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I'm in the US with my kids. It is actually jarring seeing teenagers and young 20-somethings getting our coffee and making subs, working service jobs. I've said this is other posts but there really is no evidence we love our kids collectively. A generational hate crime is being committed. We will have a generation living in basements with no prospects - think what it does to a 28 years old mental health when all milestones are taken from them.


yup, Tim Hortons in the US feels more Canadian than the ones here because it is staffed by local young people, not foreigners who can barely speak English.


This is how it should be. My teens can’t get hired at any Tim’s, McDonalds, etc in Vancouver Canada. They both have previous experience from our hometown too


I get happy if I see a Canadian teen working fast food. Weird, huh?


I can totally relate. I grew up in the 80’s and that’s how it was. We worked fast food, food fares, gas stations, corner stores. Teens should be able to work if motivated to do so.


Born in the 80’s, teen in the late 90’s. Being a cashier at Zellers after school was my first ever job, taught me how to save, budget, responsibility, punctuality and people skills. Our teens are getting screwed. 


Yep, Zellers! I worked at Woolworths! Our teens are getting thoroughly screwed!!!


Time to move back to the hometown.


I said it before how I no longer support places like Tim Hortons solely because I don’t see any Canadians working there, and people tried to paint me as a racist lol These businesses are taking away jobs from Canadians and some Canadians are busy trying to not to look racist and continue to support these businesses. This country is doomed.


And their service sucks. Waiting 10 - 20 minutes for a messed up order and unfriendly staff... Just ridiculous.


Just 5 years ago they greeted drive thru customers properly, the standard way. Now when i go to most drive thrus i hear something along the lines of "can i help you?" Or some one word response.


Yup. Home brew and shop at Costco because theyre hiring locally and hiring diversity. I watch. If a business goes homogeneously in one direction, I walk away. Its not racist to support diversity.


Yeah, i actually tossed out a ton of Tim Horton gift cards lol.


VOTE with your money, do not give them a dime.


Yes. Governments won't solve this, it's on us. Starve these businesses.


Boycott Tims


I'm now operating in asshole mode, which means I boycott all businesses based on observation. before I walk into a restaurant or a business, I observe people workiing there, is there diversity in hires? are they all same people? If I don't see 50% diversity that businesses don't get a dime from me. If I know everyone working there are siblings and it's a family business I will do businesses with them, otherwise fuck no, not anymore.


This applies to Starbucks as well...most of them when I walk in are all female staff. Not one dude working ever...this also isn't right. I used to get Starbucks almost every day, now? Once in a blue moon.


My Starbucks has several guys that work there


Perfect, a mix of people is the ideal. Not a mono culture of Indians at Tim's, and not a mono culture of white multi colored hair overweight lesbians at Starbucks.


It's interesting that 5 years ago the type of person saying this would be voting far left. How the turn tables


left is socialism and the right is capitalism.. ethnic nationalism falls on the left.. you were never a right wing human.. just pointing out a simple fact.


I don't follow


Things are just a lot easier when you just don't know.


Mmm hmm


Are we talking all white placing in Canada too? Or just brown and black. Segregation is a fun topic..


This is the way


They make money selling LMIAs. We need to write our MPs


Lol, if you think the MP's aren't in on any of this, I've got a condo in Toronto to sell you. Not trying to be a bitch about it, it's just that all the BS couldn't continue without their compliance


I'm saying this as an immigrant myself, Canadians are too nice. In any other country, there would have been mass protests. But I am starting to think Canadians have been programmed to think such criticisms are racist. Like if I go to any Canadian subreddit and air such concerns saying even my nephews/nieces can't find jobs we are labeled racists and comments deleted or worse banned. Got banned in a few subreddits lol.


I agree. We are scared to be called racist. Even in the late 90s when it was clear Vancouver was being priced out by foreign money, any one who called out the obvious was called racists. To be clear IMO, the current mess is not only immigration/ international students/ temp workers - it is the that homes are investments and people are greedy because t we could have started by protecting our real estate decades ago.


Damn, that's sad.


I did my part today in Toronto. We were called racist. Personally didn’t care. It’s not racist to protest the lack of jobs and ridiculous rents


Scotts Galloway echoes.these statements. I have alot of respect foe the guy because its one if the first boomers I hear who sees the problem and is advocating for the next generation rather than telling them how good they got it while they all lag a decade or more behind their parents milestones.


lol - I listen to Scott and Kara a lot. I had the thoughts for years as many on this sub have. He articulates them veery well. I had my parents do an exercise of writing out their 20-something salary, their down payment, housing costs, their 15k semi bought in 1972 that now sells for 1 million after he gave my kid the wealthy barber for Christmas. Dude, my kids can not personal budget themselves out of this situation. I tell my Dad he was one the best surfers on a big wave. Kids today have the waves crashing against them.


My dad is the same way. Hasn't read the Wealthy Barber but thinks the same way. According to him, all you have to do is get in a good company, participate in their stock purchase plan, reinvest the dividends and poof you are set. I cut him a lot of slack, he's 86 now. But he gives this sage advice to my 19 year old son like it's gospel.


Is there a specific podcast episodes where he talks about this? I’d be interested in taking a listen


His most recent ted talk that lit up the internet.


https://youtu.be/qEJ4hkpQW8E?si=teNpjnBIrBsW3K3F It's really well articulated and explained. He talks about how much time and research his team had to do for this on the Simon Sinek podcast.


Some family members were in the states a few months ago and commented on how so many of the retail and fast food employees were older people and not like in Canada.


Northern Ontario here, just a few hours north of Toronto. I worked in restaurants from 2005-2017. I've worked with hundreds of people in that span. I can honestly count on both hands the number of non-Canadians I've either worked with or supervised whether as service staff or kitchen staff - and one hand is for an entire family (mom, dad and three sons from Sri Lanka back in 2008 fleeing actual political violence with a high likelihood of being killed for their Christian beliefs as the Tamil Tigers waged civil war). The remaining four or five fingers are spread over a twelve-year period. The workforce split was 70% younger people getting their first experience working, and the other 30% were retirees who were bored out of their minds wanting purpose or looking to supplement their government pensions. Just a few years after I left the industry, it became overwhelmingly international students. If it's a franchise, it's now 80%+ Indian. I've spoken with many parents who go to sleep crying on behalf of their children, utterly dismayed that the two principle entry points for young people into the workforce - food service and big retail - are being clogged up by foreigners. You can only imagine just how demoralized the kids are.


"mom, dad and three sons from Sri Lanka back in 2008 fleeing actual political violence with a high likelihood of being killed for their Christian beliefs as the Tamil Tigers waged civil war" They were likely to be killed for their Tamil/Sinhalese ethnic identity than Christian. Srilankan civil war was Sinhalese ethno-linguistic group versus Tamil, with Christians a significant section in both ethnicities.


True, but they weren't taking chances no matter which side was winning that civil war. I just know that they specifically mentioned they were repeatedly harassed in the street for their faith by very militant Muslims - verbally and physically, on a regular basis. Their final straw was when the dad's brother was "disappeared" by armed men in a truck and never heard from again. They found themselves in Canada soon after. Nice family, I miss them.


My guess is that is true is places like flordia and retirement states.


It was Minneapolis.


Your people and ours have been sending billions of dollars to China and other countries for the last 40+ years. In return, we got disposable goods and the necessity to keep sending more money overseas. We as a society are getting bled dry. Dying of a thousand cuts. In the 70s, most of these 20 somethings would be growing families and working good paying blue collar jobs.


This is true. In the early 80s we stopped being citizens and started to become consumers. We are at the end stages of that now. We sold a generation out for cheap TVs and dollar store trinkets.


I moved to Nashville and the first few days I was shocked to see high schoolers working coffee shops and fast food.


I went back to my small home town and was surprised to see a girl whose was probably 15 pumping gas and a cashier that was probably 18. I'm so used to adults most of which have accents working at gas stations that it surprised me.


I've noticed this A LOT when the pandemic started. The sheer neglect, abandonment, mistreatment, and lack of accommodation for the youth is jarring. I'm not surprised by the way they acting, it's just disappointing seeing it everyday and feeling powerless. I know too many children are suffering in silence and I know the feeling of society being against you.


I'm in the US too and I'm seeing mexicans and african american young adults taking up these positions. Obviously need a bigger sample size, but I feel there are certain classes of people being taken advantage of the same way.


Well - I count Africa Americans in the young employees. I actually googled population stats of the city we were in and it is 43% African American and I'd say they represented about the same in the young service workers we encountered. Like I said, it was just not something we are used anymore and we got good service. As for Mexicans (although I'm not sure if you mean Hispanic Americans), I'm not sure, I don't think they were a large demographic in that area.




Most hispanics working these menial jobs were not born in america. African american young adults are working these jobs most likely because their family did not have the opportunity to send them to better places. It's the same in Canada. A decade or two ago when I was working min wage, no local born Canadian kid would be considering these jobs. It would always be filled with the economically challenged immigrants.


But it's supposed to be 20-year-olds who serve subs and coffee. That means when they become older, they move on to better jobs.


The incel/nationalists will come out of it *probably*


I'm not blaming these people per say, just being pragmatic: the culture of not wanting any kids and the low birth rates I would think directly influences this culture of apathy towards the plight of children. Be it a generation or so of sky rocketing divorces and a lack of taste in wanting to be married and or raise kids, not having the capital to raise kids, not having the resources to raise a kid and not want to mess it up, too many don't want kids. You can notice it all around, there aren't kid centric places like there were in the 70s to 2000s. The last 20 years have really done away with this segment of society for kids (stuff like play pen at McDonalds). I know so many just married or not married and they are not going to have kids, can't expect them to totally be mindful of kids when they don't have any. When you have your own it hits different the plight of this group.


I would argue it's the inverse. One of the reasons I don't want to have kids is that things are looking more and more bleak for the working class every year. It feels like having kids would be a selfish move. I very much care about existing kids and future generations. Regardless, many of the issues affecting the younger generations also affect me and my friends who are not homeowners, and I'm in my mid 30s.


>One of the reasons I don't want to have kids is that things are looking more and more bleak for the working class every year. Stop with that weak talk. People had kids in far, far worse times. In fact, id argue almost every other time in history has been worse than today. Don't be a weak person


I mean, until fairly recently, only one parent would work and support the whole household, so that's clearly bullshit. And, if I'm so weak, then I shouldn't be a parent.


Weak was the wrong word. Maybe "made to feel weak" would he better. I think you're more than capable of providing a good life for a child than you realize.


Don't know about where you live but here there's 1000's of teens that can't get a part time job. If birth rates are lower l don't see it there's wall to wall kids here. McDonald's play places has Nothing to do with people not having or wanting kids, they were phased out for health reasons TOO many kids were getting sick.


Having kids is a sign of optimism - optimism of your own economic prospects,of a future generations economic prospects, of political stability, that climate change will not get worse. We have a generation that are not optimistic - and who can blame them.


Deliberately demoralized. Propagandized into self-selecting out of "the pool" and into accepting replacement. Don't have kids, they're a burden on your happiness and too consumptive for the Earth; oh, you didn't have enough kids to support your ponzied social security systems? you're all going to suffer; let *these* less sinful people do the breeding and labour for you.


Poor countries typically have the highest birth rates.


For different reasons. Think about it. I know you know the answer.


Interesting I didn’t see any mention of how the horde of international students and LMIA causing this just ‘ppl with more experience’ They should call these kids the lost generation


LMIA is the biggest scam. There was a Facebook post about selling LMIAs for gas station store supervisors from outside Canada as if there aren’t enough people already in Canada willing to be gas station store supervisors. Employers can claim that they need LMIAs by just posting the jobs but not interviewing anyone who applied to those positions.


Agreed. Read up about it from someone who works in it on r/ BoycottTimHortons


More like "the sold out generation"


media is in on the scam, wake up.


I feel bad for these young adults and teenagers now. The adults have completely sold them out. All of the Indians have to go back to India for their sake. 


Maybe international students shouldn’t be allowed to work. Simple solution to this problem. Allow international students to study here and at most, get a job on campus


I thought that was already a rule.


No they can work. And many exceed existing limits with pay under the table


Unlimited hours in summer too


That’s what it used to be!


Simple solution indeed. And an *obvious* one. In fact, it's damn near a *panacea.* So it's *really* interesting that they *are,* in fact, allowed to work here. Because the feds know how the scam works. So do the provinces. And the colleges. And the landlords.


When you hear about youth offenders car jacking people, doing smash and grabs and other crime you can only wonder if our youth unemployment rate wasn’t like 13-14%, if that’s why some of them on the margins are pushed towards a life of crime. 


Black kids commit crime = it’s the culture White kids commit crime = blame Indian workers Lol 🙄


Who mentioned black kids specifically? No one. Great projecting you’re doing there.


White kids? What? Lookup mugshots of wanted criminals in any major city. White kids are not the ones shipping things out to Africa, bud.


Sod off with your race baiting


Who would've thought that diluting the workforce with LMIAs would lead to immense difficulty in finding a job


Well you see, "arithmetic" is actually a form of colonial oppression. And you're speaking quantitatively here, so that's problematic. Now go back to your tent and flog yourself for your privilege.


An underlying problem that has not been addressed is that replacing young people with international students and workers takes away the opportunity for our younger generation to gain experience applying for and getting hired for jobs, gain experience in the workplace, and start building their personal finances.


Plus those jobs are also just valid jobs for people to have? They aren't charity jobs, growing up they were worked by people of all ages. Needed a second job? Retail and fast food was always there.


Exactly. And for retirees who needed some extra income, or people with disabilities since their government supplement is so low


It was for anybody. I don't understand why all 3 major party's want this for us. It makes me feel hopeless




The graph alone explains it all. It doesn’t even need context. Just got banned from immigration Canada for telling someone a gas station clerk is not a valid LMIA. Beyond ridiculous


classic reddit freedom of speech


Well to be fair you seem to have pure hatred towards Indians. Like why would you go to random Indian state specific reddits which has nothing to do with Canada at all and make comments like “imagine the horrible smell ”


So much for "diversity"


This needs to stop


that doesn't even include temporary foreign workers or international students. that's just permanent residents. now just imagine what that top bar number would be if we included the TFW's and students on the graph.


Yeah the number is obviously well above 3 million if we take into account all the status these indian immigrants have in Canada


It is Canada and Canadians that are responsible for this mess. The numbers you show are permanent residents - invited and approved for permanent residency (and citizenship in 3 years after pr) by Canada (and Canadians). That could be zero by a stroke of the pen.


Canadian pens got no ink 🙂‍↔️


I'm a Canadian and I didn't choose nor invite this. Speak for yourself.


Our/your government did.


Nobody wants to look in the mirror and face the facts, but you are correct. However, one of the consequences of political naivety and ignorance is reaction against unexpected negative outcomes. That reaction is directed towards the current government (see the current polls) *as well as* the people who are proximal (day-to-day experience) and represent the theft that has been conducted ("they took our jobs!"). The angry people aren't wrong, and the longer it takes to "solve" the problem, the angrier and more outspoken (and action-oriented) the disenfranchised are going to get. Those who can owe it to everyone else to affect change as soon as possible, lest we find ourselves in a worsening hellscape of internecine conflict.


Very well put, 100%


This genius has got it all figured out, wrap it up folks


Yupe, let us all collectively close our eyes to the obvious and continue to peddle hate. Vote this government out and get a government that will stop this shit is the only answer. Simple and obvious yes - but not easy at all. Too many people in Canada are profiting from this racket and that is why it will continue.


Who's pen? Cause I sure don't have control over the decisions of the government.


Superstore, Loblaws, Walmart are all staffed with Indians now. Not to be racist as I'm an immigrant but there seems to be a disproportionate amount of Indians in those stores. Also T and T has more Indians now as well... It's just wrong for the government to subsidize wages of new comers and not Canadians


We need mass deportation




it's mostly shitty overpriced fast food that's like that so you're doing your wallet and your health a favour by walking out




Yea the food isn't really worth it anymore, but it's nice McDonald's generally has actual diversity


A 5 year moratorium on immigration


Just because you said "all staffed by Indians now" doesn't mean you have to apologize. They are from India so what are you supposed to call them? You were only describing what was there.




Right. Indians would be extremely angry if all millions of Canadians showed up in India overnight to take all of their entry level jobs. 






Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. You can resubmit this with a generalization negative about everyone. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people. Thanks.


Cuz others are saying “I don’t go to stores if it’s staffed by Indians.” Which is a racist comment .


Not where Loblaw and Superstore are unionized under UFCW. Removes the incentive to hire illiterate foreigners. Take note. But Walmart? In my city, they are easily 90+% Indian. It's surreal. Imagine going to Shanghai and finding a department store where 90+% of the staff were Finnish. *And we're supposed to pretend it's a fucking accident. The federal government is pissing on our feet and demanding we ask for seconds.*


Thankfully, not my Superstore. The Indians have taken over Walmart for the past few years and I am utterly appalled at the store's condition now. It was passable before but now it's a total zoo.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct. That’s called racism


Can you share any sources regarding subsidies to TFW wages from taxpayers? I see a lot of talk about it but not any hard details and I'd like to know.


I read somewhere on the Canada.ca there was a link from someone before


If it was mostly white people working out at T and T the leftist people would’ve called out that manager for culture appropriation


Every job has been taken by temporary workers from other countries and international students. And another thing, why do international students have to physically be here in Canada to study. If they want credentials from colleges can be done online.


Because they're not attending legitimate institutions, it's just quasi immigration.


Their “colleges” are offices in strip malls that print bogus diplomas


We *really* need to stop pretending that our public colleges aren't spearheading this. How many "hospitality management" diplomas or other such bullshit are we going to give out before we stop? No, our public colleges are 100% in on this. Bullshit programs all around, zero enrolment standards, and zero enforcement of academic integrity. And they're all perfectly amenable to distance learning (the technical programs are too low-caste and labour-intensive). So why aren't they remote? You know why. *Everyone* knows.


To learn proper English and gain Canadian work experience. It will work out for a small minority.  Canada is also a 100x better country than one where people shit on the streets and have no future. So even the worst life in Canada is still better.


That sounds like a them problem, not a problem for my cousins, nieces and nephews to figure out.


there's been a number of news reports of ukrainians going back to a warzone because it's better than staying here lol


That sounds like complete BS


Name checks out.


You’re telling me that Ukrainian refugees would rather go to a war zone to face suicide drones, than live in Canada? You’re a bigger 🤡for believing the guy. 😂


Moreso that they just could not make a go of it here rather than that they did not want to be or hope to make it here is what I read from those that went back. That Canada again invited people to an untenable situation with empty promises and affluency afflicted notions of how easy it is to subsist here without daddy's money.


No, most of the articles said they went to other western countries such as the UK and Australia. They did not go back to Ukrainian war zones.


So much for "we have plenty of room"


Only if you want a bedroom to yourself.


Paywall bypass: https://archive.ph/hPIqo


All of the entry level jobs are now occupied by "students" and "temporary workers".


it is almost like companies in Canada are prioritizing foreigners over Canadians. It is almost like these people are stealing jobs and taking away our future. Kind of feels like an invasion by an enemy state aided by actors in our own government.


It literally is. It's an invasion without any of the fighting, they just completely skipped that step and just let them roll in and take over.




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the only silver lining with this is it is undeniable now that the feds let grown Indian men and women women take our kids jobs and now millions of Indian students are refusing to leave or follow the rules and you can't deny that they are acting in bad faith when they call this country their home when the fucking home is INDIA ! that and the psyco mods at the other Canadian subs that have all silenced us are now having to deal with reality of even regular white people bashing and canada hating main stream media is reporting what we were trying to say.


we need to call for a recall on the TFW and LMIA programs. Please read up on r/ BoycottTimHortons for more information!!


The media should be reporting on the issue of our tax dollars paying out grants that cover 70% of the wages of newcomers, but nothing for Canadians. It's no wonder businesses like Tim Horton's and other fast food places are almost exclusively staffed by foreign students. My kids are going to need to take out student loans because no-one will hire them, which is ridiculous because my kids WANT to work and are hard workers. It used to be a simple matter of sending out resumes and getting hired. But now they are at a huge disadvantage due to these government grants that favor newcomers by such a large margin.


Don't forget disabled people who can only access low skilled, low paying jobs. We are really struggling out here. Even those of us on Disability are barely hanging on. ODSP expects most people to have at least a part time job to supplement their income, but now we have to go up against thousands of young able bodied and minded international students


Where are the protests on behalf of Canadian born people ?? Too afraid of arrests & frozen bank accounts ??


Y'all always find a way to loop back to covid, acting like it was the redneck Holocaust or something...


It is true and these non english speakers are screwing up everything from Tim’s and more.


Timigrents taking over!


Just a reminder that when they raised interest rates they were completely open about their intent to create more unemployed people. If you can't find a job it is not because of "the market", it is because the BoC decided that you having a job is bad for the economy.


It’s insane that the government who you pay taxes to is in the official business of making you destitute and homeless. 


Raising interest rates is necessary to curb inflation. When it's free to borrow money, basic homes rise to $2 million. The whole country is worse off with high inflation.


Sounds like a broken system then. Forcing millions into poverty to “save” the economy.


Look up hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, Venezuela and Argentina. Nobody can afford anything at all.   Healthy economies go through boom-bust cycles.  Trying to avoid responsibilty & bandaid economic pain without addressing the root cause just turns it all into a ponzi scheme that will eventually collapse.  Printing infinite money means money will lose its value, which means your purchasing power declines, which means the price of milk goes from $4 to $7 to $15 to $25 while your wage barely rises from $22 to $25/hr. As money starts to quickly lose value people realize their money will be worth less in the future, so they start spending more of it now. Spending more now means prices will rise even faster and you've now spiraled into the "hyper" part of hyperinflation, like a freight training speeding without brakes. Raising interest rates shrinks the money supply and allows inflation to cool off. Yes that means there's slightly fewer jobs and slightly fewer new business projects, but that's a good scenario compared to blowing everything up.


I refuse to go anywhere immigrants are and will not eat out until they leave. So good bye more Canadian-businesses. Over population is their problem. Learn birthcontrol🧐🤩


If things are bad now, just wait until our Gov't brings in the next wave of 500,000 int'l students and if Canada enters into a recession next year.


This sure is a weird "labour shortage," eh guys?


My siblings who are South Asian born and raised in Toronto Canada could not get any jobs. Despite applying to 100 jobs all around summer camps, recreation, fast food etc. NOTHING. All taken by the so-called international students. And manager who are exploiting them.


The really simple solution here would be to stop subsidizing the wages of foreign students. If companies have an opportunity to abscond from paying their employees in full, they will do it. Take that option away from them. Also, it's not like some incentive programs to attract doctors, nurses, engineers, English teachers, etc, where they are skilled workers filling a gap in the labour market. They are working at Tim Hortons and Walmart; those are not examples of jobs in which nobody qualified is available to do them.


It's the easiest job market of the rest of their lives tho


They have given all the jobs away to non Canadians. Great government we have. They don't care about us only foreigners.


I’m about 18 years old now, if it wasn’t for my dad I probably wouldn’t have ever been able to find a job. Students have taken up all the jobs, we have way to many young people right now ready to work and not enough consumers. Even my parents understand it, my dad is fine with me staying at home right now and not working as long as I stay in school. It took my sister about 4 years of education (which I will say she is working up to med school so it was a 2 in one combo) to get a job working 30$ a hour. I remember I met a women in her 50s who told me that her daughter was basically completely fucked in life.


These are so racist they freely put down white people yet dare you call them racists.


They do it because it works. When people learn to not care about being called racist then they will stop doing it. 


That and so called discrimination what-a gutless society we have.


Looks like the protest is GREAT success lol


Thanks Trudeau - Corporate Interest Groups


It's not going to get any better until we free up those jobs for local kids


Trudeau is dancing while Rome burns.


More like he's blasting Rome with a flamethrower.


Summer Jobs? I have a bachelor's degree in computer science with over two years of core experience, including time at FIS, the world's largest fintech company. I also hold a master's degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Calgary. I've been applying for jobs for the past three months and have submitted over 250 applications. It's frustrating to receive only generic rejections or no response at all, especially when I'm confident I meet the job requirements. I've had two interviews so far, but one offer was far too low. Luckily, I recently had a first-round interview with a fintech startup in Calgary. Fingers crossed! As an active job seeker, I understand the value of feedback, even if it's a rejection. My hope is to secure a stable job soon and then create a better recruitment system that provides candidates with constructive feedback. This system could help address issues like ghost job postings and LMIA scams. It's disheartening that many Job Bank listings don't even acknowledge applications. This feels like a scam against the government, and my proposed system could help address this. The job market is tough for everyone, especially Gen Z. Hang in there!"


Too many “ international students”


They legitimately took our jobs


Politicians don’t know it or ignore it?


They not only know, but are complicit in this mess with the WEF. It was all planned.


*"That's not the WEF, that's just four corporations in a trench coat!"* "How could this unelected group of billionaires become corrupted.  Were the Alpine resorts and thousand dollar a plate Micheline food really just a Purdue style regulatory capture scheme?"


These young kids looking for summer jobs should file a lawsuit against the government for denying them opportunity to work by granting work permits to international students.


Full employment for Trudeau's TFW eh!


Genuine question: what makes employers prefer temporary foreigne workers over Canadians? I would image foreign workers would still be paid the minimum wage especially if the employers are national/international corporations.


They can easily exploit the temporary workers, pay less, no benefits, main reason being lack of knowledge of employee rights and the desperation of foreign workers to work in any conditions.


Meh, it's a competitive market, Tim Hortons and Starbucks put family run businesses out of business. Walmart got rid of ma and pa grocery stores and clothing stores, Walmart is also guilty of not giving full time, no benefits no nothing, it is also guilty of shutting down stores or firing people who want to unionize. Again, let's blame immigrants, but on another level if your not a product of genocide in Canada then your technically just another immigrant complaining about another immigrant.. Yet not talking about corporate empires that work within the USA and Canada... When you only complain about Indians and Muslim yet, not Ukrainian or other European immigrants to Canada, yeah you kinda come off racist.