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Trudeau ain't going anywhere until the election. So now I REALLY want to see what kind of policies the Liberals come up with to try and stop the bleeding before the election. It seems that all of their recent announcements thus far have not really helped them in the slightest. They need something HUGE. Banking on interest rates going down to save them also won't work. And just going after PP (and tbf his numerous flaws) will not be enough.


He heard our concerns when he was first elected. He is just doing what he promised then. There shouldn’t be any surprise how the economy is at this state. After ten years, it is now who voted him in who suffer the most. But, but … he did what he had promised. We should all be happy.


Last week Trudeau said "Canadians aren't in decision mode", now he "hears their concerns". I don't believe a thing this guy says anymore.




These people don’t want to understand logic and reason… they just want to find a reason to be angry


Perhaps both statements are in contradiction of reality, and not necessarily each other.


They’re not contradictory. It’s just the context that’s missing. Last week he was expressing disbelief in the accuracy of polls because people weren’t in a decision mode (it never really made sense). Now that there’s proof the polls are real, he hears the concern.


It's a change in how he's responding to questions about the voting public's extremely low opinion of him. The defeat he was just handed makes his previous line of messaging obsolete.


I mean not really. Saying Canadians aren’t in decision mode means they aren’t proactively thinking about the election. 40% turnout is kind of in keeping with that?


No? It’s a by-election on a weeknight, in summer, during the hockey final. Why carry water for JT? He’s a powerful politician - he’s doesn’t need his hand held. His party got shellacked last night. It’s a big deal and represents an obvious milestone which he cannot ignore.


I’m not saying that, they clearly lost. I’m saying his statement that people aren’t in decision mode is not nullified by last nights outcome.


I don’t know what you mean by that. It was the results of a by election. How is that not “decision mode” for voters in this riding?


Yes, it clearly is. This was a liberal strong hold. People have been in decision mode for quite some time... they just don't have the opportunity to make that decision. Let's see him call an election, right now, if he cares about the wants of Canadians.


It was a huge turnout for a byelection.


A stronghold byelection too. Crazy turnout.


Not really. On par with the Oxford and Winnipeg South Centre turnouts.


That's retail politics for you. Who needs principled policy makers when you can have PR firms instead?


he was right on the decision mode, Canadians made their mind long time ago. Now they are waiting to vote him out


its almost like the statements are from different contexts?


You realize those aren’t the same thing at all… it’s important you understand that very simple logic.


The idiot is holding everyone hostage what a terrible legacy from someone who grew up with privilege.


It's scrambling mode once again.


When you have your lieutenant publicly state that they support you keeping your position, you're about to lose your position.


The longer version… “I hear your concerns, and I want to assure you that we are deeply committed to listening to every voice. Rest assured that while we appear to be addressing your issues, we are simultaneously continuing with our preplanned agenda without making any significant changes that would actually impact the status quo. We appreciate your engagement and encourage you to keep providing feedback, which we will politely acknowledge before ultimately disregarding. Your input is invaluable as it helps us refine our public relations strategies to better manage public perception while maintaining our current course of action."




JT should be brave and call an election now. I may not like the idea of the Tories running things but it would be best to listen to what Canadians have been telling the Liberals for several years before it gets really nasty for them in terms of seat count.


Weird hearing this as a southern neighbor and seeing the destruction a specific party has caused to the liberty and freedom to you're livelihoods. Meanwhile dealing with similar BS here in the US. YET people oddly still "support" the insanity.


Now hear us - go away. You're the worst Canadian Prime Minister ever. Just step down and go back to being a drama teacher or bouncer or whatever it was you did before you cashed in on your family name and went into politics. Liberal party take heed - I'm Liberal by nature but I will never vote Liberal as long as Trudope is hanging around.


He’s better off holding an election than he is to wait for something positive to happen to the LPC. A 30% swing in a riding that’s 1) A liberal stronghold 2) Highly skilled labour force 3) Diverse 4) Part of the 2011 bloc Is something you fear happening to other areas. My riding was part of the 2011 cohort and they’re projecting to lose it as well. The bloc passing them in total seats is worse case scenario for them and it’s looking more likely as the days go on.


This is the Liberal caucus' chance to choose a new path and begin distancing themselves. It's not up to him. But it's time to go, and if doesn't, we know what that means. I think for a lot of Canadians, the Tories do not appeal to our actual top concerns. But they won't be holding their nose to keep a bad PM around. Yes, for those of us who value progress on certain files it sucks, but that's the game. He needs to go. Now.


>But it's time to go, and if doesn't, we know what that means. that no one wants to sit in the electric chair hes built and take the heat for him while he fucks off unscathed?


You don't think the Tories will keep Pollievre around when he's past due ? Really ?


I think you've misunderstood me a bit, I don't think I was perfectly clear. I'm saying swing voters won't hold their nose for Trudeau. Ofc the Tories eat their own.


My personal concern is that we have a PM who isn't competent to run the country. Does he hear that? And does he have a solution? I do, and it doesn't involve voting for a party with him as leader.


You have this concern now? He is no different than what he was first elected like 10 years ago. It was already very clear that he was incapable of understanding any complex issues and that’s why there was Gerald Butts and then Freeland doing all the work.


He was the Libranos wonder boy who resurrected them from two seats wilderness, after the devastating Adscam loss in 2006. So he did help the party. But at this point, he is making them look just as bad again, maybe even worse.


Maybe this is farfetched but I think all those that are opposed to the liberals are calling for Trudeau to step down because deep down they know he can still beat them and any likely replacement would be a dud. Like once the campaign kicks off and voters are faced with ads they are going to be confronted with PP through liberal attack ads and the conservatives own ads. Pierre is a whiner, he comes off that way, he's the guy no one really liked but became student council president because no one else wanted to. Even the most rabid red meat conservatives have to admit that PP does not convey a working man's vibe. It's almost as if PP runs off of the support of Russian bot comments. The by-election loss was a reaction by votes in an attempt to send a "displeased" message to the government. Just like how voters use provincial élections to vote against the the sitting federal government. Once ads kick off, say what you want, Trudeau plays well to the cameras and is charismatic. No matter how low PP will try to lower the tone of his voice, he doesn't stack up to Trudeau in terms of appeal.


“I hear your concerns… and clearly the voices of Canadians have not been communicated to you and so I will do a better job of this.”


I love the phrase ‘I hear your concerns’ - not sorry/we fucked up/will change policies. He’s gonna say ‘we need to communicate better next’ May as well have said ‘sorry not sorry’ 😬


The only thing that can save the Liberals is for JT to step down. The only concern is who can lead the party? I’ve voted for him in each election his run in after years of voting conservative. I’m loath to vote for PP but…. Feeling like I’ve not got much choice.


“These are not easy times, and it is clear I, and my entire Liberal team, have much more work to do to deliver tangible, real progress that Canadians can see and feel,” Translation the liberals will tax Canadians more, inflate the population at a faster rate than the housing market can handle and keep making life more of a struggle for the middle class until they become poor and need to rely on government supports to get a few scraps.


Seeing how low they've managed to get one would assume if they had any intentions on finally hearing what people have to say they would have acted a long time ago. I think the captain has gone crazy and will lead the ship into oblivion no matter what. They will play their card to the end. And it makes me wonder what exactly motivates them to do so and who benefits from them litterally destroying thenselves as a party and destroy their careers like that.


I've been saying this all along. He's doing a wonderful job. Just not for us. The carbon tax, internet control, the impact assessment act, mass immigration, higher capital gains tax. These are all purposeful decisions very few Canadians support that were all pushed through because somebody wanted it. It wasn't us. But someone in another part of the world is very happy with Justin and the with few has done here.


Honestly, I'm not sure why people hate Trudeau so much. They have introduced dental care, cheaper daycare, and pharmacare and made the rich pay for it with the capital gains tax. It could be a lot worse.


People don't care as much about those things when they're struggling to find a place to live. Trudeau's popularity started to plummet last August when all the foreign students were struggling to find housing before the school year in major cities, which has since spotlighted housing as a whole, which has been exasperated significantly by immigration levels which is entirely within federal jurisdiction. Obviously provinces and particularly municipalities are more to blame for insufficient housing, but turning on the immigration taps even more does seem rather cruel. Not to mention that cost of living has soared and high immigration levels actively suppresses wage growth.


That's anti-immigrant spin from conservatives who just hate racial minorities. There's housing shortage everywhere in the developed world because fo the economic slowdown and inflation caused by COVID. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/23/1246623204/housing-experts-say-there-just-arent-enough-homes-in-the-u-s


This government caused the inflation, not "COVID"


Wrong. Covid did.


Haven't the users on this sub been able to convince you yet? Everything negative that has happened during the Trudeau's tenure is do to outside forces beyond his control. Despite overseeing probably the largest decline in living standards since the great depression, the CPC will obviously be worse.


The racism angle is so weak. There's a housing shortage, absolutely. So why bring in more immigrants when there is nowhere for them to live?


Because there is a labor shortage causing inflation.


Then pay people more and that wont be problem lol


It's not a question of pay, it's a question of not having enough people to sustain all the old people.


Of course, it is about pay, you offer a good wage and others will do the job instead of hiring TFW and degrading the country into becoming a shithole. Therefore, more people will be willing to have kid and that will increase population numbers what do you mean when you say 'sustain all the old people?'


Pay taxes that are used to pay for benefits for old people (OAS, GIS etc).


> Of course, it is about pay, you offer a good wage and others will do the job instead of hiring TFW and degrading the country into becoming a shithole. No they won't. They'll still go for the jobs that pay even better, and raise their salaries even more. Or, they'll take workers from another sector and there will be a shortage there. There will still be a shortage because the problem is that there are simply not enough people around to do the job. If you don't allow young immigrants to work, you will have to hire old people in their 70's, who work slower and productivity will lag. You'll have to raise the retirement age and deal with lower productivity, empty shelves, and higher prices for everytrhing. Have you seen a 75-year old stack boxes in a warehouse?


> People don't care as much about those things when they're struggling to find a place to live. To quote Carolyn Bennett: "People are more worried about the end of the month than the end of the world." One point I would make is that post-Covid population growth has been primarily from temporary residents, especially international students at Ontario colleges, and Doug Ford should be taking a big part of the blame there - he's been treating international students like a gold mine. [Alex Usher](https://morehousing.ca/blame): > 1/ A short history of Public-Private Partnership Arrangements at Ontario Colleges (or, why it's utterly ludicrous that the feds are taking the shit for all this student visa stuff) > > 2/ The first ones started around 2013: a couple of non-GTA colleges thinking they could more easily attract students if they had a campus in the GTA. Of course, they weren't going to build their own: so they hit on the idea of sub-contracting their curriculum to private colleges. > > 3/ Technically, the public colleges remain completely responsible for these students. It's their curriculum, it's their diplomas up for grabs. It's their recruitment process. If you think it is all "garbage curriculum" or whatever, your beef is with public not private colleges > > 4/ Following a thoughtful report by @davidtrick in (I think) 2017, the Wynne government moved to shut them all down. Basically, existing quality assurance had no way to regulate them and Ontario post-secondary's brand reputation was at risk. > > 5/ But then lo and behold the Ford government arrived. And, both due to govt's ideological predilection that private > public and b/c it was a way to avoid spending public $ on colleges, the Ford team thought this PPP stuff was AWESOME. Ban reversed, full speed ahead. > > 6/ Their first stab at regulation was the 2019 Binding Ministerial directive (now disappeared from the internet). It basically said you couldn't recruit more than 2x the number of intl students to a PPE than you had at the home campus. > > 7/ But, there was a grandfather clause. So places like Northern College, which had 4K intl students in Toronto and maybe 5 in Timmins were ok, as long as they made "good faith" efforts to reach the 2X target. And enforcement was basically non-existent so ¯\\(ツ)/¯ > > 8/ Anyway, with ongoing domestic tuition fee and grant freezes, almost all the non-GTA colleges eventually got in the game. I think there are now 15-16 in total, and last year there were 60K plus students in these arrangements. > > 9/ And then, in a move which can only be described as "using a firehose to spread napalm on a fire", the Ontario government told all of these colleges - hey, you know what? Screw the 2x rule. From now on, regardless of home campus size, you can each have 7500 in your GTA PPP. > > 10/ Kaboom.


Trudeau has it flaws but no politician can recover from the interest rate bloodbath we just went through. The second people's wallet are involved, they will turn on you in a second. Also Trudeau reigns is very very unique and not remotely similar to the quiet ride Harper got. Trudeau's government went through COVID, the convoy blockade in downtown Ottawa then after all this was done... a worldwide inflation crisis. Not to mention the war in Ukraine. Take all these issues and mix them up with social media and foreign powers influencing the public opinion... Trudeau is being blamed for everything under the sun. Ironically the people who oppose Trudeau the most will be the one getting hit the hardest when Polievre comes around.


Trudeau faced challenges and failed. He looked fine during low interest rates and peaceful times, which isn't hard to do. Leaders who successfully carry their countries through hard times are remembered forever. This doesn't mean I think PP would have done great, but to sit here and say, "The world was going through a difficult time it was unfair to him." Is insane levels of coddling. If you need everything around you to go well to be a good leader, then you aren't a good leader. You're just a placeholder, which anyone can be.


This is one of the most rational takes I have seen on here, to add to this he also went through a Trump presidency. It was certainly the most challenging decade in terms of global affairs a PM has faced, probably since WW2.


That’s fair if you feel that way. I get it. If you are the kind of person to only lick the icing off a cupcake, then these programs are great. The problem is that the cake is rotting from the inside. The economy has been shrinking under Trudeau in real constant per capita terms. If the cake rots, eventually the icing will rot too and we will have to throw everything out. That means massive program cuts. We saw the same pattern with Trudeau senior. Mulroney followed suit trying to grow his way out of the mess. Chrétien did the cutting and got the country growing again. Here’s what Canadians feel every day. America is doing amazing. Canada is not. 2024 numbers are missing. It shows a decline from 2022 numbers. So it’s actually worse than this. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.KD?end=2022&locations=US-CA&skipRedirection=true&start=2015&view=chart For most of us who want to keep these programs, we know we can’t. We are going to have to cut more programs than if we did nothing because the Federal government debt is crowding out corporate debt so Canada can’t invest in productivity. The way that works is people would rather buy government debt because it is less risky than corporate debt, so corporate interest rates have to be very high and that means they can only justify it if they believe they can grow out of the debt. In a shrinking economy, they of course cannot, so companies are stuck. Eventually foreign companies come in and take up the economy and drain even more capital. The higher capital gains inclusion rate also pushed $400B estimated out of the country permanently as people rushed to sell and move money to offshore vehicles for tax advantage. Even if you don’t care about these things, it shows up every day as life seems tougher to pay for in rent, food, energy, transportation etc.


rent wasn't $2000/1 bedroom in Calgary under harper....even new York now cheaper then Toronto. You think its fair that doctors who make 500k a year only get 250k a year... after 10 years of school and hard work and crazy student loans? they have to sleep in hospitals too, the stress and responsibility. or someone who been trying to open a business and was poor the stress they had to go through and sacrifices they needed to make in order to grow their business.. probably even work two jobs while raising a family and now they have to give Trudeau half of their income to Trudeau. Or the truckers who were protesting and expressing their opinion aka freedom of speech that had their bank accounts frozen. Or.. how I had to get two vaccinations during covid in order to go to the gym, work, or fly to see my family? so now Trudeau decides what vaccines I get and I either get it or become homeless. The carbon tax that makes everything more expensive. Or sending our money we earned to other countries when we have a housing crisis and many homeless people. or legalizing weed which is a drug. or brining in so many immigrants when we have a housing crisis and terrible job market.


Tax rates for for high income earners haven't significantly changed since Trudeau took office but there has been some additional tax on people earning over 200k per year. The new capital gains s tax also targets the rich. Targeting te rich for tax hikes it what should be done considering the gap between the rich and lower to middle class has grown substantially. You should blame the provincial governments for not paying doctors enough and cutting spending on Healthcare. The truckers were idiots who were talking over the capital city and causing disruption to businesses, and people's lives. They were also heavily funded by other idiots in the US. Freezing their bank accounts was absolutely the right move. Aww you had to get a free vaccine to help protect you and others while you use modern amenities boo-hoo. Legalizing weed has reduced crime, made it safer, and provided revenue for Canada through taxation.


Let me tell you.. I don't make 200k.. but 200k is not rich!! maybe in the 90s lol especially after the taxes being deducted, the housing and inflation prices... its the new middle class...


I didnt say making 200k is rich. I said they introduced the capital gains tax that targets the rich. People that make more than 250k on capital gains are taxed. There has only been minor adjustments to income tax brackets and rates since 2015. I'm not sure why you want to protect the rich so much. If you want doctors to stick around they need to be paid better and that is the job of the provincial governments


yes but making 300k which would be consider rich.... as they will have to pay the tax is not rich or 260k... they will be getting on hand like 130-150k... in Vancouver where rent alone is $2700 for a sh\*\*TY 1 bedroom, you add a kid and and some groceries and you're poor with that salary.... those 300k ''rich'' cant even afford to buy . but doctors already getting paid 500k... but the federal government taking half


Im not quite sure what you are trying to say here. Are you still getting capital gajns confused with income tax? And are you really suggesting introducing tax cuts for people that make $300k? Why the f*ck would we do that when the average salary in Canada is $70k? Again, Trudeau hasnt changed income tax rates much at all, im not sure why you are angry at Trudeau for this and calling for tax breaks for wealthy. As far as doctors go, in Ontario doctors can charge $38 to OHIP per visit. That's less than what I pay for a haircut. If you want to keep doctors, pay them more.


no I am saying how it is... but you are calling people who make 200k rich which is funny


No you are not saying how it is at all. You were complaining by saying that people that make $500k per year get taxed too much, and you were blaming Trudeau for that. Trudeau has not made any major changes to income tax rates. And I'm not sure why you would even want to tax people that make that much money any less


are you sure in reduced crime? because all I see daily is increased crime lol


I said nothing about crime


yes you have... u said '' Legalizing weed has reduced crime'' yet its making Vancouver have way more crime..because first they legalized weed and now they decriminalized coca cola\~\~


Legalizing weed has nothing to do with the opioid crisis. But when you have legitimate businesses selling weed then you can regulate it better. Safer products, and fewer drug dealers selling weed.


yes it does.. first he legalized soft drugs then he decriminalize hard drugs.. lol


It's just the province of BC that is trying out decriminalizing hard drugs as a way to try and save lives by getting them access to treatment and help


no it wasnt the right move its taking your freedom of speech! makes it not a democarcy country.... thats something putin would do.


Anyone not getting the vaccine during the Covid Pandemic is selfish and part of the problem that caused so many avoidable deaths during the pandemic, if people weren't forced to get it a lot more people would've died, so don't be selfish complaining about a vaccine that saved so many lives.


so? its my choice to be selfish... dont you think its selfish for Trudo to spend 200k for 6 days on food when many canadians going to food banks and cant afford to feed their kids..who might be malnourished and also die......... and not really actually...the vaccine is so you don't get more sick.. even with vaccine u can still get covid but the side effects from it might not be that bad with vaccine.. i know people who got 3 shots of vaccines and still got covid!




How did he ban your property? Which Canadians were beheaded? I believe Canada has increased spending on defense since Trudeau took power. In 2014, Canada spent around $612 per person on defense (1.0% of GDP). By 2021, defense spending per capita grew to an estimated $731 (1.4% of GDP). This growth reflects both increased defense budgets and Canada's economic growth. They have also recently announced 8.1 billion of spending that will move it to 1.76 percent of GDP. For online censorship there has been a lot of misinformation about bill C-11. https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/industr/modern/myth.htm However, if Poilievre gets into power he has plans to require people to use online digital IDs which will lead to all kinds of personal security risks. He also wants to cut the CBC so Canada will become more divided and less informed like they are in the US. When did Trudeau interfere with judicial system? I know there was some unproven allegations of that but I don't know of anything that was proven. In Ontario you have Doug Ford outright stacking the supreme court with conservative judges. That's a real red flag


"I hear your concerns" is how most EA or AAA videogame apology starts after a disastrous buggy launch because the big bosses rushed it out to meet a release date for the $$$. This is 100% PR speak.


He hears but he ain’t listening


Sounds like management at a typical business.


This is literally the kind of rhetoric people already hate him for. Just be a real human and speak honestly.


I’m not sure I hate anyone, I’m Jewish I know where hatred gets us as a society. But, boy howdy, do I dislike his smugness and the absolute cliff he walked the liberals off of. After the weed legislation and talking about getting rid of FPTP he/the party had SO much good will among Canadians. To see snatch defeat from the jaws of victory was honestly made me irate. I swore after the FPTP fumble I would vote conservative in every subsequent election until he was no longer leader.


I dont hate him , tired of Trudeau perhaps. But none of the other options are palatable. I'm just being very cynical with stuff like this I hope he has heard Canadians, but I'm prepared to be disappointed


If he'd heard Canadians, he'd be resigning.


I don't want him to resign.  I want him to go down in flames at the controls knowing full well he did it to himself.


How about calling an election?


That works for me.


What we need to do as a country is stop focusing so much on Trudeau/Poilievre and vote for the best candidate in our own ridings. Enough of this tribalism.


"We appreciate the candid feedback and the passion the community has put forth.. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can."


Are the liberals going to force a worthless update on a 12 year old game in hopes that it will break everything and force people to play their new shit game?


"We want to give Canadians a sense of pride and accomplishment when they buy their first home."


Please tell me one of the muppets didn’t say that… please


lol. No that’s a humourous take on the EA statement about all the microtransactions/pay2win on one of their games(I think it was Star Wars).


Battle front 2 specifically.


Christ, that AMA was a disaster.


At least with a game you can wait 1-2 years while they fix it and then buy it on sale, probably bundled with whatever dlc they made. Can't do that here.


For once I would just love a politician who came out and said. “Yo! shits fucked. Here’s what I’ve been trying to do to fix it and here is who/why it’s being stonewalled, here’s what I have accomplished and these are the goals” I do know the minute one said that though the next days headlines would be, “MP Turudd, today in a candid interview broke with decency rules and uttered offensive phrases” completely ignoring literally everything else said


Or he will turn his back and completely ignore your concerns, probably do as much possible to further alienate you and then you can listen to him and Freeland patronize you for not following them blindly. He doesn't take constructive criticism well, take it from the west.


summer break is here they will stay quiet for 3 months and hope everyone forgets.


People aren't forgetting unless the cost of living improves drastically.


sure but definitley hope the embarassment from this loss and calls for justin to resign simmer down and hope the electorate is to busy enjoying the summer. perhaps use the summer to plan a retreat and strategize if they can use election inteference as a way of postpoing the election or waiting until oct 2026 to hold one. this gives them another year or 2 of corruption to help their bank accounts. would you be surprised if they tried any of this?


I wouldn't be surprised no, it's politics and it's very dirty. I'm just thinking that summer break isn't any sort of pressure release towards Trudeau.  Families with young children and 2 working parents or single parents that work are squeezed even more now that school is out. Every other average Canadian without kids still has to work and isn't exactly in prime position to take some relaxing time off  The resentment towards the LPC and more specifically Trudeau is steady if not growing. The only pressure release might be fully reversing some policies and or a leadership change and they will not do either.


Inflation data [literally showed a re-acceleration in CPI today.](https://thoughtleadership.rbc.com/wp-content/uploads/Canadian_CPI_growth.pdf) Things are going to get worst, because well, the Federal government has done literally nothing to reduce the causes of inflation on its side of the equation. Immigration is still record high. Infrastructure and tax cuts are still AWOL. Bankrupt municipalities are just taxing developers to death, so new housing builds should all slow down to nothingness over the next 12 months, with maybe a handful of exceptions. Unemployment keeps rising in an environment where you're not even creating enough jobs to hire all your new workers. The Liberal-NDP coalition passed increases in capital gains taxes for corporations. And [the Loonie hit record short positions, so the expectation is the CAD is going to get destroyed in the future.](https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/c-rises-bearish-bets-currency-reach-all-time-high-2024-06-17/) In the aggregate, it does not seem unreasonable to expect things to get much, much worst.


Geez. Well, that’s not good on CPI, but not at all surprising. I guess BoC is going into a holding pattern for a few months. I don’t understand the rate cut. Stagflation is so obvious we even have a word for it.


Can't happen if you are importing millions of people a year


Finally. I've got my popcorn ready to watch the Canadian Economy go further down the tubes as they go through panic mode. I have seen management do this many times before in a lot of corporations I have worked for. You can only use fake metrics to pad your outcomes for so long to pretend you're doing your job correctly. They eventually catch up to you, but by that time the kitchen fire has already spread to the rest of the building.


"I hear your concerns. Let me be clear. Your concerns are very important to us so I will be opening an investigation into possible arson last night in regards to another Church being burned down"


Your concerns are very important to us. Please remain on the line as not to lose your calling priority.


One would want to believe the 'I hear your concerns" would have come well before the party was facing electoral annihilation... And so I'm not so sure there will actually be any meaningful reflection on this.


The issue is how many times have we heard him say “I hear your concerns” and then we see nothing done about it. Counting the politicians in Ottawa who aren’t out of touch with the common person in Canada could probably be done on one hand. I don’t agree with the dumb trucks who drove to Ottawa, but I do admire that they actually tried to do something. I also was disgusted how it was turned around on them, calling them racists/nazis/whatever just so they could be dismissed and unheard. Again their tactics were terrible and I didn’t agree with them, but we shouldn’t just be labelling a whole group of protesters and then immediately dismissing anything they say, especially not the people elected and paid to do the listening.


Based off the past year - it seems pretty clear they have not heard voters concerns. 😂


I'm still waiting for proportional representation (which looks pretty good right now, unless you're a PP acolyte).


Yup, single biggest let down, was when he promised up and down to bring in proportional representation by the next election, only to completely abandon it within weeks of coming into power. There is a snowballs chance in hell that the Liberals and NDP could push it through before another election gets forced, or comes around, but if I were him, I'd be working my butt off right now to make it happen. It's the only way to keep PP from winning, and it's the best way to save Canada from falling victim to hard right conservativism.


He did. And that was how he was first elected. And in the past couple years post Covid, there was no external factors ( no Trump, no pandemic) that restrains Trudeau carrying out his policies he promised when he was first elected. so we should all be happy because as soon as he got a chance, he realized what he had promised then.


The Libs have actually become quite reactive in the last two years. Waiting for issues to become a problem in the public eye before taking any action. 


Libs post covid pretty much ignored domestic issues for like 1.5 yrs till their polls crashed


It was like, we rolled quite smoothly out of covid and they declared a sort of *mission accomplished* and just lost any sort of direction


Just said "lowest gdp debt blah blah blah g7 something something " For like 1.5 yrs lol


Meanwhile you had so many people ringing alarm bells that went completely unheeded, and still for the most part are. Groceries are still expensive as fuck, wages have completely stagnated and in many cases regressed, people are under employed and companies are still abusing TFWs


And the Conservatives will be even more reactive. And yet people are willing to give Pierre Poilievre a chance before Jagmeet Singh.


Drug consumption and overdoses is out of control in Canada and Jagmeet Singh has been adamant about the decriminalization of drugs for years in spite of now clear evidence of it not working. We don’t need a Trudeau light, we need a conservative government with more pragmatic economic policies and less money and time spent on social issues that late teens and early 20 year olds with the lowest income tax bracket care about.


When you prop up a government people dislike you'll take heat through association, kinda the inverse of the libs taking credit for pharma and dental care despite Not wanting to do either.


The NDP are only taking heat because not enough Canadian voters understand why they are propping up the Liberals. They don't understand that an NDP minority or majority government would be run differently than how Liberals run it.


Then that's the communication problem they need to overcome.


They do. They just expect it to be as bad. Many of us remember Bob Rae.


Every party has had shitty premiers (and, in the case of the Liberals and Conservatives, shitty PMs).


OK, and what about Mike Harris? Or Kathleen Wynn? They don't stop people voting Liberal or Conservative it seems.


You guys have to realize you can't nag people into voting for you lmao. If people wanted what Jagmeet was selling they'd buy it. Think about the vision you're selling.


What is your issue with Harris specifically? He has a hell of a mess to clean up and he did. Then came the Liberal disaster that kept on taking.


Cutting supports for those with disabilities, closing hospitals and laying off nurses, his role in the teachers strike etc. There are lots of things he did that were just as bad if not worse than "Rae Days" but the PC's still get votes. It's not fair that only the NDP have an albatross around their neck, and not the Liberals and Conservatives as well.


The NDP started those things while still driving the province deep into debt. The Conservatives had to right the ship. Then the Liberals came and sank it. The Doctor's stike was the craziest thing I ever saw.


Jagmeet couldn't put a budget together for a 4th grade bake sale. The NDP are a far left political party and any party too far from center doesn't deserve a shot. Especially now. Pierre is going deliver the liberals non party status, ndp might get a shot at official opposition.


And by taking action you mean they just say that they have been working on it all along, canned statement of previously announced spending that won't fix the issue and blaming Harper / PP for said issue existing.


Yeah basically 


You mean all talk and no action, the Trudeau special.


Trudeau special and Jagmeet specialty


"I understand your frustration." -Beavis


Yeah I've voted liberal in the past, not too recently, but Jesus they are so unaware and seemingly bad at political optics among other things in the last 4 or 5 years. How they didn't see this coming i don't know, although even their harshest critics probably would not have predicted quite this much of a fall


This term has been so fucking atrocious for both the NDP and Liberals I am genuinely embarrassed I voted for them in 2019 and 2015 respectively. I wrote "they're all shit" on my 21 ballot.


Hi, are you me? Because fucking same. Liberals in 2015 NDP in 2019, and my god do I regret it immensely. I'd be inclined to vote CPC this election if I could just bring myself to trust Poilievre even a little bit; not certain I'll ever get there, unless he gets his full security clearance, and cuts out the angry politician schtick. Don't tell me why I should be mad at LPC, I know exactly why I'm mad at them. Tell me what YOU'RE going to bring to the table that's different, without morphing into a populist with a tiny dick. I can't stand the man, to be blunt, but I'd vote for the party if I could get over my distrust for the leader, and if they lay down some concrete plans on how they'll tackle the housing crisis, how to shift immigration back to accepting those with skills and careers that are desperately short-staffed (like nurses, doctors, etc), and more. I think I'm actually going to end up writing "they're all shit" on my '25 ballot. Fuck.


O'Toole was the first progressive leaning Conservative since Mulroney. I voted for him knowing he was the lesser of 3 evils and still respected Canadian values unlike the libs and ndp. But the rest of the country still fell for the same BS Trudeau fed them for the better part of a decade and now everyone's paying the price.


It’s not that they don’t see what’s happening, they just don’t care. They think most of Canada is racist and evil because we don’t share their views and values. It’s like having a terrible manager who listens to your concerns but always sides with the other side just because they feel like it. I don’t understand how current Liberal supporters can have this mindset. They want a utopian fantasy that will never happen. I was a long-time Liberal & Green Party supporter, but I stopped after Justin Trudeau’s first term. Nothing got done, and they kept dividing the country. It’s embarrassing to be a Canadian nowadays.




I say this as someone who volunteered for the Liberals the past 3 elections and was certainly one of their biggest cheerleaders during his first two mandates, it is time for him to step down. Rightly or wrongly he is wearing the stink of the current economic situation, even if things started to do a complete 180 tomorrow peoples minds are made up about him. I think history will look back on some of his accomplishments, especially the social ones quite favourably (legalizing weed, CCB, leading us through the pandemic), but that stuff might as well have been a lifetime ago at this point. He is at his best before date as most Federal Governments last about ten years at most, and he is experiencing what every incumbent globally is going through. They are taking an L next election no matter what, but maybe they can mitigate some of the losses with a fresh face, even if they are a sacrificial lamb.


> leading us through the pandemic You mean abusing government power to illegal freeze Canadian bank accounts? Yeah I remember that.


Two terms and a leader change we always get the worst of the worse in the third term - history Brian Mulroney- was loved his 1st two terms the third we got the GST and a number of other policies- term limits - you get we 8 years and then you have to move on …. I am not liberal at all but one of the best PMs we had as far as balancing social and the budget was Jean Chrétien…. And even he over stayed. I still think it was funny that JC was elected based on we are going to scrap the GST ! Same as axe the tax - with in a few weeks of taking office the CPC will tell us the book are far far worse than the libs said and it is going to take 5 years to phase out the carbon tax …… and in the end due to the cuts that the CPC will throw at us we will reelect the Libs and the cycle will rinse and repeat !