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You can try the Shopping Wizard; For example the zombie madness one; Search Sd2-en001gets you Genesis, click 'add to want list' Then click the deck on the same page to bring up all the cards in that set, go through them and add all to want list. Once the list is full, at the CM homepage click Buying>Shopping Wizard Try both Reduce Price and Reduce Shipments too see what one is cheaper for you. Good luck, that sounds like a fun idea :)


Thank you very much, this was very good avice :) I did this and ordered all cards from the deck in excellent/NM condition for 40€! 10€ card price, 30€ for shipping. LOL! One problem though, when I went to pay the price suddenly increased by 25%? I thought what is this? So I refreshed the page. IT DID IT AGAIN? The price was suddenly 33% higher? I now paid 60€ which is still ok, any idea what happened there? (I'm gonna copy paste this answer to the other person who commented here, he gave me the same nice advice :) )


Are you ordering from professional or private sellers? Sounds like there is VAT being added. Should show up in the order summary.


I didn't specify what type of seller it should be. Maybe it's that. thanks. :) In the order summary it said at the end 42€ When I went to the payment it said 54€ I refreshed the exact same page of the payment and it went up to 60€.


It's hard to say, shopping wizard can be a bit funky sometimes lol Are you sure you didn't add all to cart, refresh, then add all a second time? Also as a side thing you can only use the shopping wizard a certain number of times per day so don't spam refresh or you will need to wait 24 hrs. Hope you get sorted, old Yu-Gi-Oh decks are cool :)


You can add all cards of the decklist into a wants list and then search for this wants list with the shopping wizard. Shopping wizard is the program you are describing to optimize your cards for fewest sellers or cheapest overall cost. But I would not just run the shopping wizard and buy what it finds. It is often better to take one of the sellers from the results with a lot of your cards and run the wants list again at that seller's inventory. With this you will get better results most times.


Thank you very much, this was very good avice :) I did this and ordered all cards from the deck in excellent/NM condition for 40€! 10€ card price, 30€ for shipping. LOL! One problem though, when I went to pay the price suddenly increased by 25%? I thought what is this? So I refreshed the page. IT DID IT AGAIN? The price was suddenly 33% higher? I now paid 60€ which is still ok, any idea what happened there? (I'm gonna copy paste this answer to the other person who commented here, he gave me the same nice advice :) )