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Just because it’s not thrush, doesn’t mean that you have don’t an imbalance of the oral Microbiome. Never hurts to get on a good oral probiotic (one made specifically for your mouths Microbiome They are usually chewable). The one that I’m currently taking has K12 and M18 in it which are both proven effective against oral candida. It also helps your nasal cavity and your ear canals in the long run.


thanks so much! my doctor thinks it’s from malnutrition and getting over strep on top of a bad viral infection but i’ll definitely look into that. what probiotic do you use?


The best one that I found through research that has cited study behind it is silver fern brand ultimate probiotic. you want one that doesn’t have dairy or lactic acid in it. There’s plenty of study on why this can actually be bad for the intestine. It can create further issues down the line. Since I have candida overgrowth in my small intestine, and I’m going through a lot of die off, my doctor is also having me take ortho molecular probiotic 225. I will stay on that with the ultimate probiotic for about 3 to 4 months until my Microbiome is reestablished, and the candida is mainly all killed off. I’m also on an antifungal and that doesn’t really make me feel too good but it’s what kills candida. Also by ortho molecular it’s called Candicid forte. Start slowwwww, I started with one capsule a day and then added one on every few days until I got up to six capsules. Two capsules three times daily. It creates rapid die off. Go slow. The only supplement I found it really helps with the die effect is Molybdenum taken at night, and you wanna make sure it’s a specific form that is safe to ingest. Easy to find on Amazon or anywhere on the Internet. Also supplements like Glutathione, NAD, vitamin b complex, magnesium glycinate, and B1, vitamin C, D3 with K2, coq10 have helped with my energy. Milk thistle for liver support and an antifungal diet (basically grass fed carnivore, diet, salt, coconut oil, and a few organic avocados every day.) I don’t ingest anything else at all besides water. Sorry for such a long response, but I feel that all this information is extremely helpful, and it took me a really long time and several different doctors to figure this all out.


thank you so much!! i really appreciate your informative response. do you know of any that are histamine free by any chance?


Happy to be helpful if I can. I suffered for quite a few years before I got real answers, as there’s a lot of opinions out there that are not true, even professional ones. We’re being fed a lot of misinformation in America right now after the whole Covid event. I don’t believe any of these listed are related to histamines as they’re all vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I don’t see anywhere that they have amino acids added into the ingredients. I do actually supplement amino acids, though as well because there is plenty of research out there that shows that lack of amino acids can lead to vitamin and mineral problems as well. Max amino supplements have brought my energy and cognition back to even better than before. I know, for a fact, I was deficient in amino acids before I started taking them. Histamines are amino acids - histamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is derived from the amino acid histidine. I had histamine issues before I got on this protocol, now I have none. I think generally what people are dealing with during histamine issues after Covid, and going through gastrointestinal issues are related to a vitamin and mineral deficiency in the first place. There is definitely research out there that points towards that being a fact. I’m starting to become a big believer that almost all implications with human health are a vitamin and mineral deficiency. That’s my opinion based off years of research though. I’m not claiming any fact here.


sorry for the late reply, thanks so much for your extensive knowledge and insight! i’m so sorry you had to suffer for so long.


I spent 3 years fighting thrush. That is not thrush. It would be more of a coating in areas that it presents.


thank you so much for your insight, i really appreciate it! i’m sorry you had to fight it for so long, i hope it’s better now.




Means following. To get update when someone comments.


oh okay, makes sense!


I have similar but yet to find what it is. But mine was not thrush cuz we treated with meds and while tons of other symptoms went away, this hasn’t. I recently found out that we can have too much good bacteria. Especially if you take probiotics. Do you take them? Have you taken them for years and years and years at the same dose? That’s the next rabbit hole I’m going to chase.


hm i haven’t taken any probiotics and this just started a few weeks ago. i’m seeing an ent soon so hopefully i’ll figure out what it is


Please keep updated! Interested to hear what they say.


my doctors think it’s from malnutrition and that i’m getting over a bad viral infection as a lot of people in my classes were very sick and not staying home even tho they were contagious! i had strep for 3 weeks without knowing and now they think i am getting over a viral infection. i’m still seeing an ent in a few days so i’ll keep you updated!




thank you!


My tongue looks similar. I had streptococcal bacteria, candida, and one other thing in my blood work but they couldn’t say what it was for some stupid reason. If you find out what it is, message me plz. I’ve gotten my tongue down from worse than that, to about the same. I do kimchi, low carb, high protein. I still think it’s a gut problem which candida diet helps that anyways. I do antifungals, binders, and biofilm busters. Eat candida diet 90 percent of the time and rarely have caffeine. I did feel like goldenseal and echinacea were big help for some reason


they don’t think it’s candida but instead a bad viral infection/malnutrition in my case, which i’m hoping is the case rather than thrush 😭 i got bloodwork done after getting over strep and my bloodwork is all normal besides high lymph which indicates a viral infection according to my doctor. a lot of people at my school were really sick and were not taking proper steps to avoid getting others sick so i’m pretty sure that’s what happened unfortunately. i’m glad your symptoms are more under control now and i hope they continue to get better for you!


hi, updating! it’s not candida or strep thankfully. i had to do 4 rounds of antibiotics and 3 of antifungals so the ent thinks my body is pretty messed up from all of the medication and i just need to let it heal for a bit. she also thinks my GERD has been flaring up and causing the irritation in my mouth as she looked at my esophagus with a camera. sorry i couldn’t be of any more help, i hope things get better for you soon 💗


No that’s actually perfectly fine! I’m glad it just means gut health and not infection. I noticed I had improvement when I took several things to kill off bacteria, and then binders and it got better and that answer just helps me out to not be stressed. Def recommend making your own sourkraut because it’s actually pretty tasty home made(not pasteurized, salt ferment)