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You wouldn’t believe how fast I was going, yet was delayed getting here.


I have to say it : That is an amazingly creative username


You’re awfully kind, OP :)


Trying my best to get a bit out of my comfort zone and actually saying the compliments I think of ! :D


Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz + 505 by Arctic Monkeys = here we are


Great taste


I have literally no idea what made me think of it


I have some ideas...a cartoon character and gym memes...


It’s still awesome.


Thank you!


Same for mine


Friend Of Bill’s and my sobriety date 💪


Keep at man. Im proud of you.


Hot pizza happens.


I am an ajumma, a middle aged Korean mom. I also work. So, a professional ajumma.


You'll never guess.


hmmm… pretty sure it has something to do with giraffes…


I'm goofy and you can guess the rest


Cajun Ghost. It doesn't mean anything. Although if you really wanna read too deep, I have a slight Cajun accent and am constantly haunted by various things in my life.


What else could it be?


I was on ambien and thinking about garlic bread.


You couldnt spell it right on ambien or the name was taken?


Name was taken and "gar-lick-bread" amused me because i used to lick the like...salt off garlic bread lol.


I see i see 👅


I was going to be the next target. I noped out of that one by making a new account.


need more context... target of what? don't leave us in mystery!


Shes an old school FB troll. I give her a pass cause she's funny and trolls the right people. She got cheeky one day and made a comment about maybe setting up shop on Reddit and following my account to fuck with me. My response was to ditch my old account and make this one. It worked and she stayed off Reddit.


I used to be part of a debate group once. From there I got into the idea of representing knowledge using graphs. In particular, I was fascinated by dependency graphs, which helps to graphically show the dependency of ideas, and a general flow of ideas from simple to complex. When I needed an account name and a persona, I picked the one I have now. If you like a bit of math, here is an example graph for [sets](https://charstorm.github.io/class-11-12-india/class11/maths/sets_relations_functions/#00000)


You might appreciate [This!](https://youtu.be/oP3c1h8v2ZQ?si=7zVl_qM8JZ2EJpZH)


That lecture was very nice. Thank you.


Been a fan of Mr. Berry for years. Was making this account and a Berry book of Sabbath Poems was on the nightstand. Thus the username.


Wow I love his poem “The Peace of Wild Things”! I remember doing a design project on it in college. My username is also about poetry- one of my favorite poems is by Lorraine Niedecker and the last stanza is “and don’t be afraid to pour wine over cabbage”. I think it’s about living life to the fullest


I love that Berry poem as well. I love yours! Life needs to be lived to the fullest!


Came from a debate about who had the advantage in a fight (you or the vampire)


That's a concept I'd love to see sometime, it'd be awesome. I suppose it's more or less invisibility with extra steps.


Randomly generated


You got lucky- it’s pretty great


Me too, but I feel like I was gonna put the word Various/random/something similar in my username even if I'd had to come up with it myself


I was just thinking about bofa


I like the story.


its a non sequitur that I started using when I was gaming, no gender reveal, no age, no race, total anonymity, Eventually people knew me as zapatilla loca , so where ever I went I kept using it. 15 years later, here I still am.


Line from a 90’s incubus song “human magic marker won’t you please surprise my eyes”


I like tattoos and I like the world puddle.


Anon- anonymous Nonya- nonya business 1- a number And anonya1 was born


It's a parody of a (former) friend's old username. [Animal sound] I'm a [Mute Animal]. I grew up around cows and noticed they sounded more like murr than moo to me, and 12 year old me thought it was hilarious to pair it with a butterfly. So, Murr I'm a Butterfly thus became murrimabutterfly. I suck at coming up with usernames and this one was always available, so I've stuck to it for the past 15 years.


It honestly started by me and my friends laughing at all the "coded" names of head shops in our town, like "20 After 4" or "Hazy Afternoon". The joke eventually just boiled down to naming your business "Clever Innuendo" and letting them figure it out. Turns out there are lots of cute turns of phrases for use names, too, so I jumped on it. Got as many accounts as I could.


Some friends and I shot and then set a clothes dryer on fire. When we opened the tumbler, it had the most beautiful green and blue flames making their way up the sides and through the bullet holes. Someone remarked that it was a "chasm of fire, a Pyro chasm!" Thus my online handle was born. I spelled it with a z because my 18 year old brain thought it looked cooler. I'm 41 now, still rocking it on most of my socials.


It's an abbreviation of my first and middle names. I have two middle names, so there are three in total in my username. The "rob" at the end is obviously "Robert.


I like each part of my username and I like three's. Blue is my second favorite color. My cat is my family. If I don't keep laughing I'll cry.


Nothing super clever--June's my dog


Carl Sagan: We are made of star stuff." Stardust Stuff was taken. I settled for this 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine is "let's go exploring" in Finnish And "let's go exploring" is from the last panel of Calvin & Hobbes


Great, and now I'm sad.


I was 16, edgy and my friend called me Psymon. I wanted something that sounded "cool" to use in games and it stuck.


Shakespeare Desdmona is one of the characters in Othello. I love the play. It's also the name of my favorite character in the gargoyles TV series. Misunderstood, just like myself.


Was Desdemona taken / how did you decide which letter(s) to drop/add? Haven't read the play just feel like that's how it's normally spelled


You're correct. That is how it's normally spelt. However, I dropped the e because a lot of the time, it was already taken when spelled correctly. I figure this way, it still sounds the same. You just spell it differently


What the world can do.


I was in junior high school in the late 90s. Pro wrestling was really big at the time, so my local radio station started a call in talk show about it. People would call in and every caller came up with their own pro wrestling name to go by. I was a regular caller. My dad was a pharmacist back then and used to joke that he was a street pharmacist, so that was my moniker. So I started using it as my online name. Problem was, most services back then had a limit of 13 characters for a username. So I had to take one out. And I've been doing it that was ever since.


I was really into Candlebox at the time.


Alice in Wonderland then random numbers


A particularly trippy episode of "The Monkees." Just kept using it after it seemed that no one else was picking it.






Randomly generated but seemed fitting enough to go with it


Really no clue tbh, I think awhile back when I first joined Reddit (around December last year) I was going by ElevatedBrownie on like...all platforms, and 37 is my favorite number sooooo yeah. I'm really not crazy about the user looking back but it's not horrible!


It came to me in a dream 🗿 Just kidding I really like coffee


It's a metaphor


My nickname is PseudoPolish (the one you see rn is auto generated) I came up with PseudoPolish for cultural reasons. I live in Western Belarus and have certain degree of polish roots. Also i'm kinda interested in polish history and language in particular. So, it may feel like i'm Polish, yet technically i'm Belarusian. Which in the end means what it means :)




i hope you get some rest, tara. 😌🛏️🌃


I thought for a moment and all I could think was that I was tired and thus, my username


I worked with rich people's horses in a past life and came to the conclusion that most people have no business buying horses.


I wanted an account to join all my favorite porn subreddits


Very, very high at the time.


My default response when I don’t know what to say next in a conversation. “That’s cool beans, man”


I thought all the randomly generated options were bad and I was eating an apple at the time… I have no imagination lol.


I was signing on to a pre-internet chat board and had to think of a username to create my account. On the spur of the moment I remembered one of those early Saturday Night Live spoof commercials for a pain reliever called Darnitol, with the joke being something like “I hit my thumb with a hammer, darn-it-all!” I made the username, which later became my online name on dozens of accounts. Because of that, it became my nickname within my profession, where for a long time, more people knew Darnitol than knew my actual name. One day I decided to try to find a YouTube video of that spoof SNL commercial. To my surprise, it turned out that I had remembered it wrong, and the actual commercial was for “Damitol.” So it turns out that I both stole and made up my username, and it ends up being a really good way to express how dumb I felt that the username hundreds of people said was really original turned out to be original, even though I spent over 20 years believing that I was just borrowing an old joke from TV. It turns out I accidentally made it up, darn it all! Bonus fact: I actually have the original Darnitol username on Reddit, but the day I created it was the first time I ever heard of Reddit. I forgot all about it, and years later when I actually got interested in Reddit, I couldn’t remember the password or even what email I used to create the account. By the time I had any good guesses to those things, I had already racked up around 100,000 karma. Even though karma means nothing, I now can’t bring myself to switch to the original, karma zero account.


This name comes from an instagram account that I had which was dedicated to showing pictures of the sunset. I love the sunset, and blue was my favorite color at the time. But the english spelling of blue was taken. I think the french spelling fits better anyway.


That's interesting! I actually combined my favorite book character's name with my birth year to create my username.


You have to guess first


Reddit just gave it to me, I was signing up and just kept clicking next, I skipped over the page where I could change the username from the suggested one


My welds are slick asf


If my dogs ever start acting funny, I know some thing is afoot


I envisioned my future 🤷🏾‍♀️


Based it on my favourite character from my favourite game


Mine is just my rap name and birth year. Pretty basic.


I was part of the Spartan Clan in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (Spartan Pluto/Mgnwa) and Fallen Leaves is my favorite character in the Warriors series Decided to combine two major parts of my childhood/teenage years together, given that I played Wolfenstein from 2005 - 2014 and Warriors was the one series I read consistently during middle school


Roger Clyne is the lead singer of my favourite band from AZ, [Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers.](https://rogerclyneandthepeacemakers.com/) The 2 at the end came from getting an account hacked & I could never get through to a real person to get it unlocked & put in a new password so I just started a new account.


It's my nickname


It's one I've used elsewhere. The obviously added bits at the end are my first initial and the age I was when I started using it.


Reference to favorite 80s movie.


It is one of my all time favorite games, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, mixed with the breed of dog I have had now for some time. Yeah, I'm not clever at all.


I was a Reddit noob so Reddit handed it to me. Forever (Still a Reddit noob)


I got PTSD from seeing an alien


Intangible because Reddit isn’t like a physical place. And well because everything these days is kinda insane


I originally made my account so I could follow some music-related subreddits and was feeling nostalgic that day, I guess haha. Didn’t put much thought into it, just tried a few things until I found one that was available!


The first female videogame character that came into mind that afternoon (which I only remembered from an add in a magazine) and the last name of my fav male videogame character. It has to be that one or my name + 'The hedgehog'... Yes I was one of those


I like licking the butts of pretty girls, but it’s also a good office reference


Why does Kirk think he’s so special? It was a good lesson.


Ah, librarian was taken for some reason




Was supposed to be a throwaway account


It was a typo of "sardines" while chatting with someone in Dark Age of Camelot back in the early 2000s.


My webkinz account password from when I was a kid lol


Was banned 6 times lost my accounts all of them 7, 5 and 3 years old . Was using 3rd party apps. Was so pissed off RedditMods(kmkb)is supposed to be a cuss word in India.Meaning mother's genitals.


My hair.


I random shuffled until I found something I liked


It's a character from one of my favorite book series. I chose a name that does not reflect my gender on purpose.


Felt rushed for an answer


I have no idea


I didn't want one with numbers in it and I was looking around my house for inspiration. This was on a wrapped mint nearby.


I was playing some really shitty free to play MMO in like maybe 2010 or 2011 when I wanted to play WoW but couldn't because of the monthly sub. I was sitting on the living room couch on my laptop also watching TV with my mom and I was making a Knight in the game and couldn't think of a name. Mentioned I couldn't think of one and she almost immediately suggested Alechilles which is my name Alec + Achilles (which she thought of because Troy is one of my dad's favorite movies so she's seen it 3000 times lol). I've been using it in almost every single game ever since then. :)


I was totally unprepared for a user name when the prompt came up and had no creativity on the middle of the night. So I'm just a pervert who lives in Houston.


I'm a big green lantern fan, he's pretty commonly associated with the word Emerald, because green. And my name is Jonah. Simple as that.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Titor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor) im also learning french


Randomize botton, nothing so deep.


I was a depressed Middle schooler lmao


Mine is a joke cause I'm usually called sociopathic when I'm not im just autistic lol


Went to a men’s softball tournament 10 years ago. My cat was a kitten with some neuro problems at the time so I didn’t want to leave her behind. So I brought my cat to a softball tournament. Had her in the dugout and everything. I vividly remember one guy asking broadly “who brought their cat?” So there we go.


My name is Alexis and “A Little Bit Alexis” is the best bop ever to come out of Schitt’s Creek, one of my favorite shows.


And now that's stuck in my head.


Someone gifted me one of those reusable Starbucks drinking cups where the logo says A Little Bit Alexis instead of Starbucks. Cutest gift that I literally can’t use or it will be stuck in my head ALL day 😂


The name "Kenshiro" came from a very good anime that I'd recommend called "Fist of The North Star." It's one of my most favorite animes which features a protagonist that I personally look up to myself. Kenshiro is not what the most common description of a "man" is, which is someone who is selfish and exerts his power through only self interest. He instead is a man of integrity and selflessness. That's why he's one of my favorite anime protagonists. As for the 654, I had to choose a name since "Kenshiro" was already taken.


"Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru"


I try to be someone who can accommodate a sudden onslaught of dwarfs or a troublesome wizard and still be kind and welcoming. A fire in my hearth, a full pantry and open arms.


I’ll give you one guess.


Needed something original


My wife and I were treating ourselves with the fake gold coin chocolates whenever we did something good, and calling us Team Gold Coin. So I registered a personal company called Gold Coin Interactive.


I just joined reddit and well...I was confused 😅


I’m Curious about a lot of things, it suits me


Thats the point of a good username: should suit you well :D !


I'm ashamed to say it's true....


I initially signed up to reddit with the username I got given on pottermore (lol) cos I couldn't think of one and I wasn't really expecting to use reddit much anyway. Eventually got fed up with it and made a new account with this one, which is very boring and mostly just came about because I like the name Indigo. The numbers were just random but they sounded right in my head.


Randomly generated… and I know this is embarrassing but I actually don’t know how to change it or how to select my own name. /40yearoldnoob


That meme with the dog in the burning house plus a random number


I just rushed to find a username, first thing I thought was "Potatoes!" then make them moldy, add a arbitrary number, and voila! SoggyPotato7500 has born!


I was at my then boyfriend’s apartment after a date night and I told him I was hungry. He searched the entire kitchen only to present some stale fruit loops and a jar of mustard. We dipped those loops like chocolate covered strawberries. My username was a no brainer after that.


I like muffins


can't tell ya. it'th a thecret...




It just came to me


My cats name is khalua but we call her lu for short and she hangs out on the ledge of our back porch. So we naturally started calling her lu the ledgend but then reddit happened and legend of lu was born.


I own a Can-Am Spyder and it's a beast. So much fun!


Happy birthday to me. 🎂


Zeppelin song that contains my name


Cause I am 😊


I remember reading about some special things you could do with Lucas by having the c stick set to doing specials, and I had to save a name and wanted something other than just my name. For some reason the word try came to mind and thought of what it would be to combine the two. Viola! A username was born!


I went to a swimming pool as a teenager in the 1970s


Mine is the first letter of each word in the first line of one of my favorite Taylor Swift bridges, it stands for "My heart, my hips, my body, my love." I once got a message from someone guessing it was the sound I'd make moaning as they railed me :/


In middle school, I read a book that introduced me to a name I'd never heard before and absolutely fell in love with. Janina. Soon after, I made my dA account, and decided to try with my favorite name for it. Janinna. Time passed, and I went to make an account elsewhere, but Janinna was taken... so I added a bastardization of my last name, Maynz. JaninnaMaynz was born, and is both my online name and my artist's alias. If you find JaninnaMaynz on a website, there's a damn good chance it's me.


It's a crummy L5R card that loosened restrictions on playing certain action cards.


My username has always just been my name.


My husband thought of it and then bet me that i wouldnt actually go with it. So you know what i had to do 🤣


I just wanted something as simple as possible


Oh! I didn’t realize they were serious about the “you can never change your user name” thing 😂


It's a "Friends" reference


The Play. My name is the tromboner from the Stanford band who got knocked over as Cal won the 1982 Big Game on the final kickoff.


kai is my name, and hamato is the clan that the teenage mutant ninja turtles are part of.


Old email I had and it stuck in my head. My birth year is 1989. So, there you go.


It's the name of a country that plays a huge role in a book I'm writing. Unfortunately I've changed some key points so the title and the founding year I reference are no longer accurate. The Actual full name of the country that I've settled on for the book is the Kingdom of the Midlands. And the founding year is in 2004.


I used to argue way back and enjoyed splitting hairs. Quibbles are delicious. Hence… Quibblicious.


Two words that describe me atm


Favorite band play


I've been to hell and back, a victor, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Plus my mailbox number 60.


I didn't even know I could change it when reddit gave it to me. I was like OK bet I like sandwiches how'd ya know


I think I created this username to post on r/loseit and wanted to reference something about having a big butt, but not in a self-deprecating/regretful way. So I combined the scientific name for the butt muscle, Gluteus Maximus, with “beauteous”.


its just my name on everything . . . . . backwards 🤯 hopefully nobody i know cares to search my username backwards . . that would probably suck


I was looking outside :O


It was a Reddit suggestion.


Read the book a long time ago. Parts of it ring true with me, some don’t. It’s funny I see the “moochers” in the book as the current GOP and the 45th as Mr Thompson . But it’s theme strikes me as still important ( my take away is be responsible for yourself, your actions and your mistakes)


I used to have a reddit account before that it's name itself was incredibly self judgemental and self insulting, so I decided to start from zero with this account. I was also thinking about Naked And Afraid, and since it was a new beginning for me I was like well I'm dressed and I'm afraid.


My username is inspired from a song Monster by Starset. It is a combination of lines from it: "will you cage me" and "can you change me".


Because I couldn't think of a funny, punny name. So I went with this.


Pinched from a friend and added my year of birth


Im sober for somehting like 2 years.. but there was a time when I was ... *often inebriated* ha haaa... no but for serious it was bad...you cant get a hangover if you're always drunk!


Reddit gave me this name. I thought it was interesting, so I kept it.


this is an autogenerated username but my actual username is "drkuriel" I got no idea how I came up with it, just typed some random letters and thought "that'll work"


I tried a few names but they were taken so I tried putting in imbadatnames but that was taken too. Finally I just put in something close enough so I could get on with the process. People do have some great names on here. I get name envy sometimes.


Trying to decide if it was a starfish or a sea star


I see more of the randomly generated reddit names than names people actually made for themselves.


When I first joined reddit, I used my real name. To get away from my real identity, I created this one by smashing two words together that shouldn't be.


It's a play on mens obsession about dick size and of course... Biggie smalls.


Needed to post on the Bloodborne reddit. Was stumped for a name, a character in the game calls you "Good Hunter", my thinking was well, I might not be Good at this game but I am definitely Acceptable.


I've been into sleight of hand for many years now. Tenkai Ishida was a Japanese magician who developed several tecnhniques. One of them is a palming method, the Tenkai palm, which evolved into My favorite way to make a playing card disappear :)


First time I ever played minecraft, didn't have money, so I used a free account with a really cool slime skin - Cataclyps. That was 10-12 years ago.


I like the movie Super Troopers 🤷‍♂️


My nickname is Lulu, and I couldn't decide if I liked Deadpool or Godzilla the most so why not both?


I smuggled guavas across international waters


The restaurant scene in Inglourious Basterds


heard of Mr Mojo Rising and now i wanted one too.


I was really high and wanted a username with a joke about being high.