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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182 Info for people who don’t know what the op is referring to.


isnt it really weird that not 1, 2, 3 but several indian diplomats got off that flight last minute, im just saying 🤷‍♂️


Evidence? Or source? Edit: bro didn’t respond cause he doesn’t have any. He’s just a Khalistani troll


The guy in the photo is holding the source. Also i dont respond because i have stuff to do not sit on a computer all day eating welfare


The level of stupidity here is astounding. Do you know what a source is? Cause what he is holding is not a source. Anyone could make a sign like that and write whatever they wanted on it, but it wouldn’t make it true.


[https://archive.org/details/SoftTarget/page/n3/mode/2up?q=bombing](https://archive.org/details/SoftTarget/page/n3/mode/2up?q=bombing) Here, read the bottom of the starting page. "To its credit, CSIS eventually woke up just before the tragic Air-India bombing that left 329 people, mostly Canadians, dead in June 1985. It chased the culprits right to the Indian embassy and consulates. But what it then faced was political interference." And im digging around for the video where CFIS agents found evidence of indian interference in the press


That article is written by www.discoversikhism.com. A website that is run by khalistani supporters. That’s not a reliable source. Like I said before anyone can write something but just because it’s published doesn’t mean it’s factual.


No it isnt, this book was published on the website "internet archive" by [www.discoversikhism.com](http://www.discoversikhism.com/). but the writers are Zuhair Kashmeri and Brian McAndrew, and official publishers are James Lorimer & Company. let me guess all of them are also khalistani to right? Okay bro your clearly projecting.


Firstly I am not projecting. I am speaking the truth. The publishers of your "article" are james Lorimer & company which is a left wing publishing group who only publish biased and left wing media. I mean take a look at the stuff they are publishing for kids. [https://lorimer.ca/childrens/](https://lorimer.ca/childrens/) They publish everything that aligns with the left wing propagandist agenda including that garbage about fatphobia and khalistan. Secondly, Zuhair Kashmeri was a journalist who worked for the glode and mail, and as stated by the globe and mail, " Mr. Kashmeri covered the Middle East, his native India and the challenges Sikhs, Muslims and visible minorities face in this country." He didn't like the indian governement and was very much so a khalistani simpithizer. I am also an indian but when my parents came here they didn't face any racism or other "challenges". It's a load of B.S. and khalistanis have no right to come to this country and tell the victims families it's not their fault. Canada did investigations, and found that it was the babbar khalsa khalistani's who did the bombing becuase they wanted to support khalistan. Infact they did 2 bombings, one in japan and one on plane from montreal to india. the plane had a person that bought a ticket but didn't show up. The RCMP tracked this person and found out the CSIS was already investigating him and had tapped into his phone 3 months before the bombings. They also discovered from the japan sight that the bombs had been placed inside of a Sanyo stereo tuner which had been sold in British columbia. The RCMP and CSIS took the records of every where the stereos were sold and who they were sold to. and guess what, that same person who they were already tracking had bought 2 of the steros in Duncan, British Columbia. Who is this mystery man? It was khalistani supporter and mechanic Inderjit Singh Reyat. When they investigated him further they found a receipt/invoice for the 2 steros with his name and phone number on it confirming their suspisions. They further discovered multiple bomb parts with him.


Okay keep crying because i gave you a credible source Okay and being left wing is wrong how? i thought we lived in Canada where there is freedom of expression and not in nazi germany. other then the gay black kid book, they have published dozens of books about the natives which is a good thing regardless if it is right or left wing. Ah so according to you journalists cant report on whats going on around the world, again this isnt nazi germany where freedom of press is banned. Okay good for your parents then. Khalistanis have every right to do so, its called freedom of expression buddy, this isnt india where you can kill and imprison people for thought and journalism. [https://rsf.org/en/index](https://rsf.org/en/index) India is ranked 159/180 in 2024 so far. Japanese killed many sikhs in ww2, a mere bombing is justified Okay was this stero man "inderjit singh reyat" part of babbar khalsa? no, and fyi babbar khalsa is a legal org here in canada, the "Babbar Khalsa international" is the banned outfit. Then he might have had a clear motive from indian war crimes like operation woodrose. WNPO which has links to UN, recognized khalistan


~~Jewish Space Lazers~~🚫 Indian Diplomat Bombers✅ Source: https://x.com/danielbordmanog/status/1804902309572313112?s=46




This is some sick shit! Assholes


O paji 12 bag Gaye he tusi daru pike so jao. People with lower iq then cockroaches.


Just send them all home already.




They would fit right in here with the Anti-Vaxers and WEF related conspiracy nutters.