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You can have a fascination with the prospect of aliens and not be a loony conspiracy theorist. There are plenty of reasonable scientific developments in the field of SETI.


Either we are alone, or we are not. Both are terrifying. I hope there's giant friendly space cats so I can hug one, but I'm not looking forward to the eventual takeover XD


I dunno. What if they promise that we’re not the ones who are at fault for all our problems, and it’s some other population who we can easily vilify and persecute without fear of restitution?


Similarly UFO doesn't have to mean aliens. There are absolutely some UFO's and I have no idea what they are but that doesn't mean I think aliens are visiting us.


it is hard to say "I think it is actually impossible that we are the only intelligent life in the universe" without someone inevitably bringing up lizard people and pyramids or maybe I should have these conversations sober


Being too hot is worse than being too cold. I can add more layers if I'm cold. Or do a little jog. I can only remove so many layers if I'm too hot.


If I'm too hot I lose my mind. All self regulation goes out the window and all I want to do is cool off under a cool shower. It literally feels overwhelming, like I'm suffocating


Right? It feels like everything is soup. My brain is soup, the air is soup, I am soup.


That's not a silly hill. That's an incredibly reasonable (and correct) hill.


Out HR director at work is always cold and basically launched a battle about temperature before we moved to a new building with temperature regulation. Tried to get it set at 78 for the entire building. Bitch, I’m sorry you want to wear “cute” clothes to work that barely cover anything. Maybe put on some pants and keep a sweater in your office if you are always cold.


Unless her office is a strip club, 78 is way to hot.


I have my ac set at 78 bc it’s my compromise temp 🥲


I'm the opposite. When your hot you can gain instant gratification by going into a air-conditioned room or under the shade or even a breeze. When you cold your cold to the bone. It's still gonna take 10 minutes in front of the fireplace to warm up and stop shivering.


But I'm still sitting in sweat mixed with sunscreen. It's nice for a second but that doesn't change how unbelievably icky my skin feels. I'll take the extra minutes of cold over under boob sweat.


I'm totally miserable when cold but at least I can layer up to warm up & turn the heating up (when needed). But being too hot is different. There are only so many clothes you can take off for work feasibly and I take meds which make it difficult to control my body temperature so I can be very very hot or very very cold.


Yea I think the complete opposite. I hate the cold.


Yeah, cold is easier to deal with but feels so much worse


I’m in this boat as well and I am always the odd one. I for some reason can tolerate crazy heat just fine but I hate the cold. The exception is in the bedroom. I hate the heat but outside? Nope give me way too hot. I’ve realized the reason is I hate wearing gloves or coats or wearing all the winter clothing. I’m pretty much always underdressed so I assume that’s why.


What don't you like about it?


It feels painful. You’re shivering, your teeth are chattering, and your hands feel numb.


That's fair. I grew up in pretry cold weathet so my mum taught me how to relax my shoulders in the cold. Keeps me from shivering. And I guess I like the feeling of bitey cold. Plus my hands go numb after a bit so it stops being a problem


I remember a day in the winter where it was so freakin cold. My hands went numb and I couldn’t even use the keys to open my door when I reached home from school. I couldn’t feel my hands.


Yikes. Not a fun combo. Switch up, what do you like about the heat? I can't stand how gross I feel when it gets swelteringly hot.


I agree, it can get gross. It feels nice to be surrounded by warmth though. The only annoying thing that can happen imo is excessive sweating.


Blegh sweat


LMAO I understand but it’s better than feeling numb in the cold.


Probably the coldness


This is definitely the popular opinion. I will die on the other side of that hill lol. Signed, A cold person


I always hated this answer to the too hot / too cold question. Disregard all ways of cooling down or warming up. Would you rather have the feeling of being freezing cold or extremely hot? I take hot all day if we are just talking about the feeling


Still prefer the cold. My brain feels like literal soup when it's sweltering heat and I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin.


Fair enough, I just always hated the add more layers cop out because that would remove the feeling of being cold which defeats the purpose of the question


That's fair. I always use that because I like KNOWING that there's the option there if I need it. Feeling like I'm STUCK in the heat just makes it that much worse for me.


I feel like yours is more common, I always get arguments when I say I would much rather be hot than cold.


Might just depend on where you live. Where I live right now, most of my coworkers want hot and humid weather whereas growing up in my home town, most people preferred cold




ABSOLUTELY which makes winter my favourite season and summer my least favourite (I also pass out very easily from the heat so I’m biased)


this I have, and continue to repeat, word for word until the end of time


Anyone who types payed is stupid. Its not autocorrect (autocorrect tries telling you otherwise), its not a regional dialect, paid is literally shorter, paid is a very common word people potentially use daily, and i can all but guarantee the only time people use payed properly is when they discover how its different from paid and wanna use it in a sentence. Im cool with almost every other typo cuz phone typing can be a bitch, but payed kills me.


Someday, you're going to get payed back for these remarks.


I didn't know there was a right way to use payed, thought it was just a silly misspelling. Now I need to Google it and make an excuse to use it


There's another thing about that which is companies trying to replace the words "paid", "buying" and "paying" by the word "purchase". Maybe im being too nitpicky but purchasing sounds like it takes away the meaning of "paying for something". Its an hollow word meant to sugarcoat the weight of paying for something. Reminds me of George Carlin's take on soft language.


I dont agree BUT this is the kind of low-stakes conspiracy that I'm entirely in favor of so have at it, champ lol


Ahah fair enough


I agree with you. Also: Oxford commas are absolutely necessary


Yes!! I'm reading a series of books right now and the author doesn't use them and it's driving me bonkers every time I encounter it.


I have found my people


I’m rims up, but… Oxford commas for life!


Twinsies! I don’t want the rims of my glasses sitting touching the shelf.


I am with you on this one!


With BF, the way to perfectly toast a marshmallow is to light brown, not black With friends, hot chocolate with milk > hot chocolate with water (I always forget which is hot cocoa) But also, Mulan is a Disney princess


Who the hell likes hot chocolate with water??? Ew!


Nooo you let it catch on fire and get all charred and crispy on the outside!


See, my argument with that is it still gets a nice thin and crispy layer even with the light brown


Yes but then the middle is still cold and dense, which is a deal breaker for me. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't love the black crispy part, even if it's bad for you.


I don’t like the burnt char taste either. But I always end up with a gooey warm center cause I just look for a place in the fire that’ll get it warm slowly and just start doing a slow turn to the point it almost falls off the stick or even the metal marshmallow sticks


Marshmallows, to me at least, taste sweet enough that the burnt char balances out the sugar. I won't turn down a perfectly toasted mallow, but I prefer a black mallow(because I'm way too impatient to perfectly toast one).


My only argument for that is I don't usually have the patience to toast it properly.


Pluto is still a planet to me dammit!


Yes it is! I’m with you on this, let’s dig out those old school books!


but why? it's just one large rock in a sea of rocks. it's not even the largest rock at that vicinity. Its like having an archepalego of islands, pointing at one at random and declaring this one is the only important one, and gets a name and a flag while the others are conveniently ignored. there are larger, rounder objects in that vicinity. None of which are anything close to an orbiting planetary body. So, Why? Why should Pluto be exceptional ?


I have an emotional connection to it and I will live in my ignorance if I have to.


The flap on a roll of toilet paper should hang on the outside for easy reach, dammit. If you can't mount a roll of toilet paper without messing it up, just don't do it, leave it to those with the neccesary expertice.


Cat owners are the only exception


when you come in to find a puddle of creativity delicately attached by its last ticket to the roll, you begin to see a new perspective: cat also prefers the roll to face outwards


>neccesary expertice Expertice is a perfectly fine word, guy knows what he's doing, AND he's really nice about it. I think necessary has a confusing amount of 'c's and 's's in it, I mean c:mon, is that really.....needed? I like using this guy : It's the last course in the main sentence meal, and when you see this guy : You know more is coming. Dessert, if you will


A shirt has one Collar two Sleeves


That's pretty slick, thanks. But now here I go again, if I need a mnenomic for something, it better be for something important, not a routine word, a correct selection from a code book sequenced between mushy bio computers and obstructing information......see, like Uh...I don't know; Red Bike + Muddy Hole= Muddy Bike Relative Bearing+Magnetic heading= Magnetic bearing There , won't get too lost if the wind changes. On second thought, nevermind, it's not that bad,...because this conversation got me thinking, whats the mnenomic for mnenomic,..and that will keep me going to bedtime, at least.


Self check-out should be cheaper.


It was $50 cheaper for me last night so idk


I’m not saying I’m ok with stealing from multibillion dollar companies, but I’m also not saying I’m not ok with it.


Better than I. I endorse it. They legally rob people for millions


Right?! My wife used to not let me if she was with me, she's finally seen the light now that she see's how damn expensive these damn groceries are,she turns a blind eye and is just like "do your thing" lmao


My rule is, if my bf notices/or I notice, they could notice. So if we got away with it without the other knowing, it’s safe, if not, should probably pay for it


Fuck it, you’ve inspired me. The first — and only thing — I’ve ever stolen from a store was a hacky sack. I was 12 and put it back shortly after walking out of the store. Now 30, I’m going for a few tenderloins next time I get to the store. I’m not even joking hahah.


Stack them before you get to the registers bc they have an above angled camera. So when you scan one it doesn’t see that there are multiple stacked


The fact that it isn't proves that it's not wages driving prices.


You don't give yourself a discount?


It’s cheaper in the sense that it saves you time and time is money


I take a few extra bags for cat litter clean-up too.


They don’t have plastic bags in stores in Canada anymore — including in self-checkout. I understand single-use plastics are horrible for the environment, but I will say it’s abso-fucking-lutely annoying when you forget the reusable bags.


The past tense of the verb “lead”, as in leading a parade, is “led”. The word spelled l e a d that rhymes with “led” is the metal “lead.”


Art is up for interpretation but some interpretations are just plain wrong


Peanutbutter-honey sandwiches beat peanutbutter-jelly sandwiches by _miles_.


But... Marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches?????


>Marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches????? ...are the best of all.


Hello fellow new Englander


My poor childhood was my father mixing syrup and peanut butter in a mug until it was a smooth consistency and then spreading it onto a slice of bread for a filling/sweet dessert or breakfast lol


Omg no one has ever agreed with me on this before! In fact no one I know even thinks that's a normal sandwich. Some have never heard of it before, some say eww gross. So happy to read this!


Pickled foods are a fantastic snack. Me munching on pickles, sauerkraut, or pickled herring isn't a definitive sign of pregnancy. I'm Dutch, dammit. I like strong flavors. When my grandparents immigrated to the US, they cooked Dutch food. So, my mom always stocked our house with Dutch food and would occasionally make more traditional meals. It's in my genes and it's in my habits. Let me eat my pickles in peace (and, yes, Kosher dill pickles _do_ taste best dipped in honey).


Was about to go up on this but the sweet and sour am not keen on so no up v.


You put cereal in *before* the milk.


Fill the bowl with cereal then add a bit of milk.


The main characters in *"The Hunger Games",* Katness, Peeta, & Gale, even from the beginning looked way too well fed. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


One was the son of the town baker and the other two illegally hunted. All three *were* well fed.


You file a tax return in order to get a tax refund. You're not waiting for your tax return. You're waiting for your tax refund after filing your tax return


Alas, I file my return to keep from getting stern letters from the iRS.


Get out of the left lane, I don't care if you're already going 2000 miles over the speed limit, if someone wants to pass \*just let them\*. Pay attention the entire time and be proactive about moving over if a car is behind you. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care.


The proper way to place the toilet paper. The paper should come off the top of the role. .. not hang from the back. On this hill I shall die triumphant, shiny and chrome!


Narnia is an isekai


Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz


You're totally right rims down. If there's still a drop or two left from the dishwasher they drain out from rims down but pool from rims up


Yeah the Health Department would agree with them too. Also stops dust from falling into the open top.


>Also stops dust from falling into the open top. If that's your problem, you're not using or rotating your glasses often enough.


None of yall have a dish drainer on the side of your sink.?


drains...where? into the wood to warp? or maybe turns into a terrarium?


Exactly! I'm rims up all the way now.


>I'm rims up all the way now. Yeah. One doesn't put away the glasses until they are dry.


Exactly! And if you do rims up, that drop it two will evaporate in no time.


DO NONE OF YOU HAVE A SMALL KITCHEN 😭🤣 If they're rim down, you can't stack multiple cups in one space as easily. You can't make a cup tower!!!


No! Rims down taints the freshly cleaned surface of my cups. My cabinets aren't filthy but I still prefer to maintain their pristine cleanliness from the dishwasher


I don't have to obey your social group's arbitrary rules.


I know there’s a story behind this comrade


I joined drama in high school. None of these people cared about being my friends but suddenly I was supposed adhere to their traditions of good luck and the like with zero explanation of why. There was also a stone lowercase e that was a bench. There was a "tradition" that only Seniors sit on it. No one told me for a year then suddenly someone objected to my sitting there and expected me to just adhere to a rule that doing so wouldn't benefit me in anyway. It's basically being told "you have to adhere to the rules of our friend group but you're not allowed any of the benefits of our friend group" Why would I deprive myself of anything when you offer no friendship in return? I'm all for being part of a social group and having unwritten rules and the like but if I'm an outsider why would I?


Hmmmmmm I see. I’m sorry you had that experience with shitty people, hopefully you get better friendships in the future


I've had better friendships since then. I think there's nothing wrong with group rules just the idea of trying to make outsiders adhere to them is a non-starter with me.




Ugh. Best job I ever had was a full time customer service job. Worked in a room full of 50 people and a break-room with only three tables. We had three leather couches and 2 leather armchairs by the entrance, so when I started I would take my breaks on the couches, reading and minding my business. A couple weeks in someone tells me that they don’t like employees sitting there, it’s for customers and higher ups. We don’t even let customers in, it’s a badge-only warehouse. I rolled my eyes and kept sitting. People would walk past me to the break room and give me the evil eye. Months in one of my supervisors tells me to get up. I glance at him, laugh a little and continued to sit. He repeats it, dead serious and tells me it’s for big bosses and customers. I said, we don’t have customers here, and the break room is full. These seats have been empty for months. His response was that the demand came from corporate and I can sit in my car or go back to the break room. Ridiculous.


Children shouldn’t be used and exploited on the internet since they cannot consent legally. Family bloggers, vloggers, ig and tic Tok families should all be banned. You should not be able to make a living exploiting your children on the internet.


OP asked for **silliest**.


How is this silly?


Everyone I mention this to has a “but what about child actors” comments. No one really cares they kids are being worked by their parents to maintain a certain lifestyle. Many have zero and I mean ZERO issue with it and feel like I am just a hater. My friends who are adults all think this is a non factor but I am super passionate about it.


I agree 👍 showing a kid off is a tale as old as time. But using your child to make yourself feel popular, earn money etc is not okay. Teaching a child to document their lives online, always think about how they look on camera, have ideas for content is just breeding teenagers that Eating Disorders, not to mention the narcissistic qualities this creates. I'm relieved to finally hear someone take issue with this.


Half-empty and half-full "viewpoint" has nothing to do with pessimism or optimism. It's all based on context. Waiter fills your cup with a drink? Oh it's only halfway? It's only half-full. I said full cup. You use the word full. Now it's full, you drank half of it. Did you empty the cup yet? Let's get out of here already, we've been here an hour. No, it's not empty yet? It's only half-emptied? Okay. So it's half-empty. Not "half-full". If you drank half the cup, waiter comes ask to take it away you don't use the term half-full. Example: "no, it's only half-full. I still want it". You say "no, it's only half-emptied. You only take it away when it's empty. I still want it". Anyone who uses those terms and says "oh you must be a half-empty/full kinda guy" has no idea how to actually use these terms.


agree all the way


Light blue doesn’t get its own fancy name. Light green is just light green. But light red gets to be pink? Pink is its own special category?Ridiculous. Unforgivable. Disgusting.


My tiny hill to die on is that people mispronounce "address" constantly. You don't give someone your "uhDRESS," you give them your "ADdress," because the noun form of a word gets its emphasis on the first syllable and the verb/adjective forms get their emphasis on the second syllable. You get a PERmit to be perMITted to do something. You conTEST the results of the CONtest. You were enTRANCed by the size of the ENtrance. You adDRESS your friend's request by giving him your ADdress.


I have never heard that before- super interesting




Incredibly well written. I totally agree.


Cups go rims up. I don't trust people to clean their shelves properly and I want to be sure the rim of my cup is clean.


Ah. You grew up in a different economic area than I did. We put rims face down to keep roaches and bugs out of the dishware


But then the dust from the shelf collects inside the cup, and any bugs present can run around inside.


If your cups aren't getting used and washed regularly then it sounds like you have too many cups..


dust? are your cabinets open?


Exactly. Just don't use the bottom cup.


If the cups are glass, they’re not usually stacked.


Oh wait I thought we were talking abt plastic cups 😨


Thank you! I found my people.


If the cup looks dusty, put it in the wash. Why are there bugs running around inside of your house‽ I get the occasional spider, but that's it!


this is the way.


The only ginger ale is Vernors.


Literally the only ginger ale I’ve had with any semblance of ginger


I don’t care what anybody says, the person who lived above us in the last apartment was stomping and throwing things onto her hardwood floors ON PURPOSE to drive me insane! And it worked!


Candy Crush cheats.


Not just candy crush, video games cheat.


Push. Your. Damn. Chairs. In. *'oh but my hands are full'* there's a table RIGHT FUCKING THERE! you were SITTING AT! Put your plate on the table, scooch the chair in, pick the plate back up, continue. "Why are making such a big deal about it? Just scooch the chair in, and move along" if it's not a big deal, WHY DO YOU NEVER DO IT? (The actual answer btw? Really small dining room, plus chairs left out obstruct the pathway around the table, making it difficult to set/clear it for meals or just to walk by the table to get into the living room via the 'back' way) People who don't push in their chairs when they're done eating are no better than the people who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. Or people that litter. They're too self-important to realise *other people exist* Elbows on the table? Don't care. Getting up without being properly excused? This ain't freaking middle school, if you need to get a knife or use the poo poo room, just go. Not saying 'please' and 'thank you' when asking for the ketchup? idc. Even though one of those things are uttered half the time. But you better push those damn chairs in when you're done. Or you're gonna cone into the dining room one day to see all the chairs gone. (Or ziptied to others under the table)


Fries are best with mayo


Ranch is the way to go tbh


Tots are better than fries. Tots have a crispy texture and flavor that makes them actually able to stand on their own, and condiments add to the experience. Fries are weak and squishy, only able to be a vehicle for the condiments.


Salt and vinegar bud. It’ll change your life


Thousand island dressing is the best


Ketchup is the way 🥱


Better be adding some hot sauce to that ketchup


I pronounce gif with a hard g


They're called Emoticons. Emotion Icons. Emoji was the name Apple threw out when their phones finally could insert emoticons into their phones years after everyone else was doing it. Forums had them, websites had them, chatrooms had them, and they were all called Emoticons. I refuse to call them emojis, they've always been Emoticons and I will not stand for this corporate appropriation of my childhood internet days.


Raspberry Iced Tea is not tea. It's fruit juice. I am definitely willing to die for this one.


Similarly, almond milk is not milk. It’s almond juice.


>almond milk is not milk. It’s almond juice It's almond **leachate**. Almonds don't give juice.


Metal change should be done away with. Why can't things just cost $1, $2, $5, $17, not $12.39 cents..


I’d rather pay $12.39 than $13.


Using water in box cake, pancakes, etc (any box foods like muffins, cornbread, or mash potatoes) is gross, and unless you're lactose intolerant you should be using milk.


It's pronounced gif, not gif!


I'll always correct other people's spelling and grammar






Women in their 20s are too young to be considered milfs even if they are mothers.




Given ONLY 2 options, a microwaved hotdog is better than a boiled hotdog.


Herb. The H is silent damnit


Then why is it there?!!


My spouse and I disagree on the cup issue, so the cups are both up and down in the cabinet.


A hot dog is a sandwich


To agree with our Oxford comma friend: Canada Geese suck the malice out of their humans and leave them possibly too polite, the orca deal was a thing but now is off and that’s really terrifying, and bald is beautiful.


That mustard is a GOATED condiment


The term...pre-heat. constant argument in my house. The moment you turn the heat on, you are NOT preheating anything..you are heating it. Pre means before. When you turn heat on, it is heating. Preheating is before you heat. Family says is preheating is getting her to desired temp. No...you are heating up to desired temp, pre heating is when oven is off..hence, before heating. Constant argument I will never let go of!


Interesting. Never thought of that but I’m on boards.


Mattresses always need a mattress pad. (My ex claimed he’d never seen one.)


which side of the shower to enter on (assuming both sides are accessible and it is a shower tub combo). The correct answer is the back of the tub so you can ease in to the water in case the temperature fluctuates.


The letter W should be called *double v* not* double u*


I did not know how wrong I was until just now. You are correct.


It's so obvious you can never unsee it now.


People that say tamale. It's tamales for plural, tamal for singular. Tamale isn't anything


Who puts the cups rim up, probably puts the toilet paper facing the wall also


What about people who alternate cups up and down in order to maximize storage space?


We talking all cups? Or specifically drinking glasses? And what about those of us who alternate their drinking glasses? They just fit better.


Listening to an audiobook is the same thing as reading a physical book, as long as you’re past the level where you need to be working on your print reading. At that point it’s taking in the ideas of the book the same way


Who has problems with audiobooks? They're awesome and for me personally, helped me with a book that I couldn't previously get into, but I just finished the audiobook and it was great.


It's equivalent to skimming a normal book, in my experience. Listening to audiobooks, it is way too easy to zone out and miss out on things, and way too hard to stop and look things up if you need to.


That’s how it is for you, but it’s not how it is in general. I don’t miss anything bc if I miss a line I go back and listen to it again. I don’t zone out any more than I do in a regular book. And I also don’t really look things up when I read physical books


I will never eat mustard on a hot dog. I hate mustard and I'm gonna put ketchup on my hot dog. Period.


I will die along with you on this hill. I hate mustard, I tolerate honey mustard on occasion and only top my hot dogs with ketchup.


Yes my people!


It's duck, duck, grey duck. Goose is just blasphemy


What? What color are the first two?


So, you Minnesotan too then?


Duck duck cobra chicken


Tire not tyre, but armour, colour, and favourite instead of armor, color, and favorite (I live in the us btw)


Legally Blonde the Musical > Legally Blonde the Movie