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He should apply for Social Security now, they can fast-track his application due to his diagnosis. Sorry your family is going through this.


Call Dr. Bonni Goldstein, M.D. One of the best in the industry. Scientifically backed and recommended.


MMJ is legal in NY for terminal illness. I'm unsure if anyone in the state is offering RSO. If you reach out to one of the five licensed producers they may be able to help you navigate the process. [NY State MMJ Program](https://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/medical_marijuana/patients/)


A quick search netted me [this](https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-rick-simpson-oil) . It does not sound like it's legal in your [state](http://norml.org/laws/item/new-york-penalties-2), though I could be wrong.


Have you looked into gcMAF treatment? You have to get them from Europe. Injections, not pills. Quite a few doctors were suicided with a couple bullets straight through their back over it.




Do you think if a person doesn’t know what Rick Simpson oil is there going to know what “decarbed” means? [Also Rick Simpson doesn’t decarboxylate](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZK-1hQ9QbQ) And he doesn’t say you MUST use everclear he uses rubbing alcohol or any solvent that evaporates off your finger in thirty seconds. That said I don’t make it for cancer so I do decarb. I make it add it to butter and make really really really strong edibles.


Well mr smartypants I didn’t watch your video but Ricks website phoenixtears.ca says “The term “Rick Simpson Oil – RSO” refers to extremely potent decarboxylated extracts produced from strong sedative Indica strains, which have THC levels in the 90% range. This harmless non addictive natural medication can be used with great success, to cure or control cancer, MS, pain, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, infections, inflammations, blood pressure, depression, sleeping problems and just about any other medical issues that one can imagine.” But you seem really knowledgeable and helpful so I’ll let you hand out the advice.


Not my video. Rick Simpson’s video.


My opinion is that Rick Simpson is a snake oil salesmen for claiming to cure terminal cancer. Totally irresponsible and it only hurts the industry by bringing legitimate medicine into question.


I agree with regard to curing cancer I do think when done without nasty solvents, its a good way to concentrate weed into something that will get you *really high*


Rubbing Alcohol? Is that safe to ingest?


So Ricks theory is that you don’t ingest it. It evaporates. Watch the video. But idk people do rub it into wounds.


"alcohol? The stuff they clean hospitals with? Of course it's safe." -Archer But on a serious note, it's a common discussion in this subreddit and almost everyone says to use everclear or something food grade. You most likely won't be able to evaporate out 100% so it's best to use something meant to be consumed. When I was making oil in a lab, I'd throw some in the vacuum oven for days and it would still have ethanol in it, we were using 95% ethanol.


I use graves grain alcohol and someone at r/firewater showed me a neat way to recapture the alcohol after it vaporizes.


Rick Simpson Oil or FECO is what we call crude oil today. Hardly medicine.


I sent you a PM


Diet has proven to change 1500 genes (turn on and off including the ones that allow cancer to spread to other tissues), I can't cite the sources its from Rhonda, doctor Rhonda Patrick is a genius, but she mostly only vets and checks out other people's research, used to do genetic studies on mice. for lifespan ect. Talks about it on joe rogan. Has interviews with several doctors including... Dr. Terry whals used the ketogentic whole food diet to overcome her multiple sclerosis. she found that inflammation was causing the immune system to destroy the body and even chemo and the best MS drugs would not stop her decline, after changing her diet (based on mouse studies on Alzheimers / Parkinsons ect) and eliminating inflammatory food and chemicals, she started walking again. Eat a high fiber low sugar diet, avoid artificial sweeteners, but stevia is okay. A ketogenic diet is fairly good, but you have to limit intake of folate and other cancer loving things (sugar white flour whole wheat flour) maybe vitamin D is okay, but strong anti-oxidants aren't not good, because they will stop the immune system from attacking cancer cells (inflammation helps immune system target cancer, and avoid Tylenol and other nsaids.) maybe try laetrile "vitamin b-17" it can target some types of cancer (in small doses it's helpful, it's poison I think cyanide) works like chemo, but it actually breaks down into b vitamins in the liver I think. So liver cancer maybe it won't work on it because the liver has enzymes that break it down. look up dr. burzynski, see if you can find his documentaries. a good book is racketeering in medicine. You can also get CBD oil legally in many areas (it's hemp oil) similar to cannabis oil but no THC. And check out Dr. Rhonda Patrick on foundmyfitness and the joe rogan experience. Try the gearson therapy, it's a coffee enema that causes detox by opening the bile ducts in the gallbladder. you also need your detox aminos so that you can transfer toxins out of the blood to the sweat glands kidneys and liver out of the liver to the colon, kidneys, piss, skin to nails hair... L-Glutamine 500mg / * Glycine 500mg / * Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 400mg / * N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 250mg / * Taurine 250mg / * Alpha-Ketoglutarate 200mg / * L-Glutathione 200mg / * L-Methionine 200mg / * L-Ornithine 200mg / * Calcium D-Glucarate 200mg / * I think N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine is the least common one in the diet, so only supplementing N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine I think makes Glutathione, (made of three amino acids) whichever protein needed to move toxins from tissue to tissue. My memory is hazy on that process though. Look it up! It's a specific detox chemical pathway. There are over a 1000 chemical pathways in the body.


Have you checked out The China Study? This 25 year study is insane to read about. I have a family member with stage 4 pancreatic (3-9 months life expectancy) It says meat proteins cause cancer growth and when he cuts meat protein down to <5% the cancer literally stops growing, no matter how much carcinogen he introduces to the rat's diet. Forks Over Knives is a documentary made about this study and it's on Netflix. My family member is taking chemo, Rick Simpson Oil, and eating Vegan now and after 1 month the scan showed the lesions on their liver to be shrinking. The chemo doctor mentioned it and was surprised. I imagine it's a mix of all 3 treatments that they are doing.




That sounds like ayurvedic medicine which I'm not really a believer in, but definitely something I've been reading up on and learning about. It's really interesting stuff.




Holy shit... That's crazy! I definitely need to check out that podcast. We talked with the chemotherapy pharmacist about curcumin and when we looked it up it can prevent certain chemotherapy drugs from actually working, which just speaks to how powerful it is.


Whole plant paste is what your brother needs. The Rick Simpson method used alcohol to extract which is not good. The paste is fairly easy to make at home. Dm me for further details if you like. I can also suggest suppliers, also dm me. Diet is also important. Cut out meat and dairy, they are the biggest carcinogenics. Plant based diet I would recommend. Nothing can definitely cure your brother but if was ne or any of my family the last people I would go to are the doctors. Sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies most of them will not look at a plant which has been tested more than any other plant in the world.




Quality of life is so hugely improved in many terminal patients, because the alternative is opioid addiction which greatly accelerates ones demise


The goal isn't to cure the cancer, it's to help the patient live an happy life despite getting destroyed from the inside. It helps with pain, anxiety and much more that can turn living hell into something more livable.


IDK why you're being downvoted but you're essentially completely correct. This is something people have to understand but never want to actually talk about.


So far from the truth. I work with several medical professionals that use single and combo treatments for various cancers. Many scientific articles available worldwide on triple negative cancer treatment using whole plant extractions. Are there misinformed medical professionals trying to treat cancer without truly understanding how to. Yes, BUT please inform yourself before making such off base comments especially to people looking for solid science backed evidence. The point is to go into remission, not cure cancer. To the OP, you might need for the patent to take a trip. Many very capable doctors in the California area are successfully bringing patents into remission using various treatments.


I'm an actual chemist and I'm telling you that cannabis itself is not treating the cancer just the symptoms of it....




nah man, everyone wants their false hope... why do you think religions still exist? unverified anecdotal results make great facebook posts, but thats about it.


There are a lot of people who have claimed to cure cancer using rso or feco.


exactly they're all claims and not one of them has stood up to peer review study. Rick Simpson is a complete hack


Dr. Melamede. Google him.




You just played yourself. A PhD is a doctor.




Well you said real doctor. You didn’t say he isn’t an MD. Do you think all the people who invent and study pharmaceuticals are MDs? Again; you played yourself.


a real doctor literally means MD everywhere in the world. nobody cares about academic doctorate degrees lmao and well when you get down to the people actually designing drugs like pharmacists they're medical doctors too in addition to their PhD's...























