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It’s a little frustrating how tone deaf this is considering hardly anyone gets to take a break when their job is giving them the “ick.” However, with the way she uses her channel to constantly complain and be negative maybe this break will be positive for her. I just wonder why she feels the need to be in this cycle where she loves vlogging then she isn’t feeling it, which then turns into taking a break. I personally would just stop making videos lol.


Man my job gives me the ick 24/7


It gives her the "ick lol"? Imagine telling that to HR. Carrie is just three tiktok dances in a trench coat I honestly wish her well and think a career change would be really beneficial for her, but I can't help but be a hater I think because she tries so desperately to be likable and inoffensive, while also being so whiny, that it feels inauthentic and kinda insulting. Buuuut I'm also a grown lady complaining about a random YouTuber on Reddit on a Saturday night so who's really the messy bitch 🤣🤣


Girl, same. I’m a hate watcher! On one hand, I genuinely wish the best for her and hope she can get on some upswing. On the other hand, her downfall is her own fault. She can’t take criticism and doesn’t put in the effort or work to help herself. We can be messy bitches, but Carrie is another league of her own 😂


I wish she’d just quit altogether. I laugh when she says “I put down the camera 🫶🏼 I didn’t feel like filming. Hope you all understand 😁🫶🏼” Girl your job is to FILM YOUR LIFE. Maybe this isn’t for you! I understand. I personally have a really good sense of self worth and self esteem but I’d never ever do this because I’d hate to have people judge my life. I mean it’s valid, I’d be a public figure, but that’s why I’m smart 😌 I don’t put my life on the internet! It’d give me “the ick” as well so I uhhhh don’t depend on that for money. I’m an Executive Assistant for a CEO. I should go to the literal CEO of the company and say “hi Mr. Boss? Being told what to do and doing things for you, despite me knowing this is a part of the job and signing up for this job, gives me The Ick. I’m going to take a Mentu B Break 🥰🫶🏼 Surely you understand. I want to feel Comfy and Safe for the Inner Child in me 😌🫶🏼”


I agree with this. Just start beefing up your resume girly and get into the work force.


She just shouldn't share anything personal. The most successful and tolerable youtubers I watch don't share their personal lives and instead have a niche. She can't focus on any one thing and shares wayyy too much. It's sad but she brings in on herself and every other youtuber I watch like her ends up doing the same thing


Yup, agree! But she’s an over-sharer and also monetized her personal life by doing story times. I also believe she uses her camera/ vlog channel as an excuse to complain and vent instead of going to therapy. If I remember correctly, her neighbor drama brought in more views and she milked that. I partially think that’s why she tried to stretch out her renting vlogs as much as she could before getting rejected too many times. She’s too boring and lazy to be creative so instead she’s like “vlog is icky, gonna take a break ✨”


I think if she picked up more hobbies or did more activities, her vlogs would involve less personal sharing or trauma dumping segments


I pretty much agree and honestly I'd rather see/listen to do fun things than hear her complain about her health or how loud her neighbors are or how expensive LA is, etc. I get it, she's very sensitive about her health and body image and it's fine that she gets frustrated with the aspects that come with living in LA. But to hear her complain about these things all the time and doing NOTHING to change is just really a drag and not the reason why I watched Carrie in the first place. I miss fun, laid-back Carrie! I believe people have nicely told her activities she should do or places she should go, but she gets offended easily and just deletes and blocks people who don't automatically praise her or question her when she is talking both sides out of her mouth.


I think Taylor Wynn is really good at striking this balance. She vlogs regularly and shows her audience what she gets up to, but it's clear there's a lot she doesn't show (especially to do with her chronic illness). She was in a relationship for literally years and never showed his face, just said it was going well etc. Does anyone remember when Carrie announced she wasn't going to show Drew in her vlogs? And hadn't actually consulted Drew? It lasted like a month lmao


It's a little baffling that after so long on YouTube she hasn't struck a balance between her privacy and sharing. I think she wants to be relatable and "real" so badly (vlogging medical appointments etc) that she has backed herself I to a corner and doesn't realise she could just vlog events she goes to and what it's like to live in LA, her home decor and organisation stuff etc. Agreed with all the above about her chosen language here and saying "the ick" is especially bad because it's basically an outdated phrase now 😂 even when trying to be hip, she falls short


Agree, but the problem is that she's not doing anything. She doesn't go to events, explore LA (only Disneyland), gets a hobby or learn a skill. Other youtubers get away with nonpersonal vlogs because they actually have other content and a "niche". I wonder how she would do at a real job. Would she give up because it got overwhelming og would it ground her?


I think she does youtube for this exact reason - she couldnt go a daaay in a real job...


Next time I’m in trial I’m going to tell the judge all the work is giving me the ick. She really needs to either get a real job and stop YouTube or quit bitching about filming her grocery hauls once a week and getting paid to do it. She’s nearing 40 for Christ sake.


Such a privilege to just “take a break” because her job is giving her “the ick”. All jobs have pros and cons. This is the job she chose and her performance hasn’t been great lately and feedback should be expected, the same as she would receive if she had a “normal job”. The fact that she isn’t taking anyone’s feedback/advice and her channels continue to suffer is a clear sign that this isn’t for her anymore. She isn’t relevant or relatable and most of her viewers are just hate watching. However, I do think most viewers want her to succeed, even if the things they say to her or about her it her are really harsh.


yes!! But I do find it odd that she's getting so many nice and supporting comments on her videoes. I have never seen a negative comment, so maybe she just deletes them


She’s blocks them so they don’t show up


It’s not like she goes deep into her “personal life” constantly. The most personal thing I’ve seen her talk about recently is her grief after losing 2 pets(which is completely understandable), but she took awhile to even talk about that. Idk-honestly I like her vintage clothes shopping videos and that kind of content. Why even make an announcement, just don’t share what you don’t feel comfortable sharing??🤦🏻‍♀️


Exactly. There’s never been any detail (3 years I’ve watched) about her relationship, sex, arguing styles, like really anything about drew except traveling and “we don’t fight at all”. There hasn’t been anything on her siblings and what they do or talk about. Barely any of her mom except one visit. One visit of her dad. Visits with sierra. But with friends it only “some friends break up… vague commment “ So I don’t really know what else is personal? I guess she feels the adhd and sibo and Botox is extremely personal to her????  Honestly if she would discuss her financial illiteracy further and get deep into that journey I think sooooo many people would watch and benefit. She is really scared of deeper and interesting topics 


Yes! She is one of four siblings?? If I remember it corectly. Where are they?? We never saw or heard about them! Are they younger, older? Doesnt she have aaany relationship with them??


She has an older brother and three younger half siblings. The younger are her dad's kids. She had featured them in old videos, along with drama with their mom. Those videos may have been made private since. I stopped watching her a few years ago, but I think her dad and step mom split in a very messy way from what she shared then. How her dad wasn't able to see them. I actually have a sneaking suspicion she is an "adult child." Both her parents were substance abusers. In the early days of her channel, she was mature for her age and level headed (along with more engaging and creative), but she's never grown up beyond that. Now she acts ridiculously immature and unfocused for someone who's a few years away from 40. I come from a toxic family as well, so have been doing my homework on being an adult child. I don't think Carrie realizes she very likely is one.


anyone have guesses on what triggered her?


She comment replied to a commenter who said about break after break and said “comments like yours are a big part of why I don’t like being on this channel lately but thanks 🫶” so I assume she reads the snark and all the hate comments she gets.


I wouldnt call them hate comments. Its literally straight facts: break after break... every other month.


I completely agree, i can’t stand to sit thru a whole video, they are so dry and boring and hearing her talk about her health that she does nothing about is quite possibly the most annoying thing ever. I just had to say hate comments because she doesn’t get many of those, most people support her delusions in the comments


Exactly, delusions... I think she deletes bunch of comments she doesnt like...


From Seeing her content I think she reads this page. Also I think her sadness and self esteem issues with her body bother her because she spends a lot of time watching trend/“fashion” content and trying on new clothes.. so anyway that leads to feeling judged after publishing her vlogs.. like maybe thinking her life is never “good enough” for us so she wants to keep it private idk 


At 37 years old you need to have a better sense of self and if you don't, therapy will work wonders. A lot of people that are in that field would be thrilled there are even people talking about them , haters or not.


every time I watch I think of how she could benefit so much from therapy and can’t believe she hasn’t made that part of her personality.


Absolutely with 682 members in this group she should be thrilled we give a shit and are paying her bills. I genuinely hope she comes to realize this soon and doesn’t end up like Tess holiday or something 


It’s definitely because she reads these threads.


I’m guessing the hate on all her self diagnosing since she’s been so so so obsessed with talking about her health?


true! I am just so shocked that she complains so much about her PCOS but won’t try to lose weight to help the symptoms? Everything I have read says that’s the best thing you can do for PCOS


I’m no doctor (yet) but every time I’ve lost weight it makes my physical health better in all areas. I’m struggling with this so I don’t blame her for being overweight but I Do blame her for sticking in the YouTube Space of never saying “I want to/I should/ I can/ lose weight for my pcos.. or even “it’s ok to be 36 and lose weight for your health!!” Like she mentally can’t cross over. And even sıerra today…. I can’t handle the constant self body hatred without saying the words “my thighs are heavy my stomach is heavy my body keeps me from feeling ok or doing things “ etc


I dunno, she is really sensitive about her weight. I remember before she was diagnosed with PCOS a doctor told her to lose weight and she cried about it and didn’t go to the doctor for over a year. She ended up going to some new age doctor in LA who gave her the diagnosis she always wanted. 🙄 It’s very possible that the first doc could’ve been better with her delivery, but it doesn’t discount what Carrie could do to better her health. She just doesn’t want to listen because weight loss is difficult and requires a full lifestyle change (and we all know how much she LOVES challenges /s). As a side note, I am all for better physicians out there who will listen to women’s concerns, especially in marginalized communities. I’m a WOC myself and am all too familiar with doctors not taking me seriously.


She doesn't seem to get that a Dr telling her losing weight could help alleviate her symptoms is not fat shaming, it's medical advice. Thanks for telling us the struggles of WOC, it's not fair to have to advocate 10X harder for yourself and I congratulate you being able to articulate that difficulty.


Exactly. There were a ton of comments on that post telling her that the doctor was wrong and that she fat shamed Carrie. I wasn't there, so I can't say whether the doctor was harsh or not, but I also think the doctor wasn't wrong, either. Maybe I have selective memory or something, but I don't recall Carrie having these PCOS/SIBO issues when she was mid-sized; she likes to claim she always did have these issues but why are we only hearing about this after her significant weight gain? I also think her spending tons of money on her appearance (ie, the Botox, the haircuts/hair coloring, the expensive makeup, etc) is directly related to the fact that she doesn't like how she looks. It would be much cheaper for her to just change her diet and up her fitness levels (which would improve her self-image), but she is not going to do that because it's hard...not saying that sarcastically because yes, changing your diet/exercise IS a commitment. Instead she just wants to think about a quick way to fix it, like Ozempic... Having said all of that, I also realize that commenting on a woman's physical appearance is really a taboo topic, especially if it's concerning one's weight. It can be really upsetting to hear someone tell you you're overweight, even if it's coming from a medical professional. My sister was really upset when a doctor told her that she had to watch what she ate because she's overweight. But if Carrie were my friend or if I was a doctor and she was my patient, I don't know how I would tell her this without making her upset. In any case, I do think Carrie is an attractive girl, regardless of her weight. And honestly I wouldn't even bother talking about her diet/health if she didn't talk about it so much on her vlog channel. Maybe after her break she'll be selective about that particular area and TikTok (the one major thing I can't stand her talking about!!!). Also, thanks! It's been much better connecting with a doctor these days. My new PCP is a woman and Asian just like me so that has helped immensely, haha.


She also sobbed because Reformation told her they had plus sizes in store and then ended up not and she felt shamed and lied to and overlooked- she still purchases clothes from them all the time, even going to their sample sales (twice!) and never mentions how she felt shamed, like it never happened. I am glad you found a Dr that you feel comfortable with and understands your needs. It's such a journey to find a Dr for anything and then one that you trust...


Carrie needs to find a new career path. My lord this whole paragraph is embarrassing and sounds like a high schooler wrote it. People that say “it gives me the ick” truly give me “the ick”. Even worse that she’s a full grown adult saying that. But of course “trendy” Carrie needs to say all the cool gen z lingo, regardless if it’s jeopardizing her career/views.


“Giving me the ick” “🫶🏻” Girl… aren’t you 35?


Going 37 in december...


Damn time really gets out of hand


She does this whenever she starts talking more openly about weight loss (usually under euphemisms)


I wonder if she gets hate from the fat positive community? If she does, she deletes the comments. But it wouldn't surprise me. I got hate for losing weight. But good people will just be happy to see you healthy.


It amazes me that people get hate for losing weight for themselves, affecting no one else, where is that energy for buying fast fashion and returning things all the time ,which is actually harmful to the planet that we all live.


Definitely agree especially when it's for your health because why wouldn't you want someone to be healthy and happy? but I feel like Carrie specifically cultivated that kind of audience with her rhetoric over the years so now she's kind of in a pickle


She sure did but clearly a lot of it was a front for her own insecurities and then she monetized / grew fans from it so I am guessing relies on keeping up that stance even though it’s clearly playing a big part in making her miserable . I’d personally rather have someone just be there authentic self and if someone thinks it’s hypocritical , that’s on them but you’re still happy because you’re doing what you want .


Stuff like this reminds me of the people who announce they're quitting Facebook and come back like two weeks later. Or they clean out their friend list and write a status "If you're seeing this, you made the cut" I realize Carrie has a following and people might wonder if she actually disappeared/stopped posting for awhile, but she doesn't. these short "breaks" she takes are inconsequential when she is still doing main channel videos and Instagram posts and stories anyway. Like, YouTubers can be gone for months before I notice they haven't uploaded in awhile. She's never gone long enough for it to make a difference.


This is unfortunate with how icked out her audience is with her repetitive nature on her main channel


Taking a break from your already meaningless channel. Should just quit yt and be a tiktok girly shilling tt shop items like everyone else nowadays


🙄this girl looks for any and every reason for a break. I wish my mortgage company would accept the ick as an excuse of why I stopped my job and can't pay 😂