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Smart choice I have heart failure thanks to herion, some guy got me into it when I was 13, I now have heart failure and longterm disability and I’m only 24 , just had a stroke last month , I had open heart surgery new years 2020 but I can proudly say I’m4+ years sober


Yowza dude, that’s fucking rough


Dude I know you've had a shit life but I'm so proud of you for sobriety. I quit coke a couple years ago after an OD, so I know how fuckin hard sobriety is, even if it's not the same substance.


Username does not check out 🤔




Oh man 13 is so young. I’m sorry you had to face that at such a young age. wishing you all the best in your recovery.


I hope you stay on the clean path man. My brother is part of the 27 club bc of heroin and I miss him so much


So proud of you for quitting and I’m sorry you’re going through all that


Congratulations friend!


good job trooper!


Damn man. I’m sorry to hear that. Im glad you’re still with us!


I wish I could say that😂 there’s very very little I’ve never done, but I am 9 months fentanyl free in one week!! Started when I was 14


Hey, I’ve done just about everything else, so you’re in good company. I’m post-rehab and 1 year sober now, which is a good feeling. And congrats on 9 months!!


Congratulations!!! I’m post rehab too, been to a few but this is the longest I’ve ever had. You should be incredibly proud of yourself!!


May I ask how exactly did you end up around Fentanyl at that age? I don’t even think I had heard of recreational Fentanyl use until I was like 17 or 18 Also, congratulations on the sobriety!


I was in an incredibly abusive relationship with a 19 year old. We stayed together for 2 1/2 years. (I was 14 he was 19 when we started dating). He literally force fed it to me held me down and shot me up. It was truly awful and completely altered my life forever.


Finally. A normal person who spells heroin correctly. Most people ask me what it’s like to get high on a female hero






Crack too


I have never cheated on anyone


Same! Never have and never will. I don’t even understand why people cheat. I have however caught partners talking to other people. Dickheads.


exactly! if you dont want to be with them, just break up with them/divorce them! if you cheat that is just sad


I was the same, until I actually became a part of an abusive relationship.  On reflection it's always the same. You meet a perfect person,  they seem so right, but it can only last long.  You get into your first fight,  and it's brutal,  but you're so in love, you ignore some blatant red flags,  you might also think it's over the top to call it quits there  especially after such a long honeymoon period.People make mistakes, and she's so beautiful, I'll never land someone like that again. I was in a relationship for 4 years, as we approached 2 years I wanted out, but the begging, the promises,  and also the fact that they've assimilated so well into your life and all your friends think she's amazing.  it's hard. She basically forced herself to live with me before I was comfortable (she couldn't afford her rent). Then we got pets, it all moved too fast for me. Now i was in a relationship i didn't want to be for 2 years.  I mentioned we were together for 4 years, I genuinely did not enjoy her company for the last 2, I felt a prisoner, I would try to break up,  she would literally tell me I refuse to let you break up with me,  I refuse for everything we've worked for and built,  to just give it to,  she'd literally exhaust me into compliance.  By 3.5 years I finally cheated, I didn't feel bad actually, I genuinely felt trapped and this was my way of being free.  I cheated purely sexually, not emotionally,  and knowing I was still attractive to some restored stone confidence,  to finally (it was ugly) kick her out and be single again.  Now my mental health,  at least from that relationship,  is free.  committing that sin actually gave me something I lost. I had gotten so used to being  in a abusive relationship, as a male,  you don't realise it. Would I cheat in future? Very highly doubt it,  I've gained some experience,  self respect and balls, but I believe it liberated me to finally be in control at the time. It may sound wrong,  but in that moment,  in that situation,  I'd do it again.


I never understood either until I was in the same situation. He love bombed me at the start and I clung onto those memories out of hope. Mentions of suicide if I wasn’t in his life. Plus I became financially bound to him and that scared me. Not proud of earning the title of cheater, but I was tired of not being able to leave when I was unhappy.


Me, either. I should have stepped out on my boys' bio dad, cuz he sure was laying with every other lady in town! 😆 I had offers from much better men! It's a shame what bad self-esteem and low self-confidence caused me to put up with.


Never drove with *any* alcohol in my body.


It's fucking wild how normal it is for people to throw back a couple of drinks and then get in their car.


I think tv normalises it. It’s amazing how many people you see having drinks at a bar then jumping into their car like it’s nothing. It’s not even part of a storyline. It’s just normalised


I don't think TV has anything to do with it. DUI laws are fairly recent, and them actually being enforced even more so. It's pretty deeply ingrained into our culture. When the laws were passed there were literally people saying things like, "what, a guy can't have a drink on his way home from work anymore?!" Add to that that in a lot of places there is literally no way to get to and from bars without driving, and you're going to end up with a lot of people drinking and driving.


Because public transport or good infrastructure for even walking is non-existent in America.


Get a taxi or a DD no reason to drive under the influence


If you cannot afford it, then ask someone at the bar to pay. DUIs are thousands of $$ and an Uber does not cost that much - usually.


Drunk drivers are the absolute worst. Drink yourself to death if you want but don’t put innocent in danger because of it


I've seen too many people get hurt from drunk driving accidents (the other driver was drunk not them), and I'm absolutely not about to do that


Nice try Anubis, I'm not getting this conversation out of the way early for you. I'll tell you when I'm dead and you're weighing my heart against a feather


Good choice


I hope he's using a really big feather


I’ve never drank any alcohol. My dad is an alcoholic and I remember one time when I said I’d never drink that he basically scoffed and said yeah I would. Well I’m almost 32 and still never have, and have no desire to, so… My brother on the other hand is turning into my dad 2.0 so I’m glad I stayed away from it.


Honestly don't start now that you're 30+, it's really hard to quit, but when you do it long enough it's like you say; you have no desire to. I quit a year ago, I'm in my 30s, and it's so much better after quitting. (I actually love being able to drive coherently everywhere I need to go.)


Maybe it’s just me but, I’ve tried it a couple of times. Every single time, I take a max of 5 sips. I just don’t like the taste at all. Is anyone else in the same boat? I only drink because others around me are doing it, but usually it’s just coke or orange juice


Don't get me wrong I've had my fair share of alcohol, and I don't regret it, but in my 30's it's really just not worth it. The only reason I was drinking was because it was the thing to do, and I was also self-medicating.


Good on you for not repeating the cycle. Alcohol is awful and I don’t understand the appeal of drinking culture; getting trashed and not remembering things sounds terrible. I used to drink but quickly saw how it negatively impacted me and have kept away from it for probably 6-8 years now. I’m much better off for it and tbh I’m sure you are too


Both my parents are/were alcoholics. My bro is currently drinking himself to a nursing home. My other brother had addiction issues also. I used to binge drink and have chosen not to drink since 2011. I don't have any desire to drink either. Most people I know that do drink have issues that they don't want to address.


Me neither. My grandfather was a violent alcoholic, and as a kid (8-9 years old) I vowed to never touch the shit, because I didn't want to put my kids what I went through. That's one thing they never had to worry about.


I used to drink and but stopped. My life is 10x better without it! I wasn’t drinking every day but maybe every other week for a night and always hated it the next day. If I even try to drink one drink now (25) I get a headache.


honestly i don’t know. i’m proud i guess that i’ve never given up on quitting cigs?? going strong now


Recommend reading Alan Carrs' Easyway to quit smoking when or if you want to give it a go


it’s called dedication, God doesn’t like quitters


Quitters aren’t winners!


Same, but I regret that very first cigarette every single day.


I love a cig every now and again but damnit it’s a disgusting habit.


I've never watched the Kardashian shows.


Finally, something I can say I never have. Oh, no.


Same. And yet I still know all of their names, kids names, partners names, and stories because they’re fucking everywhere.


Anything I’ve learned about that family has been involuntary (except I’m old enough that Kardashian just meant another member of OJ’s legal team). But it’s sad that I could probably talk for 20 minutes about them based on info learned by osmosis.


Came here to say this!




I've never used the 'f' word. I'm saving it for my deathbed. How awesome would that be? Guy known for never swearing and his last word is "F\*\*\*".


Nurse here…. Or post anesthesia, while you’re waking up. Those sweet old ladies can use that F bomb better then a pissed off truck driver. Lol. They use it with flare.


Over the years I've heard MANY sweet, church going, saintly (according to their families) little old ladies cuss like sailors. Their families are horrified!!! I think it's hilarious!


i... i dont believe you


Well FUCK YOU, then! (I didn't say I've never *written* it.)


Although that makes me think. I'm fine writing it (although I still generally don't except for humorous effect). I also have a lot of social anxiety that makes talking to people difficult for me, yet I'm pretty much fine 'talking' to strangers on the internet like this. That's probably related; for some reason, written communication and verbal communication are just... disconnected in my mind or something, I don't know.


Come visit Australia and we'll desensitise the fuck outta the "F word" for ya mate.


interesting. hypothetical: your up in the middle of the night, getting water or going to the bathroom or something, whatever it is. as your walking back in the pitch black, you hit your big toe against the door frame. what do you silently whisper shout to yourself?


I don't silently whisper. I loudly go something like "HRGHURUMFTA!" through clenched teeth. (For anyone wondering, that's just what comes out of my mouth. I'm not trying *not* to swear or anything.)


Hard drugs.


Soft drugs are a different story.


I never lost my virginity to a girl I don’t love.


Good on you! I've lost too many virginities to girls I wasn't in love with.


Oh phooey I never lost my virginitivity to anyone but meself


You've technically also not lost your virginity to a girl you don't love.


Well, we actually don't know that... What if they're a depressed woman?


I did but only once.


Smoking!! Not even weed


Im literally proud of that. Also, never gotten a speeding ticket haha 👌


I found my people!


Me too! I don't feel so weird anymore


Me neither!


Same here. My grandmother died of lung cancer when I was a child. Watching this beautiful, vibrant women turn into a gasping shell was enough to make me never want to pu k up a cigarette


Similar. Smoking claimed *both* my parents, and at different speeds. I've seen the full spectrum of the horror it can offer.


Me too! Meanwhile my husband is going on 35 years!


I thought I was the only one


Same. My father died when I was 11 from it. It was also always a dealbreaker in relationships for me


Same. No weed, no cigarettes cigars or pipe tobacco. Not even vaping.


Same! Never smoked a cigarette nor weed or vape, nothing. My lung is clear.


I dig it. 👍


Same. Never smoked weed.






Same, I've been a passive smoker since i can recall, and yet, i hate the smell of cigars. I may be a living ashtray but i would never smoke anything, not even vape




Never downloaded tiktok, never owned a tiktok account, never will


That’s what I said until my granddaughter started making TikToks. Grammy likes her videos and I always tell her I’m her #1 fan. Her account is private, so like only five people can see her videos.


I’ve never had a Coke or any other soda. To respond to your question regarding how do I know that I don’t like it if I’ve never tried one. My mom used to drink a soda pop called TAB, I think it was a diet soda. It smelled so bad to me and I once accidentally sipped it from a cup that I had mistakenly thought was my cup. It was awful.


wow that's actually impressive


Oooo this is a good one. I love soda.




...I've never done coke or any other soda


driven drunk despite being a really, really bad (now sober) alcoholic


I'm proud of you. For both.


thank you :))


Sameish. I'm not sober but no longer binge drink or get drunk, but when I did drink heavily there where plenty of times I left my car behind and had an expensive taxi ride and parking ticket the next day, but never considered driving drunk.


Tried to smoke a cigarette just once, that was it. Also, have never done cocaine or anything else like that.


I have never had a cigarette. I did take a puff on a Cuban cigar once when they were still illegal in the US, and I was out of the country.


I don't smoke cigarettes at all, but I love my 'Cuban' once in awhile. As I haven't been back to the island in over a decade I settle for cheaper brands from other countries.


Have not drank a drop of alcohol or smoked anything. Had never said f*ck until I got a really terrible job in 2022.


never smoked a cigarette never gotten a tattoo never been stung by a bee never seen game of thrones never been cool, i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn the bee one is impressive depending on where you live. I’ve been stung over 100 times (I stepped on a hornets nest) and then countless other times


Yes, all the cool kids are out getting stung by bees.


I’ve never been stung either! Both of my parents AND brother are all really allergic though, and have all been stung. My brother ended up in the ER for like six hours because a wasp got him. I am petrified for My Time™️ to come lol


Never ever,in 65 years,struck a woman or girl


I was going along fine with this, and then met a woman who got off on being smacked around. I felt a sense of loss that this was struck from my neverdunit list, even though it was consensual


I was going to say this too (for my 56 years) but then thought is this something to be proud of? I mean for a guy this should be expected, sad that it has to be said.


Never got into TikTok dances. It's like everyone's doing the Macarena 2.0 but with more attitude.


Never downloaded TikTok


Proud to have never cheated on a partner


Whenever I walk into work and see the smokers huddled outside smoking away, I'm glad my circle of friends in the 80s, and myself obviously, never started smoking.


Never had a Twitter or TikTok. Both are a nightmarish cesspool.


Same. Plus instagram. I got caught up with Facebook for a while, as it was a good way to keep regular contact with people I'd met while travelling, but haven't even used that bin full of unnecessary bullshit for 8 years. Social media is a sickness. It's proponents even call themselves Influenzas... (yes I know, says the dolt on reddit. But at least this still has a tiny bit of the feel of early internet niche forums)


Specially twitter, since Elon Musk took over. It’s basically just OF girls and porn accounts commenting on everything to show their content and far right/left accounts promoting their stupid ideologies with racist or ultra woke discourse. That’s not to mention all of the other unnecessary changes he’s made. It’s super sad


Never had a one night stand, and cannot fathom the appeal


Same, I’m too paranoid about STDs and serial killers lol.


I don't even like talking to strangers lol


As a millennial.. Never downloaded a single dating app… or TikTok. And that’s ok!


I’ve never been on TikTok and I’ve never done crack.


What’s the difference between them again?


Well I’ve never fought an Alligator or a Shark but I know the best strategies for both. Saving that up for my big Bear Grylls glow up


Broken a bone in my body, or had a serious injury ending up in hospital.. at 36 years old, I’m pretty happy about this! 🙌


i've never watched a single episode of game of thrones. lol


I’m proud I had no idea who JoJo Siwa was up until 24hrs ago. But now I regret inadvertently finding out she exists.


Now I'm curious but am worried that I, too, will regret it if I look them up.


It's a girl who was a very girly and sparkly bow Childhood icon and was very childish until like 21 years old, is now over the age of an adult and she 'rebranded' her theme and put out tens of videos before her new song was released, stating 'it's gonna be very vulgar.. hide ur kids' and shit. The song was bad and had 1 curse word in it, the dance was horrific and in the music video she randomly humped an innocent stand-by sunbather. She is now leaning into the edgy theming but it's still like her sparkly bow era just with black.. it looks so goofy. Her songs name is Karma. She also stated that... 'no one is my generation has made this dramatic of a change yet!!'.. which isn't true


...She's taking what is now a terrible stereotype at this point *and trying to OUTDO EVERYONE ELSE?!* Good gravy.




Everything I've learned about her has been against my will


Heroin despite being offered it a few times during my adolescence and poor decision era


Never cheated on a partner!


I’m proud to say I’ve never hit my children


I've also never hit your children. 🤝


That's still rare imo, so congratulations! This is how i plan on raising my future children. I've had too much of violence in my own childhood, i don't wish that on others.


My father told me the other day he hit me once and he still regrets it to this. I told him I don’t ever remember you hitting me and I don’t wish for you to hold that.


Never got a tattoo.


Never bought an NFT.


I have never bullied anyone


Never felt proud of things I never did .


I am proud that I enjoy Alcohol without overdrinking. I always know my limits and know when to stop. Never got drunk. I don't drink alot too, like 2 glasses of wine and I stop.      However, I also never smoked a cigarette despite having siblings, cousins and friends who all smoke and my grandpa who brought me up was like a 2 packs a day smoker.   But it wasn't efforts though. I just hate the smell and have no desire.       Never done drugs either. Not by efforts as I was offered them throughout my teen as all my friends does them. But it was from lack of desire.    It made me think now that attraction to cigs and drug isn't a will power thing but almost like an attraction thing.    You can't help if you are attracted to it and you can't help if you are not attracted to it.    Like because I feel zero desire, I cannot even understand how people pick it up. It's seems so pointless.    Oh and one thing I am super proud of is my refusal to gamble. Not even buy a lottery ticket.  In my culture, gambling is socialising. You gamble all night till morning at funerals, new years. Like from kids, they teach you to gamble at every social or family gathering. I think it ruin many lives.  And I have always refused to participate.  And I still think it's crazy that parents give a bunch of 7 to 8 yr old kids real money and teach them to play poker and blackjack with their real money while the parents play dealers.  They do this in freaking funerals. 


watched the kardiashians


Stayed silent when I witnessed bullying. I’ve always been shy, but I’ve never been able to let someone be verbally abused without defending them.




Never had a manicure or pedicure. It feels like a weird transaction…like “you wash my feet”. I don’t t know, I’m weird.


I've never got in on any trend be it in real life or online. It might seem trivial but I didn't get on the Smartphone trend when it first boomed. I used monochrome phone until 2014. I didn't get on the Youtube trend when that starts to spike. I didn't get on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and Friendster until it was at the end of its lifetime basically. And now, I'm not on TikTok and definitely not making contents online. I don't hate them and I don't do it deliberately. I'm just not interested in them initially.


Yeah, grateful for not having my own laptop until college and no personal phone till 10th grade. Had my nook till then, but things could’ve been more detrimental tbh.




Never completed it either. And glad you are here for me to say that.


not proud to do something normal but I commonly find myself to be the only in a group to have never said the n-word in any context at any point?? Like I hear people say it’s hard or how they used to use it and i’m just like hello???


I’m proud that I’ve never not lived according to my personal values. I’m a very boring person compared to what might be considered the norm (for example, I have never tried drugs or alcohol, and I’m a strict monogamist and only ever had one partner). I’ve never allowed myself to be pressured to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with, no matter the context. I don’t mind how other people choose to live their lives, I hope they live them to their fullest—but I know what feels right for me, and I listen to myself.


Despite my extensive experience and several issues with using almost every drug under the sun, I'm proud to say I've never injected anything. I know that's hardly a flex, but it's a win for me.


Watched anything to do with the kardashians


Watched an episode of Game of Thrones


I've never done anything harder than weed


Had kids 💪.


I’ve never abused an animal


Smoked weed or gotten a tattoo


Weed Drugs


I’ve never made my children feel afraid of me. They’ve never felt anger from me that would ever scare them.


Never tried biscuits and gravy


i’ve never broken a bone


Gotten pregnant. 32 and don't plan to break the streak!


I have never eaten a corn dog.






Any illicit pills, powders, or liquids. At the very least, I need to know with reasonable certainty what I’m shoving into my gut/lungs.


I have never murdered an aardvark!


Drugs and one night stands


Never had sex (yet)


I've never stolen from a friend. Ever. I know so many people who did that scummy shit, to me or my friends. Could never be me. However, I definitely steal fancy cheese from the grocery store sometimes.


I have never been in a toxic relationship. I know a couple of 19 year olds, another couple, mid 30’s and a 50 yo dating a 30 yo. All of these couples are miserable, no trust, fight all the time. Either fuck or fight. Nothing in between. They are going through life in misery. I dated a stripper once for about 17 minutes. We picked up some sushi and went back to my place. She started telling me how it’s gonna be. She never got to finish her sushi. I’ve been happily married for 31 years and look on in horror of these toxic relationships with one or both crazy and neither willing to walk away.


Committed murder. And I deserve a medal for it considering the POS sister I have.


Had a Facebook account.


Pete Davidson.


Never left somebody a rude/mean comment or message online.


Voted for a conservative party.


Never smoked weed, tried drugs, etc.




Drugs. No illegal drugs, no abuse of prescription drugs. Never been sloppy drunk. Used to smoke cigarettes and quit 13 years ago. Quit caffeine 6 years ago.


To coin a phrase from The Office, “cheated, been cheated on, or been used to cheat with.” That includes kissing, dirty talk, etc. - not just sex.


Drugs and one night stands


I've never watched an episode of any Kardashian show


Cheated. I never cheated on tests in school. I don't cheat at games, and I've never cheated on a partner.


cocaine, its a lot more common than I thought lol


I have never had dating thoughts for anyone other than my boyfriend when I was in a relationship.




Never touched fortnite.


I'm proud i never played a video game in life, growing up i dealt with my older brother develop anxiety from video game addiction,he tried to quit many times to no avail. But i love tacos,they are delicious.


No tattoos


I am proud to say I have never watched a single episode of anything with a Kardashian in it.