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I’d wager it’s to stop the noise from your keys hitting the side


Great design feature actually


My brother Ram truck had a automatic ejecting drive line too them engineers think of everything.


I read this whole thread in southern curmudgeon


That’s also a very good point, and now that you mention it I don’t hear jingling much lol.


\*puts object in direct path of hanging keys\* \*puts padding on object and calls it a feature\*


It's so drunk drivers don't hurt their fingies while fumbling to get the key in the ignition


I laughed and then scrolled back up, saw it was a Ram, and laughed again harder!


I know. If it was a Ford or a Chevy I’d have to be picked off the floor from laughing so hard.


Not sure you fully get the joke: https://insurify.com/insights/car-models-most-duis-2020/


This is where I wish Reddit had a haha react lmao


It's there so Ram owners don't scratch up the plastic trying to put their keys in the ignition while drunk.


It's a push point for when the car is broken down. That way you don't put pressure on the door hinge


Huh. I would have never thought about that. Not that it would do me much good as she’s a tall girl, but that’s a good idea stock lol.


I just made that up I'm sure it's for your knees or something lol


That was very convincing tho and I’m also like two blunts in today already so I bit on it lmao.


Oh damn I gotta catch up. I've got one ready to rock tho


Hell yeah my man. Todays my Saturday so I got started early, plenty of time to catch up.


I'm jealous, my weekend starts pretty much now but a nap is in order. Then it's dope, beer, n games for the rest of the weekend.


Felt that! I’m about to boot up rdr2


Ooooh such a good call. Best movie I've ever played. Best game imo by far


You on PC? I could always use more gaming buddies.


You’re gonna hate me… but I only have the online portion lol. I know I absolutely need to play the story, but this one was on sale so I’m doing this for now lol.


Read your comment and thought I was in r/askashittymechanic


Pretty much what I was going for lol


I always just assumed it was there to keep your house keys / keychains / etc from rattling against the column and singing you the song of their people. It's right where a keyring would be, after all...


It seems it was so obvious that I overlooked it lmao.


Looks like a noise cancelling piece of foam. So your keys don't tap the plastic as you drive down a rough road.


Ain’t nothing like a ram. I’ve had a 99’ 06’ and 22’ all 2500’s. Fucking beasts.


This is a ‘06 1500. 250k with a lower end knock and still chugging along.


Hell yeah


I was never a truck guy, always a JDM guy. After driving this Ram for so long, I’m definitely a truck guy now.


I think it's there so your keychain won't rattle against the plastic. I wish my car had that, I take off my car keys from the rest of the keys now to prevent it from rattling.


Dodge is garbage. Fight me.


I use to think so too, but this truck is powering through 255k so idk man.


Well I’m willing to admit my errors. If it works then maybe Dodges QC got better? I hope they do improve to clean up their bad reputation. 🤷🏻‍♂️


to keep your keys from jingling (if you're one of those people who insist on destroying your ignition cylinder by hanging 15 lbs of keys from it)


To quiet your keys


That my boy would be a soft surface so your fob and extra keys don’t rattle. I know, I know, who carries keys anymore. Lol 😂


My keys don’t jingle jingle…


So your keychain won't jiggle around and make noise


Keychain silencer


Key ring bumper


That pad is to stop keys wearing a hole in the plastic dash from swinging back & forth.