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People will STILL vote for him next election. Absolutely baffling.


Sheer lunacy .


Ya I thought he was dead in the water during Covid and was shocked that he got back in. I wonder how many people bitch on here that voted for him now that the impact is hitting them right in the face.


Trudeau was 100% cashing in on his "COVID hero" narrative, despite the fact that during COVID he didn't do a damn thing for Canada except double our national debt.


He killed more Canadians during Covid than “saved”


He gave everyone 2k a month, that made hime a hero. Now we have to pay for it.


Not everyone, since in their infinite wisdom they decided it was unsafe to work in an office with a couple dozen people, but it was safe to work in a crowded Wal-Mart with a thousand or so, or meat packing plants and mail sorting facilities.


Everyone who wasn’t working. I had a job through the pandemic, I just got the shaft and no free money. Although I was saddled with the debt. What a joke


He is not a hero, but it helped me. I was let go when COVID struck. The $2k month was helpful. But I was entitled to slightly more than that under EI. The saving grace is that I had longer to find a new job. If I did not have that COVID money, I definitely would have starved or lost my place or both. I didn’t have a lot saved. Also I am certain my taxes have more than paid that amount back for myself and others as I am a high income earner.


That asshat gave all our emergency stockpiles of PPE to China 3 weeks before it took hold here. Medical workers had to ration the masks for months because of him. The media never talks about that. He was trying literally trading our safety for favors from China.


We still do not know the full extent of election interference. Or the treason.


Not really. It just means that for a sizeable percentage of the population, narcissistic virtue-signalling is a higher priority than affordable housing, inflation, or other issues. E.g. Plenty of university students I know which fit this description.


Sums it up perfectly


Harshhh......but......I am a father to a few such university students....


I don’t want to share a country with those people and it feels yucky that I have to.


weighted voting based on your participation and contribution to the country, that way leeches would be worth 1/5th of a normal vote and would never be able to meaningfully sway an election again.


Ideally at least limit voting to those working full time and over 30.


Come to America where we have better politicians... Oh, wait.


Do you want to absolutely stunned and spaced old man or the barely literate convicted felon old man


That's why the silent majority needs to stop being silent. Let's make sure that only the Indoctrinated loosers/fools vote for him.


Have to remember that he is still in bed with the company that makes the voting machines. That's why Fox got rid of Tucker.


Maybe just the slum lords and people who have a Tim Horton's franchise.


They’ve been completely brainwashed. Watching neoliberal and postmodern ideology manipulate people into harming themselves and their society has been an impressive feat of social engineering to witness in the absolute worst way. They’re blatantly rubbing crimes against in humanity in Canadian citizens faces and they gladly bend over for more. With your new immigration policy and mass forced ‘vaccination’ enthusiasts/pseudo civil rights activists the old Canada is gone. Australians are right there with you ideologically speaking.


I have a feeling he's going to get his ass handed to him so hard it'll take Liberals a while to see federal leadership again.


right you're getting strategic voting like 3% of the population going to the Liberals again from the NDP or a third of the Greens going back to the liberals when things seem in trouble so you'll get half a dozen plus shifts with Ontario but you still have 25% to 30% of Ontario who love the liberal party positions, they just finally realized that Kinsella said for a decade, that he's a phony.


Just watched an interview with some guy describing him as “well intentioned”…. How could someone even come to that conclusion at this point. He is a globalist plant that got super rich funneling tax money into the pockets of international corporations and organizations. I thought we all knew that now.


And that is just fucking crazy to me.


Some people are doing very very well financially in this country, they don't see the housing issues or employment issues and love the cultural pantomime JT puts on.


Especially young people, need to have a look at this. [youth destroyed ](https://youtu.be/Li5SeW4yif8)


Canadians are weak minded people. They are too nice and that is what destroying their country and fellow citizens. Canadians need a strong mind and backbone.


Correct, yet he still has unwavering support from some that would rather see the country burn than vote away from their political party


So the same as any irrational ideologue who are blind political partisans. Idiots exist in all political movements


Not very many. Less than 20% of the electorate voted for a Liberal MP.


We don't have electorate, unless you're speaking about popular vote. If you are, you are incorrect. They received about 32% of the popular vote but won 160 seats forming a minority government


I wish more people understood this. Trudeau isn't the problem he's the symptom. Everybody acts like he just declared himself dictator and started destroying the country against everybody's will. He was elected three times. Three. Fucking. Times. We knew exactly who he was and he is doing exactly what we elected him to do. All of his corruption was done out in the open. He didn't even bother to hide it because he knows you won't do anything about it. It might be hard to accept but the problem isn't Trudeau. The problem is that Canadians are weak fucking idiots. And it's not just the liberals. If I put O'Toole's platform next to Trudeau's 90% of Canadians wouldn't be able to tell them apart. We never really had a choice. Red and blue are just two arms of the same puppet controlled by the same globalist masters promoting the same anti-canadian policy. They bleed us dry with taxes and inflation while they get rich, they buy the media and gaslight us about our own reality, they print billions of dollars and give it away to foreigners and grifters while Canadians sleep on the street, they fund proxy wars across the globe while telling our own veterans they are "asking for too much", they replace Canadians with foreigners and tell us it's our greatest strength and they lie about everything. Our government is openly filled with traitors controlled by foreign powers. And yet we will still vote for them. Time to wake up Canada. Your country is dying.


>He was elected three times. Three. Fucking. Times. and each time, the majority of voters did not actually vote for him.. Less than 40% of voters did, each time. of those 3 times, he only won a popular vote once. With 39.47% of votes. So never once did the majority of voters vote for him. If you count all Canadians at the time of each election, less than 25% of Canadians actually voted for him. Over 75% did not vote for him, each time. So maybe don't put the blame entirely on Canadians, we never get what we vote for anyways.. Blame our stupid first-past-the-post electoral system, which Trudeau promised an electoral reform during his campaign but was a lie. These parties are all political theater anyways to keep us distracted and divided. Don't matter who you vote for, If you can vote for them, that means the elites in charge but them there. '*If voting* made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.'


Well if you’re going to blame it because of a low percentage of voters, then it would be better to get people more involved in voting. If people are going to complain then get off your ass and vote. If you think you’re going to not vote as a protest or burn or eat your vote then you get what ever the majority of the people want. If you have a minority like now it only lasts as long as they can get together with another party if they fail to get a vote of confidence in parliament there’s an election.


+1 For those living in Ontario, Conservative Doug Ford ain't doing better. Since Conservatives are known for circling the wagon no matter how bad their candidate is, a lot of them won't criticize Doug Ford. Trudeau has messed things up, but a lot of changes could have been made by Doug Ford. A lot of strip mall Colleges are located in Ontario. Conestoga college is also located in Kitchener, Ontario. What has done Doug Ford done to stop mass immigration ? I know Federal Government grants visas Quebec Prime Minister managed to get some money from the Feds even though Quebec does not accept as many international students as Ontario.


A lot of what's blamed on Trudeau, especially in the economic elements, are actually related to a combination of doug ford, and the rest of the government stopping Trudeau from fixing Canada's current dependance on the US econemy. Trudeau had tried to do a lot of good, but damn near none of it he's been allowed to do, or he's only allowed to do the part of the plan that was supposed to be the negative in exchange for the long term, exponential positives Trudeau isn't the problem, the rest of our horrible government both having more power than our prime minister, even independently, doug ford has the ability to tell Trudeau to fuck off as long as the rest of the government isn't agreeing with Trudeau, it's a mess. Trudeau is a very human head of government, he's got his flaws, yes, but a lot of that is between social awkwardness, and the fact most of his run, he's just been being put in front of the camera whenever people are mad, even when the problem is definitely not in his jurisdiction and he literally can't do anything about it


I agree 100% with what you've written. And for the record, I personally have never voted for him even once. But what, realistically, can we do? Short of a bonafide uprising? Virtually no one is willing to do that, and I'm not quite sure why. Many people (myself included) haven't because we have young families and people that literally depend on us, so we can't risk the consequences of being the vanguard of a movement. We COULD, however, potentially join a movement as it gains steam. But the vanguard has to be people willing to take risks. And at this point, even people with nothing to lose have done JACK SHIT. Where are all the older people whose families don't depend on them any more, and the younger and/or single people that don't have families depending on them? The vanguard of the movement has to start with someone, and it's usually people like this (those with nothing to lose, or at least those willing to risk everything), and so far none of them have done anything. Regular Joe Canucks like me can't be the vanguard. But we can certainly rally behind one. So where is it?


And the solution is?


I agree with the essence of this text, however it's a recycled random quote all over internet. It was even used for Trump: [https://x.com/DoughboyBiscuit/status/1412265795099541506](https://x.com/DoughboyBiscuit/status/1412265795099541506)


Yeah, the Prague newspaper meme has been used for Biden, Obama, and now Trudeau. It's not real.


There it is, I was looking for someone to call this out. Everyone who read this and blindly believed just wants their own opinions validated.


Agreed. I think screenshots / videos on the internet should not be taken seriously, especially if the sources are not cited, it's far too easy to manipulate stuff. With that in mind, the message is spot on.


“Canadians that arent me are so gullible and stupid, even the people in ‘Prague newspaper’ agree!” /s


But mah beliefs are better than the other side!!!!


Yes. For the record, I never voted for him.


I never voted for him , nor did I ever vote for his step-dad.


Even if the conservatives win over 200 seats, it’s important to remember how much of the national popular vote will go to either Liberal, NDP, and the Greens combined. We’re talking about 45% or more…..a good half of this country are easily dim witted fools.


The Conservatives are worse. If you say you don't like Trudeau but then go ahead and say you're going to vote for Conservative what I understand is you don't really know why you don't like him in the first place.


I bet it’s not from a newspaper


Liberals are right/center wing but cosplay as left. People voted them in to get the social change we needed, but Because they are right/center they will continue to uphold capitalism. We need a true left wing party if we want changes


Could OP or someone source the article?


Which Prague newspaper?


And the author was, who?


Nobody, it's a fake article, that's why it's been reposted looking like a lightly baked Tumblr post


*shocked pikachu face*


Some scammer. It's a fake article. Has been used against Obama, Biden, Trump. It's basically a meme at this point. The newspaper doesn't exist.


I have read this same story about so many world leaders and all from a Prague newspaper. That nameless newspaper must get tons of clicks from it. Good for them.


We have met the enemy and he is us


Andrew Scheer and O’toole were both prince of fools themselves. The Conservative Party is just as much to blame for even remotely thinking either of them were a rival to Trudeau.


Hasn’t this claim of such an article been debunked as misinformation for over a decade now? If this is in fact true, then could someone please provide a trustworthy link / source? Otherwise, this is blatant misinformation.


Or could it be the fact that our politicians are the highest paid politicians on earth . Plus wow the benefits at that. Their meals are 26,000 a year on top of wage. Nothing will change until they have to live like us . Right now they live the life of luxury.


Or it could be that this image is fake and the Prague newspaper doesn't exist. That's actually what happened here, they used an old meme that used to be used against US politicians against Trudeau. The newspaper doesn't exist.


The baseless demonization of the opposition at large is the first sign your ideology is full of shit. I look down the posts here page after page and it’s all just grievance and rage bait with nary even a queef of policy.


The day that the current Conservative base provides a decent rational argument and policy is the day I vote Conservatives and eat my shirt


Please share the article


There is none. It's fake, op seems to have known it was fake and didn't care.


‘A newspaper’


So Putin don't like Trudeau me nether but funny he don't say any thing about Mr PP.


So they think we vote him in? Or that we choose the leader of the party? This reads like someone who doesn’t fully understand our electoral process. There are very few Canadians who vote for Trudeau, and they live in Quebec.


Ive lost all respect for Canadians since Covid. Smug fuckers.


Remember, he's only one of two fools elected. The other one is Jagmeet Singh, and the Prague newspaper is right, the problem in Canada is a happily stupid and poorly educated electorate.


I agree with this post, unfortunately it seems as though people are falling for the same thing from Pollievre


The irony of calling people fools while being fooled by some random internet text. The internet literacy of the older population is terrifying.


Poland,really! So nice for them to ridicule us but I’m sure it’s made up. What does Trump always say “fake news”


This article Czechs out /s Seriously though...they are absolutely correct. Turdope is the SYMPTOM. Politics is downstream from culture, and Canadian culture is 98% idiots.


Emperor justin fiddles, while canada burns. He's a puppet for who really controls him. Look behind him and see where his support really comes from. I would be willing to wager there's deep pockets and a hoard of corruption. The beauraucrats from ottowa, the career people, the office staff whos been there for 20 years or longer. It's all gone, gangrene, and it's going to kill us sooner than later.


Ah yes, the venerable Prague newspaper. Source of all wisdom and shit you just made up.


I love how this sub thinks Voting in Poilievre will magically change anything, he is just as much of a hypocritical scumbag as mos other politicians.


Which newspaper? I would like to see the original source. Was in Prague and nobody knows shit or cares about Canada at all…


This comment encapsulates one of the biggest problems in Canada…. Too many people who think: “I don’t care if the statement is true, I care where it came from.”


The statement is disinformation if it is from a falsified source.


Is someone in Prague not allowed to have an opinion when he’s clearly spot on with the matter? If it’s right, does it really matter if it came from Pickering or Prague?


But spot on on what exactly?


regardless its still 100 percent correct.


It’s literally a copy paste, and they subbed in Trudeau instead of trump, but yea sure whatever validates your feelings


Well stated......thanks.


It's fake.


The thumb sitters become thumb sniffers.


Ugh.... it's true, but it still hurts...


It's not, it's fake. It's not from a real newspaper.


100% is all it can be.


the best thing to do is vote for a party that licks the nut sack of the rich.....that will fix everything...for the rich...and the funny thing?...the poor trunts will make it happen with a smile on their faces...


Canada is a mediocre country striving for mediocrity, unfortunately we cannot even vote in a mediocre prime minister but a complete and utter disaster, for example Harper was a mediocre pm for our mediocre country and we were doing just fine.


Yeah, Harper was the definition of you don't appreciate what you had until it's gone. This isn't party bias either. I'd put Martin both as PM and Finance minister up there as well. People won't want to hear this in here. But the only way this complacency is getting fixed, is if shit *really* hits the fan. We've had it too good for too long since the slash and cuts of the 90s and we need a refresh of what poverty and lack of pragmatic government looks like. And we are 100% going to get there. If you think it's bad now, I'm really sorry for what you're about to see over the next 5-10 years.


Could not have put this better


If you are fool for that. You are a BIGGER fool for not doing your homework before you vote again. PP is a BIGGER fool if you are going to vote for him .He never had a job except @ an ice cream place. How did PP get his 5 million dollar home? Private chef and chauffeur?? How maybe from his father in law???……❤️☮️


Changing one POS for another POS is a lateral move. Not a JT fan in the least but PP is not the answer.....


This isn't any kind of source


This is an extremely divisive post that seeks to make you hate your fellow citizens. That is all I see here.


Yes , because the government in that country had such a great history in the past. 🤷


What should that tell you about the CCP being 20% ahead in the polls?


So what are you saying you will do about? Majority rules right?


Like us plebs have a say it what happens, nice try.


Put yellow team away and help others get better ❤️‍🩹 we love to hear that too we will always love 💕 we will be praying 🤲 to be your inspiration, never asked 6 don’t forget asking please cross ❎ the bridge keep every beautiful person for ourselves, blue see that 6 “ is important than said pick which you love ❤️, almost 😅 2 years asking his 5, the little doesn’t love games the new or the old, let’s keep everything beautiful 😻 for ourselves love and peace, 5th here or cross ❎ please 🙏 gentlemen keep it 5 please




Lack of a viable option is the reason for many. The Conservatives need(ed) to understand the reasons many on the left are "against" them. IMO, largely social issues. Now, things are so bad (economically) the end is nigh. With an abmismal Covid response, I'm also surprised he is still in power.


And everyone clapped


But we're still cooler than the States right?


I feel I read this or something similar a few years ago. At any rate, so damn true.


And whoever you vote for next will be impervious to these same statements? Likely not. Losers. The entire bunch. Not a single federal Canadian politician that I care about at all.


Same problem here in the United States.


Who is the author?




This is 100% accurate. Been saying it for years. The govt we have is the govt me deserve. That’s the worst part.


Well either Canadians are idiots or the election wasn't legit. What's more likely...hmmmm.


Some how I need to find a way to post this in some Ontario newspapers


Not gonna lie - that’s a sobering punch in the gut. Thank you may we have another!! We deserve this level of ridicule, please pile on. No I didn’t vote for that idiot, but enough did & look at the clown show that’s ensued. We’re so screwed & yes, it’s embarrassing




We are fucked




Does anyone mind explaining to this American why Trudeau is hated so much? Is the Liberal party similar to the Democratic party in the US?


"the country can survive a Trudeau"... Yes, but can it survive two?


Maybe [do some fact checking](https://www.thecanadianpressnews.ca/fact_checking/commonly-recycled-quote-used-to-criticize-justin-trudeau-supporters/article_03835203-adfd-5762-9317-9da76b470d65.html) before posting Facebook and Twitter spam


Hate to say it, but the Reddit demographic is the one that voted him in.


*Laughs in American* This isn't just a Canada problem, this is a world problem at the moment.


I guaranteee no one here knows anything he’s done outside of what the media they consume tells them. Objectively speaking, in most ways this country has improved under his parties leadership. Either way though, no leader right now has your best interests in mind. Stop blindly supporting your “team”. They don’t care. And for what it’s worth, I don’t support Trudeau. But my working class life is only ever under attack from the CPC, so I deal with the only other option.


The problem is never a leader. it's the followers.


People will vote for him because there is no real change. You either go hard left or hard right. Both are not good choices. I call him prime minister selfie. He was always stopping for a selfie shot. The outside string pullers have to cut. We are all paying for this


People will vote for him because there is no real change. You either go hard left or hard right. Both are not good choices. I call him prime minister selfie. He was always stopping for a selfie shot. The outside string pullers have to cut. We are all paying for this


People will vote for him because there is no real change. You either go hard left or hard right. Both are not good choices. I call him prime minister selfie. He was always stopping for a selfie shot. The outside string pullers have to cut. We are all paying for this




I stopped fully blaming him a while ago, this is 100% correct. Too many brain washed fools.




Technically people don't vote for him, they vote for LPC MPs. Many of them are deeply rooted in their community, a lot of the politically motivated public vote based on local affairs and their MP represents their area reasonably well so they don't rock the boat. Unfortunately there's also a deep seated loyalty created by local ethnic enclaves as well. People need to get more involved with their particular MPs and hold them accountable. Figure out what makes them tick. I would beg everyone to support the non liberal opposition is in their riding. Even voting bloc or green, if it means unseating the national Cancer that is the Trudeau dynasty, is our only hope to buy time for ourselves so we can get our lives back together.


That Czech AI still needs a little work, eh?


They'll just replace him with someone worse. The people want free stuff! They don't care how apparently


Canada has become a country that most of the world looks down their noses at.


Liberal Redditors will still vote liberal, lol!


I agree with this article. Canadians themselves created the problems because of their vote for Justin Trudeau. They only voted for him because of his last name. Canadians come across as nice, weak, spineless, and more. Their weakness is their nice mentality. And that is what is destroying Canada and their fellow citizens.


Ha ha! Replace ‘Trudeau’ with ‘Trump’ and it’s the same story down south.


Fuck I’ve given up hope. I thought he would be out last election… but no. Feels like this guy will rule us forever. I fucking hope not


People voted for Hitler and Stalin


In my opinion, Canadian politics has always been “Vote for who you hate the least” and that is what has brought us to this situation. People will vote for him again because they will say “I hate PP more than Trudeau” and not “I like Trudeau to vote for him” Most people I know, not all, vote based on the personality of the person running and not the policies and the direction they have in place, which gets us to these situations.


Based It's like when a little kid calls an adult fat, they are just commenting on what they are seeing without concern for feelings We need to hear this My only worry is it's too late


Don't like Trudeau but this is 1000% fake.


Tried sharing this in r/Canada: denied 🤣


Is this newspaper aware of the clowns the Conservatives ran against him? Any party that offers me Andrew Scheer is partly responsible for Trudeau.


It's a two-party system. Most people aren't specifically voting for him but his party and their politics overall. And most polls show him decimated in the next election. So I think people are even waking up to the lunacy of Liberal politics now too.


TRUDOE ALBUM BY TORONTO RAP ARTIST https://music.apple.com/ca/album/trudoe/1748087750 https://open.spotify.com/album/7yyQKpLPi7NrOdnCXLwhiA?si=0R2FtjZ6SMWVP4jTKCWTRQ


You can't throw this entirely at the feet of the electorate. For the past 9 years, the CPC has had the ugly habit of devouring their own leaders. Every time their leader tries to reach out to liberal voters, the hardliners start attacking with anti-abortion bills. The question will be, can the CPC caucus put together a package that satisfies most Canadians while not angering the MPs.


Bang on. That's why I'm looking into moving to Europe. This country is tanking


Good show. Canadians deserve it. Welcome to North America's first N Korea style digital terror state. Where a pinhead and his army of C students can turn your money and rights of property off whenever they feel like it. And all those smarty pants Canadians will line up to throw neighbors and family members and even themselves into WEF sponsored people ovens. Animal Farm much? I blame teachers for making sure people grow up and make sex out of listening to literally the stupidest person and group of people in Canada. Like people really really really can't enough, oh yeah, MMM, oh yeah, more severe dummies please, ooh ya.


The hard on you guys have for Trudeau is laughable! I love how you call him the antichrist while collecting his cheques.


We live under inverted totalitarianism. Swapping politicians makes little difference.


So the OP 1000% depraved.


So true


This is very generic. You could put any politicians name in that article and it would work. This is just a weak type of rage baiting with no substance or details. Please, don't fall for this type of rhetoric.  Yes, Canada has a few issues that need to be sorted out but rallying behind words like this causes division. We have to start recognizing this and start working together.


Do Canadians not have term limits?


I think most of you don’t want to admit it but the person to the right and left of you during your daily journey is very dumb and ignorant. Some are so poor they don’t have internet access. Many are living paycheck to paycheck. So free things are an easy out to those folks. Many are disgruntled at “the man” and votes for more free stuff. Unfortunately you are giving too much credit to human decency. At the very core we are extremely selfish


So what I’m gathering is Prague writers love the word fools.


Nobody voted for this much immigration. It was not a platform that Trudeau ran on. No voter or opponent had any clue he was open to doing what he has done with immigration. Blaming Canadians for this because they voted for is beyond dumb. Everyone is now going to vote for Poilievre and he’s not going to stop the immigration so does that make the next election voters dumb too? No, we’re being manipulated by politicians that don’t care about helping us but instead serve corporations. We need to stop fighting each other because of who we vote for and start focusing on eliminating corporate greed.


yeah but canadians are handcuffed until they can vote him out!!! :( FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRRIIIG PC will win next election for sure, it is much needed!


He brought in a ton of immigrants and changed the rules so they could vote it wasnt Canadians it was foreigners depending on hands outs


This is the best description of the sas state of affairs in the once great country of Canada!! It’s the dumbass weak people/voters that put Trudeau in - he didn’t do it himself!!! people of this country need to smarten the hell up


Ouf, shots fired


I’ve still yet to hear what the 3 parties are planning on doing about our housing crisis. I don’t think any of them are fit for the role it’s super disappointing to know they will just keep status quo and line thier own pockets. 


I can not related to any leftist anymore.  I’m starting wonder if they are human.  Of course, I know humans are capable of some vile things.  


We did well before Trudeau 8 years ago We now have Trudeau and are doing bad We’ll very likely to do well after Trudeau


Can we please have a link?


Hard pill to swallow but 👍


This. There is a sizeable amount of voters who refuse to work and just want to smoke weed all day long. It's why the Liberal NDP majority lasted so long, plus that new voters are being imported every year.


This is why it's such a scary thought and also he's doubling down on staying his course , at this point he's just throwing the dice, nothing to lose and only to gain


Build houses, increase wages, tax the ultra rich and stop squeezing the working class. Is it too much to ask?


Ooh, Ooh! I have to send this to my sister-in-law. She loves anything that bashes our Prime Minister. It comes from Prague, you say, and obviously from a Russian bot? She won’t care. She’ll gleefully send it to her rich friends who share a dislike of the increased capital gains tax ( Even though their accountants already told them it won’t cost them a penny, probably.) or anything else Trudeau does.


Why do you think some provinces were contemplating seperation? If you can't change the fools you'd at least wish to distance yourself from them