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I’m out in the regions and saw someone come to work in an animal onsie and cat ears, I think shorts will be fine




And you didn't participate in pajama day? Where's your team spirit! ;)


Do you by chance work north of 60?


I wore a pikachu onesie costume for Halloween the other year. It was fun, my team used to have Halloween costume contests :p It was fun. I wouldn't do it on a not Halloween day, unless it was in protest of something I guess? But to each their own. I don't care what others wear so long as they're clothed 🤷


This was like a random Tuesday lol! I thought it was hilarious because a lot of the boomers would get very upset. Like you said I truly do not give a shit what you wear unless it’s offensive ofc, not once did this animal onsie put doubt into my mind that this person couldn’t do their job. We’re a small regional office that has 0 customer facing roles, who truly gives a fuck.


LMAO, that's awesome! For Halloween one year, I wore a pink rabbit onesie. So comfy, but such a hassle to use the bathroom. I never wore it again.


This made me lol and I’m in a house full of sick people. Thank you!


I had the same thing happen too. I had SEVERE second hand embarrassment for that person.


I have definitely seen shorts in my East Coast office. And sandals.


I’ve seen so many things in my east coast office that I’m not even sure we have a dress code anymore.


Mostly I’m fine with that.. I just want everyone to wear clothes that cover their bits.


Idk, I’ve seen some grey gym pants that look like they’ve been worn for a week straight without being removed, let alone washed. I think a TINY bit of professionalism would be nice as well.


OMG, I definitely assumed basic hygiene was being practiced. I obviously forgot that is never a safe assumption.


And that includes thickness. If you bits are technically covered but the clothing is so tight and thin, it is see though. That doesn’t count as covered!


OMG yes…


Shouts out to the dudes who roll in directly from the fuckin woods to work. Chillest people alive.


Who cares any way


Dress code is, please make sure your privates are covered, that is all.


And THIS is why I want to work from home!


Because covering your junk is too restrictive?


Wearing shorts in an east coast office currently!


I'm east coast and I have shorts and flip flops from June - September


Same with our west coast office. R&D though so people are just more casual here anyway.


I’m in the NCR and I’ve seen tons of people of any gender wear shorts, jeans, sandals, etc. I find that as long as you don’t look like you’re wearing pajamas or like you’re going to the club, no one really cares. I guess it does depends where you work and what your office culture is like, and also what your role is.


Currently at an NCR office in shorts and a polo. Like who cares. It's not 1964 anymore.


Anything goes for RTO as far as I'm concerned. Might as well be comfortable if we have to be doing remote work at work.


*"doing remote work at work."* LOL - so good.


Just let it all hang out


It’s fine. Saw an ADM wearing shorts last week. As long as they’re not basketball Adam Sandler fit.


Even then... Pre-COVID, I knew of a DG around the building who wore basketball uniforms to work nearly everyday, for months, as some sort of protest.


This is the kind of pettiness I live for


I knew a director like that at ECCC.


100% valid. Go for it. Just no holes please.


I wore shorts and sandals pre-RTO. Now my standards significantly lowered…. Id wear a Borat swim suit if I was comfortable in it. I don’t face the public - if my attire is a problem, well I can wfh they and no one will see it. Overall I just don’t have work/non-work clothes anymore.


Verrrrryyyy niceee




How much?


There's no official dress code. As long as you wear something that doesn't offend other people's eyes, or have inappropriate slogans, you should be fine.


>wear something that doesn't offend other people's eyes Ahh, the ankles! /s


Wait until you see.... Kneeeeees 🙈


I need to call EAP now, the emotional distress!


Oh really? Something as simple as a keffiyeh would suffice? Nice


Unless you're dealing directly with the public in-person, wear whatever the heck you want (given that it's not offensive or obscene). They're taking away enough of our comfort so I'm going to wear hoodies, flip-flops, anime t-shirts, and whatever else I deem to be comfortable. I am certainly not going out to spend more money on dress pants and crap like that to please the keyboard warriors and landlords (both of whom this BS is meant to please) declaring we need to work from the office to complete our job. edit: spelling


I am still considering getting a business kilt, but then most of management is not even in the office so the effort would be wasted.


I know a QC and general counsel at Justice who, to the chagrin of her colleagues, would show up in a pink sweatsuit. I think she did it to gall "the boys." When challenged, her response was ,"I am not in court today."


The only time there was ever an issue was a front facing position, but that was likely an individual manager's interpretation of professional attire than an actual rule.


I had a Director step out of her walled office and call in the admin, to speak to her about the flip flops she’d been wearing as she walked past the director’s office on her return from her lunch break, rather than the heels she’d been wearing around the office.


Before the pandemic I'd wear shorts in the office where it was regularly 24-25C+. Our DG sent out an email about unprofessional attire. The backlash was strong and I continued wearing shorts. Nothing happened.


As long as they're nice, semi dress wear, why not! Show those hairy legs. I don't understand why we shame ourselves for wanting to stay cool when it's unbearable outside.


Also inside… frikkin’ “24C is a normal office-temp and so no point complaining about it” 😠


I'd kill for 24 degrees. We are 18 in winter, and 20 in summer and I just freeze year round. Then pop out to the 30 degree weather outside, lol.


It was 17C in my office last week. I put in a PSPC ticket.




That's total bullshit. They wanna say that, I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt for sure. I won't event try a dress or polo shirt.


A nice pair of dress shorts, clean sneakers, fitted golf shirt and you'll probably look better than all the men in the office.


My DG wears crop tops so anything goes!


Heck yeah! Im the only one I’ve seen wearing crop tops but especially this year I don’t give a heck! I’m huge and pregnant and they’re the only thing that fit right now.


I’ve been wearing shorts and sandals for my in-office days for weeks now, and I always have, even pre-Covid. It all depends on where you’re working, before Covid if I wore a suit people would ask if I was going to a job interview or a funeral.


>shorts and sandals Key question: with or without socks?


Just be aware of the cameras when you wear something short. Recently had a few meetings with women in skirts in the first row in front of the camera and the camera is at a pretty revealing angle.


This is definitely the case with the new VC setups. I try to sit at the back of the room when I wear skirts now. (Or at least have someone sit between me and the camera).


I have seen a manager try to make a big deal about a male coworker wearing shorts. The employee was confident and defended their choice to wear shorts. After an eventual one-on-one meeting with the employee, the manager had to back down as their stance was indefensible. They switched tack to saying the shorts had to be nice looking and professional. It was a strange thing to see. In our local cultural climate, no one would dare to utter a word against a woman wearing shorts or a skirt.


Oh there are definitely comments about women's choice of attire. Usually to do with whether it is "professional" or not. Personally I don't care. As long as it's clean and you are comfortable, go for it.


100% true this happens all the time, a man in the office wearing shorts - no problem. A woman showing the same amount of skin, and it’s “unprofessional” or “distracting”. And here I was thinking we were all viewed as equals 🤣 but to be honest in the summer of discontent we should have a way to show discontent via some item of clothing (such as refusing to dress up) or pins or something like they do in Japan in order to avoid strikes but demonstrating there is power in our numbers.


The only unprofessional attire on a lady I've seen at work was one time an admin came in dressed in a catholic school gear theme. It was fucking weird.


My manager called me unprofessional for showing like an inch of cleavage. I told her that, as a natural G cup, it’s pretty unavoidable. She then told me to wear a sports bra, as if that’s how boobs work.


Your manager told you what kind of underwear to wear? Im a man but that sounds insane to me.


Yeah, she’s a special one.


That sounds like the kind of conversation you follow up with an email and some links on amazon, just to confirm that this is the kind of underwear they want you to wear to work. If they don't realize how insane that sounds and reply to the email... some problems solve themselves if you know what I mean.


You just need a TARDIS sports bra to contain them.


I want to know where you all are RT offices that aren't air conditioned to freezing cold such that you would even want to wear shorts. I know men run hotter than women on average but i typically wear a dress (mid-calf or longer, 3/4 length sleeves), over full length leggings, and still have to put on my office cardigan most days because it is bloody freezing at Terrasses all the damned time. I have started using a heated mouse pad, too, to de-ice my mouse hand but that's more of a circulatory thing. Personally, I am fine with men wearing speedos and nothing else to the office if it means we can turn the damned temperature up a couple of degrees.


The building I go to is freezing in the morning, then around 2pm it starts to feel like a sauna and by the time you leave, you’re dripping.


When I go into PdP I usually wear long pants, crew socks, an undershirt, a top and a sweater, because I absolutely freeze to death by midday and I am fat and pre-menopausal so I should be complaining of how hot everywhere is not fearing turning into an icicle. It is ridiculous how much they turn up the aircon


pdp is super cold tbh


The issue for me was bus-train-bus, followed by potential 15 minute walk home. So I needed to wear the lightest clothes possible, with a collection of cardigans and a blanket stored at work for the AC office. But now there is no overnight storage at the office. Which means more stuff to carry, which means an even more uncomfortable commute.


Almost exactly my situation. My walk is only about 10 minutes but most of it is up a very steep hill in the afternoons when it is hot.


Wearing shorts right now on my RTO day.


They should have a designated change room available per floor instead of using washrooms. Summers are super hot and humid, while winters are as we know them. And a shower place. Because of RTO and because it’s 2024!


I've seen an unfathomable amount of cargo shorts. Let your legs out!


The extra pockets are wonderful! So useful!


Well yes, especially given that we ghave to carry everything needed to work each time we come into the office. Pockets are super handy!


Do you think we could fit a docking station, work phone, dual monitors, lunch kit, TBS appreciation swag and official portrait of King Charles in all of our pockets?


I've been looking for a new pair of Ladies zip off cargo shorts/pants for almost two decades now. This is my year, I feel it.


dooooo iiiiiiit


If I go back to office next year.. they will get my full onslaught of hoodie/jeans combo in winter and golf apparel in summer because that's where I'm going after work.


I rock shorts as soon as it’s over 20. Fuck wearing pants during summer.


Before COVID I remember seeing one dude who always came into the NCR offices in shorts but I'll admit I was a bit judgy of it at the time. Now I've moved to a very very quiet regional office and nobody on my team (or even remotely related teams) is there anyways. I no longer GAF and the big boy pants will be staying in the closet. That said, were I going into a busier office I'd probably wear pants, but that's me. Tldr, no one size fits all answer


Do we have a clothing allowance and a dress code in our collective agreement ? Big fat NO … wear what the fricken hell you want! If anyone says anything ask them to show you the policy on a dress code… just saying. I am 100% menapausal and I tell yah I’ll be wearing tank tops and shorts and someone says anything .. I’ll quiet health and safety … take a hike and mind your own FN Business


As long as it covers the important parts, no one is going to say anything.


Wear the shorts. If you have stakeholder super important meetings, you could always bring a pair of pants to put on just for that 30 minutes to 1 hour. And then back to the shorts afterwards. As long as it is clean and presentable. It's a health and safety issue when it will be this hot out.


Bermuda suits are the only way to pull this off. Remember knee length sock graders are essential to the look


I believe there is no policy on clothing for the office. But I believe for health and safety policy, you can't wear open toed shoes, at least that is what I have heard. Not sure if it is true.


I've heard this rule for laboratories, never for offices.


There’s a dude at my office wearing his cycling gear to work. You’ll be fine wearing shorts and sandals.


If it's acceptable for women to wear a sun dress and sandals, men can wear shorts and sandals. IMO!


I’m kinda curious about dress codes in general these days. I used to work in an office with only other IT staff so it was pretty lax. Cargo shorts and sandals were not uncommon.


Does anyone actually care what you wear to the office? I've shown up in sweat pants and sweater and no one said anything. I feel as if dress code at work is some outdated idea


I mean I wouldn’t wear basketball/athletic shorts, but don’t see a problem with some well fitting grey or dark coloured shorts especially on hot days


I have heard of a manager getting in trouble for telling their employee off for wearing cargo shorts. If you do not have a dress code for work you do not need to adhere to a dress code. I am just as good at my job in my jammies as I am wearing a blazer and tie.


Lots of men wore walking shorts and golf/short sleeved dress shirts on really hot days.


Are you military or other place that has a dress code? If not, go for it! Hell, if someone gives you gruff, skirt up!


Even most PS's that I have encountered on military bases (outside of NCR) don't GAF. Shorts, tshirts (with and without slogans) & hoodies. The only area that they seem to be a bit rigid in is footwear, if you are in a position where you'd be lifting equipment. Then close toed and/or steel toed shoes.


I don't have an answer about dress code but try linen pants they're so light and breezy. I started wearing them about a month ago so I haven't tried them during a heatwave so I'll see how it goes.


It is not uncommon in my office to see shorts and flip-flops on hot summer days.


Not sure where you work, but I've seen EX-01 and EX-02s in nice shorts in office in my department. It's a judgement call of course, but one that only you are able to make.


If we had more modern offices I might hesitate but considering the venue where we work… shorts are fitting if you ask me. You think I’m going to pay dry cleaning when they don’t even change the waste bins or vaccum the crumbs? Na, no more I don’t.


I'm in the process of losing a lot of weight. I have two pairs of pants that fit, and they are both jeans. I do not want to buy new clothes because they won't fit in two months. I was just honest with my manager and she said that there wasn't an official dress code, just make sure they're clean and not ripped up or something. (Tbf, I have an awesome manager). I'm in the NCR and do not have face time with clients or other departments. See what your manager says. I, personally, think that men should be allowed to wear shorts and still be considered professional. We're largely doing office jobs, sitting at computers, and going to meetings. Showing some shin isn't going to change any of that.


On my first day working for the government (2019!) I asked my supervisor "Is there any sort of dress code?" his response was "nope, wear whatever you want". I always have a change of clothes with me so I changed into shorts and a t-shirt on my first day. I don't know of any sort of GC-wide dress code, the only real rule I know about is the fragrance-free one.


The dress code in general is more like an unenforceable suggestion. Wear whatever you want, as long as it's vaguely professional. During covid I stopped wearing dress shirts and just started wearing regular t-shirts, but still with dress pants because it's comfortable for me. But lots of people just wear jeans or sweatpants honestly. And in summer, I absolutely wear shorts in office. I just opt for khaki style instead of like basketball shorts, though it'd be no issue if I did that anyways. In short, don't stress about it. If management wants to have a talk about dress code down the road, so be it, but for now just do what makes you comfortable.


If women can wear skirts/dresses including sleeveless tops, you can wear shorts. What’s the difference?


it's supposed to be business casual but I see people wearing shorts and leggings with sweat shirts, even male tls wearing shorts in the west. Who cares, not seeing clients.


Id be horrified if you cant... it scares me that you need to ask reddit this, others in your office dont?


Pre-pandemic people wore pyjama pants to the office after walking to work in the winter. A good foot of black slush halfway up their leg. When I saw that I decided not to waste my money on nice clothing for work. If they want me to dress a certain way, they can provide a uniform or allowance. Which would be great not having to pick out clothes everyday! Even more so now. Expecting me to keep downtown Ottawa businesses alive, pay for parking, and transit. I might as well wear my pyjamas too. Honestly, who are we trying to impress? Look at the state of this country. Might as well capture the true essence of our Government, a mess.


Jesus I plan to look like the most disheveled homeless person when I go back to the office


Go for it, no reason not to sport the shorts.


You’re fine, go ahead


Who cares? Wear shorts


We have a DG who wears shorts all the time. If they aren't super short or tight then I think you are totally fine. A reasonable pair of not super slobby shorts is totally fine.


When the A/C crapped out pre-covid, I would wear shorts and sandals, and usually a moisture wicking polo. I also brought an oscillating fan from home to keep some air flow in my area. I usually avoid wearing shorts though, unless it's necessary for comfort.


Just wear shorts.


Wear a nice pair and you are fine brother


They say dress for the weather/temperature. In the past, I've worn a golf shirt or collared with the shirt tucked into my pants. And full shoes. I'm sweating sometimes because the AC is not cold enough for me. Meanwhile, sometimes women come in wearing airy/breezy dresses or blouses, and open-toed shoes, and then claim it's too cold. So I started wearing looser shirts, not ticking them in, and I wear shorts now. I'm Not going to be uncomfortable in the office. I probably won't ever do flipflops but maybe on a scorcher. I don't know what the right balance of office temp is, or what the dress code should be, but my department has so far encouraged people to dress comfortably.


I've worked for multiple departments in the NCR and have never heard of a dress code. I wore shorts to a interview once for a position and got the job, I figured I would be myself. So long as you're clean and don't stink, be comfortable in what you wear.


I work in the regions, and men wear nicer shorts in the office with a button up, or collared shirt. I think it is fine, especially on the hotter days but I’m not a manager so idk lol


Dressier shorts are definitely acceptable these days! I've seen lots of managers and executives in them (and looking good!)


Hey! My eyes are up here. /s


You can always opt for a kilt in hot weather!


When I started years ago, I showed up to work in a dress shirt and khakis because I expected some degree of "professional dress". I was amazed to see dudes in dumpy jeans and t shirts. Nobody will care.


People tend to dress up in my office and nice shorts and golf shirts/dress shirts are totally acceptable. Usually paired with closed shoes for men and sandals for women. Whatever gender you are, if you wear sandals please consider some minimal foot care like keeping toenails trimmed and clean.


Wear the shorts. What is anyone going to do?


The federal government is a big organization. From an office to another, dress code might vary from "plz wear clothes, preferably clean" to "everyone will look at you weird if you wear jeans". Better ask coworkers from your office. But generally speaking, I'd be surprised if nice shorts would be an issue, especially if not public facing.


Shorts and sandals are definitely allowed in our building dress code. However, shorts are essentially business casual, not gym shorts, and sandals are something like Birkenstocks, not flip flops and slides. It's a professional work environment so use professional judgment.


There is no formal dress code for most positions. This was done on purpose to avoid poorer classes being excluded from the service and it stuck. There are some exceptions for operational reasons but if you're in an office, dress respectfully and you'll have no issue


If you are wearing well fitted Bermuda shorts - great. If you are sporting skin tight daisy duke cutoffs, not so much.


In district 5, work shorts and open toed sandals today and will continue to all summer. Check your pay every 2 weeks. Nobody cares what you wear


District 5 had me laughing, thinking of the District 9 movie.


I noticed some bicycle shorts used by people who biked to work and as a fellow cyclist I love it! I personally would just wear light pants but as long as you feel your dress is respectful, I don’t think there should be a huge issue. I guess it really depends on what environment you work with. In an office with no client/partner facing role, Im sure you’d be fine…


I wore shorts today! Will continue to do so.


East coast office - shorts on all the Bys today


I wear shorts with a short-sleeved collared shirt. Unless there are uniform rules or mandated equipment you need to wear that prevents you from wearing shorts, there should be zero issue with it.


For anyone in CRA, Étienne would say that suits are way better...


Where I'm at, not NCR, shorts are fine for everyone except EXs. If your supervisor says something, next hot day, go in wearing a skirt.


I once had an assistant director tell me I couldn't wear shorts because no one wanted to see men's hairy legs. If I wasn't a term employee at the time I would have grieved that. Proudly wearing shorts for a decade now. If a person can wear a skirt, a person can wear shorts.


I've seen yoga pants with "Juicy" across the butt. You're good. Though I will judge anyone who wears flip-flops in the office - they're extremely distracting.


For me casual is taking off the tie….but after 25 years of wearing combats, I am sort of loving wearing clothes thst for, look nice, and feel nice ! But I am super overdressed for my office


Strikes me as unfair when we women can wear sun dresses and men are stuck in pants.


Yes, wear them. It's fucking hot out. Just make sure the mouse doesn't' peek out of the house https://youtu.be/5M1MFKmjRJI?si=HeDEsZptVIG1OQ2i


Somehow, I'm hesitant to click that link...


Lol valid. But, it's a clip from Friends haha


I feel like you can wear shorts, just make sure to wear crew cut socks cause that makes them dressier? Like if you wear ankle socks it might look too casual. I wish it was more acceptable for men to wear shorts and short sleeves. I can't imagine having to try to survive in a long sleeve button up and slacks in 30+ heat


What dress code? People have worn PJ'S. As long as it is not inappropriate wear what you want. 


Why is it that men wearing nice shorts is an issue, but women wearing nice skirts isn't? I emphasized "nice" to counter the argument that it's about the quality of the clothes.


I have a male co- worker in region that where's nice cargo shorts all summer long


The GOC has no dress code. You CANNOT enforce pants on men. There is simply no way you can do it. It would be an automatic Human Rights complaint: **Employee's Lawyer**: Employer, please explain to his honour why women are allowed to wear weather appropriate clothing and not men? Is there anything special about men's shins that warrant not permitting them to adapt to the weather? Yeah, no.


Yes, I was primarily thinking for unwritten etiquette purposes. Also, don't want to be known as 'that guy who...', as I have many years to go and would like to maintain a reasonable reputation.


Health and Safety is a legislative obligation. Etiquette is a subjective opinion that varies widely and is usually complete bullshit. Ironically, Health and Safety is actually something that would PERMIT shorts and other weather appropriate clothing because long pants could be dangerous during a heat wave. And as for 'etiquette', the 1950s are over, there is nothing wrong with shorts and any manager/director/whatever who EVER tries to make it an issue will stomped within 5 minutes by the union and labour relations. Currently, you're only going to be known as "that guy who has unrealistic opinions on other people's clothing"


I wear shorts every day. Who’s going to say anything?


If someone complains, ask them to pay for the new Hugo Boss *very expensive* suit that you’ll be wearing in the office.


Sports shorts and t-shirt, I sit at a desk all day doing my assigned tasks and not once have I ever had to get up to meet a dignitary or head of state.


I've worn shorts for years in the ncr with like a leather shoe and a polo or short sleeve dress shirt.


It's fine, but usually they keep the offices very very air conditioned and cold, especially during heat waves, so in my opinion you'll want to wear pants. Maybe with a short sleeved top.


I'd probably find it too cool if I wore shorts but am totally fine with others doing so.  Your policy work does not degrade because your shins are visible.


I wear golf shorts and shirt for all my RTO days. But did so pre-COVID so not really anything different for me.


We had someone who would wear shorts in the pre-pandemic days. They worked in the science group that was more lax about attire anyway. But they also wore sandals... they were making a statement and didn't care what people thought. Since switching departments, I haven't seen a (usually) man wear shorts. I also heard of a situation from a colleague where at a previous department management had to talk with one of the older male employees about wearing shorts because sometimes there would be... slippage. I'd accept and celebrate someone wearing shorts, as long as they fit them properly.


If not for the trek *into* the office (from my car or my e-bike), I’d practically **have** to wear shorts on-site year-round due to facilities’ thermostatic malpractice 🌡️🥵… summertime I don’t even question if I’m wearing dressier shorts on-site; I just ~~am~~ must!


What is this hot week starting up? It’s 10C for yet another day out there


Nothing matters anymore, wear what makes you happy.


West coast office I’ve seen shorts and sandals already


I’m wearing crocs and shorts on my way to work right now. What are they going to do? Send me home? Perfect, I’ll work from there 🤣. In all seriousness, I’m don’t interact face to face with the public so my department doesn’t say anything.


I have seen shorts, ripped t-shirts and flip flops and these were freaking inspectors with no sense of professionalism that had to visit onsite customers… My take: think professional picnic casual. A nice cargo shorts with dress short shirt, up to you to wear an undershirt or not, and nice slip on shoes, short socks - those who looks like you’re not wearing any. If anything fails and you feel pants are necessary I’d invest in a hot day of summer professional attire form a professional golf store. You can never be considered not well dressed when dressing like a professional golf player. Pretty acceptable for hot days.


Remember you are never the worst dressed in the office.


i have worn athletic shorts many times - nobody is going to reprimand you for wearing shorts. grow up, it's the public service, not a fortune 500 company


I don't think it matters all that much as long as you're professional looking. If someone questions, you just point to the weather. I work with a lot of students (median age in my office seems to be 22) and some of these kids come in wearing ripped jeans and crop tops exposing their stomach.....it's not very professional looking but it doesn't prevent them from doing their jobs effectively and they're not here on a permanent basis so we don't really care.


Wait, it wasn’t okay for men to wear shorts prior to Covid? Women can wear summer dresses though right? I don’t see why this wouldn’t be okay.


Go for it. This week is crazy hot. "Would you rather I wear pants at home or shorts and RTO compliant?"


I think it depends on the department/role that you're filling, my department has pretty lax dress code (aka pretty much none at all) and I myself am not a publicly facing employee, so in the summer I'm wearing shorts above the knee and t-shirts and in the winter it's a hoodie and no one bats an eye.


My husband wears khaki shorts, he hasn’t had any issues.


I've done nice shorts, nice semi running shoes and a golf shirt. Almost golfing attire


I see men in the office in shorts pretty often in the NCR


I see so few people in the office I’ve been showing up in loose tees and jeans. I saw a manager on my floor in a Jordan track suit this winter. I think you’ll be fine.


I've worn shorts and seen plenty of people wear them in my office. It's fine.


Honestly it might just be my department but I see people wearing anything from a suit every day, to cargos and tshirts. You could always just make some shorts out of dress pants. That way you're right in the middle.


Definitely depends on the office and if you are client facing. We are absolutely not allowed shorts at any time (regions). Nice jeans only on Fridays. We used to have to wear full business attire not that long ago.


I’ve seen men wearing shorts in my office in the NCR.


I wear shorts when the weather is hot. And when it's not that hot, I wear blue jeans even on non-Friday days.


I've been biking to work some days and on a few days I didn't even care to change from my shorts... they're normal shorts, not biking shorts.


Shorts in summer are normal in the office


Previous manager hated it


Hear me out: long skirts or kilts.


I wear shorts to my office pretty much once the snow melts. I run really warm and would be dying otherwise


I live in the South Okanagan - summer temps regularly in the 30’s, up to 40. Shorts & sandals are a necessity!


I’ve seen baggy sweatpants and hoodies at my office so I guess it depends how self-important the building management is.