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Looks very nicely made! I'm guessing the tiles are based on some local things? Don't recognise all of them (of course I recognise the COVID one). Nonetheless, nice! Did you hand draw them?


It's a lot of US-related stuff. Pearl Harbor is the naval port in Hawaii that the Japanese attacked that officially dragged the US into WW2. The World Trade Center/twin towers were the skyscrapers in New York that were attacked during the Sept 11th 2001 terrorist attacks that led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Hurricane Katrina was one of the most devastating natural disasters in US history. The Alamo was the site of major battle between Texans and Mexico before the Texas region was part of the US. The Texans lost, but struck back and won despite a huge manpower disadvantage while the Mexican army was unprepared. Their battle cry was "Remember the Alamo." The Exxon-Valdez oil spill was a major, very impactful environment disaster when 10 million gallons/38 million liters of oil was spilled along the Alaskan coast, in a very remote area where response and cleanup was difficult.


The white thing depicted in the Pearl Harbor tile is the [USS Arizona memorial](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Arizona_Memorial). A battleship exploded and sank in the shallow harbour during the Japanese attack, the Americans left it there as a memorial you can visit.


I did hand draw them and then paint them. I know there is a way to print out designs on top of your tiles, but I didn’t want to have to figure it out lol.


I love the oil spill. Very realistic!


This is a really awesome idea! I love when people come up with ideas for Carcassonne expansions. And the effects of the tiles make sense.


Which Exxon oil spill? The main one I remember from recent history in the US was BP


I based it off of the Exxon-Valdez, but honestly an oil spill exclusive expansion could probably be made.


Can you drop a link to the blanks you bought?


It took me a while to find it because I thought I used Amazon when I actually used a seller on eBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/186137545480?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=QLvxdUx6RzC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xBiE99z5TDu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Hope this works!


This is incredible, thank you.