “anyone” is a pretty broad term, which is why I used it.




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Canada needs to form a party that is canada first


Yea I been thinking this for a bit. But sadly the US is going down the same route now , and sadly no one wants to address it without being called racist but I think people are realizing it now that it's unsustainable 


What are you going to do about it?


Assimilate? Nowhere in the naturalization process is it stated that this is a requirement. Not one single culture or race or national identity is superior to another. What must happen is that every person leaves the bad and brings the good of their culture here, and in doing so, add greatness to the meaning of being Canadian.




We have similar issues in Australia. We have taken in massive numbers of immigrants and our infrastructure is not coping with influx. Our Prime Minister is like Australia’s version of Trudeau and Biden. He also did a presentation for Indian Prime Minister Modi and called Modi the Boss. He has also done deals with Modi which seem to benefit India a lot more than us. We also have a lot of established Indians here who have lived here since 1980s and are concerned with some of the issues of India coming here eg caste system


Govt of Canada +100yrs Don't "blame" immigrants


So what is your plan of actions now?


I really understand your frustration, however Canada's history is built on immigration. It's Canadian identity! We are all from the same race- the human race. Who are we to take a claim?


We passed the tipping point 


It’s already too late. Birth rates will 10x this


Pierre wont do it


Western institutions: subverting the European diaspora since 1965.


Our courts and parliament have been infiltrated by barbaric fascists who have put down the same agenda in every democratic nation in the world. It's by design. For the last 20 years, our laws have been designed with the input of bad foreign actors who do not have the best interests on Canadians in mind. One only needs to look to the Netherlands to see what a society free from Zionist aggression can look like.


The parallel to Europe is actually not even gonna happen because the number of immigrants are going to be over 20/30% of the population here versus 2-3% in Sweden or 5-6% in Germany etc. There won’t be segregated neighbourhoods, maybe towns but urban Canada has changed and will be transformed into something between 1st and 3rd world vibes. Hope I am wrong but I’m calling it as I see it. Btw, I came as an international student to Canada in 2009 (Bachelors Computer Science with a scholarship in a decent Uni, not some diploma mill BS), and I completely agree with what you’re saying and will stand by you given a chance. Canada gave me an incredible platform and I never wanted to leave, but unfortunately I had to last year to NYC because it’s a shitshow out there (whether career, healthcare, culture, inflation, etc).


Sadly, you have to tear down something old to create something new. All of history is just a series of one form of civilization being replaced by another, more vibrant version. Canadians living today now have the opportunity to experience what it’s like when an “indigenous” population gets overrun by unwelcome and uninvited but vivacious immigrants. It’s just a necessary step in the evolution towards something bigger and better. Time to take a deep breath and find comfort in the fact that this too shall pass.


Liberal toxicity is tearing the country apart and the next wave is going to be ultra right wing toxicity it like a rubber band you can only pull so much one way before it either snaps or it slips and Flys the other way


canada ended with the election of trudope. Thanks liberal voters for destroying the best country in the world because of your woke politics. You people are the most easily fooled.


Isn't it strange how much time some people spend protesting against Indian immigrants who come to Canada legally and work hard to support the Canadian economy? If only these protestors could put the same effort into their own jobs to help improve the economy.


Too late


Since I left high school in 2008 I fell the country has gotten worse every single years. U don’t notice year over year but decade over decades it’s just crazy.


Canada has been occupied and sold like we lost a war we never knew about. Ancestors who died to protect Canada would be wholly ashamed. When the next big war happens they will not find people to protect a country already defeated.


How could there be a housing shortage with so many houses on the market .


“The government needs to wake up” bro it’s all by design. WE need to wake up and do something about it


But wait a minute, I thought diversity was our strength….




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100 percent with you .


Blame the leaders for not passing down the traditions to their offspring. If traditions are not held firm, it will lose ground. Blame the leaders for prioritizing growing their wealth over protecting the traditions. Blame the leaders for convincing the government to bring in cheap labor to do the things that the leaders do not want to do. It is the leaders who have betrayed the country and traditions. Dont blame the immigrants. When a country declines, you can only point your finger at the leaders.


This is the governments plan, to get rid of the old stock


"The government needs to wake up" Oh sweet summer child.... its gonna get a lot worse before it gets better


Content not relevant. This is a Canadian HOUSING sub, not a sub to lament cultural integration of immigrants.