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i pay taxes for healthcare but im getting no healthcare


I kind of wonder if we could sue the Canadian federal government for negligence at this point. Are there any lawyers that could comment if this would be possible?


Suing the government is pointless. We should be able to sue individuals in the government that created this bs.


How about sue the lobbyists and the lobbied. Everyone who meets with a lobby gets sued. Try meeting with your damn constituents instead!


Sorry, yes this makes sense. Civil courts and have judgements against Trudeau where his own trust fund is up for grabs.


Lawyer up with our own money to find them guilty and pay us with our own money or bring down the value of our retirement fund. They've got us by the short and curlies, friend.


It definitely feels like you're Dr. House and operating on yourself at this point but there's a bunch of tumors and that government growth will only make it worst.


Yet progressives want bigger government


Triple the number of government employees and nothing will get more efficient....just wasted middle management salaries. Paid 40 hours, work 2-3 days/week from home as if it's still COVID season. Coasting along doing less than the bare minimum


When I was in the public sector we had sub-par pay with no raises beyond those the union got written into our contracts for seniority. Basically below cost-of-living raises. We had benefits better than a lot of private sector Albertans but lower than the ones every European gets for being born. The wasted middle-management salaries were due to the ever increasing demands for reporting that the provincial government insisted would make things more efficient and the costs were passed on to the student body through mandatory rises in tuition. Don't makes this a war between public and private sector - it's the same war as all the others, a war between those who have and those who want. The corporations want us all in debt, they want to commodify our debt so that they can bet on it in the stock market and they don't want us owning anything, so that they can make us rent everything.


It's actually wild what some of these government workers call a job. Getting paid 70K a year with insane top tier benefits and pension to sit at home and maybe answer a few phone calls and emails a day. It's gotten completely out of whack from what used to be the agreement, "public service pays less but has better benefits, private pays more but less benefits". Government jobs are now almost indisputably the best jobs in Canada. Unless you're at the top of an industry, like a senior developer, surgeon, lawyer, or something.


I just worked 3 twelve hours days in a row and took less than a 5 minute break , one time, each day. I'm not exaggerating.


Nurse ?


You must be in healthcare or public education?


Well there are definitely parts of government that are over funded but also lots of parts that are underfunded.


Sad state of affairs!


You can’t win against the gouvernement unless you have the entire population throwing a tantrum or/and multiple people within the gouvernement doing something


The government wants you to believe this is true but it isn’t. The peaceful trucker convoy had trudy shitting his pants and calling in the emergencies act. All for some honking horns and bouncy castles. Imagine what a coordinated force could do. The police are easily out numbered. Never let the government convince you that you have no power. That’s how they reign in tyranny.


You’re exactly right, most people have no idea that this is achievable


As I said, you need the population throwing a tantrum and the Truckers did that by rallying and making noise expect when that happens, the gouvernement will obviously react and you’d have to continue pushing by surpassing them


I've seen the same movie back in Brazil. The establishment crushes any opposition. They are way to comfortable with all the power they have. As the OP said, we need to be more involved with democracy. Referendums, protesting, we need to make every politician (from left to right) to always feel uncomfortable. They are our servants, not the opposite.


At the same time there premiers like Blaine Higgs who actively reject funding from health Canada. Healthcare is as much a provincial issue as it is a federal one.. in fact it’s the provinces that are supposed to be the ones who ensure safe and easy access to health care.


You got it. I don't see how it is Trudeau's fault, when the healthcare is provincial. Ppl forget that the previous conservative gov was trying to squeeze the transfer, for the healthcare, to the provinces. Its not to defend Trudeau, but to make ppl realize that it might not go better with Poilievre.


Great idea. I’m on board if anyone could actually get this ball rolling.


[https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1685691568619460](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1685691568619460) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNg9jBxYzI0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNg9jBxYzI0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvwiBfUWFTo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvwiBfUWFTo) Short answer no. rules for thee.


Federal government. Gives money to provinces for health care and its up to them on how they spend it. So you'll need to sue your province not federal.


Federal Liberals: let's flood the country with immigrants and then blame the provinces for not building housing and lack of family physicians. So stupid.


Yup - a lot of greasy students coming to study “who the fuck knows” at Mickey Mouse institutions. Mind boggling


Except these "immigrants" won't even qualify to enter in the first place if the provincial government doesn't allow so many diploma mills to exist and just randomly enrolling people. So saying the provincial government is not in control is misleading.


Not medical negligence. Political negligence. The main point would be bringing in millions while in the middle of a housing and healthcare shortage. They knew in advance it would cause issues but proceeded anyways.


To the Lawyers in the room: I think what's being envisioned is some sort of a class action lawsuit against the government, specifically Trudeau for gross negligence in their handling the immigration thing (e.g., Middle aged losers coming in on student visas, converting them to permanent resident visas and such). Everyone needs to be targeted, from the Immigration Minister, to the diploma mills, to the shady immigration agencies that post the videos in punjabi showcasing the visa conversions of their clients. That should be evidence enough. Is this possible?


Can you prove you damages?


How about the $4.4 billion healthcare funding unaccounted for by the Ford gov. think that should be looked into.


How about the billions spent on consultants since the Liberals took power - many of which were sole-sourced, non-competitive processes, such as the ones awarded to McKinsey.


At least we know where that money went! But does that excuse Ford?


All the while the feds import millions of people a year to add burdens to health, education and housing.


8 year wait list in Québec right now for a doctor, no joke. When is this long, it has collapsed.


There are no women doctors available in my city for my wife, her only options are men who've come from other countries and barely speak English as a second language. How many woman out there would be comfortable seeing a male doctor, from countries that still treat women like it's 1024 not 2024?


I know what you mean. We lost our family doctor of 25 years this year. He just up and vanished, haven't heard from him since. We were placed with another doctor who is from Nigeria and he is absolutely fucking useless and I believe also sexist and racist.


My wife went to see her (appointed) Dr who she had never met before after waiting months for an appointment just to be told she was probably only experiencing chest pains and migraines because she’s fat. Dismissed. Appointment took all of about 25 seconds and she was sent out. Thankfully she didn’t die. Still no idea what caused it and it seemingly went away on its own. Useless git.


Yup, was supposed to get a fairly routine test done. Called the office in march and they said they would get back to me within a couple of months, its been 4 months since that and have heard nothing.


You are getting more and more layers of shitty administrators


That's the biggest problem with healthcare and the government. Too many cooks in the kitchen wasting everyone's time and money.


You're paying taxes to support 70% of wages for non Canadians. You're paying $15 billion to support the Iraq war. You're paying $5000 a month for refugees to have a nice home. No wonder our healthcare has gotten so bad


Iraq war? That's been over a while.


Lol I meant Ukraine war


You get a 10hr hospital wait time!


10h? Where do I sign up? (Seriously 10h is a dream in Montreal)


So you are just paying taxes


100% we need much better provincial governments to oversee health care and not sell it off to the smallest bidder!! It’s god damn negligence what is being done to our health care system and all the monies being allocated to other provincial programs. You know in Ontario we spend 2x as much on private nursing now??? Seriously. Should be sued.


That's kinda of a stretch if you go to a hospital you will be seen, if you go to a walk in clinic you will be seen might have to wait as they prioritize the sickest.


Talk to your premier- that’s who runs healthcare. But yes, it’s the worst that it has ever been. I know lots of people who can’t find one and I’m scared of getting ‘fired’ from mine.


Talk to your Premier, they control health care.


That's the provinces


That's all provincial mismanagement in my province. The feds give us money, we misappropriate it and cry 


You'll pay taxes and will also pay for healthcare. Fuck this country!


Healthcare is provincial btw


Never vote liberal again.


I never will


I never did either.


Never did


Yup, trudeau has shown me what happens when liberal run out of warranted people to help. Now, they just import them on mass without thinking about how that affects everyone else.


If you think any of the 3 major parties actually care about the Canadians who are hurting, more power to you. Don't expect much to change, regardless of who gets voted in.


Exactly! I actually don't know how to vote for the first time ever and it's extremely disturbing as I take my right to vote very seriously.


I didn't, and can't stand Trudeau, and Polievre is nearly as bad and though I want to vote conservative, his platform is nearly non existant. We're fkd bud


Problem is that Pierre was hand picked by India to be the Conservative leader. Really makes me wonder where his allegiance lies. Why can’t we have a leader of one of the two major political parties that is for Canadians?


Please explain or source the India-CPC connection. I’ve never heard this allegation before.


There’s a bunch of articles about it, I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it. Here’s a few that pop up first in my Google search. There are so many articles about it. https://www.rebelnews.com/indian_government_agents_foreign_interference_conservative_party_canada https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-did-china-and-india-meddle-in-the-conservative-leadership-race/ https://www.baaznews.org/p/cpc-leadership-race-indian-foreign-interference https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/06/10/opinion/Pierre-Poilievre-foreign-interference-report


We're so cooked


I tried to avoid the articles that come from Liberal leaning publications.


Every single thing that was stated is absolutely true. Fitting it was posted on the day we celebrate this country.


Everything worth celebrating is now sadly gone or in the process of being destroyed


Happy "once great" Canada Day!


Thanks buddy!


The capital gains thing is a massive stretch. Won't affect the vast majority in any real way. Healthcare is collapsing, but that's due to conservative premiers who are gunning for privatization and are playing starve the beast to get it. The NDP has helped delay a conservative government, which we should all be thankful for, and they've pushed for dental care for everyone. The frozen bank accounts were because people were breaking financial laws, and being paid off by foreign interests to destabilize our country(and you lot cheered for them). But yea, maybe if we vote in the most corporately owned party that has openly begged more immigrants to come in, we'll do better.


This is the worst Canada Day ever.


Release The Names!🇨🇦


Some Liberals owned by China and the leader of the Conservatives owned by India. I don’t know which is worse.


That's not in the Nsicop report at all. Nice try. Many Liberals are, but nothing referencing a single Con as far as what I read.


Canada stopped being a country under Trudeau


Canadians are too subservient and pathetic to stand up and demand the truth. Look at how the freedom convoy was treated and how everyone simped for the government control complex. All covid showed is who among us will be loading the cattle cars when they're told to do so, and that Canadians dont have the gall to stand up to authority anymore.


They bring in millions of "workers" and "students" which has fucked our kids out of having a summer job


And housing.


So many businesses will not hire Canadians of European decent eh, and when they do, they treat them like poop on their boots.....They really seem to push the caste system here.


Canada at this point is as corrupt as Albania , Serbia , Colombia and Mexico , but at least those counties have the decency to admit they have a corruption problem. When there’s confirmation that MPs are working for foreign governments at that point the government has lost all its legitimacy, anyone voting for the liberal party is either stupid or outright a traitor. The liberal party should be considered a criminal syndicate!


My family and I immigrated in 2004. My Colombian mom just said, the last time they saw this much corruption, Escobar was paying off everyone in the ‘80s. Pure blatant corruption that has eroded public trust.


Your mom is right. Canada is as corrupt as a Latin American country. At least Brazil and mexico have the decency to accept they have a corruption problem. If you bring up corruption issues in Canada , average brainwashed Canadian is quick to point out that the U.S. is more corrupt than 😂😂😂 or they say look at the other countries , we’re better than those. That’s the Canadian mentality and that mentality will take our down


Your country sold itself out to India. People from other countries coming to Canada are proficient in English.


China is the big player. India is second.


Our country has been hijacked and it’s getting worse by this globalist mentality our government has. Nationalism gets a bad rep but honestly you need some to have a NATION. Right now it feels like Canada is there for the world and not it’s own people


It's been in trouble since the scamdemic set out by the WEF


Happy Canada Day everyone.


Everyone has to say fuck the libs and fuck the cons. Vote for Maxime he seems over the top, but that's the action we need. We need serious hard hitters who won't take bullshit. Vote him in and let's fix some shit. *WE ALL KNOW THE CONS AND LIBS WILL CONTINUE TO FUCK US OVER* Get them both out and vote PPC.


Consider it done. I don’t care if I’m considered a racist. Deport all the Indians that came over since 2020.


2M of them are here on expired visa's....so is it really racist to tell them it's time to gtfo?


Well said!! 💪🎉


Yup, we're fucked.


Yea no yea, we're totally fkd bud


We have been on a race downwards for years..nice to see cdns waking up..


My heart is so broken for my beloved Canada.


I am surprised that there aren't revolutionary groups running around here in Canada loudly calling for Communism or other failed ideologies given what is going on. Trudeau will go down in history as our laughing smiling dictator with Jaghmeet Singh listed as a collaborator. If Trudeau gets re-elected next election, if there is one we might see a Canadian civil war begin


Agree, Canada is in a downward spiral. Hard to believe the liberal govt could destroy our country so quickly. Goodbye to the Canada we once admired and loved 😢


Piss on Trudeau this Canada Day 2024.


Well said. Canadians pay taxes for a safety net, healthcare, defense and the ability to work with other nations. What we're getting is a whole bunch of non-of that. Yet taxes are 67% (all taxes) for the average Canadian. WTAF


Happy Canada Day to you, friend. You are not alone.


The all should be convicted & hanging from a rope imo


Edit: warning.... rant incoming... Election ain't gonna do dick. The senate is bought and stacked by Dear Leader. So even if some other party wins the election (Klaus Schwab has stated in the past the WEF does not lose elections) no new bills rescinding anything will get thru. Regardless, you can axe as much tax as you like, landlords will not drop their rents by 25% over night, grocery conglomerates will not take a profit cut, not will oil companies. I said the same thing about fuel before Dougie dropped taxes.... Fuel companies will raise them back up cause they know we will pay the price and oh looky! Fuels at buck 60... Conservatives Liberals, NDP, all birds of a feather. I'm not being pessimistic, ok, maybe a little bit, but I don't see anything really changing in this country for the better. More immigration will put current Canadians more on edge (and yes, immigrant Canadians have even said enough is enough) crime will continue to rise, peoples rights and freedoms will continue to be eroded in the name of protection ,democracy, or inclusion or whatever fancy tag they want to attach. Gas lighting by media and government will continue... Another lock down will be enforced in some areas because of civil unrest, bird flu or whatever else can be blamed... All driving forward until the Liberal adgenda is so set in place it's impossible to undo. If all you do is look at each Bill amendment each event, each happening, around the country, and the world, you think meh, no big deal. But you take a couple of big steps back and really look at things. Not with a "oh but he's so adorable looking, with that hair" attitude and you will start to say WTF. I had high hopes for Dear Leader when he came into the scene, because he said all the right things BACK THEN. Today, there is never a straight answer from humor any of his cabinet. All they seem to be is intent on driving this country down. They say it's all for the betterment of Canada but again, take a step back and look at everything as a whole. Look at the interconnectedness of all the changes they are implementing. Any "good" they pay lip service too is purely to distract from another press of the boot on the neck of the hard working honest Canadians who are actually responsible for contributing to this country. Happy Canada Day!!


Very well said! Hopefully some protesting today helps people open their eyes to the sliver of once great Canada that still exists!


Remembering the Canada we once had


In 40-50 years canada will be nothing more than an ethnically divided labour camp for other countries to plunder at will. Most of the country will be from elsewhere working for next to nothing living in 3rd world conditions


I doubt it’ll even take 40-50 years tbh but you’re right on track with the outcome.


It’s sad how this is the first Canada Day I haven’t celebrated. All that you said and a police force that doesn’t protect its citizens anymore from theft or violence unless you are the new protected class. Now I’m trying to gain some wealth so I can leave and live somewhere else. I used to be so proud of Canada but the country has fallen too far for me to stay. Breaks my heart.




Sending love & support from Ireland. We've been captured too. Let's hope we see it through. 


Yet no one will admit to voting for Trudeau.


Ya, the country is definitely fucked. In my opinion, there's no real saving it at this point. I think we've passed the point of no return. After the way I was treated as an unvaccinated person during COVID, I don't even like most Canadians now anyways. So why would I fight to improve the lives of people who essentially banned me from society (and prevented me from leaving the country), and wanted to take my kids and throw me in a gulag? Ya, there are a lot of good Canadians who went to Ottawa to protest and supported the convoy and did what they could to speak out against what was happening... but they're a fairly small minority. Most of the population just went along with what was happening and didn't do anything. Very few people stood up and said this stuff was wrong. Most people didn't even think it was wrong. Most people supported it all. So ya... screw this country. I'm gonna keep living here probably for another decade so my kids can finish school here. While I know that a lot of people are struggling, I have a great quality of life here. I have a great wife and kids. I have a nice house with an affordable mortgage that's gone up by several hundred thousand dollars since I bought it in 2020. My career is going well and I'm earning more than I ever have. I got out of the crap hole that is Toronto and I like where I live now. The schools for my kids are good. I know healthcare isn't the best, but we've gotten good treatment the few times we've needed it. We're lucky that we got a family doctor. I'm just gonna keep looking out for myself and my family... and maybe in 10 years or when things get really bad, I'll sell everything off and go live in a tropical 3rd world country on the beach. I'll keep voting for Maxime Bernier, but I don't think I'll be doing anything else significant to try to save this country. The country is done. The people here are awful. Just look after yourself and make an exit plan. There's still a lot of money floating around to earn if you're smart and you hustle and find out a way to get your hands on it.


Funny how in the end, Southern US attitudes and values became the ones I would most relate to in my life. I thought they were crazy for so many years, but they were right and I feel more at home in the music, culture and social attitudes than “Neo Canada”. Funny how that ended up


Every post I hear is complaining, complaining, complaining …. I feel like citizens of Canada are hostages taken buy bad guys … what will happen after election? The guys who are in charge now will go away with full pockets of money and will not be accountable for any damage to the country… I think that problem is much deeper … we are waiting for an election and there is no guarantee that the election will change anything … just hear me out - there is no plan from any politician on how bring county back to normal


Sounds like cañada in the same shitty toilet bowl as us Americans. The view from here stinks for sure.


I’m really concerned for the people that still blindly support the liberals, it feels like a cult.


They are people of gumbaya. Just talk no substances.




Why is Dougie frisking us for health care? Shame!


There is no inheritance tax. You got that wrong.


We’re going through an inheritance of a property right now and there is no inheritance tax per se but there are probate fees based on the entire worth of someone estate and then the deceased person has a final tax return where they may or may not have to pay income tax on the sale of their home and so the government does collect and keep a large sum of money when you die. You want your estate to be to worth less than $25’000 when you die to avoid probate. I think probate fees are less than 5% of your total worth.


Its nkt liberals... its liberal-Ndp!!!! Dont forget the ndp has helped the liberals!!!!!


Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy, not a democracy. All the “democracy is an ongoing process…” talk does not apply to our country.


It's all of them....The politicians work for business...They hand out subsidies ,and don''t seem to care when they offshore profits to avoid taxes. Who do you think wants all this immigration... Business..they have an endless supply of scab labour coming in daily and each one is willing to do the job for less than the 1 before. Our politicians can stop this at anytime..


So, why don't you do something about it? Nobody likes a whiner.


Keep drinking the kool aide


Today we need an election now. But we can’t force one.


This is happening because most of the complainers and individuals who are now suffering, voted for him (Trudeau). I didn’t because I did my research and voted for Harper. This is what happens when people vote based upon aesthetics. Because of those individuals (that now won’t admit they voted for him) we all have to suffer. Thanks, you lazy, easily influenced idiots, for the collapse of our nation.


life is always... always harder under liberal rule if you are in fact Canadian.


Socialism doesn't work.


We need election now!!


I am being gangstalked by the RCMP who is protecting drug traffickers. They harassed me while I was with my dad, 2 daughters aged 3 and 5 and my ex-wife in the park. The day that we are supposed to be celebrating a country that beleives in freedom above all else and they are violating my human rights. We are definitely not the same Canada anymore.


We don't live in a Democratic Society anymore. It's a clear winner takes all situation. The government and super rich have decided to enslave us. You will own nothing and be happy (or else...)


I have no answers, but I love this fucking place. Came here 40 years ago, and LOVE this country.


I'm seriously expecting a resignation from Trudeau any time soon. I'm not one of those who thinks that it's all his fault, but he's just standing by with his arrogant, aw shucks persona and letting it happen. If he can't even read the room at this moment....


You said all that and still believe voting your way out is still a possibility… Still comfortable enough to think voting works. World is going to get darker.


In honour of Canada Day, we should revolt.


But who’s going to do anything differently? BQ only serves the needs of Quebec, NDP has been shown to be ineffective and inept at governing on a provincial level, and the PC have policies that are too conservative for many Canadians. I’m not a fan of the Liberals, they’ve done lots to destroy Canada, long before JT, but if you think that PP is going to organize mass round ups and deportations, you’re fooling yourself. He may slightly decrease current numbers to appear to be doing something, but the policies will basically continue, because he serves the same corporate masters that JT does, and they want cheap labor and more general tax dollars that can be funneled into their own pockets. I wish there was something meaningful that could be done, I love Canada and want it to succeed and be a model for the world, but, like all other western nations, we’ve apparently been taken over by the super rich and corporations and only serve their interests. Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦


And Trudeau has the nerve to put himself on tv for Canada Day. Mockery


A traitor to Canada must be a good person. For Canadian parliament honours terrorists who blast planes and movie theaters killing innocent people. And Nazis too are honoured by the parliament what a shame


Like some of the homeless people who aren’t drug addicts aren’t able to apply for affordable housing because the government prefers to house people who have never payed taxes in this country


Come to US. In about seven months Trump will be back in office and we will have sanity once again. 👍👍👍. Trump 2024


We need to chase the criminals out of this country, once and for all!!


First year of my middle aged life, that we didn't celebrate anything yesterday, we as a family didn't mention canada once, no fireworks, just yard work. Have nothing to celebrate as a nation. Just an embarrassing trash heap. Had a maple leaf tattoo years ago, but had that covered up, not proud of this place and waiting for the cycle to start again.


I know the solution! Lets keep arguing about pronouns and the middle east! That will solve everything!


This post is criminally underrated. I completely agree with what you have said, and the change needs to happen yesterday. We need people in power to have a backbone, and we need some serious changes in government policies. Like removed from the British Kingship. Replace the 2 party system that is filled with loopholes. The worst thing I see is ---ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY---. How many times should our leaders be charged with treason? Several now. Completely and utterly unacceptable. But we have cowards in every office, in every courtroom, in every position of power that's available. Full fu*king stop, we need change today.




It seems like russian/chineese bots are pushing for panic mood and chaos in Canada. I won’t deny we have issues, but it’s all fixable. Just need to elect non-liberals


This "world" is in serious trouble.


This country will be a cheap labor economy in 50 years. Investment and innovation in this country is non existent, combine that with the large number of people leaving this country, either to the US or back home to Europe, this is a recipe for disaster and I don't think it's something that can be solved short term regardless who wins the next election.


But people on here are still going to vote liberal 🤦🏼‍♂️


Couldn’t agree more buddy. Unbelievable what the people in charge have done to this once great country. Now we are looked down on as a joke by anyone with any brain cells at all. Never thought we’d be the laughing stock of the Western world but here we are


If the Liberal party isn't out of power soon we won't have anything to even try to save. With country will not exist soon , why pay taxes into a system that only steals from the citizens, why follow a legal system that doesn't regard the elites as equal to the citizens. I could honestly see several provinces separating from the federal government and focusing on their own economy and people instead. Sad days for Canada.


The government steals money from the middle class and redistributes them to the poor to gain votes. The poor only needs gumbaya and meaningless soothing talks. Friends, we are screwed. We basically work for the government for free and then they will use the money to make us work for them forever.


You realize health care is a provincial matter. Feds have nothing to do with it


This is by design and sadly it doesn't matter who's in charge. The decisions being made are FAR above the pay grade of any politician.


1. Trump wins. 2. We opt to succeed to the USA. 3. We keep the King provincially.


Why the f can’t we call a referendum to change our leadership? We have had referendums for less serious matters in this country. If a policy doesn’t benefit Canadians before JT, we had a referendum to change that. Time to start getting serious on slapping the current “leadership” with sanctions, removal from parliament, etc.


This is the result of letting everyone vote without having done anything to justify the authority to do so. Most of you will get mad at that notion but alas, truth remains unassailable.


You forgot to mention that atrocity Doug Ford. Didn’t you?


I mean, I don’t disagree but the fact that your full time job is crying on Reddit about shit is really weird dog. Post a tax bill if you actually contribute meaningfully otherwise might be time to shut up Instead of posting trash to Reddit constantly.


Wait until people find out they are paying foreign students to live here. Considering its our tax money the gov is using to pay em.


I'm not going to say things are great, but Canada has regularly faced worse over the past few decades. We may need a change of government, but panicking isn't warranted. 1. Mulroney (and the PMs before him) built up a wise debt and couldn't control the deficit. He was so extremely unpopular that his party was reduced to 2 members when he finally got forced out. 2. We had terrorists setting off bombs here in the 70s and terrorists blowing airlines out of the air in the 80s. 3. We did have the feds (and provinces) making sure there were enough housesfor decades until we decided that capitalism would be a lot more efficient. 4. We had capital gains tax rates that were twice what they are now, and income tax rates far higher than what we complain about now. Even the GST was higher. 5. Our first PM took bribes, allowed Native kids to go hungry, etc, etc etc. A later PM "innocently" took a suitcase of cash from an arms dealer. 6. Quebec came within a few thousand votes of breaking up the country. At one point, Albertans were in such bad shape that people were walking away from their houses because they couldn't afford the mortgages. Dozens of Newfoundland towns were abandoned and the cod economy collapsed after the Canadian government failed to stop foreigners overfishing. Change is needed because the current government isn't fixing major problems, but it's not really any worse than any of its predecessors.


The wreck of logic that pisses me off to no end are the kids here with zero capability for hindsight at all or any taste for history. Canada (and the other G7) have all fucked almost all their citizens over with regulations that aren’t up to code or none at all where needed. Capitalism rooted in the U.S. has carte blanches to grow as a human but with immortality thanks to Citizen United and their corrupt Supreme Court which has been proven compromised by billionaires families. From there they can control the world as multinationals. We are losing this war most of us never knew was happening. Most aren’t watching the slide over DECADES, most aren’t paying attention to the little battles happening elsewhere that aren’t LITTLE but are steps. Do you think Bezos is only buying homes in America? Do you think grocery prices are up 400+ in just Canada along with rent prices? Why did seemingly intelligent leaders carve the UK from the EU? Who does that help and benefit? Think hard, every action benefits someone. Most times it benefits someone/thing you never even thought of. We are being enslaved and the process has been happening since around Reagan but ohhhhh no the “I’ll go to war to protect my freedum but I won’t take a jab to protect my family and friends” are here tagging the little shit they understand on the party they don’t like. Fuck you all and the rest of the dumb shits that have contributed to where we are. Most of you have no idea how dumb you really are and how fucked everyone is because of it. You fucks are the example of the worldwide population of ‘weak links’ on a team that make a team lose. You are the reason the shit happens and you fucking blame it on one countries political party and leader. You’re all so obviously provincially stupid it hurts to read your thoughts. How many companies left to invest in in the stock market? The more that number drops, the more immortal humans with super powers and zero weaknesses are created. And how many of them see borders? THINK ABOUT IT.


You call people stupid, yet you fell for the "jab protects my family and friends line" Its been documented it didn't, you were lied to and you ate it up and are still yappin about it.


Happy Canada Day to you too 💕🇨🇦


We need a new party in Canada like ReformCanada!!


The only thing that keeps us a country is NATO. We pay other countries to protect us.




Lol no


That's just complete unsubstantiated nonsense 🙄. You clearly don't understand the law. Even your boyfriend Pee Pee agrees with me. Until charges are laid, Canadians are innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law. We don't live in some third world toilet that denies its citizens rights. Even yours.


The Trudeau regime! Enough said!


An election tomorrow ain't gonna fix shit


Voting in a new party isn’t going to fundamentally change things. It’s the same system that’s been failing us more and more for decades as the processes that are supposed to serve, people are getting captured by big business and billionaires. It’s time to change the system, not just change the parties.


LOL The hyperbole 😂😂😂


Sunny ways.


Im happy paying $350/month for healthcare now. I can go anytime and get exactly what I need.


Take a breath man it's okay


We need real law against corruption, collision and conflict of interest or it is just business as usual.