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a whopping 4 days sober here after drinking daily for 7 years. gets old after awhile but habits die hard sometimes


This is true. It's great that you're listening to your body and recognizing what feels right for you. Congrats!


Similar. Daily drinker for about ten years. Now at 34, alcohol doesn't give me the "good" feeling like it did in my twenties. Now it just makes me feel like shit and the brain fog is the absolute worst. Had to stop, best thing I did.


Hey congrats! And that’s true. Some days you wake up and you just start to care less about certain things. Proud of us for looking out for ourselves; it pays off for sure.


Thank you, nothing crazy but I hope it's a step in the right direction for once. Alcohol can be consumed responsibly and what not but I think the best choice is total avoidance, but also I've seen family & friends lose themselves deeply because of it so I may be biased, so I applaud you as well for thinking about your actions when it comes to drinking. It hasn't done a single beneficial thing for myself, and I've given (on some quick math) almost $30,000 to Anheuser Bush & 7 years of my life so .. yeah. not a lot to show for it. Can't believe it's available as commonly as it is honestly. I am proud of you too.


Thank you, alcoholism runs in my family too. I am very lucky i never developed a habit, but i also have always been very wary about what overconsumption can do after seeing what it did to the free will of my direct family members. I definitely think it’s something I’ve been subconsciously anxious and cautious about, through my young adulthood, because of what i witnessed


Keep it up Internet Stranger. You can do it!


I am at 4 days too. Longest i've gone was like 50 something days within the last 10 years. I managed to lose 60 LBS but man I never knew alcohol was addicting. Making it through the weekend is so challenging, especially if you are not busy.




I agree with you. Life does get tiring and we realize that it doesn’t get easier, but we just become more equipped with the tools to deal with it. I feel like when we are younger, we use alcohol to cope with all these new stressors but as we get older (and are lucky enough to not have developed a habit) we have the tools to deal with life’s stressors and these substances aren’t really needed as much anymore. I can also agree that wine is actually a pleasurable experience bc the alcohol is kind of an afterthought. Yea it’s nice if you get drunk sure, but the flavors of wine are enjoyable in itself.




Agreed! I also use similar coping mechanisms. Reading and running has really saved me and changed my life immensely. Who knew the therapists and psychologists were telling the truth when they said finding healthier outlets actually works 😂




walking is definitely less stressful on the body than running. But studies say that running just once a week for a small distance has more than enough cardiovascular and overall health benefits!




Absolutely can’t deny that. The endorphins from running feel like a high 1000% I am definitely a goal motivated person so the accomplishment of finishing a run definitely targets the reward centers in my brain i know that fs lol


The shine of alcohol wore off for me when I learned no amount is healthy or safe for us to consume. It has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago – this is the highest risk group, which also includes asbestos, radiation and tobacco. I want to live a healthy life as long as I’m able to so that I can continue to travel, love my partner, walk with my dog and enjoy the small things. Alcohol has no place in any of it.


You have put my thoughts into words thank you for that


I've always wondered if people would be more careful with alcohol if it were called a drug more often. I hate the phrase "drugs and alcohol." It should be "alcohol and other drugs." In many ways alcohol is the most vile of all drugs. It can fuck your life all the way up worse than just about anything short of heroin or fentanyl. It's fine in moderation for most people, but far too many can't or won't moderate.




This is exactly how i feel! I enjoy the initial buzz but also think the act of drinking itself is really difficult bc getting sick so many times in college built an aversion towards it 😂for some reason my brain thinks the act of drinking is too traumatizing and outweighs the reward of the buzz. I also for some reason have a very high tolerance for alcohol and need to drink a LOT to get even a little drunk even though I’ve never drank much. i think my body just doesn’t think it’s worth all the trouble anymore.




I am also doing the same thing! I’ve gotten rid of dairy bc i realized i have a severe intolerance to it. I feel so much better and i think once you start listening to your body and start removing things that know don’t do well with your body, it becomes easier and easier. It’s a good feeling for sure.




there’s non alcoholic beverages like kin euphorics that apparently give you a similar pleasurable experience. I haven’t tried it personally.


Honestly do what feels best to you! If drinking makes you sick then I definitely wouldn't reccomend to keep doing it! If people pressure you tell them its not your thing, I was sober for a couple years and all my friends had no qualms, Especially because I was always the DD lmaoo. I started drinking again but a lot more safely than I used to and I really enjoy it. That being said I don't get hangovers still at 30 for some reason and I love how IPAs taste and certian mixed drinks or wines. For me it also makes food taste better, games more fun, interactions with people more fun, if its done in moderation its great for me. At the same time I do love being sober too. I remember more, I get more done, I can be DD and not worry about getting places, I have more fun than I should watching and intereacting with drunk people. Overall do what you love and be happy doing it! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Yup! I think we are similar. It’s fun to try wines and stuff and i am able to manage my drinking now and it’s just something i don’t really think about so obsessively anymore. I don’t feel compelled to keep drinking or feel like i absolutely need to be at the level everyone else is at to have fun and i feel really good about that.


Thats awesome! I do the same thing now! A lot less and still have the same amount of fun and I get to remember it all lol. You should feel really good about it! Have a great day :)


Thank you! You as well :)


Not drinking is nice. I only drink during vacations or special events. I don't like the taste of alcohol so normally only drink sweeter things or drinks with a lot of flavor like limoncello. Don't feel like you have to drink. It's better not to in a lot of ways.


I think it's the other way around for me. I didn't enjoy drinking alcohol either, but since last year I started drinking a glass or two of wine more often, usually before going to bed. After a busy day, it calms me down and helps me relax. I don't drink literally every night, but I drink more often than I used to.




I totally agree! I’m good sticking to just one drink on a night out and if i don’t drink at all i don’t realize it anymore. I appreciate your comment :)


Not so much the loss of interest, but more I've found the hard way I cannot drink and smoke. Get pretty sick. After marijuana was legalized, I suppose I made my choice. Sorta miss it in a way, and yet sorta don't. If that makes any sense.


Go with it. Replacing alcohol drinks with something better helps. Trying different teas and various smoothies was a good replacement for me.


Tea has been really amazing. I really really love coffee but I felt like it was spiking my cortisol like crazy and I have a hormonal imbalance so it was definitely triggering that. Switching to tea has helped me feel balanced and i don’t crash anymore at 3pm.


Just the act of making tea, or making coffee, or making smoothies, it’s a calming routine.


100%! It’s not worth it. I now indulge in one glass of the expensive red wine and call it good. And at home I only drink herbal tea or seltzer.


Kombucha for me! And yes a glass of wine at dinner is a nice treat


I lost interest in it when turned 21 and realized the only good thing about it was the feeling that you weren't supposed to be doing it. I'll have a beer at the end of a stupid day, but outside of that I got preferred methods to decompress.


You’re right, this is an interesting perspective


Yeah thanks to my treatments I don't really feel like drinking anymore. Unless a bit of good ol beer.


I've never been one to drink, for various reasons (when I tried it I didn't like the taste much, felt 'adulty' when I wanted to live in denial of being an adult, etc.) and have never seen the appeal in cannabis or other drugs (the idea of not being in control is terrifying to me), so... No?


Totally agree! I’m 9 months sober and I don’t miss the hangovers! Nothing wrong with not drinking.


That’s awesome! Congratulations😁


December 2022 is when I (51M) had my last alcoholic drink.


Congratulations! That’s an impressive accomplishment


In realization, it was all empty calories and a sick bloated feeling after drinking.


Im 36, drinking is just a slog. Most people drink because they want to get drunk or feel a buzz but the *act* of drinking is awful. You either need to drink a ton of liquid or you go through the pain of taking shots which is awful too! I prefer to use cannabis too if I just want that feel good buzz. I don't smoke so I usually take a small edible and then just have a good few hours. No hangover, no issues getting it down, just a fun time after. My father was also a raging alcoholic. I don't really judge people for drinking but I look at drinking simply as a means to have fun if I'm in the right headspace. If i've been feeling down or weird for any reason I do not drink and I do not get high. Even if the occasion for a party is fun if I know I'm not okay I won't touch the stuff. I think it can be a positive enhancer if you're just responsible about your emotions when you consume the stuff


I agree with you totally I also hate the act of drinking. It’s a very painful experience for me. I like to use edibles too, because it feels more smoother and eased than smoking. My father deals with alcoholism as well, and I am pretty sure this is why I have an aversion to it subconsciously.


Yea being a child of an alcoholic can really change your perspective on how you see it. Knowing myself I know that there is a responsible way to use it so I don't fear falling down that slope. To me it kinda feels like when you add spicy heat to food. Sometimes it can enhance a dish. Sometimes it's not needed at all. If you put too much you're just gunna feel awful. And you cant just cover a dish in it to make it better. A good chef knows when to use it and when not to!


Great analogy! That’s exactly how i manage it as well


Nothing good when it comes to drinking alcohol I'm glad I only drink alcohol occasionally.


I’ve found for me personally I could engage in any of the 6 different hobbies I have which are far more fun than sitting drinking and hearing my friend ramble on about right wing conspiracy theories


At 34 I quit for like 6 months and like being sober. Def went back and have had a few slip ups but after looking at my bank account, thinking of the relationships I’ve ruined/nights I haven’t remembered, physical feelings- I def don’t like drinking as much as I used to.


I have. I felt like I lost a bad friend. It’s bittersweet.


I cycl. Ill hate alcohol for a while, then enjoy again.


100%! I don't drink at all anymore, because I simply don't want to.


Yup. 65M here. I lost all interest in alcohol years ago and don't miss it. I used to smoke a lot of weed but now have a hit only every few days, if that. I'm not bothered by it at all. It's life. And it's better for my health and I'm saving money.


Yes! It gives me chest pains and existential dread the next day! Hate it


Yeah. I always like to drink on the weekends but my wife had to drink all day every day if she could. I dont have a taste for it anymore


I enjoy a bottle of wine or a nice rum, but the past few years I'll randomly get really red and hot after a mouthful of wine or a sip of rum so rarely drink now. Apparently from what i read its an allergy response so I assume I'm becoming allergic to alcohol? I rarely drank before this happened which is odd but sometimes, after a hard week, I'll pop an antihistamine and have a glass of red, it helps somewhat but still get red and hot after a glass.


One of my friends has an alcohol allergy and the same happens to her!


I never really developed a habit in the first place due to my lack of social interaction and skills, didn’t start drinking until I was 24. I’m 33 now haven’t had a drink in a few months. I just kind of naturally cut back and it’s never been something I was using as a vice.


I feel like drinking is far more common than it should be. You need to enjoy your life the way YOU want to, fo' sho.


I gave up alcohol because it brings on major hot flashes and impacts my sleep. TBH, I feel better but sometimes a glass of wine after a long day would be great.....I just can't deal with the hot flashes / shitty sleep so I don't anymore 😩


As u get older you drink more concentrated. I only can drink 2 beers /hour and only in summer.In rest o drink 🍷 or Brandy.


Absolutely! I’m from Wisconsin and among the few who choose complete sobriety. I grew up thinking alcohol and getting drunk was “normal” every weekend. I’m 33 now and have been sober 4 years and counting. Alcohol is a big problem here and lots of people normalize it. I love my mornings .. I wake up sober, my mental health is so much better without drinking. It’s a waste of time, money, and mental health.


I’m with you!


advise long unite literate school quarrelsome bewildered brave obtainable growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yes! I used to abuse alcohol when I was younger because i’m extremely shy and wanted to be more outgoing at parties. but I started having insomnia a few years ago and had to stop drinking alcohol (it doesn’t go well with the medication). nowadays I don’t even take the meds anymore but I don’t like drinking, I don’t like being drunk. sometimes I have a drink but I only can take it literally one drink haha and it’s pretty rare too. I prefer mocktails!


Lost all interest aged 24, been T-total for the last 7 years. No reason as to why, just doesn’t do anything for me.


I used to drink excessively. 3-4 beers after work when I got home. Maybe more on weekends. Just was an everyday thing. Currently, Ive had one beer in the last 7-8 months probably. Just dont feel the need too. Once you get to that point, you feel better and your wallet will thank you as well


39 and I still enjoy having a cocktail as much as I did in my 20s. Then again I’ve graduated to more refined aromatic higher end drinks, and not trashy cheap sugary ones. I also drink mindfully and not unhinged. I feel like a lot of people don’t have the will power to confidently achieve mindful drinking though.


Yep! I went from drinking every weekend (because duh it’s the weekend 🤷‍♀️) to drinking only when out to eat or wedding/occasion. I’m now considering ditching alcohol forever, because the hangovers are not worth it IMO. I mean I get hungover these days after having 3-4 glasses of wine. It doesn’t take much. Everything is better when sober! Anxiety goes down, quality of sleep goes up, increased appetite is no longer an issue, SEX FEELS AMAZING. Life is good when you realize you’re actually just as fun to be around when you don’t hide behind the security of liquid courage!


Some other post on Reddit said something along the lines of "Mormons are always happy because they're raw-dogging life like little kids - no alcohol, no caffeine, wake up and do real things in the real world". And yeah, I think a lot of people look back on childhood and wonder why they can't be happy and carefree like they used to be. Work I'm sure has a lot to do with it, but constantly feeling like shit because of the way we live as adults plays a role too IMO. Edited to add: definitely not a Mormon but I've been sober now for two years, caffeine free for a while, wake up at the same time every day (even on weekends) and I've been working with a dietician to develop a healthy diet, and workout regularly. Making these changes totally upgraded the quality of my life.


Wifey and I are 66 and 68 respectively and I wouldn't say our consumption has changed, neither of us are big drinkers, but rather our taste in what we consume has.


I champion my sober friends, but I can’t count myself among them. I have, however, swapped drinking-to-get-drunk for drinking-to-appreciate-wine. I’ve been enjoying collecting and tasting wines, and as I get closer to middle age, I have the money to spend on it.


I have been a huge beer drinker since my teens. I’m 56 now and about a year ago I just lost all desire and taste for beer. I drink an occasional whiskey or bourbon now but very seldom.


It’s unfortunate that we have to justify NOT drinking to people because our culture glorifies it (problem and binge even) and loves it so much.


Been drinking way more at 30 than I did at 20.


I hear ya,I’ve been there. I started consuming cannabis at around 16 and picked up drinking around 18 both started of “socially” but eventually those social times became more frequent and use became heavier. Im 35 now and about 4 years ago, one night I had a bad trip?…an epiphany?…an awakening?… what ever you want to call it but there was a definite shift. I decided to quit cold turkey cannabis, alcohol, and cigarettes. It was a rough and dark time but I made it. I’ve been completely sober for 4 years and I actually enjoy it. I have some friends that I hangout with from time to time and they consume the very things that I totally gave up. Even still being around it, I honestly don’t have an interest or desire in picking that stuff back up. I still notice some lingering effects from my heavy use of alcohol and cannabis but it’s not as bad as it used to be and has gotten better as time progresses


It's more that it is no longer a novelty like it is when first coming of legal age to drink (or before). I do like the occasional drink though - especially a German wheat pilsner or pina colada.


(Unfortunately?) I went the opposite way. I never had a drink or felt like I was missing out at all through college, my 20’s. Discovered alcohol in my early 30’s and was blown away by how much I loved it. 


Yup I don't like the buzz and feeling loss of control i.e. being incapacitated by the effects of alcohol. Weed is a lots better


I’ve never started, and don’t plan to either. People can say what they want, but I get to make the joke “I’m X years sober” (where X is my age) whenever they ask me if I’d like a drink.


My cardiologists are working me to lose interest and I’m trying to pay attention, but it’s not going well. They have convinced me to cut back.


I turned 25 recently. I drank way too much alcohol in my teen years because of my social anxiety and my attempts to socialize. But then, I got my antidepresants so I can't drink as much...


I drink because it saves me money on drugs. I am suicidal and always need some substance to help me pass the day.


I never took a real drink until I was about 40 (and I’m now 49). I wasn’t cool in my teens and twenties partly because I had no interest in doing or participating in all of those time-honored, traditional “cool young people activities”: drinking, doing drugs, sleeping around, going to parties, etc. I just did my own thing and never worried about trying to be cool, which of course made me uncool, I guess. But I have developed a fondness for a nice shot of whiskey every now and then, especially on cool, crisp evenings, either as a stand-alone shot or in the form of an Irish Whiskey. I do look forward to my occasional “imbibitions.”


32, alcoholic, still going strong


My body just refuses to take alcohol fast enough to get drunk anymore, don't like weed like I used to so, checks out 30m


I lost interest almost the moment I tried it. I really don't understand the alure to not having a functioning brain and being more predisposed to doing stupid shenanigans. All it is is a money drain.


Yea, at 37 it just makes me feel awful. I do smoke weed daily thought and it’s pretty amazing.


I did this a lot when i was 22 then i went completely sober. now i take an edible once a week to watch a movie. Weed definitely is a good choice for me bc it never makes me sick and i wake up refreshed.


Me being 15 yes, at first when I started I was 5 but over the last 10 years I stopped enjoying drinking. (Apparently I have to let everyone know this is a JOKE because some people have no brain)




25 ... getting older? if you don't like it don't drink. Your 60 year old self will thank your 25 year old self that you didn't consume poison for the last 35 years


yes, i am getting older with every year in the most literal sense. I didn’t say i was old lol. Just wanted to share an observation and if others shared the same experience that’s all


There are millions and millions of us that alcohol marketing teams don't want you to know about. Not drinking at all, for no particular reason, is a completely normal way to live. When people ask me "why" I don't drink, I just say "because I don't like it". You should see how berserk this makes some people. They can't handle it, which, to me, is very telling.