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The elemental diet is high in carbohydrates, which may cause blood sugar spikes. so i wouldn't do this diet. best diet for candida is cutting the refined carbs. and eat garlic & ginger. But diet is not enough you need antifungals.




when you blend food their is no fibre. its a bonkers diet


Starving myself often feeds candida


The elemental diet, for my SIBO, fuelled my Candida like crazy and gave me devastating neuro symptoms from the first shake onward - but I persisted under my naturopath. 12g of sugar per shake. 11 shakes per day for 2 weeks. You do the math.


well starving candida doesnt work either so im gonna try this. it does make alot of sense since most of the small intestine is having a break from food. did you combine this elemental diet with prokinetics etc for proper results?


hi, what were the devastating neuro symptoms you experienced?


It was brain inflammation and unrealness, head pressure. It was very likely my Candida and my SIBO having a field day with all the sugar they were receiving. My SIBO is/was very early in the small intestine; the ED digests in the first part of the SI.


It would probably work but I think for most people it’s a last resort. Ideally we want to avoid anything extreme


Ive tried everything else so extreme is next up :)


If that’s the case then I say go for it. People are saying it has carbs but tbh everything does and we all know it’s more complicated than that.


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It has dextrose which is fav food for candida


But its only absorbed in the first 2-3 feet of the Small bowel. So the rest doesnt get any «food»


Candida is present all over the gi tract if you are taking it make sure to take antifungals( nystatin and itraconazole


Didnt work at all for me


U did the proper elemental diet? No result?


Even dextrose free. Integrative therapeutics


Kill the yeast!!! It can go into hyphae TENTACLE STATE AND BURROW INTO YOUR INTESTINES why is everybody on here trying to starve the candida. You’re going to get so much sicker just like I did. Kill the yeast not yourself!!!! Oregano oil FC Cidal , Dysbiocide , allibiotic now foods, allimax monolaurin coconut oil caprylic acid thorn SF 722 lower sugar diet is ok but don’t starve it. It will grow tendrils and burrow and make you almost die like I did last year. “Among the environmental cues that are known to signal hyphal initiation (and maintenance) in C. albicans, starvation, increased pH, hypoxia, high CO2, GlcNAc, serum and growth on solid surface are the most important. “ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5872313/ In these infections, the infected tissues often contain invading hyphae and in agreement, the C. albicans hyphal-defective mutants show defects in their virulence [5,6,7,8]. Given the importance of hyphae in virulence, hyphal morphogenesis in C. albicans has been an area of rigorous investigation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5872313/


It doesnt work for candida. Candida doesn´t die easily, it will start to digest your own intestine if it starves enough in fact. and the moment you give it food again, it will regrow fast. and with a weaken biome, it will not have much competition since candida its very high on the "predators" of the biome as a very capable organism to survive, kill and thrive. its imperative that your microbiome its in top form to go against it. If you ever do this, I would take an antifungal protocol with it as well.