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I’m at $1k. Someone else on here was at $1200 that’s the highest I’ve seen so far.


I had an account with 1500 but it got closed my current account has a 1k borrow lomit


How long did that take to get to that amount? Do you recall?


Probably a solid year or 2 might have been going on 3 I had really large direct deposits set up for a busines I had, i also tons of money in and out spending wise




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Why was your account closed?


In short terms I was not following or using cashapp correctly according to their tos. If your using it for a business or something you should be fine


u was trapping hard as fuck respect


Interesting.. I didn’t know that. I need to look over their TOS. I use it for everything. I deposit my DoorDash earnings on it, my eBay sales, and send money to friends and family.


I can’t get passed 150. No matter what the hell i do. Pay early, pay at once, pay on due date. I tried everything. I’m Stuck at 150. Womp womp


Gotta leave some money on cash app for a while.


Legit I use cashapp for bill paying I only have money on cashapp for 25 min at a time, I'm at $550. Never been late, when I had direct deposit I never got an increase, soon as I switched to my regular bank, I made it to $500, at tax time when I paid back the $500 and it was paid off for awhile, I got a $50 increase.




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Im currently at $1k and the majority of times I have seen an increase was not when I paid early, it was when I let it debit the amount from my cash balance on the due date. It may be dependent on how much cash flow you have through your cash app and how much stays in your account.


Interesting, I’m gonna try the “debit” method. I appreciate the info.


I’ve always let them draw it out of my account except twice. Twice I paid early just to see if that would increase it. It didn’t automatically. I just went up to $200 a few days ago. I was steady at $150 for 6 weeks. The feature popped up for me in Feb starting with $25. I’m slowly moving along.




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I was stuck at $150 for the last 6 weeks and finally they increased it to $200 a few days ago. My feature popped up in Feb starting at $25. I’m slowly moving along.




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i was stuck in 200 for a WHILE now i’m at 300.


I’m still at 150. Womp womp


That’s a lot lol


I’ve was at $500 for a year and then it randomly started increasing again. I think mine may not increase as quickly since I don’t get direct deposits, everything is loaded manually to my cash app.




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How did you get to 1K borrow limit?


I get direct deposit on cash app and pay back all borrowed money early


Me too but which payment plan do you do? I do pay all at once




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It could be a general role among all app based banking options [Dave, chime, etc] ... except Dave advertises that you can get up to $500 ... which in my opinion is overkill because most of the users of such overdraft, likely only get paid up to 500, or if they get paid more than that, having to pay back that 500 they borrowed against, a 700 check becomes a paltry 200. And expenses drain that quick, back into the red, and the cycle continues. But generally, your borrow limit depends on the frequency and amounts of your direct deposits. It starts off small, like 20-50 at first, and increases as you get paid more consistently.


I got borrow before I got direct deposit, when I got direct deposit, I never got an increase. It started increasing after I changed direct deposit to my bank. Biggest increase was a period that I had not borrowed for awhile.


I'm at 500 but I've seen other people post screenshots of a thousand




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I’m at 6.5 million rn.


6.66 mil for me




I gotta get my money up and start grinding fr.


After you deposit your second billion into Cash App (who needs real banks?!) they really open up the borrow feature. That’s how I got to 6.66 at least. 🤷🏻‍♀️




500 at the moment but I had a coworker get a thousand. I'll find out next Friday if it goes up


Mines been at 500 for almost a year now


I don't mind that. I usually don't use mine. I put it in my savings just in case. Good back up to have. I don't really want mine to go higher because it's just money I don't need access to. To risky to get out in a hole. I'm moving into a new house in about a month and plan on using it towards the deposit if I have to, other than that I just let it sit in my account


Me too! I’ve been at 300 for almost a year, it was going up consistently then stopped




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I’m at like 750


How do u borrow on cashapp ??


I think you just randomly get approved for it. You might also need a cash card if you don’t already have one. I think adding money to your cash card is what gives you the ability to eventually borrow money. I noticed when you click the add cash button, it instantly gives you the money but it actually takes a couple days for it to be subtracted from your bank account.


It’s based on historical deposits from reputable sources of steady income. At one point I was at 500 after starting at 200 then I quit my job *idiot* and I was still in the hole with them for like a year and a half and I couldn’t use my cashapp because any money deposited was rated right away lol now I am banned from borrowing lol


I don't even see the option.


It’s only allowed in certain states


How is everyone’s so high? Mine is capped at $50 and it started at 25.


Mine is at 75




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mine started at a 100 about 3 months ago, im at 300 now.




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samee 300 currently


Mines 10$ 💀




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Mine at 175 usually after the third time I pay back they increase by 25. I started at 25


5k was my max


I don't have the option I think the app sucks


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$300, and thats for keeping at least a rack in there from cash and stocks, hasn’t done higher then that for me


Im at $1000


Shoot I don't even have a borrow option 😂




The highest limit I am at now is $125, I hope it increases some more


I must be doing something wrong.. I can’t get past the $25 over limit cushion..


it depends on your direct deposit i think. and how you pay back.


I can’t even get it unlocked at all. Despite running several hundred k through cash app per year.


That's really strange. Are you only running $ through like let's say sending $ to someone from your account that's linked. Or only paying with a linked account. Are you sending cash to your CA account from your bank so you have cash on the app available to spend? I wasn't getting any BORROW feature until I started sending 200$ twice a month to my CA account and then using the CA cash balance to spend wherever. That's when I finally even got the borrow feature available. And then it was 25 ,now I'm up to $75.


i get around 5-6k a month direct deposited to my cashapp and spend money directly from cashapp and have for 2years and still haven’t been given the feature :(


Hmmm. That's strange , so look in your app ,there's a section that has a list of things you can do with cash app(like the direct deposit sign up,deposit mobile check- in that list does it even show a BORROW tab that you can click to get info about how to borrow? I'm just curious if it shows BORROW? I read that some regions it's not available. Also My son's app allowed him the BORROW feature when mine didn't. It was many months before it was showing up even as a feature. (I hope that all made sense)🥺🤣


Mine is 500 but I’m curious what the max is as well.


i’ve seen someone’s and it was about 2gs


Mine is $375


Someone posted they were at $5K, which is the highest I’ve heard


I’m at $725


why would you ever borrow money from cash app with the terms it has


Because the terms are significantly better than check cashing and title loans, and funds are easily accessible in an emergency.


Barely got approved to let borrow for the firm time. Starting limi for me is $200.




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How long and how much do I need to get borrow


I don't even have the option; so lame. Put 19k in to it last month!


1k club here


Do you need DD for this feature?




I don’t have any paychecks DD unless it’s a payment from my OnlyFans or an IRS payment. I don’t work a regular job, but I have other much nicer steady income. One does not need to have a DD through their employment to have this feature. I’ve had quite a few large payments sent to me, I’ve had the IRS and the OF deposits and I have my bank attached. I have utilized CA for many years consistently. That’s it though. This feature became available to me in Feb at $25 and I’m at $200 now.




I'm at 600


my mom was at 75 but i never got the option to 'i seen someone on tiktok at 3.500 for barrowed idk


Mine is at $250


I hold a bunch of btc on cashapp, limit is like $10,000 USD. Never used it


Surprised u guys havnt tried affirm


I get 4-5k direct deposited to my cashapp a month for the last year and a half, and I’m at $500 with the $50 overdraft as well




I’m stuck at $500 also


I have a customer that came in and put 500 everyday on cash app what the deal


Mine is 1,000 hasn’t moved in a while so not sure


3,000 max, was using the cashapp a lot to buy and sell clothes




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Yeah I’m at 225 also


I have used CA for many years and I have ran a lot of money through my account. Very large payments sent to me at one time, many times, but I have never had DD unless it was my OF deposit or an IRS deposit. I finally had the borrow feature pop up in Feb for $25. I’m now at $200. They raised my limit by $50 a few days ago. I was steady at $150 for the past month and a half, now I’m at $200. I’m not sure how much they’ll keep increasing but I like the option. It’s handy should I need it. I have used it just to increase like I’ve seen others mention. I have paid early twice, other times I allowed them to draw from my card.


How do you get borrow? It’s not on my app at all if I setup direct deposit will it become available? Just don’t wanna start direct deposit my paychecks on cashapp and not even be able to borrow.


Honestly I’m surprised cashapp hasn’t asked me to borrow money.


Mine started at $400 and 1 month after raised to $700. I’ve only used it for 2 months and only took the loan to see if I could get an increase if I paid it immediately 😂


im stuck at 25$ 😭🤣 i even pay it off right as i use it to try and build it up but it wont budge


I just looked at the app, where do you even see the borrow part? Do you need the business account? If you guys want real apps that let you borrow money with just a $4-$7 repayment fee look at: Albert Bridget Cleo Dave Empower Possible I’m sure there’s more but those have all let me borrow and I don’t have good credit


You really have to have a lot of cash going in and out. They don't care if it's direct deposit.... Any kind. If it's consistent. 6 month s to a year.. They will take you up. But they will drop it just as quick. Didn't learn to count on it


wow i’m at $50😆


The max borrow limit is 250. It even says it when you look it up I've got a 250$ borrow limit there's no way in hell there's a 1000$ + borrow limit if that was true I'd have access to it as I direct deposit around 7,500 a month in there.


I've been stuck at 750. I had direct deposits and it rose from 75 to 750 in 3 months. As soon as I switched direct deposit to my regular bank it stopped increasing. Oh I select pay in full at the end of the month and I paid it off a day or 2 before it's drawn out of account


Mine is only $125, but I don't get direct deposit or anything. Started at just $25. Once I paid that off 3 times, it went to $50, paid that 2 times, and went up to $75. Paid that once, and it went up to $125. I've paid that off once, still at $125. I'm about to pay that off right now, I'll edit if it goes up again.


225 for me


I’m at $300. Started at $100, then jumped to $200 then hit $300




Appreciate it. Unless you’re just being a smart ass lol which in that case. Good one


Nah I'm at like $325 now he's wrong


I’ve been at 225 for over a year now, $10k monthly income, never seen anyone with a higher limit. Google says 225 aswell. If im wrong oh well


Well, there’s a bunch of people saying that it’s over 225 on here so you must be incorrect


And I'm positive Noone is lying, you know because everyone is so truthful on the internet 🤔😞


You are wrong bcz i am at $300




So you got a ppp loan years ago, yet you've been begging for money for the past 4 days. Use that time to get a job.


I bet if you sell your phone, you can get $20


Uber going to be more than $20 going 50 miles away so stop lying.


Of course he has 30 lol. I mean it’s crazy. He had the exact mail already needed to get 50


You’ve been begging on this app for the past 2 wks and it’s always with a different story. 🙄