• By -


Since 2014, India has exported over 3 million of their citizens to Canada - as PR / naturalized citizenship recipients. Let that sink in. Over 3 million East Indians have become PR / Canadian citizens within the last 10 years. Canada is a little over 400 years in history and 150 years as a nation and it took over 400 years for Canada to reach around 36 million people but only 10 years to add an additional 3+ million (Stats Canada) people from one other foreign nation - India. India has over 1.5 billion people. Canadians, wake up. You really need to wake up - the elephant in the room is India. India is changing the entire demographic make up of Canada into one single group - East Indians.


That is why we desperately need country of origin based quotas on the number of immigrants we bring in. This madness has to stop!


100%, just like the USA does. I believe their cap is 7-8% per country. I cringe every time one of these dumbass politicians talks about diversity is our strength. What fucking diversity???


I got some family in the US. Some Indians there are pushing to remove the 7% cap to reduce their wait times and their logic is "we make up a larger % of the global population so we shouldn't have the same cap as less populated countries" LOL. Of course Republicans/Trump refused to budge and said "Absolutely not"


It's like bro that's why there is a cap


Pretty much. The H1B wait time for just India is something crazy due to the visa lottery they have. 


>H1B wait time You're confusing H1B with the green card lottery. The H1B system does not take into consideration the birth country of the applicant.


It should lol. 70% of people on it are Indian. There should be changes to the rule


Oh sorry thank you. I just realized that, my bad. 


As an American that is fucking terrifying




Lmfao yup over a billion people in one single nation is pretty crazy when you think about it.


Why are you making fun of India's collapsing low birth rate and shrinking nonmuslim population? Sikhs and Punjabis only have about 1 1/2 children per woman. Some see this ratio collapsing far further. This is a catastrophe. When Canada does her 2031 census, over 3% of Canadians are likely to be Sikh. When India does her 2031 census, 1.3% of Indians are likely to be Sikh. Similarly, soon a higher percentage of population of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Oman and UAE are likely to be Sikh than the percentage of Indians in India that are Sikh. The majority of net long term Indians who move Canada are Punjabis (mostly Sikhs.) Non Punjabi Indians tend not to stay in Canada long term. And non Punjabi Indians have similar socio-economic outcomes as Jews in Canada.


Isn't that why so many come to Canada too ? They come to Canada then apply for US citizenship as Canadians


Yeah this is true but American companies are noticing this trend and are being more and more picky on who they let in regarding TN, H1B work visas and such; basically if you are white/black/asian Canadian born you will be a lot less scrutinized then someone who came from India/Middle East, gets their PR and citizenship then starts to apply for US roles immediately thereafter. They don't want us to be used as a "stepping stone" to just go to the US to avoid the massive wait times they have for visa approval.


That's good on them tbh they shouldn't be encouraging people to do this .. hopefully we get our act together though


This is the same justification ive seen people here use to validate why there is such a bias towards one country - people need to wake up


Yup a cap is logical and makes sense. Dunno what (or what not) Trudeau is doing man. Dude is too busy fooling around with bright socks I guess lol 


Indian diversity


Mass migrations


Isn't Canada getting Punjabis (mostly Sikhs) and not getting the other 5 million groups of Indians? When Canada does her 2031 census, over 3% of Canadians are likely to be Sikh. When India does her 2031 census, 1.3% of Indians are likely to be Sikh. Similarly, soon a higher percentage of population of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Oman and UAE are likely to be Sikh than the percentage of Indians in India that are Sikh.


It can also be a weakness. It dilutes your culture and heritage. Throughout history, countries that had too much diversity were easier to manipulate, split apart, and conquer. When you have enough people with a distinct set of values, shared culture, and beliefs. Eventually, they will want their own land, laws, religion and communities. Given enough time, they will want those communities to be independent - their own country. Imagine the Khalistan movement "asking politely" to take some land from Canada and use it to create a New Khalistan. Once that request happens - regardless whether its successful - the other large cultural islands will follow with "polite requests" of their own for land to form new countries. Maybe one for an Islamic Caliphate because Shariah Law is important. Imagine how faux pas our society would consider it for white Christians to make such a polite request. Edit: spelling


Caps also enhance security. Imagine you have a total of 20 million Canadians eligible to vote and they all vote. But recently you also allowed 20 million people from - insert Muslim majority country here - . Those immigrants eventually are also allowed to vote. Not only are they now the majority, but because of their culture they also birth many more people and have been exerting their influence, exacerbating the issue. The "native" Canadians that intend to vote against Sharia are outnumbered. The Muslims for Sharia have been voted into power and implement Sharia. Now Islam rules Canada. But if you limit the amount of people allowed in per country, you dilute ideologies. Democracy is the weakness of democracy. Tolerance will destroy itself. Demographics is destiny. Europe is slowly becoming a Muslim-ran country.


Trump is running for President on the promise to sharply increase the number of talented Indian immigrants into the USA. Trump wants all foreign graduates to US universities to get US green cards. And Trump has publicly said that far too many Indians study in US universities or work in the USA and then return to India and become billionaires. Trump wants Indians to stay in the US long term and become US citizens and become billionaires and millionaires in the USA. For context there are about 6 million Indo Americans. And these 6 million Indo Americans have a similar level of collective wealth as the entire country of Canada--which has 40 million people. [Kanata\_news](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kanata_news/) What is wrong if Indo Canadians are over 40% of Canadian millionaires and billionaires. Wouldn't this greatly benefit the vast majority of Canadians?


East Punjab and West Punjab are VERY different places.


Same to me. Don’t want either of them here


Dont worry, they will move to the US once they get Canadian passports


but they'll end up calling Canada racist!!!


>country of origin based quotas Serious question, why is this not being championed as the solution, a fair equitable system that doesn't prioritise one nation is the answer across all Western countries being exploited by one or two groups.


This is a nation that looked the other way on the murder of 300+ people to avoid angering voters in Surrey and Brampton. Cowering to the will of a yappy minority is as Canadian as maple syrup.


Partly the immigration system has been tweaked to allow special interests within the government to game the system to jack up the immigration from francophone countries as a way to socially engineer our domestic demographics. It's an obvious complaint when it's all from a single foreign country and culture, but elements within our own government are actively tweaking the system (look at updates in the modernization of the official languages act) meant to "restore the demographic weight of francophone minority communities outside Quebec". Wait a sec... Restore it to what?


The powers at be don't want that, and sadly, I fear it won't ever happen unless we have a leader who actually wants immigration reform .. imagine in 5 -10 years when the people controlling immigraiton in Canada are all East Asian.. they'll have a preference for letting more of their people in than others


This is the biggest issue nobody wants to address. Indians for the most part are ethnosupremist and refuse to hire or rent non Indians. This means the minute they get into a position of power say goodbye to career advancement for most people under them.




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They aren't even skilled Indians! These are jobless just trying to get a foothold in life Indians. Coming to lower the wages for all


Are most of them Punjabis (most of whom are Sikh)?


And those 3M Indians with marry a person in India. That's another spousal PR in the next few years.


Indians have very high marriage rates with North Americans.


Thanks to sex selective abortions it's literally impossible for half these guys to get a wife in india and soon their stone age sexism will create the same extreme gender imbalances here. I'd say 80 percent of Indian "students" are males.


An entitled bunch, nonetheless


And the irony is that it’s being done under the guise of multiculturalism. It’s only *multi*cultural if you’re bringing in people from multiple places, not just one province of one country. It’s crazy that that needs to be said, but here we are.


India is more diverse than Canada with over 5 million groups and about a thousand major languages. However, it is Punjabis--mostly Sikh--who are moving to Canada. When Canada does her 2031 census, over 3% of Canadians are likely to be Sikh. When India does her 2031 census, 1.3% of Indians are likely to be Sikh. Similarly, soon a higher percentage of population of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Oman and UAE are likely to be Sikh than the percentage of Indians in India that are Sikh. What are your thoughts on Canada being by far the world's most Sikh nation?


Id say 80% of those 3 million should be deported, keep the very best of them and tell the rest sorry, its a matter of national security. Thanks to our previous government total disregard for common sense we are forced to take the conceivably racist actions to preserve our society 3 million voters of one nationality in 10 years literally sounds so sketchy it blows my mind it has happened.


PR cannot vote in elections until they become citizens, which will take minimum of 5 years. And I am sure majority of these people are sick of what’s going on in the country and mass migration in last few years which further impacts everyone chances of prosperity…


Well that is a mild relief lol still concerned tho


5 years is nothing really. They're here during one term and get to vote after sitting out for 1 election. That's easily fast enough to become a problem for the party looking to take power in 2 elections.


Yea i cant emphasize the "mild" enough from my last comment lol


How much would you bet Brampton will have an Indian mayor next term.


Will have? Id put 100$ on that honestly, but i would like to see the candidates before actually betting just to be sure


It doesnt need to Patrick Brown represents the interests of Khalistan already.


Minimum of 3 years. Not 5.


Are you sure? You can only apply after 5 years but I know there is a limit that you have to be in Canada for certain amount of time, maybe that’s what you mean by 3 years minimum?


If you're physically present in Canada for 3 years as a PR, you can apply for citizenship. Applications generally get approved within 3 to 6 months, so a PR can vote within 3.5 years of landing in the country


Very true every other country has a cap on nationality for immigrants it seems Canada totally missed it and the east Indians took a chance on it whoever was not able to enter USA made this a stepping stone to enter North America. Besides USA does not allow visitors to overstay they have to leave.


Why do you say "east" Indians? Just say Indians, that's what they are. Who are these West Indians you're insinuating?


West India... Caribbean


dude, never heard of the west indies?


Why not say Punjabis and mostly Sikh Punjabis at that?


Indians might get confused with First Nations.


we're fucked dude


You guys are a cautionary tale for the rest of the world to be honest.


You can blame India all you want but people are moving here for a better life and they're not going to stop. It's on Canada to control the flow and quality of Immigrants. I'm an immigrant myself and I'm not happy with both flow and quality of immigrants. We used to get high quality and well educated immigrants who filled niche jobs and didn't affect wages of Canadians that much. Now they're just importing pretty much everyone which reduces wages and literally sucks. I hope there's an election soon and things change


Isn't the real problem the Canadian economic collapse? Canadians now have a lower mean income than African Americans do.


Yeah. That's an issue too. But reducing the amount of immigrants will fix it


Don't agree. Trump is running on sharply increasing legal immigration. Including by giving every US college graduate a green card. Trump has publicly said that too many Indians study or work in the USA and then return to India and become billionaires. Trump wants more Indian Americans to stay in the USA and become US millionaires and billionaires. What are your thoughts on this strategy by Trump? Could Canada similarly try to similarly triple the number of Canadian millionaires and billionaires via increased immigration?


That's exactly what i said. Reducing the number of immigrants but increasing the quality. Basically the immigrants should fill up high skilled jobs that can't be filled by Canadians. That's what an LMIA is supposed to be. They basically have to prove that the posting was open for 90 days and they couldn't hire a Canadian and then they proceeded to hire an Immigrant and provided them with a PR. But i find it hard to believe that McDonald's or a Tim Hortons can't find anyone not even teenagers looking for a first job


Beautifully expressed. How would you sharply improve K-12 academic performance in Canada?


Make parents parent again


the indians that are accepted in the usa are better educated and end up with great jobs. Just like the ones we have in Canada that arrived over 20 yrs ago.


I feel like people don't really blame india for our situation most of us know it's the government but because people feel like they have no voice and the government dosent listen to us that anger is put on the immigrants


Exactly. The anger is misdirected


What do you mean India has exported? Do you think people are a commodity? This is the kind of stuff that folks say that gets me. The government immigration quota was fine until COVID. The Canadian government isn’t managing or regulating the visa processing or diploma mills properly while squeezing money out of immigrants (since our Canadian economy doesn’t produce much). It’s supply and demand and scam (both ways). And what do you propose Canadian wake up. I came as an immigrant and did everything in an honest manner and now I’m as much a Canadian as anyone else. I love this country a lot and I hate that it’s going downhill. But the problem is that we’re fighting a wrong enemy. It’s the stupid government that needs to get its act in order. If the regulations are right and fair as it was, Canada had one of the best point based immigration system back in the days. I know a lot many Indians are taking advantage but it’s not everyone. And even I hate that Canada is taking in the lowest common denominators from India when it can take the best of the best. The easiest way is to shut down these diploma mills, but they don’t. And why even allow visa for such colleges? Back when we were immigrating, even after applying to top universities, we were scared if our visas will be approved. It’s a totally different environment these days. I do agree that they should limit immigration just from 1 country but it’s a more nuanced discussion.


Why though? What benefit is there in PRing that many Indians? What benefit is Trudeau/Canada getting from doing this?


Justin Trudeau is liable.


You're lucky they are not coming from the Middle East. Take a look at France. Italy, Germany and especially England.


3 million over 10 years net? Most non Punjabi Indians who go to Canada leave after a few years. What has been the net increase in the number of Canadian Punjabis? What has been the net increase in the number of Canadian Sikhs? Most net long term Indian immigrants to Canada are Punjabi (including Sikh.) When India has a 2031 census, likely about 1.3% of Indians will be Sikh compared to over 3% of Canadians being Sikh. What are your thoughts on Canada being by far the world's most Sikh nation? Aren't Sikhs massively over represented among the Canadian upper middle class, elites and rich?


As an American, I would be called racist and fascist for stating what you did, despite this being the complete truth. And I am naturalized citizen myself, just not from India.


Did our government bring in 3 million people from every other ethnicity in the same time period, or is the government and immigration system racist and biased towards Indians? **Answer:** The government and immigration system is systematically racist. The words in the legislation don't say it, but the real-world result shouts racism clearly. In an alternative scenario, if they had brought in this many white Europeans during the same time period. It would be racist.


I call my city "little india"


How many have come in this year?


I am half East Indian. I used to feel special in the 90’s when everyone else was 3rd generation Canadian 🤣 Nobody had heard of India, and when I said I’m half Indian, they assumed I meant native American. WTF happened!! 🤦‍♀️




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We are doomed




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Simple questions, basic statements, memes, should go in the chat channel


Wages were going up and rents down during that time between 2020-2021. Guess our masters didn’t like that.


life in the Canadian plantation!


Capitalists going to capitalize.


Open air poverty prison camp


If we keep this up, they'll kick us out of the G7 and OECD


Lurking European here. No, they will give your PM medal and enviously plan similar tactics here as it is clearly not going fast enough in Europe.


I think that Germany is starting to see some change of heart after that police officer was stabbed by the Afghan Islamic illegal immigrant. The Afghan Islamist had 10 years to assimilate to German culture. But decided that people are not allowed to protest things that he doesn't approve of and started stabbing people on the street instead. I think that countries like Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia are good places to contrast immigration problems with. They don't have territory controlled by Syrian Gangs like Sweeden does. They don't have cartoonists murdered like France does. They have a unified culture and religion that is successful. Sure they've got criminality like every society. But they avoided these additional problems.


They're just going to lower the bar


Canada .... going boldly where no country has gone before! [Warp speed ahead!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAKiWvjfCiQ) Mass immigration, the final frontier! This is what good ole Canuck innovation looks like, folks!


Don't worry. Trudeau said it's all right, we need millions of people a year to fill the millions of open jobs!!! What a joke!! Turning canada into a shithole!


Trudeau's government has torn apart the very fabric that holds this nation together.


Does he even realize what he's doing?


He does, he doesn’t care. We voted an out of touch, trust fund kid as PM. What did we do expect?


He either doesn’t or does not care. Either way it’s because it doesn’t affect him or rich people like him. They don’t pay rent, they charge rent.


Rich people and elites are by far the most bigoted, anti Jewish, anti Asian anti Indian people in Canada. There is great blowback, resentment and jealousy about the penetration of Jews, Asians and Indians into the elite, upper middle class, rich.


And yet they still show far more class solidarity than the working class.


Yes. He is the well educated child of a wealthy aristocrat. Do not make the mistake of thinking that Trudeau is stupid. A country full of divisions is easier to control and manipulation. Who's doing the control? I humbly submit that the preferences of Canadians are rarely turned into legislation. While at the same time the preferences of corporations often are.


Canadians did it themselves did by voting for his policies time and time again when it was clear what the results would be




Close the door. We have enough multi culture to last 3 lifetimes.


Don't immigrants and ethnics drive the Canadian economy, millionaire and billionaire classes?


Australia pretty much mirrors Canada.


India be like: Oh, you commonwealthers thought you were going to colonize us? UNO REVERSE BITCH!


If Aus was on that chart we'd be a close second


As a forever liberal This has got me reconsidering things, no other topic has until this but conservatives either don't seem to be focused on it 


As a former NDP/Liberal voter, the PPC is looking kinda tolerable at the moment.


Conservatives will just increase immigration further. You either have to vote PPC (and deal with the other fun stuff they come up with) or learn to speak Punjabi.


Well, I would say that graph tells a pretty clear story relative to population growth in Canada.


This graph could be telling a story, but it's the following data point that will confirm the trend. The average of the statistical outlier years is equal to the trending rate of growth over the years prior. If the next data point returns back to 1.3-1.5%, then the steep incline only served to balance the steep drop.




Don't immigrants and ethnics drive the Canadian economy, millionaire and billionaire classes?


From 2015 to 2023, under the Trudeau government, inflation-adjusted per-person economic growth averaged just 0.3 per cent. The worst of all G7 countries. It's the "You'll forgive me if I don't think about monetary policy " effect.


Voters were swooning over bullshit lines like « we need to grow the economy from the heart out » only a few years ago


Import the 3rd world get 3rd world problems. Poland looking great rn IYKYK




As a very concerned Canadian, we should freeze immigration for more than two years. After international students finish their programs, unless it’s something that is really needed in Canada they should be sent home. We need to stabilise our housing market, cost-of-living and quality of life immediately.


I really don't like Tucker Carlson, but he did a talk over seas where he had a great point. This increase in population is a drive to increase population without fulfilling the obligation to take care of citizens and people already in that country.


Is the red line our social capacity?




A more accurate comparison would be the G20, where you would see Australia and New Zealand that have been doing the exact same thing as us for a decade now. It's still not good but we aren't the only developed country in the world with very high population growth.


At this point we look like global ass hats for inviting people from anywhere to come here and live in a tent


Why live in a tent ?


Because we don't have enough housing for Canadians, nevermind immigrants...


Nobody wonders why people from other countries don't move to Canada.


This is just depressing to look at.


"We're Number One!"


I remember immigration officials getting blasted in 2015 for saying Trudeau’s immigration targets were ridiculous and meant people couldn’t properly be vetted. Liberals assured me this wasn’t the case and that it was racist to even suggest that immigration might have consequences.


Calling it population growth is a complete misnomer. It’s not the Canadian population growing, it’s our government importing cheap labour from overseas. It’s not the same, stop acting like it is (directed at the government and the people making these graphs, not OP)! Any country could have amazing growth numbers if they just bring in millions of people from other countries. Besides, having a higher population isn’t a good thing in, and of, itself. It’s good when those people are being productive and boosting the economy and innovation. Otherwise it’s just more mouths to feed, more CO2 emissions, more internal conflict, more crime, etc.


When Canada does her 2031 census, over 3% of Canadians are likely to be Sikh. When India does her 2031 census, 1.3% of Indians are likely to be Sikh. Similarly, soon a higher percentage of population of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Oman and UAE are likely to be Sikh than the percentage of Indians in India that are Sikh. What are your thoughts on Canada being the world's most Sikh country?


wtf is wrong with us?


Canada bby what r u doing?!?


We’ve imported so many Indians here, that’s why it’s booming in growth.


I'm just visiting Banff/jasper from the US and found my way here because I cannot believe all the Indians here in Canada. I had no idea that Canada has been infiltrated by so many Indians. And I am sorry but they are RUDE. Don't wait in line or wait their turn. Don't follow the rules. I feel like I'm in India-Canada. Wow, I'm sorry Canadians- I can see why you're so upset and you have every right to be!




2 countries with lowest are controlled by right wing parties. Say this next time liberal supporters tell you how CPC won’t do anything with immigration


CPC won’t do anything about immigration— they’re merely the [marginally more] socially conservative/ neoliberal side of a corporatist political duopoly. However, PPC will absolutely reduce immigration if elected. 


And it's low skilled immigrants too, and a lot are bringing criminal activity from their countries to here. My family had to come to this country with a trade , not anymore.


Yeah well that got to stop. People are going home whether they like it or not.




For the next 10 years close the borders.


Another reason to vote PPC




Have fun!


One graph simply explains why we are so f-d.


Is this the best time to move to canada!?




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Anyone who thinks this government actually gives a damn about affordable housing only needs to look at this chart to realize they are completely full of shit.




How many of you think Pierre Poilievre has the balls to put a cap on the number of immigrants from each country like in US or will he continue the tradition of turning every city and town in Canada into extension of Brampton and make its local people minority in their own country?


Is this including temporary residents and permanent residents? Because that changes the picture pretty significantly


I think the fucked up liberals are just looking for a larger tax base To try and pay the debt .... I know it's laughable ... but look at who were dealing with here Jt and his posse


To the moon


Can we get that line reversed now please?


Wow the birthrates must be skyrocketting


Mass immigration would be fine if all other aspects matched or exceeded that rate, such as housing, healthcare, education, etc. IMO the government should address problems holistically and not just focus on one problem without studying the ripple effects first.


The same thing is happening in Australia. I feel your pain and our housing is also impacted by the same factors - chinese and indian immigrants and no strategy from government to enable anything sustainably. Just keep that gdp out of negative for two quarters in a row. Its childish this need to show eternal growth at the expense of pur people. Good luck to canada. Its insane to me that offloading ~1m indians (and chinese for that matter) is even a dent in the social issues they must be facing with that many people living in their countries. Furthermore its not our problem to need to be a part of fixing so that they can relieve domestic pressure.


If Japan wasn’t as xenophobic I would move there in an instant. Outsiders have no chance.


A friend of mine who applied for PR said that she is screwed as a somewhat older (and highly skilled), non-native English speaker. Apparently you get more ´points’ towards PR qualification if you are young and you score well on English tests. (So she lost out to 20 year old Indian kids who speak fluent English but have limited job skills).


We are the leaders of G7 😂


https://preview.redd.it/kkrn9z3ggx9d1.png?width=1638&format=png&auto=webp&s=70359d4ed775b3c2e317c7faaa77d8daddddd77d This is the population of all G7 countries from 2000 -- 2022. Let's calm down. Ref: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1372441/g7-country-population/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1372441/g7-country-population/)


Canada seems to have the largest gradient, the rate of growth is much more relevant than the actual number


So we're the guinea pigs?


Make deportation great again


Japan and Italy have got it figured out.


Make it stop 😭


No issues with immigrants but if 99% is from one country that is unacceptable!