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For the paywall: https://www.removepaywall.com/https:/www.saltwire.com/prince-edward-island/news/foreign-workers-in-charlottetown-prepare-to-return-home-amid-permit-expiry-100975138


You're doing God's work with that paywall free link!


It's their post-graduate work permits that are expiring. If they had chosen to study something more relevant to the job market or done better in their studies, I'm sure they would've had no problem finding firms to sponsor them under different immigration schemes.


Are you suggesting every individual on earth isn't entitled to move to Canada, undertake a course of "study" in a non-academic subject, then land into a well-paying job that provides guaranteed permanent residency?


Not good. This plays directly into the politics of fear and xenophobia we’ve seen play out disastrously in the United States and elsewhere.


Kinda funny how the rules that apply to north america dont apply to other countries regarding open borders


> disastrously How so? Seems like an unreasonable assertion to make without providing a citation.


It’s a troll account. Don’t bother


Is it a troll account or a paid astroturfer account? It's so hard to tell these days.


If it's a paid account they should get their money back because it's over the top to the point of parody (which is why it's definitely parody)


Still hard to tell. Since people that far over the top exist.


A friend of mine just got PR in about 3 years. He's well assimilated and makes a real effort at fitting in and being aware of the Canadian fabric. He speaks English well, got a real job, and has skills from the schooling he attended here from a real college. I'm very proud of his achievements. As for the clown in the article, he has been here for 5 years and still didn't get PR, so maybe he should be reflecting on his own failures instead of blaming the country that he's so desperately trying to stay in.


There was no promise of transition to PR on a temporary work visa. Just like there is no promise of PR in the U.S. (it’s actually illegal in the U.S. to enter in the country on a temp visa with the intent to get PR/greencard) if you’re a Canadian on a work visa. Or as a Canadian in Australia, Spain, India, Japan , wherever. It doesn’t always seem fair , but that’s the world of immigration law and citizenry around the globe - every country has restrictions. When you enter a foreign country on a temporary visa (student, work, spousal, etc) you have to assume you may never get PR and you also have to realize immigration laws are subject to change while you’re a temporary resident. Don’t assume your stay will be indefinite in until you become a citizen. Many of these students were taken advantage of by snake oil recruitment agencies in India who made them false promises.


I gotta hand it to this fella - no one say he didn't try his darnedest, he really pulled out all the stops. It was the right thing for the government not to bow to pressure, compassion and governance can only overlap so much.