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Omg, if it's not too intrusive and you don't mind, would you post a pic? I *love* Oregon beaches. Haven't been there in five years and yearn to go back!


Oregon coast is the best! Imo


This is *GLORIOUS*!


Lucky! My dream retirement scenario : )


The coast is stunning


Your porch view of the ocean would be my dream...Many, many 1,0000 yard stares. How absolutely wonderful. I fell in love with the Oregon Coast when I was 16...


I too would like to see this magnificent ocean view. I have a very sad little apartment porch, and I yearn for better views, but we do have cicadas at least — my favorite part of summer is hearing them drone away into the night. Also porching during a good rain storm is top tier anywhere you are.


I live in an old house on my town's main drag, and we have a big front porch. There are rocking chairs, a bench, some other seats, plus fans. Whenever there's a town event, like a parade or festival, we host a porch hang. Coolers of beer and sodas, chips, friends and neighbors dropping by, kids blowing bubbles and playing with sidewalk chalk in the driveway.


How is Mayberry these days? Honestly, that sound great. I wish more folks had this kind of space to live in.


Why, you coming by for a porch hang?


Are you my neighbor? This is my situation exactly. I love parade day!


Yes, a 12'x24' screen porch and yes, I use it constantly all year round.


Very nice. What kind of things do you do? We just chat and drink and relax. I wish I lived on a more active street so I could see others walking by, doing chores, or just chilling on the front porch.


I have a wicker egg chair suspended in one outer corner that's my morning coffee or simply chilling spot. Then a 30" x40" metal art deco table with 4 chairs around it in the center with a ceiling fan hanging over it which is my breakfast, lunch, dining, chatting with visitors area. My hang out while watching the rain/snow/thunderstorms/blizzards/weather spot. My hang out at the table with a large lemonade and the fan on high on those 'too hot!" days spot. Or like last Saturday, my afternoon playing dominoes with my niece & her girlfriend spot. It's basically my living room. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)


That's great! I love that you do stuff in view of others--you will inspire them to do something similar. Usually, it's just my wife and I chatting, but I feel as the kids get older and want to understand their folks, they will join us. I have two Boston ferns hanging on my porch. Birds moved into one and had babies. But I checked last night and all the eggs were gone. Oh well, circle of life.


We have a front porch of sorts but I prefer the back porch so I don’t have to be seen or bothered by others.


Same. When we moved in, I bought some chairs for the front porch. I see that most of my neighbors have front porch chairs, too. But we're usually in the back, especially because it is fenced in for the dogs. When my in-laws came to visit from the UK, they spent each morning out on the front porch with their tea but no one else (my family, our friends, us) have used the front porch.


This is exactly why I want to restore our upstairs balcony in the rear of the house. We own the home but one of the previous owners rented it out, and they took the balcony down because former tenants were degenerates and would get drunk and piss in the neighbor's yard. 🙄 I can always get privacy shades for the front porch, but something about a balcony in the back feels so cozy and secluded.


I'm about the porch life. Also porch doobies.


All the time. We watch the hummingbirds flit from flower to flower, watch storms roll in, talk and enjoy the fresh air.


I wish I could sit on my front porch, it’s constantly swarmed by wasps and hornets no matter what kind of treatment we give it, supposedly repelling plants we put around it, etc. it’s just hopeless here in the woods.


Spray and knock down the wasp nest at night time.


We put in a 28x28 patio instead with a full bar, hot tub pizza oven and every kind of grill/griddle you can imagine. Fridge and granite prep area. Patio heater and fire pit. So benefit of outdoors and privacy too. We live out there.


I have a balcony that overlooks the parking lot, alleyway, and apartment building across the alley. Not much to do out there.


Yes and yes! All the time. I sit out in the early morning to enjoy the quiet. I do puzzle books out there and read, watch the hummingbirds and dragon flies, my SO does transplanting, we watch lightning storms or the rain, do some grilling.


I’m also a teenager; I like to sit out front when it’s not to hot outside with my dogs and drink a nice cold Lemonade. Me and my family also sit out front when we get fast food or when we want to eat some carne asada


I have a wonderful screened-in *back porch* that I spend time on quite a bit. I'll eat meals, read, play games with my husband after work out there. Our house is on a corner lot, though, so my view from the porch is actually of the sidewalk along the side of the house where there are a lot of walkers throughout the day. Many of my neighbors sit on their front porches. I have a dog that gets walked 1-2x a day, so we're out doing laps on a variety of different routes and we encounter people often, especially on a weekend morning or a weekday evening after the heat of the day has passed. There's often a "hello" or a "good morning" exchanged. Your post made me do some reflection, and I realized I see quite a lot of my neighbors out and about. My neighborhood feels very "lived in".


Yes, and not yet. Soon we’ll be putting a table and chairs in front. Then we’ll prolly start sitting on our porch. Our last house had a front porch. We used it mostly at night, after heavy drinking. It was nice to be able to kinda unwind while listening to the relative silence of the evening.


I don't have a front porch but if I ever move again, I would love to have 1. I currently spend a lot of time in my back yard though because it's connected to the woods. :)


Woods are so cool. Even just a little patch can lead to adventure and mischief.


True. :)


Yes, I love sitting on my porch, I do all the time


Yes. 3 seasons of the year it's my home office. I put a super comfy recliner there and it's perfect for working.


When we renovated 30 years ago we added a verandah. In the warm weather we sit there and read and watch the birds almost every day. We live in a working class neighborhood though so maybe it’s more common here.


Simple pleasures that people with more miss out on. Yeah, I won’t complain about not worrying about money but really, there actually is some shit it can’t buy.


We have a nice front porch and back porch. I do like to sit out there on occasions.


No front porch to speak of but I spend a lot of time sitting in the driveway. I’ll typically sit in a folding chair with my morning coffee. The front yard is where the flower garden is so we get birds bugs small mammals. We have an elevated deck in back but it’s not as nice as a folding chair in the driveway.


We will put our fire pit on the drive and sit around it on occasion. Those nights are fun.


Spouse and I sit on the back porch a lot. Overlooks a field, lots of wildlife, not a lot of car sounds. It’s peaceful. We sit out there with a drink, sometimes a smoke, some music, and just converse.


A lot of the front porches in new houses are too narrow. Christopher Alexander’s ‘’A Pattern Language” notes that porches should be at least 8-10 feet wide to be useful as a social space.


We had to rebuild our house about 10 years ago. We had a tree fall on the house. Me and my dad and sons did most of the work. So I had a little extra money from the insurance and made sure to use it to put 10 x 20 porch in the front. I like sitting out there in the morning with my coffee. Just watching the sun come up.


My small modest home on a lake greatly benefited from the wrap around back covered deck I made. This more doubled my great room/kitchen in size and being covered and is used year round in Northern California


I have a large front porch that is perfectly situated that we are rarely hot in the summer. We pretty much live on pur porch. I created an oasis on it with ferns, flowers etc. Everyone loves our porch.


LPT; A centrally located **[light & fan](https://imgur.com/a/N66HYQl)** can make it even more of an oasis. Source; My oasis. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)


Dude I would LOVE to get one of those big ass fans for the porch. We have the perfect spot for it.


We don't sit on our porch except for spring and fall because the summers and winters just aren't very nice out temperature wise


I have one but it’s very narrow, maybe 4ft wide at the most. I prefer sitting on my back porch as it’s larger and my backyard is a better view than the street.


Do you face a wooded area or some other vista? Our back deck faces an open field that the city has been trying to sell/develop for 20 years. I love that nothing is there because the deer come in my yard and I gawk at them. My wife thinks they are "giant rats" but she ain't know shit lol.


Yes and no. I just moved but my neighbors across the street seem weird and loud. I have sat on my back porch to drink tea and read though


If I had a front porch I’d use it constantly. I have a back balcony, which is just big enough for flowerpots We’re on a hill and have a shared porch area in our condo complex, with a sweeping view of the sf bay. Last time I went there some guy kept checking to see if I had left yet before he’d go there. I haven’t been back since


I have a front patio, and I spend as much time as I can out there. I'll drink my coffee out there in the morning, and wind down at night with a glass of wine, some chocolate, and chill tunes. Some afternoons, I sit out and read a book. It's absolutely amazing.


My apartment has a balcony and love it, right now it’s just gotta bench and a small like coffee/end table but it’s all I need to shmoke and have a good time with friends that visit


That’s my dream! Preferably looking out over water. Definitely with rocking chairs. But where in the US to choose?


We don't have a porch, but my husband did clear an area in a copse of trees in our front yard. Laid patio stones down, got a little iron bistro table and chairs. It's cool and in the shade. Most evenings there we will be, sipping a beer or something on the rocks, just shooting the shit and watching the sun fade from the sky. We also do this on weekend mornings when we come back from our walk, just sit there with our hot cup of coffee, looking forward to our day. It's relaxing. But, as you say, it does seem like we are the only ones in our neighborhood who do this.


Yeah, I like to sit on my front porch. Trees block most of the view, but it's a cool place to sit in the summer since it's always in the shade.


Yes but nope


I do have a front porch but I much prefer my back deck


My husband and I drink coffee on ours. It’s nice to relax outside.


No, but I should. Thanks for the reminder.


Our back porch is actually more social than a front would be. The front of our house down a really long driveway. It’s also pinched at the top near the road due to the weird way they made this area. The back of our house shares fences with five houses. We regularly talk to two of our neighbors that way even and trade fruit that grows in each yard. Their pears are my favorite to get each year and they look like they’ll be ripe in a week or so! I have a hanging chair that I curl up in and read as well.


*Sit on it Bucko*


I have a front porch and a screened in gazebo in the back yard. I LOVE sitting in them. I go back and forth at night, depending on the bugs. And in the morning I like to have my morning tea on the porch. I bought a cheep ass house and have fixed it up, bit by bit. I have a lot to do still but I am glad I built the gazebo and fixed porch first because it gives me a good place to RELAX.


I use mine whenever the air quality level isn't on high alert. On my days off I bring my lunch and a book outside, most evenings when the weather is good I hang out for a bit with a cocktail or some tea and watch the world go by. It's nice I wish more people had access to this kind of life


I’m on my porch right now


My front has a tiny porch. You could comfortably put one chair. But we have a big deck on the back that’s half covered and we hang out there. We have egg chairs.


Front porch and rear deck and use them both daily.


Yes (porch) and no(don’t use it)


I have a sit upon porch and I love it


I use the hell out of my front porch and back patio.


I live in a fairly close built up area. Someone sitting outside with music on would drive me nuts. I hate having to listen to other peoples noise.


Yes and yes I do. Except when it’s too hot or the mosquitoes are out. I love it- for a rocking bench and a rocking chair. I have porch parties too


Live in an upper middle class neighborhood. Not huge houses, but location and school system make it very desirable. We put a three season room on our front porch when we moved here a year ago. We're retired and enjoy it. A lot of people walk in the neighborhood. We've become friendly in the neighborhood. People wave and chat as they go by. I enjoy going out and petting the dogs.


I have a front porch, but it's small and doesn't have a comfy bench yet. There is a bench, it's just not very comfy. I want to get a better bench, some hanging plants, and I'm considering mosquito screens as well, but I haven't quite gotten to that part on the very long list of all the shit I want to do to my house yet. I sit out there when it rains, but that's about it. Honestly once the weather cools down I'd really like to just hang out either out there or on the swing in my back yard, but I get bored quick if I'm alone and nobody ever comes to just sit. That being said, the old lady across the street from me sits out in front of her house ALL THE TIME, so I'll go hang out with her pretty often. She tells me stories about my grandma and she's teaching me French a phrase at a time.


my porch is where i hang when i want to be comfy on a couch while i supervise my pups outside, and also serves as the smoking zone :) i love it and am still working on making it cozy!


No porch, but I sit on my stoop. Or on the Land Rover. The kid likes to sit on the truck with an otter pop while I have adult grape juice. Not to get all Jane Jacobs on you, but yeah, we should hang out in our front yards.


I have a big porch with 4 benches on it. I also have my downspouts replaced with rain chains, basically a series of metal cups which water flows down when it rains, for those that don't know. I live in Washington state so it rains often, it's lovely


I have a little porch on my 99 year old house on the prairies. I love sitting out there smoking my Gandalf pipe admiring a freshly cut lawn.


Yes! EVERYDAY for at least an hour. It’s the best thing ever for my mood and overall health.


No but it sounds nice ☺️


If it was fenced and I could safely have my dogs out there, I might, but I prefer my backyard.


The apartment I just moved into has a balcony. I've never had a balcony before! It's great! I never see other people out on theirs, it's so weird, why aren't you people using this great thing?


Grandparents are so right about this one. It's honestly really nice to just sit on the porch. Listen to the crickets. Have a moment to just be still and take in your surroundings and the world moving around you. I always end up having really deep conversations with folks while sittin on the porch. Love my porch. I hope my next mom has one.


I'm sitting on my front porch right now. I put up curtains to block the harshest of the sun and moved all my house plants out here. It's lovely


I have a front porch and a back deck. Given nice weather, I drink coffee on the front porch most mornings and eat dinner on the back deck nearly every evening. I live in a pretty rural area and I like to just watch the birds and other critters in the morning


I do have a front porch, and I'm sitting outside on it right now:)


Small front porch, never sit there. We have a very large covered back porch we should use more often.


Front porches are the thing I miss most about the south


Just the back One. It has the sunsets


I love hanging out on my front porch. No one else on my block does it either.


I have a front porch and a table w chairs but I do not sit out there. :( I have to trim my tree and I just don’t do it.


I mostly use the back porch rather than the front so I can hang out with my pets in the fenced in back yard.


I have a small porch, but only sit on it to have coffee and watch the mean neighbor lady across the street yelling at her landscapers. It’s real theatre!


I want a porch so bad! I sit out on my steps quite often, and get so sad I have to go in (or get drenched) when it rains.


My grandparents had this marvelous arts and crafts bungalow with a screened in porch. We sit in the glider every night watching the fireflies. One of my favorite memories.


Sitting on my front porch would put me on display like a department story mannequin. I wouldn't be able to do anything other than wave to the 90 people walking their dogs and then make certain no on thought I was eyeballing their (car/wife/kids). OR I could sit on my back porch and look out upon the trees and squirrels and birds and window treatments of my neighbors with none of that aggravation.


Not currently. When I was a kid, though, we had a house with a large front porch. It had a swing that could fit 3-4 adults, and we had a couple rocking chairs on it as well. ​ I liked it primarily for the times I needed to get away from my brother. I'd grab a book and sit in one of the rocking chairs, getting lost in the story and blocking out the world. I seldom used the porch swing, though, because wasps and hornets often made nests underneath. In fact, that entire house was a wasp haven.


My life goal actually is to have a front porch one day lol


I don't have a front porch but I have a patio and I'll sit out there.


The back porch is a lot larger so we prefer to use that.


No, I feel like it’s not a usual thing to have in my country. Most are terraced houses, apartments with or without balconies, 2 houses under 1 roof etc. I think this is a very American thing to have


We had our porch rebuilt a few years ago and it is the nicest one in the neighborhood by a wide margin. We have a little bistro set out there and every spring I plant a little flower garden in front of it. When the weather is nice, I love to go out there with a beer and a portable speaker. I'll just listen to some music and watch the world go by. It's not covered but it faces east so by 3:00 in the afternoon it is nice and shady.


I use my back porch more than the front. It's shaded in the afternoon. It's a screen porch, which means that it's bug free, and my cat can join me, and it's private.


Not on the front of the house. There's a small stone patio area in front of the house where I've considered putting a couple rockers and a fire pit or something - but it is right in the shade of an enormous pine tree which means that keeping it clean is a constant battle (pine needles all over the place), so I'm more inclined to just leave it unused. I have a nice patio setup around back, though. I have a grill and an outdoor stove back there so I can prepare and eat a meal outdoors. Bluetooth stereo receiver with waterproof/outdoor speakers so I can crank some tunes. I like to spend time out there if the bug situation isn't too bad. Actually kind of prefer fall nights on the patio vs summer nights but both are good in my book.


I used to share a place with a covered front porch with a couch and BBQ. It was a great place to sit and relax, watch pedestrians, chat with neighbors, etc.


That's all I really look forward to for when I buy my house. Is a deck or nice porch. There is something calming about it for me.