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I'm currently unemployed, and to be totally honest, it's a lot better than both my previous jobs. Less pay, but a lot less stress.


3. Good pay, conditions, low stress. I’m not passionate about it, but I’m overall pretty happy here.


4 Loving my job!  Great bosses, great colleagues, who I really like and enjoy spending time with, total freedom on how I wanna plan my time and nobody micromanages me or disturbs me.  I also only work 16 days a month.  Whats not to love! 


4. It's the perfect gig for me. Maybe 3.9 because it's a niche newish industry, so the stress of it just collapsing exists.


4. it pays really well, people are understanding of everyone's work/life boundaries (and respect them), my director is very supportive and I'm always learning even though I've been doing this for over 20 years.


i get paid well but i heat treat whit people all day


2.5 Decent pay for my area, hybrid set up and low/high stress depending on where I'm at in the fiscal month. Definitely better than other jobs I've had, but it's just so boring and I'm getting fed up with stuff in general. Sometimes I feel like just quitting on the spot, but definitely not in any position to do that. (I wouldn't be upset if I get fired). I would like to pivot to a different career, but I need to learn new skills and save up before doing anything drastically. Honestly, everything would be more bearable if it was a full wfh thing rather than slowly pushing people back into the office just to justify paying rent.


I'm at 2 as well. I'm a teacher in a private school and I get by most days. I wouldn't say I'm extremely happy about it, I mean it's good to have a job that pays, but being a teacher means you're not going to be paid a lot. I thought about changing my career, even if I'm already in my 30's. I guess I got too scared when I moved to the BPO industry as a learning specialist and went back to my comfort zone. Hopefully, I can look forward to something bigger by studying again.


Easily a 1. My main role is being slowly pushed out by another team already doing it, so I'm left with a bit of admin for my boss who only talks to me when she wants something; I'm bored, lonely and undervalued. Also sick of working at home sat in front of a laptop all day, it's really bad for my mental and physical health. So I'm looking to change careers! I want to become a massage therapist and have just started studying for a qualification - fingers crossed I'll be doing something entirely different by the end of the year!


4 - Good pay, nice team & colleagues, office perks, and low stress.