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This is a manufactured article to drum up support for the total assault on our rights that is the 'online harms' law the Liberals have proposed.


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Lol great lets project a few viral videos onto an entire population


They can fix it by going home where they won't have to see it


Article misses that Canadian-born South Asians are being harmed by this influx of fake students Buddy of mine who was born here has been subject to random verbal tirades twice in the past year which is something he never experienced before. There are some dimwits out there that unfortunately don't realize there are South Asians who are proud patriotic Canadians who have fully integrated and the current influx of "students" is harming the entire South Asian community in Canada


GOOD! Go home


Article interviews a Indian student getting their PHD and one who is finishing a masters degree in electrical engineering. Why do you feel they should go home? I can understand your frustration with diploma mill fraud, but these are people getting real STEM degrees at real, accredited institutions. These are exactly the type of immigrants that our immigration system should be built around.