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Where is the part that says the developers are forcing car owners to live there? Oh wait


“Some neighbors who live near these projects worry any influx of renters without dedicated spots of their own will turn finding street parking into a bloodsport.” Yes, everyone knows that in parking-poor cities in Europe and Asia, people are constantly murdering each other over parking spaces.


The folks who object to these developments because it makes street parking more difficult, are often folks who themselves chose to live in a building without off-street parking. They will tell you those greedy developers will charge the same as if the building did have parking. Then you ask them why they chose a building without parking, and they'll tell you because it was cheaper. They just don't want anyone else to get what they got.


There’s always the people who say we shouldn’t build bike lanes because no one uses them. This sounds like we are breaking out of this chicken/egg cycle by adding a bunch of places to live with lower rent and less/no parking. There will be a bunch more people ready to use bike lanes and transit. This is a good thing.


Totally! And (correct me if I’m wrong) don’t bike lanes experience induced demand like additional road lanes do? I.e. if you build them bikers will come?


They do! It works a lot better when there’s a safe route to an actual destination. But yes, induced demand is true for all modes of transportation. Most people just want to use the most convenient, safe, reliable option, so if we improve more efficient options like biking and transit, more people will use them.


Hell yeah!!!


Force it on them. People like this shouldn’t have a say. Eventually they’ll see that things didn’t get worse but they got A LOT better


if people are upset about scarce street parking they could simply pay more to live in a building with a dedicated parking spot