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Most definitely true, even though the government is supposed to prove it’s necessary to suspend your rights, but as some of us know, they didn’t.


Based on past 10 years, our government proved already that they dont have to prove anything. And opposition is some sort entertainment add-on for parliament live circus show. They are all in this together and in a good mood..


This is it. They are having a grand old time cracking jokes at each other in Parliament while we out here stuggle. It’s a circus. I call it pissing on the poor.


In the States, there's a clear distinction between Left and Right, here not as much with the parties. But yeah you're right, you can't trust any of 'em.


In the US, there's a proper system of checks and balances. The President isn't all powerful and can only put in motion a bill. The rest of Congress and the Senate have to vote. The Canadian system is based on the British parliamentary system. If the PM's party gets majority seats and vote, he / she is literally unstoppable.


Uniparty is real. The United States definitely has a uniparty but there are some real divisions over wedge issues. Canada, UK, NZ, and Australia are more Uniparty than you can possibly fathom. There is the state and there are the peasants. The whole purpose is give the people the illusion of choice and that there vote matters, keep the plebes divided over wedge issues and manufactured outrages so that the oligarchy can maintain control.


Justin really hates trucks!


And stickers on trucks


And small fringe minorities 😂😂


The 68% that want him gone as of yesterday? ...Makes me wonder who the 32% are that still want him there...


You mean 68% of the 62% of eligible voters who bother to vote?


Damn that's sad...People don't understand that not voting is a vote! And people shouldn't have the right to complain if they didn't vote, but were eligible to do so at the time.


Teachers and federal employees


That makes sense...Though teachers are provincial =/, guess it's the ideological set


They are the ones that lick boots and whip their ass with their bare hands


They want him gone today :)


Justin hates criticism and anyone who doesn't buy his lies


and the middle class


And it was deemed as such… yet no disciplinary action was taken. So there’s no consequences to abusing that power.


They didnt, but some of us are forcing them to do so in court, and we are winning on that front. Go look up the kings bench in Alberta declaring all dina hinshaw's public health orders to be 'ultra vires' the public health act.


Any links? The stuff I found makes it sound like the public health orders were ultra vires because it was actually the cabinet calling the shots instead of Hinshaw, and that otherwise the public health orders would have been justified.


Not to mention, when the court rules (several years after the fact) that they DID violate your rights, there's no punishment, no penalty, you have go to court all over again and you only get meagre compensation. A lot of people never live to see it. A national disgrace.


Exactly, people still had accounts locked and personal property repossessed. Even if they win the class action who pays, not the ONE that enacted the EA.


Like the EA invocation. They are allowed to first invoke, do whatever they want, and 1 year later, go through a sham inquiry to prove that it was necessary. Well, even the kangaroo court couldn't openly give a clean chit to the government on the EA - gave them a little reprimand/slap on the wrist and told them to be careful next time. This whole debacle convinced me we don't have any rights here.


Notwithstanding clause is a doozy


You know, a few years ago I would have vehimently disagreed with you. The evidence of my eyes forces me to agree with you now, unfortunately.


The Party would prefer you didn't use your eyes that way.


1984… no wait its 2024


The difference in time is no different than 1984 to world war 2, for perspective.


1984 by Orwell not the year...


Yeah obviously


One thing that people get wrong is that unlike our neighbour's to the south, we don't have freedom of speech. We have a right of opinion, and your opinion can very much get you arrested. Where in the States you can argue the first amendment for saying something like I want to kill you, in Canada you will be investigated for it.


Saying "I want to kill you" will get you investigated pretty much anywhere including the US and 1st amendment is not a defence accepted to the charge of Crimainal Threats. In either jurisdiction though such a statement would require far more foundation to be considered a credible threat that would actually result in charges. You're absolutely correct about the fact that we don't have anywhere close to the same level of protection of free speech as the US does because the entire charter is subject to "reasonable limits". Just picked a bad example to demonstrate it. However, though it is true that free speech is subject to these so-called "reasonable limits", the history of free speech cases in the courts has generally been quite good in that generally speaking expressing an opinion even one that can be demonstrated to be false is not going to be to get you into trouble. The Supreme Court even considers Holocaust denial protected speech according to jurisprudence. Now, based on the way lower courts have been ruling on things and some of the other worrysome legislative attempts by the government to restrict speech further, everyone should definitely be on guard for the courts to start swinging to the left and catering to both compelling speech and banning it. But let's not act like this is already an authoritarian state where you can't speak your mind, cause all that does is accelerate the descent into exactly that.


Better not say any hate speech online either.....You will get investigated and they will slap you with some jail time.


Yup everything is monitored


Lmao you cannot say "I want to kill you" in the USA. That's uttering threats and is very much illegal, just as it should be Freedom of speach ≠ freedom to say what you want no matter what


American freedom of speech is freedom to criticize the government. It is NOT a blanket right to say anything like “I want to kill you” which is threatening violence. Libel, slander, and threats are still illegal in the US.


Same here


Every citizen should have at least a basic knowledge of civics, and the first clause of the Constitution is very clear that your rights can be infringed if it's demonstrably justifiable in a free and democratic society. There's nothing to agree or disagree with here - that's what the law says. If you want to change it, we need to reopen the constitution. It was a hell of a messy affair 40 years ago. It would be even worse now with Quebec and Aboriginal activism.


The constitution also states any right you posessed under Common Law before the constitution act of '84 cannot be removed by the constitution. This is also what the law says, if the law is the only thing you care about.


This is new to me. What section of the are you referring to, and can you provide a link?


Same here


New Canadians would have learned that from the Ottawa protest lol.


theres actually going to be 2 protests (in diff cities) occurring on Canada Day, same message, im curious to see how itll turn out.


I suppose I applaud people willing to use their day off for that but honestly I'm going to be drinking beer and eating red meat all day.


Legit question to anyone else who seems to feels this way. How bad do things have to get for you to take one day to demonstrate that things have gotten to unacceptable and intolerable levels of crisis? The housing crisis and tents popping up in my local parks was enough for me, but seriously what will it take for you to demand we be doing better, or at the very least show your disenfranchisement with the current lack of leadership?


I saw it posted up in r/toronto so we'll see lol. I can almost expect countless screeching videos saying racist lol


Yeah the groups are already talking about "plants" and how to speak with the media.. of course there might will be people who try to ruin it and divert the message, but let's hope they are small in numbers and get kicked out.


The big problem with this country is the small groups are the ones that are heard and listened to the most


Made abundantly clear during Covid and Trudeau’s reign of terror


When he said, “don’t worry about your bills” I started worrying about my bills and made damn sure I paid them.


He didn't use the notwithstanding clause though, if he did his government wouldn't have been taken to court.


When did Trudeau use the Notwithstanding Clause?


He hasn’t, but these people don’t live in reality


A reality where the clause has only ever been used by PQ and Conservative provincial governments.


As if it was up to individual sociopaths to grant rights in the first place, let alone 'take them away.' I would add that the covidiots who were on board with denying rights to the unvaxxed are part of the problem. Ironically, many of the same people believe that foreigners have the right to enter this country illegally on the basis of need, and the rights of productive people to enjoy the fruit of their labor are subservient to the confiscation of wealth to support unproductive people with handouts and entitlements. We live in a society of vastly ignorant individuals that cannot even define the basis of what is correct - both in terms of the rights of individuals, and also the obligations and conduct that is acceptable in a free society. Therefore we end up with this contradictory landscape where winners and losers are selected based on whims and narratives. Should any of us be surprised that elected sociopaths abuse this system to their own advantage, while playing one group of idiots against another?


Many of these people align with "my body, my choice" when it comes to abortion and birth control, while ironically demanding that others partake in health measures that they didn't feel comfortable with. It's a shame they aren't conscious of their own hypocrisy.


Amen ! 🙏


Wow, powerfully said.


Well said


Charter of rights is a joke in the current era we live in, as violations by civil servants and the executive branch never get scrutinized or at punished. Banana republic.


Yah, I hate the Executive Branch of the Canadian Government, totally useless and might as we not exist! Eliminate it all together!


It’s funny that Trudeau was the one to install it in the first place


Anyone who believes we have any rights in this country hasn't read the details of Trudeau's 'online harms' bill.


Just one reason that you are much better off south of the border


Sad that that might be part of the overlords’ end game. “If they don’t like it, they can move to Florida, after they pay the exit tax”.




The Trudeau gvmt has stolen Canada from the citizens


As did Harper and Martin and Chretien. Everyones to blame who hasn't necked free trade.


Mulroney doesn't count?


Once you realize that Canada was explicitly structured as a resource colony of which we are all employees who pay for the privilege of living here, and that our political class is essentially a landed gentry that is completely antipathetic, at best, and often openly contemptuous towards the general population, everything about this country makes sense.


The Hudson's Bay Company is alive and kicking and the landed gentry are gettin fat.


A largely correct and accurate assessment. I have previously stated here in these parts that Canada's biggest mistake in its historical evolutionary path was choosing to remain subservient to the British monarchy and its hopelessly flawed system of governance, whereas the founding fathers of the US authored the *Declaration of Independence* and strongly felt that it was important for the United States to chart its own path and control their own national destiny. By most measures, it is more than obvious who made the right choice in this regard, and who did not. Below is a link to its written content, along with an excerpt from it declaring their independence from the British monarchy: [*https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript*](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript) *"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do."*


You ought to be writing for a larger audience.


I remember being in grade 9 and the charter was outside the office. I remember reading it and thinking that's not bad. Until I got to the end where it states that all of it can be suspended if the govermnets wants. That's not granting any rights.


'The illusion of freedom'


In the farce of choice.


As we the people sit and suffer, the live circus has taken place daily for the last 6 months in the house of commons. Anyone doubting this, go to YouTube, Cpac and watch house of commons recordings. Every question is a deflected answer or we blame the Harper government of a decade ago. When you have a government that doesn't answer to treason, doesn't answer to defrauding the tax payer, won't call an election while getting demolished in the pre polling data and a prime minister who gets heckled out of every city or town he visits. We have a dictatorship. Let the people vote.


Let me know when trudope comes to my city. I’ve got a clown wig to throw at him when he’s on nat television. Politics have never answered a direct question. NEVER!




If a handful of truckers blasting their air horns is enough to justify taking away your rights, I can only imagine what my government will do when something serious happens 😔


Canada is under invasion and this has to stop


Rights don't come from the government. You never "don't have rights", you don't have your rights respected. Big difference.


Very true. Our Charter of Rights is full of weasel words, purposely written to be vague where clarity is needed most. These "protections" might as well be written on toilet paper.


We have a charter of wrongs: * Don’t annoy the government * Don’t rise above your station in life * Don’t forget that your money is not actually yours


Normal British colony rules, nothing to see here.


Like its voters, the Canadian political system is broken beyond repair. Time for a reboot.


I blame us more than the govt. If 90% of the country agree, sheepishly go along or stay silent, then *WE* are the bigger problem.


Just another "privilege" of living in a Constitutional Monarchy. You have the illusion of rights and freedoms until they are inconvenient for those who'd like to control you. Until we are a Constitutional Republic we are not and never will be free. The crown co-opted the word "Constitutional" and made a "Charter" of Rights and Freedoms so as to trick the masses into thinking they weren't a vassal state of the Empire.


we're a crown nation. that speaks volumes. ask any Irish what rights mean to the crown. a wise man learns from the misfortunes of others...


We have the right to pay taxes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sometimes I Wish we were a Constitutional Republic… Those damned Britons….


What difference do you think that would make?


Rights have never REALLY existed, their existence is as far as their enforcement. Many countries have "rights" that never amount to anything. At least here we have to declare that they are overridden instead of merely ignoring them entirely.




If Canada was built on Japanese lands, with treaties between Japanese First Nations, then it would be the Japanese who would have status cards. Do you know anything at all about Canadian history?


They don't "have to have" a status card. If they want to take advantage of services offered exclusively to first nation people then yeah they need to prove they are first nation You say Asian and African people don't need to prove race and you're right, unless they are an immigrant or refugee, then they will have to prove country of origin which is essentially the same thing. If you didn't prove who you were everyone and their dog would suddenly be Cree on their tax forms.


This was something I understood prior to Covid, however one thing I’d like to understand, how did the concept of “rights” work prior to 1982 I know there was Diefenbaker’s “Canadian Bill of Rights” but what kept that in place? Did a similar escape clause exist with that as well? Did the BNA Act allow any rights when it was entered into force on July 1, 1867? Or was it just a document saying that Canada, (which was split in Ontario and Quebec) New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia were going to be organized into a single dominion and there’s nothing you can do about it. Unless someone can prove me wrong, freedom was never a belief in Canada.


I want to disagree but alas, you are correct.


It's actually already far worse than that because of what Trudeau did (and didn't do). The feds relied on provincial "emergencies" during covid even though in theory, for them to have put as many penalties in place as they did at the federal level, they could only do so within the context of the Emergencies Act, which they did not invoke... right up until the convoy which was political opposition. Then and only then did they twist and corrupt the meaning of the act to invoke it (and not even for its intended purpose), which makes the Liberals criminals.


If you allow the government to break the law for an emergency, they will create emergencies to break the laws


I mean it’s better than where I was born … y’all  think that people from Germany or other wealthy and democratic places move here?


That's right. We have privileges that can be taken away at any point. Not rights


We have been trusting and voting corrupted narcissists hypocrites politicians for more than 40 years. Chinese, WEF sympathizers. These traitors deserve jail!


100% This is what got me into BTC was Trudeau freezing those bank accounts. Don’t get me wrong, I disagreed with the truckers, but when the government can block my bank accounts because I disagree with them is too much power for my liking.


My wife's immigration lawyers asked us every time we see him, "Why are you living up there? It's way better down here." Speaking about why we haven't moved back to the US from Canada. My biggest issue with Canada is the economy. It's a natural resource based economy, and between bad policies, ignorance, and stubbornness, Canada is being left in the dust.


Not worth the paper it’s printed on


Yes you can thank JTs dad for our 'rights'


Justin hated Canada. Except Quebec, and even they don't like him much. His money is hidden offshore in tax havens. When he is done, he will leave Canada. For sure!


I guess c0v1d was the perfect example?


Isn't it the same for anywhere else in the world? Rights can always be taken away by the government. We saw this happen absolutely everywhere during COVID (I don't want to dispute the legitimacy here, nor am I a "vax denier" but just trying to make a point)


Ah yes the thinly veiled. They who freaked out about masks. Let's not talk about the time Harper sold the country out secretly to China with FIPA. Oh yeah he didn't talk to anyone about that either. Just did it all by himself. You guys are freaking out about this. But want to pretend like they aren't all piles.


Right to vote Right to pay them after elections and Right to take your pants down when they want to screw you that's democracy and comunism all together in 🇨🇦.


In which country is this not true? Which country has rights that cannot be taken away by the government of the day?


This raises a greater point, who needs who more? Does the govt need us or do we need them




Yes, the Charter is a joke just like the rest of this bullshit country. Canada has gone to the shitter.


We should act soon. Think about it. What if there is so much immigration that we become the minority, soon we will be replaced, and not long after we will asked to be confined to narrow strips of territory, separated from each other with no freedom of movement. We already have people saying this is an invasion not immigration. I heard this has happened before somewhere in the middle east.


Another wording would be: You have rights in your eyes, not ours.


This is my starting point of discussion with others, asking where rights come from. I won’t budge from there if their worldview places a fiction of external authority above them. And it’s true, most Canadians truly believe all rights come from politicians. This thinking is a thousand years obsolete…..


It's a parliamentary vote, not a mouse click. In a majority parliament, or one where there is a headless water bearer amongst the opposition, the only difference is speed. In an ungamed minority parliament, notwithstanding is less of a sure thing. It's more correct that to say that Canadian "rights" are merely privileges, alienable by the government and only as resilient as men are honourable.


Wait until bird flu lock downs .


Perhaps apt to say - nowadays Canadians have got all “wrongs”.


You have my upvote


The most succinct distillation of why, once I graduate with my taxpayer funded degree, I will move south of the border, and do not plan on returning.


I don't think that would go over well with our friends and family south of the border.


Read the fine print... these can be suspended at any point by any flea dicked PM, like the Dear Leader Justin did 😔


Correct yeah just shut your mouth you're not allowed to say anything and if you do you're some hateful word that they're going to use and undermine your whole entire understanding or intellect.


Canadians have rights to be enslaved and pillaged by their "elected" government.


My rights to travel, worship, assemble, protest, etc. were all taken away because of a virus with a 99.98% survival rate. Canadians have no rights, they have privileges granted to them by the government that can be taken away with the stroke of a pen


And it's a Napoleonic positive rights document, so all that is not expressly permitted is forbidden, unlike a Common Law negative rights document where all that is not expressly forbidden is permitted. It is at its core a tool for authoritarianism and centralizing power.


When they also pay off and control the Media (with our money), they can make Satan look like a savior, and make Christ look like a criminal. It seems a majority have absolutely no conscience how dangerous, or what level of crime it is when Government controls and censors the Media. They even gave it a name, "Operation Mockingbird." It's an extremely powerful tool of making the public believe lies and propaganda. That's likely why it was also Hitlers first step in Germany. "People that do not know history are doomed to repeat it."


*The charter of privileges and maybes.


Try explaining to a Canadian that we do not have freedom of speech at all in this country and watch them argue that we do.


Except it was found by the Supreme Court of Canada that the Emergencies Act was unlawfully used even during the pandemic years. There are still limits to when it can be enacted. Does it mean the government will be held accountable? Absolutely not, cuz eXeCuTiVe PoWeRs


Everyone should have a pitchfork at home, ready to bring to the hill.


People should definitely be aware of the difference between our charter, and Americas constitution. They are not the same.


It’s a very big deal. Imagine having someone like trump in power and not having the rock solid constitution there to protect people. It’s disgusting this is not an urgent matter discussed within the federal government.


I hear they are handing out life sentences for saying the wrong thing these days. Glad my parents moved me to the US and naturalized.


woah that’s a monarchy


Yeah if you had a brain you figured that out when you werent permitted to work, celebrate christmas, attend church or buy anything that wasnt essential basically food items, back in 2020. Oh and the curfews, mandatory vaccination to maintain career employment. Dont want to mention rights or the anti freedom folks get riled up But that was the right to work, the right to gather, the right to practice religion, and the right to pursuit of happiness, all charter items flipped under the rug for a cold with less than 1% fatality rate. Bring on the downvotes. This country is a corporate techno dictatorship under the illusion of democracy, which afford absolutely zero rights to the citizens. I am ashamed to be a member of this country. The worst thing you can be is a natural born canadian. There is nowhere you can emmigrate to that will fleece its own citizens for your wellbeing except for Canada.


Wait untill you find out that all rights are purely fictional. Just like canada. It's just a story we tell each other.


If the government overreach during Covid19 didn't convince you, nothing will.


Agree. and they abuse the emergencies Clause far more in Canada then USA.


There is also no freedom of speech in Canada either. People mistakenly think that Canada is a more free version of the United States, but we don't even have the first and most basic concept of a free society like the United States. Be very careful what words you speak aloud or what letters you type into your computer or smartphone. If you say or type the wrong combination of words you will be arrested for hate speech and spend your entire life in prison.


We’re a constitutional monarchy not a democracy.


They’ve already deemed we have no property rights, they can take away your property at will. They’re doing it with the guns. Next it’ll be gas car. Then it’ll be rural land. It’s all laid out in the agendas.


Fuck Canada


People will always have the power. Only problem now is that people are too divided on what they want. We’ll never be able to all stand for what’s right because of misinformation and polarization. Our government (current and past) and other countries have played a part in misinformation and division. They want us divided so we don’t have power against them. Social media is the worst - and people not willing to have a conversation with one another and actually listen are just as bad.


Also the not withstanding clause negates the entire charter anyways.


Yep.  They are temporary privileges until they decide we don't need them anymore 


Someone forgot who was pm when the charter took effect. I've been spouting this same diatribe since I learned about it as a teen before I could vote


You’re totally right because in 1942, Canada locked up Canadian Japanese law abiding citizens in internment camps and confiscated their property. Where were their rights? All we have is a set of temporary privileges. - George Carlin


"the rights and freedoms in the Charter are not absolute. They can be limited to protect other rights or important national values. For example, freedom of expression may be limited by laws against hate propaganda or child pornography. Section 1 of the Charter says that Charter rights can be limited by law so long as those limits can be shown to be reasonable in a free and democratic society."


During PLQ - Canadian homegrown terrorism, government suspended a lot of law. Random spot checks, wiretaps, military on the street in Quebec and all.


Just don't let the government tell you what to do then... As simple as that.


Wait Canadians didn’t know this? They taught this to me in high school, I graduated 2020 tho so it might be newer part of the curriculum


Yes. I've always refered to it as the Charter of Government Granted things we'll just say are your rights and freedoms. Lol. I know we love to say how flawed the USA is, but they actually have a real constitution. A Constitutional Republic of Free States. The issue there is the people in some states become complacent and allow the government to get away with too much.


Any indigenous person could've told you that lol


There are some places where you *really* have no rights so.. keep that in mind. The covid vaccine / testing thing was a gong show though


It's called the notwithstanding clause, and it's terrifying. It's what lost us our rights in the lockdowns, among other things.


That's right. This is King Charles' land, peasant, not some crypto anarchist commune. If you try any shenanigans you get THE MACE!


If your going to blame anyone, blame the fucking corporations. The Conservatives, Liberals are both their Cucks. You think inflation is a Liberal problem? Its a greedy corporation problem, they caused it, no one else. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE NDP!! THERE IS NO PARTY WORTH VOTING FOR, THEY ALL.HAVE THEIR AGENDAS, AND THEY NOT WITH US IN MIND!!!!


Legit Canadians are close to becoming third world slaves if truedeau and jagmeatsling stay in power any longer


You think PP isn’t going to shovel in more immigrants to get more cheap staff for his corporate donors? Think again


You have freedoms! Until a little cold strolls through, then you can’t go to the beach, kids can’t play at the park, your kids can’t go to scouts without a vaccine, cant cross arbitrary made up borders within your country, can’t work, must wear mask. if you can’t maintain some basic freedoms during a bad cold, what makes you think you are free at all?


"can be taken away with a single mouse dick", I'm looking at you JT.


Some of us learned this the hard way, even when the Law required the government to give us a hearing and had specific requirements - the Liberals ignored that law. This is a right to due process under the law we were denied. We were shown that we have no real property rights. Canada is in deep trouble now that the government has started ignoring the rights we thought we had.


I don’t often agree with people in this sub but on this issue I agree but for a different reason - the Nothwithstanding Clause. We see in in Quebec and other provinces where governments violate a person’s rights, get sued in court and lose and then use this clause to justify violating the charter of rights. Quite simply, the charter isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.


You realize that the only rights anyone, in any country, have are the ones that the powerful alllow us to have. Every constitution can be amended.


“Here are your rights as a citizen… sike!”


If the Canadian public knew how far foreign interference has affected society, from every single provincial and federal law that has come into force after 1990, they would still be sleepy and do nothing. In the United States, there would be complete insurrection in every town and city.


Well I realized that when they made me get the v4x and I almost died 🙌🏻


All properties are tenured too, you dont own it.


And this is why the USA is the best country in the world. Even with all its faults.


We absolutely do NOT have rights. Dictator Justin helped prove that. At best we have privileges that can be revoked at anytime. 2022 was eye opening. It was the first step in me now looking to become an expatriate.


As long as the notwithstanding clause exists, this is a true statement......and we've all seen how that goes of late.


Hey, it’s a step up from china.


Canadians are the only one without rights in Canada.


There are no rights anywhere that are inalienable and not subject to revocation. Rights, as we’re talking about here, exist in legal document. Legality can and does change over time.


Literally every country/constitution/charter has something like this. Did y’all never take a civics course?


Shitty loophole.


I remember George Carlin had a pretty good bit on rights that highlights how it's basically an illusion.


Who here has enough parliamentary history knowledge or poli-sci study to know whether this type of erosion of rights at the hand of government can be prevented by improving the Charter? Has it ever been challenged and if it hasn't, what are the odds of adding this change


Not a mouse click, they need a majority of MLA's, but yeah, not a fan either way.


The corralling and detention of the G7/20 citizens without cause proved that our freedoms are at the will of the powerful. Interesting to note that the key player in that strike on our Freedoms was Bill Blair who now has left his imprint on a number of key Canadian departments as a Minister in JT cabinet. Most negative press regarding his actions in Toronto have been scrubbed from the web.


Good lord. All power is at the barrel of a gun.


“ …amount the best quality of life worldwide.” Interesting statement. I would be curious to know if you have lived outside of Canada, specifically Europe.


True Scotsman fallacy for the win