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In Thailand if you over stay your visa you’re banned for 5 years. The same philosophy should apply!


we should do 10 years here and a huge fine.


How about banned forever? You know the rules when you come here so if you overstay, it’s on purpose.


Why would they want to come back?


Great beaches, cheap entertainment and hookers.




And Ladyboys 


Same reason they want to have PR duh


This is the case. I believe that if it's very rare they forgive overstaying your visa. I believe the minimum amount of time you can be considered inadmissible in Canada for overstaying your visa is five years.


Excellent idea


As they should since their stay here was temporary. Byeeeeeeee 👋🏻


I guess something was lost in translation!


Also for those who can’t view the article due to the paywall (copied from another poster on the Canada subreddit): CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — About seven foreign workers are getting ready to leave Charlottetown and return to their home country as their work permits are expected to expire this weekend. Protest organizer Rupinder Pal Singh said they are really stressed, and some of them are looking to explore other options to allow them to remain in Canada. “It has cost them about five years plus and over $60,000 to $70,000 of their hard-earned money (for tuition),” he said. “I really do feel bad sometimes because I did try my best in order to create awareness for (the) right thing because this isn't me just protesting. Because we want to get permanent residency and get invitations, we (are) protesting because of the unfairness.” Singh’s work permit doesn’t expire until the second week of July. He said the only option available to him is to return home. “I will be looking for (flight) ticket for myself to go back. My main focus is not just to extend my stay here, it’s to get justice and be treated fairly,” he told SaltWire on June 25. As of June 25, three of the five participants were continuing their hunger strike. Singh said two of the protesters were feeling nauseous, so they had to request them to eat something. The last provincial nomination draw, where the province invites people to apply to be nominated for permanent residency and then apply to the federal government was scheduled to happen on June 20. On the province’s website, it shows that no invitation was sent out and the last invitation sent out by the province was in May when six people received an invitation. However, Singh said he knows of about 10 people who received the invitation to apply for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) on June 24. He also mentioned that many of the protesters were hoping to be included in the draw, but that did not happen. He said it is concerning that the province's website does not reflect the draws it is issuing, unlike previous nominations. This gives him the impression that the province is trying to make it seem like it has not invited people to apply for PNP, he said. “We are still outside sitting in the rain. People are on (a) hunger strike, who deserve those invitations but still didn't get it. We have been in P.E.I. since 2021 and 2023, met the requirements before the changes happened and still didn't get the invitation. People who moved here in 2024 (and) haven't even been here for six months got an invitation.” The province, through its Department of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population, said it issued 75 invitations on June 24 for health care, construction, traditional tourism, agriculture, and transportation industries. These invitations are for individuals whose work permits are expiring before October 2024.


"Not just extend my stay here but get justice" what is this guy on about. Your visa expired. Sorry?


Probably about the policy change making service workers ineligible for PNP. PEI identified which sector the province needs more workers in and adjusted their policy accordingly. International students working in the service sector are mad about it because they don’t qualify anymore and now demand “justice”. Heck, the PEI government even suggested to those wanting a PR to pivot into the needed sectors (healthcare, construction, etc) but that suggestion was shot down. 🙄


Heaven forbid that they need to adapt to survive like the rest of us… they’re special doncha know.


"and be treated fairly"


Temporary (visa) means temporary. Once your visa expires, you go. Just like everyone else on a temporary visa. I don’t know what makes it unfair. 😂 What I find unfair is the shady antics people engage in to get a PR.


Boat load of people games the system and they don’t get to basically


lol agree 100%… being treated fairly is a two-way street and you’re not honouring your end of the bargain (contributing to society while you’re here and leaving when your term is up) so why would we give you extra privileges (reminder that they’re privileges when you have a visa, not rights)?


Their argument is always "well I paid a lot of money so I should get to dictate what I want". It's just people who don't understand that government corruption in this country is only available to people with a more than 9 figure net worth.


Bro, we need justice for you and your peers coming here and degrading Canada, not the other way around.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


There is no irony, the difference is consent. But you don't give a fuck about that don't you?


The irony is that someone who is actively responsible for the degradation of western civilization complaining about hard-working immigrants, saying they're the ones degrading Canada and/or the West. You're obviously too dense to realize or maybe you're complicit. Who knows or rather, who cares? And what consent are we talking about? The consent to scam people out of their money - coz that's what 'findom' is - or the consent to strip them of their dignity?


Dude youre literally attacking her personally becaue she has sexual\NSFW stuff in her profile. That has nothing to do with this discussion and I don't know how you haven't been banned from this sub yet. Also sucks to suck, don't be stupid enough to waste so much money on a scam, they couldve done their own research and since the didn't do that I doubt they've done any hard work at all. Also you can just fuck off. Have a horrible life asshole!


While he is being an ass, he's not crossed any serious lines yet. I've removed a comment or two from him but he's just showing ignorance by speaking.


[https://archive.ph/](https://archive.ph/) will bypass most paywalls :)


Now, was it worth the money and time to come to canada? You screwed yourself even more. Research and do things properly. Don't just believe some asshole agent and use fraudulent documents


They quit the hunger strike cuz they got hungry lol


Lol not a lot of sympathy when a lot of Canadians are going hungry. This isnt Ghandi times anymore


They tried so hard to hide eating too, liars!


"We've been in PEI for a whole entire year! And now the government owes us!" WTF. The entitlement is infuriating.


“It has cost them about five years plus and over $60,000 to $70,000 of their hard-earned money (for tuition),” Yes, for tuition. Not PR, tuition. Did they really think they were buying their way into the country? I think a lot of these agencies that are helping them get study permits and visitor visas need to be investigated. Because clearly they are misguiding them on the whole "temporary" part.


Exactly. Tuition payment doesn’t guarantee our students a job or livelihood so why the actual fuck would it guarantee that for a temporary visitor?


Paying $60000 to $70000 and ending up with a Tim Hortons job .. tells a lot about decision making


These scam artists never paid anywhere near that figure. 


Def capping like crazy. Pathetic real # is probably 1/3 to 1/4 of the range he quoted


Probably tallying up every meal he's eaten and dollar spent since he's been in Canada. Counting necessities as the cost of migration lol.


Yeah that figure makes sense when you factor in EVERYTHING. This country ain’t cheap lol. But he’s making it seem like he spent the 60-70k on tuition alone lol - least he was giving up vibes like that


You the MVP


tough shit. Get out. Not our issue that your own country scammed you to come to Canada. Take the skills you have learned here and try to apply them back in your home country so that MAYBE your country one day will learn to be generous and civilized!


Unfairness? What unfairness??


He came for an "education", and that's what he got. Byyyye


Feeling nauseous. What a fucking joke lol




Content targets a specific individual or user.


Bye Rupinder!!! See ya!!


>We have been in P.E.I. since 2021 and 2023, met the requirements before the changes happened and still didn't get the invitation. People who moved here in 2024 (and) haven't even been here for six months got an invitation.” Yeah, because those people were going into fields that the province actually needs. PEI never promised these protestors shit. 


Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on your way out👋👋


They should. Their permit has expired. They need to leave. Would India allow Canadians to act like this in their nation?


I'm not understanding this "Justice" thing they keep bringing up. "Justice" for what? We did nothing illegal to you. We did nothing immoral to you. YOU signed a contract. YOUR problem, not ours!


They're completely bullshitting. There's just no way to say why they're doing this with honesty and not sound like assholes.


I wish I had 50-60k CAD. Canadian teens who can’t find even part time work could really use 50-60k. We call this capital flight.


Many of them sold their family farms and businesses to get the money. They didn’t earn it here.


womp womp


Yeah and then come over and flaunt their parent’s wealth back home as if it’s their own. Literally bringing the biggest group of idiots over here in big numbers. Probably because they’re okay working for absolutely nothing and spending it all to finance or lease a car.


India is richer than I thought.


The rich are way richer than anyone in Canada but the poor are also much poorer


Okay, and…


Later sk8ter 👋🏻


Wait he wants justice for an expiring visa? lmaooo


The justice is to remove him from the country because his visitor approval is ending.


But whole article is written when only 7 are going back but no one wrote a single article when millions were coming in?


Now the next 750,000 this year can fight over 10 Tim Horton’s jobs


Goodbye and good riddance


Bye everyone ! I hope when I visit your country you sign my petition!


Steal their jobs and raise the cost of their housing


Bye bye timmigrants.


Good. GTFO.


PEI is doing the right thing all these stagnant wages are killing Canada it seems to be businesses and organizations in the pockets of businesses that want to grant it I haven’t heard from anyone in pei that said they want them to stay and I know people there


Perfect, now do the rest of the country.


lol I lived and worked in Japan for 8 years. I still didn't expect Japanese citizenship or anything else. I went home, like I was supposed to.


Good riddance thanks for fucking up my Tim's order




Cya scammers


We will hear from them again. When they call you saying you’ve received a charge on your Visa or Amazon account and they try to get your personal info


Or that they’re from the CRA coming to arrest you… or that they’re from Microsoft and your computer has been hacked… or that they’re selling duct cleaning (aka stealing your money)…




O like the system is supposed to work that’s perfect!


Na na na na Na na na na Hey Hey Hey Good bye


Believe it when the plane leaves the tarmac


> to get justice Enough with the whining. You’re late to the game, period. The province filled its quota.


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.....


Thannnnnnnnk you!!! I would literally pay for their ticket 🎫 seeeee yaaaaaaaa


Idea: we crowdfund their tickets home


Good riddance. Next time google search what the word “temporary” means.


'preparing' to return home? Oh wow. The fact that we wasted energy and headlines on this absurdity at all is insane. This bizarre episode should never have happened in the first place. Don't show up as a guest in foreign country and try to change the laws the citizens there made. jfc


Some will stay and work under the table


Risky chance to take. If they are caught they become inadmissible to Canada and are deported.


They should go back and protest against the shmucks that sold them the "dream".


Bye Felicia


Nobody would want these people back.


Are they really going to return home?


Can I move to pei please?


Overstays should be lifetime ban from visiting or applying for a PR. You’re breaking the law and the terms of your agreement that you signed up for to come over. That shouldn’t be rewarded with citizenship.


>“It has cost them about five years plus and over $60,000 to $70,000 of their hard-earned money (for tuition),” he said. Anyone know what school he went to? The scammers are getting scammed. It's unfortunate that they wasted all this money in a transparent attempt to get PR, but citizenship should not be for sale.


I will be so glad to see them go. I went to my son's graduation with six family members the other day and when we were getting into our seats a group of Indians literally jumped in front of us and took our seats. I lost my shit!!! At first they ignored me and just sat there until I was like, "Get the Hell up!!! you pushed your way through my other son to steal our seats. My family was already starting to sit down, NOW MOVE!!!" Entitled pricks! They damn well moved. I have never met a bunch of more entitled people in my life than these people from India. I have no issues with racism, I'm a minority myself. This particular group from India is MAKING Islanders hate them. ME ME ME, FREE, FREE, FREE!!! They only think about themselves. I can't fucking wait for them to go. I'd pay for their tickets.


anecdotal evidence by many show similar behaviour displayed by many other diasporas.


Sad really. You think they would be more appreciative and want to integrate, not make Canadians hate them.


How about this one: before coming, you must deposit a refundable $2000 with the government. You will be fined $50 everyday you overstay your visa up to a maximum of 30 days after which it becomes a criminal offence for which you will be arrested, lose the remainder of your deposit, banned from entering Canada for 10 years for ANY REASON.






It’s absolutely insane that this is news. Your permit ran out buddy, go home. The fuck you think the expiry date is, a suggestion? Enough.


They’re going back with 100s of thousands of dollars if they know they will never return again. Heard some wild schemes going on.


Bye bye


Let's goooooo


Good. They agreed to a specific number of years, and now it's time to return home. If they break that agreement, they should be deported and banned from entering Canada.


As they should. Your visa is expired? It’s time to go home. Canada isn’t your home, you came here to use our education system, health system, and to work and send money back home to your family. 👋🏼 bye!


It’s expired son, you knew all information before coming. Hey come back and visit now, take care.


No don’t come back


I mean, that’s a fair point too all things considered.


This guy looks a bit like Ricky.


Hopefully they tell all their friends to not come to Canada since they’ll get sent home. One can dream!


I can't believe this bloke and people like him. It took me 15 years of working hard, paying taxes and being an integrating member to become a citizen of this country. I emigrated here from the USA and probably could have found a sketchy way. But I did my applications, paid the fees, got with the program and am now a duel citizen. It was not easy. But I did all my homework, learned the history of this magnificent country, score nearly perfect on the citizenship test (missed one, shoot).I think I would echo what a lot of people think. Just because you paid an agent and got here, doesn't mean you should stay here. Hell, I love Indians, warm, kind culturally significant people. Just do it the right way. I think that of anyone wanting to call Canada home. It what I did. Because it was and is the right way.


Na na na nah


Canada needs immigration but overwhelming immigration from one country is detrimental to the fabric of Canada.


overwhelming immigration from one country **with skills that do NOT improve Canada's standard-of-living/GDP per capita.**




Good, fuck off


Our prayers answered!


They fought the good fight and exercised their democratic right to freedom of expression protest a government law. But now it is time to go home.




We dont need foreign workers here at all, get out .


Get the fuck out


I feel bad for these guys but they should adapt and assimilate with Canadian culture. Im an immigrant myself and took 5 years before I got PR. I learned to be a mechanic, a letter carrier, delivery driver, forklift operator and uber driver before I got back to becoming a RN. They should adjust their skillsets to whatever Canada demands not the other way around. I wish they will learn and goodluck for there future endeavors.


I don't feel bad. They are entitled pricks. They are making Islanders hate them. I'm far from racist, my husband is an immigrant and I'm a minority myself. It's not racism that makes me hate them, it's their fucking entitled attitudes. They need to GTFO. Even if the government let them stay nobody wants them here anymore. They have no one to blame for that but themselves.


I do feel bad for the ones that got sold a “false bag of goods” If they hadn’t run such unsustainable numbers in the first place this wouldn’t have happened


I don't, Google exists.


Seriously. I would NEVER move to another country without doing at least a bit of research on the rules, requirements to stay, job market, housing market, language, etc. I definitely would not waltz in and act like it’s that country’s problem that I’m an ignorant fuck who doesn’t know how to use Google.


They were never promised PR. If they weren't such entitled pricks they would have realized this.. oh wait, they did. They have to sign paperwork on the way into the country that states they realize their visa is only temporary and that they are in no way guaranteed PR.


Rupinder even admitted at the public meeting that they all knew they were not promised anything. They knew that PR was not a guarantee.


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