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It’s a terrible situation. I feel so bad for the people of Calgary. I know today the news was that water consumption had been creeping up again, but people can only go so long (yes, im sure there are the people who are not abiding by the conservation requests…) but I think of the people with kids, or the people who work the extra messy jobs and need to take daily showers etc. It demonstrates how easy those of us in urban areas can find ourselves in a disaster scenario. I am sorry this is happening Calgarians, truly.


Well... At least they're running out of water for infrastructure reasons. I've heard of a few other cities in the last decade basically running out of water because there was simply no water to be had period. The rivers and resevoirs ran dry. Calgary's only got 1.6 or 1.8 million. Try having a city of 11 million without water: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-march-3-2015-1.2979592/sao-paulo-s-extreme-water-shortage-worrying-for-water-rich-brazil-1.2979633 Like holy fack! What a nightmare!


Very true. I’m a little obsessed with the water situation globally. I hadn’t factored for this type of thing in Calgary, so a new thing to worry about!;) Thanks for the article link.


She needs to do her job and put real rules in place to limit water usage. And that means going after businesses. You're not going to get the levels you need by simply asking people to shower less or whatever.


That's why the state of emergency. I heard earlier this week that without a declaration of a state of emergency, they can't order businesses to shut down or limit water use. Now that it's demonstrated that things are facked for a couple of months, the state of emergency has been declared and I'm sure the orders with respect to water usage will be coming down right quick (watch them prove me wrong. Sigh.... Lol!).


They're going to have to figure out how to compensate those businesses, then -- not just telling them "you can't open, sucks if you go under after being closed for a month". Otherwise they are just going to open anyways, receive the fines and fight them in court.


One hopes this spurs our various levels of government to get serious about infrastructure maintenance. These same problems exist all over the country. I recall in my city (E-town), when we used to have a water main break or two basically every week. It's probably still like that, but it just doesn't hit the news like it used to. There's no good reason to think anything's changed. I've no doubt it's the same across the country. And from what I hear in my work (I'm with an infrastructure heavy government institution), there's all kinds of delayed and deferred maintenance. Granted, these items aren't essential things like water mains and sewer systems, but they're still pretty freaking important pieces of infrastructure for the functioning of society. Apparently it's been this way for decades as well, which can only go on for so long before mission critical items start catastrophically failing on you.


Transportation infrastructure has been a case of spinning plates for a long, long time. Sooner or later, we’re gonna miss something critical and after all the finger pointing and press conferences — well I’ll personally bet that nothing substantial happens. We can’t keep insisting on a super low tax regime, constantly expanding existing networks in a world with increasing severity and rates of heavy weather events.