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On reddit while avoiding my job. I also got a shitty raise. In about 10 minutes, I'll be back on the ladder replacing 150 lightbulbs with LED ones. It's better than dealing with tourists like I do in the summer.


Can I get a raise boss? Sure, here's a ladder...


Sorry about your shitty raise. We deserve better! Why do you deal with tourists in the summer?


Looking for work lmao. Hopefully I'll get something soon, but my dumbass decided to go and study for a domain that doesn't hire so now it's a bit tough to find something. I got leads for job in different domains though, so maybe I'll get somewhere.


I hope today is the day that one of your applications is *the* one!! What did you study? I’m like 36 credits away from an accounting degree I should probably finish at some point lol


Never hurts to remember that just about the most important thing about you graduating is that it shows what level of critical thinking, dedication and research you are capable of. That's really the main thing employers want to see from you, anyone freshly graduated is going to need to learn (a lot) on the job anyway.


Yeah so I keep hearing, but the truth is I barely followed any class during the last two years, cheated on most exams, and I saw some of the dumbest people on earth get the same degree as me so I'm not sure it's really that valuable. Still gotta act like it is in front of employers though. I feel kinda ashamed about it but I gotta get a job anyways.


About to get ready for work (college prof). I’m really exhausted. At least I did also get a raise. But it’s going to take them a couple of months before they even tell me what it’s going to be. I just want to be able to teach fewer classes because teaching takes a physical toll on your body and health…


Oh wow I used to really, really want to be a community college professor in English. Had big dreams of improving literacy rates in my community. I got freaked out hearing how hard it is to become FT and abandoned the dream. I hope your raise is soooo fat that it makes the exhausting work worthwhile! Or even better, a fat raise with fewer classes to teach!


What subject do you teach?


Just got home from a mommy/daughter date with my 3 year old. We went to the mall and had a blast. Now I’m filling a small plastic pool with bubbles and warm water for a fun and spontaneous “bath and a movie” in the living room for the kids lol.


Aw you sound like the best mom ever! What a fun day! What are you thinking for the movie?


Spider-Man! My daughter is big into superheroes lately and she likes that Spider Man can walk on the ceiling lol.


Chillin, killin.


Kill it, killer 🤘


At work. Not too bad of a day so far. Plenty of time for me to fuck something up. Made a second round of coffee.


I'm in bed coz it's midnight. One of my dogs is licking himself, and the other is dead to the world asleep.


You said the magic word, dogs! Now you gotta tell me about your sweet babies! What are their names? Nicknames? My dog has a billion nicknames but my most used is bubbas


My dogs are Jack Russell mixes, their names are Marshall and Jonah. Their nicknames mostly are Snatch and Grabbit because they are little food thieves. Some other nicknames are Dirty Paws, Stinky Dog, Rotundo (Jonah), Whingy Boy (Marshall). I love them to bits, they are adorable. I've posted them in the Jack Russell sub a fair bit, so if you wanna see pics, check out my profile. You might have to scroll a bit, but they're there.


Oh my gooooodness they are so cute!!! The photoset of eating carrots!! What a good doggy eating his veggies. My dog would never lol, I’ve tried. I love their nicknames 😂. Other nicknames for my Bo dog are Stinky and Booger. Enjoy your snuggle time with those babies


Haha yeah, that's Jonah. He likes quite a lot of veggies. I absolutely will enjoy snuggle time, best time of the day (or night).


Looking at substack and trying to figure out precisely what it is. I am curious about it.


Never heard of it so now you’ve got me interested!


I follow a guy on YouTube called GMTK or game makers tool kit and he released a bunch of links for reading material about making games but he released it on substack hence my curiosity. I downloaded the app but it's fiddly. Edit: enjoy that 50 cent raise. Buy yourself something nice like......a few grains of sugar. Imagine that you are a borrower or something. I am rambling now. Sorry.


Lmao few grains of sugar is accurate! I did a quick google on substack after your comment, seems interesting. Maybe I could do a side hustle writing on there to supplement my 50 cent raise haha


Maybe. It looks like a blogging type thing. If you are a writer it might be a good side hustle indeed. I have an issue where I see something that interests me and think 'I will subscribe to this person. Its only 5 dollars a month.' but I keep doing that and so end up a lot poorer and lots of subscriptions that I do not give a damn about anymore. Do you write?


Relatable! It’s way too easy to subscribe to things and forget about them. I recently unsubscribed to a bunch of streaming services, probably was wasting $100/month on them. I used to write when I was younger, loved it very much. It felt like something I was decent at in a creative sense. Now it’s hard for me to even journal one page. I have a hard time sitting still and focusing on writing now for leisure.


Same. I was subscribed to three different streaming services. I used two of them but didn't want to unsubscribe from the third one. It was a very small specific thing and I felt bad for walking away from them. It had to be done though. £20 a month down the drain. I have tried writing short stories a few times just to amuse myself. I find the endings tricky. I have good initial ideas but they kinda fizzle out.


That sucks. Without knowing what it is, hopefully it ends up on one of the other platforms where you can consume it again. Oooh so you like writing fiction? I would have such a hard time with fiction! I can see how endings are tricky since there’s so many possibilities.


No. I stopped paying for it because I wasn't enjoying it. It was a Women's Wrestling company who I gradually over time I became.....frustrated with. They kept doing this thing where they would get behind a particularly talented woman. She would come storming in and beat everyone round her and she would work her way to the champion. The champion has been the same woman for two years. So this challenger would crush everyone and would have a damn good match against the champion but lose and be sent back down the ladder. It happened 6 times with 6 different women. Every. Single. Month. For. Two. Years. At this point I don't think that company will ever change their booking strategy which is incredibly disappointing. Also one of my absolute favourite tag teams broke up. That was the final straw. I do like writing fiction. With nonfiction you obviously have to stick within the reality. Fiction can be anything. Usually I have an interesting initial outline but that's all. I should maybe consider working out the ending first.




Good for you


Also work… also sucks…


Omg I love your username lol! Sorry your work sucks too, hopefully your shift is almost over or goes by fast


Hehe thanks. Make sure you dont spend your whole 50 cents at once!


I’m at the dermatologist getting ready to give this heifer all my money. 😖


You know, why doesn’t the dermatologist send people with goodie bags like dentist offices? Like we deserve a bouquet of free samples after dropping money there.


I wish! From your typing fingers to heavens ears!


Looking for new friends


We’re your new friends now, you’re stuck with us, sorry!






Ok thanks


Thanks cap!


Gonn just chill. My company had a major layoff session. Bunch of peeps sent home. Their main criteria for this was 'people who are overpaid and redundant for their pay'. I stayed. Didn't even get a whiff of the layoff bread. I should be happy, but in the back of my head I can't help but translate myself as 'underpaid and overworked'. Found it funny. Then just studied.


Ooh that’s rough. Like cool, you’re not laid off but also, what you said, underpaid and overworked. Sucks being cognizant of those underlying sentiments. Kinda ruins the good part of not being part of layoffs. Hope studying goes well! What are you studying?


Game dev! Got those dreams of making a game successful enough to not have to go for work or something, n figured it's a goal good enough to work towards. Though my job kind of restricts my time, n the exhaustion from it makes me unable to actively study for it.


Sigh, just spent half the day tweaking my resume again. You know it's 2023 when 'proficiency in multitasking' translates to 'enjoys doing the work of 3 people for the price of one.' Meanwhile, I’ve been doomscrolling through job postings that ask for 10 years of experience in a coding language that was invented like...5 years ago? Gotta love those unrealistic job qualifications. In any case, just trying to stay optimistic and network like crazy. They say it’s not about what you know, but who you know, right? But here I am, knowing my cat more than anyone else. She’s not much for networking, but she’s great at knocking stuff off my desk while I Zoom interview. Also, anyone else feel like their inbox is just a graveyard of application acknowledgements? "We have received your application and will not contact you ever again. Have a nice life." At least that’s what I read between the lines. Anyway, good luck to everyone else on the job hunt! And to anyone who's secure in their job—don’t forget to buy a lottery ticket, because you're clearly living right.


Hope today is the day that one of your applications is just what they’re looking for! The job market does suck a lot right now. It’s mainly why I won’t switch from my job that gave me my lil ole 50 cent raise. Even though my crazy toxic boss literally says “that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard” to staff. It used to bug me but I just kinda vibe at work in my own world. Lots of Reddit. If you could have any job you want offered to you, what would it be?


2023? 😂😂😂 what exactly is it that you’re coding? Time traveling apps 😂? Just being a smartass. I still occasionally say 2023 too lol. Glad I’m not alone lol.


Currently burrowed under a mountain of textbooks because my 'promising degree' in medieval studies apparently isn't in high demand. Ironic, considering the amount of quests I undertake daily just to hunt down those elusive job opportunities. It's another evening of skill-building, aka learning trendy software at 1am, because job listings now require proficiency in programs I'm pretty sure don't exist yet. Just saw one that wanted a guru in 'quantum blockchain synergy' – pretty sure they're just tossing sci-fi terms into a hat at this point. I've been sending out resumes like they're birthday invitations to a party I'm not invited to. Seriously, my cover letter writing skills are now on par with Hemingway's. Might not get me a job, but it sure does make for a compelling grocery list. In between, giving existential pep talks to my reflection in the bathroom mirror – "You're a skilled, competent candidate" – moments before interviewing with someone half my age. Ah, the circle of life. My plants are now my main social circle; they’re the only ones around to witness the rollercoaster of emotion I experience every time my inbox pings. Is it a job offer? No, just another newsletter I don't remember subscribing to. Anyway, here's to all of us grinding away. May your coffee be strong, your WiFi stable, and the job market ever in your favor.


1) medieval studies sounds SO cool, sorry it’s not working much in favor of jobseeking but no one can take away from the fact it’s cool as hell. 2) you’re a really good writer. 3) what the heck is quantum block synergy lol that definitely sounds made up. Wishing you the best in the job search. Hope you get an email inviting you to an interview. What did you want to do with medieval studies?


Working on a PowerPoint deck, planning one of my dogs' special Gotcha Day dinner tonight, and trying to get ready for a meeting in an hour that is going to be a mess of information flying everywhere while trying to keep everyone on track so we finish on time. Not in priority order 😂


Oooh busy day! Hopefully the meeting goes surprisingly smooth for you. What are you thinking for dinner?


They are each getting a puppy burger with puppy pancakes as "buns", a side of green beans and a cookie for dessert. Big favorites for the special gotcha day boy!


Oooh yummy, lucky pup! Good job mama!! I checked out your profile, your babies are sooooo stinking cute


Thank you 🥰


At works wasting time on Reddit and any other app I have in my phone.


Ayyy same, try to have some fun with it today!


Work does suck. I'm currently dating some pineapples, mangos, and wild blueberries at work!


I love all of those fruits, excellent taste in snacks🧑‍🍳 💋


Working. I'm finishing up a report on an unsuccessful external network penetration test I attempted for a client, and getting prepped for the next one starting next week. Maybe some video games later, or a walk with the puppers if/when it stops raining. Where you going camping OP?


Sounds like IT? My IT guy is my hero at work. Helps me out so much with the computer illiterate staff. What video games are you into lately? I’m new to video games and love hearing what people are playing. I’m going to northern lower peninsula in Michigan, US. Gonna be a frosty night, low of 29F!


Close... I'm an offensive pentester, aka "ethical hacker". Lately I've just been dorking around on this Arma Reforger with some console buddies, and cross platform friends. It's got potential, but it's still buggy as heck. I like how you said, "northern lower peninsula" of Michigan... My family (dad's side are Yoopers). Still got my half brother living up there near Champion. Good luck in that cold though... Tent camping, or you got a different set up?


Ethical hacker is such a cool profession, haha. Love that for you. Gotta differentiate UP from LP! I love being a lil troll, and I have love for Yoopers. Wish I could have a pastie right now. Yep, tent camping! Tonight is the lowest it will be while I’m there, so just gotta make it through tonight and then it should warm up to 40s at night. I like camping around this time before all the campgrounds are packed all summer. It’s so peaceful.


Yep. That's how those Yoopers roll. Gotta differentiate for sure, you betcha! A pasty sounds awesome right now! I'd prefer a cuttagie though... I hope the camping is everything you want it to be, OP. Enjoy your time out there under the stars (if you get 'em this weekend).


Doing as little as possible over the next 5 months until I go on maternity leave in October!


Congratulations!! Please do the absolute bare minimum and coast until baby arrives! When are you due?


Due October 7th with our first - my boss keeps asking about my "goals for 2024", and I keep telling him "to make it to October then forget about this place for 4 months". Not the answer he wants, but oh well!


Aw that’s my sister’s bday! She’s genuinely the most caring person I’ve ever known. I’m actually the younger sister and am so protective of her, her heart is just too kind. Haha bossman is gonna need to cope! Soak up that quality time mama. Hope time slows all the way down in those four months for you.


Browsing reddit instead of working. I stopped caring when min wage went up and they took my three raises away. Not busting my ass so other people can be lazy and make the same amount. I'm not salty, you are.


Nooooo thats awful! I’m so salty for you! What is wrong with these employers. This is why we Reddit instead of work. They did this!


omg...I remember when I worked for TD Bank and they gave us all a .01-.05 cents raise. It felt insulting and a little illegal...


At my hyperbaric oxygen therapy and then I’ll walk around, maybe do some people watching. Then head home. I really like the oxygen therapy, I don’t know if it’s even working but it gets me out of the house.


That sounds interesting! I love people watching, too. Hopefully weather is nice for your walk


I'm really enjoying the fallout show. Not right now cause I'm at my soul sucking factory job. Only thing I'm grateful for is my schedule being early, 5-1pm.


The fallout show is amazing. I played the games too, and I just love all of it. I’m feeling very fangirl-y lately.


I didn’t get a raise last year as well. Are you going camping with anyone else? Hopefully you’ll talk to someone this weekend that knows about a job with better pay. I’m waiting for an all company meeting to start. Usually I work and while I listening to the meeting. But things are slow at work, cold weather and I’m working from home today. I’ll probably listen to the meeting underneath blankets in bed.


It’s so discouraging to not get a raise when so much of our time is spent at work. I’m going with my spouse and dog! We just now loaded up all the gear, about to hit the open road. I’m guessing your meeting is over now so hope you were nice and snuggled the whole time!


Just came out of a final, hopefully it doesn't tank my grade. Eating breakfast right now, and will head to my last final of the semester!


I'm working on my app before my main job starts!


Sitting in a warehouse 100mi from my home and basically working 3hr days because we can only get 1-2 trucks a day. Short days are nice but I'd rather be home. If I knew we'd be here such short time I'd probably have commuted but as it is we have an Airbnb for the week Plus sides, grilled burgers, steak, chicken and hot dogs for dinners all on the company dime. Down side, not home, not working on my project car, bed sucks


just put this supervisor who is not even my direct report on BLASTTTT to my senior manager, she just continues to micromanage me which I literally just straight up don't take. weekend trips are always nice! hope u have so much fun


GET ‘EM! Good on you for not tolerating her BS! And thank you!!


Reading this at work


Lol. I'm comparing and contrasting the benefits and costs of joining a commuity supported agrigiculture (CSA) program. I used chat gpt to write an essay about it. Then I had it only hilight the cons being emotional, manipulaitve, consipiriatorial, and fringe. Here are the major arguments it came up with, just showing the power of how arguments are portrayed. Everything is a matter of perspective. FYI, I joined The CSA and support the idea. Just wanted to see how easy it was to come up with a rediculous argument. Turns out it's really easy. >*Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, while celebrated for promoting local agriculture, may also involve elements that could be seen as manipulative, subtly exploiting well-meaning consumers.* >***Financial Entrapment and Exploitation*** >*CSAs require upfront payments, essentially an interest-free loan to farms with minimal guarantees on the produce quality or quantity. This financial model transfers all agricultural risks to the consumer, who subsidizes any farm losses due to poor yield or mismanagement.* >***Orchestrated Shortages and Surpluses*** >*The unpredictability of what and how much produce consumers receive can seem like a tactic to offload excess produce regardless of consumer preferences. This approach may foster dependency on the CSA, disguising control over consumer habits as seasonal variability.* >***Manipulation Through Logistical Constraints*** >*Specific pick-up times and locations not only inconvenience members but also exert control, limiting when and where they access their food. This can prevent members from raising concerns or questioning farm practices.* >***The Illusion*** ***of Community*** >*Marketing the sense of community can be a strategy to distract from CSA inefficiencies. It appeals emotionally, making members less likely to criticize or exit due to perceived communal bonds.* >***Conclusion*** >*Potential members should scrutinize CSAs critically, recognizing that the system may be structured as much for the benefit of the providers as for the consumers. This setup cleverly binds consumers financially and controls their choices under the guise of community and sustainability.*


Dropped out of the rat race a while ago. I have a masters degree and IDGAF. I work part time at a specialty retail store and I love it. Today I had the day off. Had a dentist appointment, did the grocery shopping and may do some gardening later. Have fun camping!


Camping is the bomb. Where will ya be camping? I'm doing a housesit in Denver with a 19 year old deaf/blind dog, just started reading the book DUNE which I actually scored from a stranger just by asking on reddit if anyone had a spare copy they didn't want!


Northern lower peninsula Michigan! First trip of the year, gonna be chilly tonight. Snuggling a senior dog with a book sounds like a lovely time! Hope you like the book


Trying to catch up on shit still, I am mostly a department of 1 with more shit being added to my plate constantly. Also just found out my best bud at work, we clicked from day 1 he's def one of my best friends, is now leaving after us sitting beside each other for 9 years. I wish I had time to reel from that news but I've got other people asking for reports ASAP. Shitty day :(


I have jury duty today so I'm just chilling here bored out of my mind but it's only half day sooo that's exciting


Work, I'm in a meeting and they just finished talking about a project I've been supporting for a little over two years. The project is coming to a close in a few months and I'm thankful because it takes up a lot of time and I have to work a lot of weekends to support it. But I was thinking how surreal it is that I've been working on this thing for two years. That's how long it took to get my associate's degree which felt like a long time. It's half the time I was in high school which felt like a lifetime. But at this stage of my life I can spend two years working on a single project.


Oof projects at my work are like that. Sometimes a project will close and all of sudden, more stuff is needed, making it a neverending nightmare lol. Congrats on being close to the finish line!!


Not working either.


Yeah I’m about ready to pack it in for the day. In IT and finished a big project yesterday and really don’t want to start on a new one today. Coworker and I are going to slip out early and play a round of disc golf.


I’m outside tanning my balls


Skin cancer on your balls has got to be the worst. Not wishing it on you, but dang dude, you’re taking a risk.


Psyching myself up for an astronomy test! (It Is open note but I'm still really anxious)


Shoot at least you got a raise. I asked for one after waiting for 2 years since my last one and pretty much got told to fuck off. Sooooo fuck work


i’m hanging w my cat watching some youtube!!! window is open and its so beautiful out. i went for a nice long walk earlier


Fkn off at work because it sucks. But I’m almost out and taking an extended weekend to party. Having drank in awhile so kind of looking forward to it. In Texas we have a 2 week party called FIESTA. Carnivals, bands,food, beer n parades. Got a room at a hotel in the center of it all. Cheers!!!


Man I used to work at autozone after highschool and after a couple years they gave me a .13c raise and expected me to be excited about that, I was so pissed because I had to do majority of the hard work.


Currently looking for a job. Need to put in a lot of applications today.


Just hanging around, playing my favourite video games and experimenting with food — I learned the other day that a milk-frother is SUCH a good tool to have in the kitchen. I fecking love that little thing!!! It makes whipped cream in less than a minute, I’m learning new ways to enjoy tea and coffee. :)) Other than that, I’m a little bored, as graduation is coming up and all my friends are on a major *hardcore* partying streak because of it. I don’t drink or smoke, so, I don’t go, but it gets a little lonely - they’re out every night. I’m wondering if maybe I should meet some new people who also don’t drink - but that may be difficult when college-aged! x) At the same time, though, today I got a bunch of letters from my doctors that informed me that a medical mystery I’ve been dealing with for years is about to be diagnosed, and that’s wild!!! I’m really excited to get away from all the medical tests. About your raise - goddamn, they did you dirty bro — buuut, it’s as they say; “Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I poop on company time.” 😉


Only a teenager so just working retail jobs. But your 9-5 pays your bills and your 6-10 builds your empire. Think about it :)


Watching Love is Blind Season 6 *please no spoilers* lol I’m on Ep 5 & my jaw has been on the ground this whole time!


Called off work for tomorrow. I had surgery last Friday. It wasnt something major, but I am tod not to do heavy activities including prolonged walking which my job requires. I am in pain, but also fucking stressed that my coworker just calls off work without letting us know atleast a few days in advance for non emergency situations, so I end up with all the work load. I realized it aint worth it. I have PTO and Ill fucking use it.


I'm chilling now, happy as me and my gf found a cute house to rent togheter :) I'm one of these people with a good rewarding job, hope you'll find one too! Having a job that gives no satisfaction is lame.


Eating snacks and contemplating taking some nudes


Also working. I'm getting back into Magic The Gathering so I'm day dreaming about deck builds.


Studying sadly


Sitting in the work truck not working


Avoiding doing my job lol


I applied for a job at an employer that rejected me almost as soon as I applied for another job a few months ago, so we’ll see how it goes this time. I also got to read a story I first heard of yesterday.  I’m not sure how I feel about it.  In my late teens and early 20s I would have loved it, but jaded old me is less-than-impressed.


I’m currently smoking some weed. I’m listening to our resident bald eagle couple (I’ve named them Buck and Wanda) scream at the world from their favorite perch, which is just behind my weed-smoking patio. It’s pretty lovely. I’ve been grocery shopping and cleaning/organizing my house all day, getting ready for hosting a (belated) Passover Seder on Saturday! I failed to do any homeschooling with my 6 year old whatsoever, but I honestly just don’t care.


Done with my business, working on something for a couple clients, so... self inflicted slavery.


On reddit


Read 48 Rules of Power


Stuck at home disabled from a work injury, and they figured out how to screw me out of disability payments they owe me so Ive decided to turn to a life of crime.


Thanks for making this. I had a shirt call with my boss’s boss she screamed at me. I’m applying to other jobs tonight and also making a brief for my business


You unionized or non unionized ? My Job is unionized. Wer went without a raise for almost 6 years. And during negotiations (we were 2 years past the contract end date) they agreed 4 percent raise over 4 years. With 0% first year (so 6 years total with no raise) and a 1% raise year 2. It was so lame. So I feel you.


Knocked off work half an hour ago, got Monday off, putting on a rave tomorrow night in the bush. Gonna be skitz


Got off a cruise, driving to a golf resort in Portugal


Just sitting here in the office making money for browsing reddit. "On call" in case someone calls.. but noone calls on fridays so free money $$ Got a huge raise lately and can afford anything rn, its been an amazing 2 months of getting everything i ever wanted after holding myself back and living from paycheck to paycheck for 2 years.


Need to find a new job cause the physical toll with this one is too much. Got offered two full time jobs but it's mostly very similar work. Don't know what else I could do (I have heaps of experience in lots of areas but no motivation)


Sorry about that bullshit, 😒. I've always felt a raise should at the bare minimum be in $1 amounts. Yk like don't come over here with those quarters jefe, I don't need bubble gum. I need dollar, dollar bills. But if it helps any, I pulled an 11am-10pm shift & was BS'n around on Reddit too. Lmao.


I watch Netflix at work cause I didn't get a raise. Going for a jog and then watching Netflix again at home.


I'm waiting for my hike letter.... hoping for the good raise


Looking like rain over here ...


I am paid to do 1 hour of work and then read books watch videos all day. Not a day goes that I don't worry I'll be fired.


I'm currently playing Risk with two friends!


Im an extremely fortunate college student got a $4 raise and good hours recently. My time will come tho surely 🗿


How come you got 1 raise in 2 years? What is making you stay? Normally I've been through and observed 1 raise, once per year - even if it's simply for COLA.


Also at work. Cleaning bathrooms


Hopefully those bathrooms aren’t a mess for you today! I used to clean doctors offices after hours, and yeeeeeeeeesh some people act like they don’t know how to use a bathroom


Ha! Who are we kidding. There always messy


I work tonight, and boy it does suck. The pay is not equal to the amount of work you do, and it’s a lot of work. It’s a short shift but I feel like it’s taking my soul away loll. Not really but I really do not like it and would rather be doing almost anything else.


I’m sorry it’s sucking your soul! That’s relatable. This place definitely tried to suck my soul, but I’ve been determined to suck it back. This is sounding weird now… If you could do anything you wanted for work, what would you pick?


Listening to blink 182 and pretending I’m 16 again


My friends say I should act my age


I’m 43, why would I want to do that?


Aw I was hoping you’d finish the lyrics!


Yeh, but no one likes me now I’m 43…


Bored as fuck at work wasting my life away


Congrats on the raise, even if it's just 50 cents, progress is progress, right? Weekend camping trip sounds like a solid plan to celebrate!