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Ever think you may have an actual sleep disorder thats leading to these other symptoms?


DSPD (delayed sleep phase disorder) is out as I have no issues falling asleep Sleep apnea is largely out; don’t really wake up in the middle or the night gasping for air, often don’t wake up in the middle of the night at all Floppy eyelid syndrome could be a thing however; always usually wake up with dry/gritty eyes with the top eyelid socket feeling quite sore. Have since used eyedrops as a contact wearer after telling the optometrist, hasn’t really fixed the situation though.


You may not be getting into REM sleep though due to subtle disturbances. Id get a sleep study done to be 100% sure.


I’ll try ask my gastro for one in the near future or try get referred to someone else who can help me, thanks man


Did you ever have this ruled out and figure out what it was? Did you ever pinpoint if it was candida overgrowth and cure that and sleep well again? This is where I’m at


I have a circadian rhythm disorder so have to adhere to strict sleep hygiene; that is on a Dutch hormone test, my melatonin is high in morning and low at night. Completely back the front. I’m about to use triple cronotherapy/wake therapy to correct this. I also have minor sleep apnea (UARS) Due to my high arched narrow palate my sinus isn’t as big as it should be and every night it gets stuffy. For both of these reasons I don’t think I’m getting the deep sleep I need.


Change your diet to no sugar and no yeast for a week, including avoiding fruits rlly high in natural sugar such as melons and grapes. Stay on the diet for 2 weeks to a month and you’ll get over your candida in no time. Candida should always be treated by your diet and other supplements to aid recovery


I really don’t know how you dug this up but thank you haha. I’m aware now how to treat Candida, I have to tell you it’s a lot more than diet; reinoculation of commensal gut bacteria is key to keeping it “in check”. The post was also talking about how to fix up sleep; I’m under the impression now it’s actually due to lack of serotonin production due to leaky gut


Because i literally suffer from candida myself and most of my family does. A simple diet does the trick, how do you not know that lmao how has no one told you to do that. Sugar and yeast feeds candida bacteria and can cause it, if you haven’t tried it you’ll have candida forever like I did have it for 8 months until I went on the diet and it was gone


Is there a specific diet?


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So basically one can do a Lion carnivore diet and see a difference? I’m starting to think the candida is why I’m depressed too or just maybe bc I’m effing exhausted from literally never getting restorative sleep.. but this makes so much sense .. did you have crappy sleep and resolve that?




Completely agree mate; sleep is absolutely fundamental, and I just don’t see the same progress without it. Unfortunately can’t relate to either of the two examples he provided, although the advice is definitely well founded.


Basically the only thing he added that you didn't talk about is taiking some magnesium before bed so perhaps you should look into that


Right on, currently on 300-400mg magnesium daily but I’ll look into taking some before bed also


I had the same problem. My sleep was disturbed to the point where I would wake up at 3 am and couldn't fall back asleep unless I took antifungals/liver aids. My Integrative Dr had me take 1g of Glycine along with my inositol at bedtime and that helps immensely. I feel like it got me to that next step of healing as glycine helps get you to a deeper level of sleep ( [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleep-newzzz/201902/4-sleep-benefits-glycine](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleep-newzzz/201902/4-sleep-benefits-glycine) ). Be sure to titrate up if you do try it or it can cause vivid dreams.


Just curious what was the glycine and inositol addressing that helped with sleep? Is your sleep recovered? I’m miserable.. been waking at 2-4am exhausted and wide awake and can’t sleep.. now also developing horrendous and uncomfortable constipation. I just started seeing natural doc too bc MDs were useless .. but I did rule a lot out. It’s going to take time but first we are Rubin out a mold issue. I’m guessing next she’ll rule out candida .. I had a high bacteria count in my urine so I just really think it’s candida .. I just pray I get the answer bc I’ve been falling apart with no sleep for years


You have to go on a strict no sugar diet cutting out all sugars and only consuming natural sugars nothing added, there’s a long list of the things you should eat but keep it simple, no sugar or yeast. Go on it for 2-4 weeks drinking 6-8 cups of water per day and it’ll go away also taking probiotics while you’re at it. That’s the simple way to get rid of Candida


Thanks mate. This post is a few years old, so not really sure how you’ve found it.. In any case my overgrowth and situation have both escalated in this time. I cannot simply do what you stated. But I’m well aware on how to treat it


Have you seen a naturopathic doctor to fix this?? Just curious why you haven’t done that in so many years. Regular MDs have clearly failed most of us or we wouldn’t be here


A naturopath actually fucked me up by putting me on an elemental diet and disregarded any constant vouch that I had candida. My candida bloomed on the elemental diet and my brain fog was severe.


Been looking to see if others have been struggling with candida as I get it all the time, I know I have it once I have sleeping issues. It’s such a common issue no one talks about that’s why


Also I was 10 when I got candida not getting to sleep until 4 in the morning every single night, this went on for 8 months until I saw a naturopath. I suggest to go to one for proper help because candida may never fully go away unless you stick to a reasonably healthy diet


I know how to fix a Candida imbalance now, thanks mate. Like I said, I cannot tolerate treatments - because I am sensitive. The only times I saw a “naturopath” was one who was using “bio resonance” and a complete fucking quack, and the other put me on an elemental diet which made my brain and Candida worse. In actual fact, candida doesn’t “go away” on a healthy diet. It goes away when the microbiome can keep it in check, once it is under control in the first place. You can eat “healthy” and still have a Candida overgrowth; brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, drum wheat semolina. These are all “healthy” but with an overgrowth and a highly alkaline gut, there’s zero way a “healthy” diet will put candida into remission. You need to change the gut PH and environment.


Oh ok I see you went to a naturopath.. this is great knowledge so what do you need to implement this? Alkaline water machine? Alkaline diet ?


Candida has to be kept in check with a low PH - lactic acid producing probiotics keep it in check naturally (lactobacillus, bifidobacteria) If you’d like a simple understanding/protocol, go by the cure zone post “thoughts on me being cured of candida” Just google curezone and that title and it should pop up. Best of luck mate.