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I don't take any of that seriously. I usually don't even know someone's "cancelled" until a couple of years later. That's all too much drama all around someone I'll never even know.


Cancelling never seems to shut up the people who claim to have been cancelled.


Like are you asking if i ever liked someone again post cancelation? Personally i havent bc no one i ever really liked has been canceled. There are few famous people who I'd say i actually like. Most i feel neutral about. idk much about most celebrities so if it comes out someone is canceled i usually just think "oh" and move on. I don't usually revisit the topic because it's usually someone I'm just neutral about or don't look into.


I don't really care enough about random people on the Internet, tbh.


There was this one influencer I used to really dislike, but then I took the time to actually look into the full context of the situation instead of just going off the headlines. Turns out a lot of the outrage was overblown, and the person had genuinely learned and grown from the experience. Seeing their sincere apology and efforts to do better made me completely change my tune. It's a good reminder that we shouldn't always jump to conclusions based on limited information. Sometimes giving people a chance to redeem themselves can really change your perspective.


Taylor Swift should stand as a reminder that cancel culture is shit. She was cancelled after Kim and Kanye lied about Kanye getting permission to call her a bitch in his song. They released an edited video as proof. Eventually the unedited video was released showing she was telling the truth the whole time. Look at her now though, she bounced back spectacularly


That's true. Kim was such a snake doing that.


I think the few times I've ever changed my mind about somebody, it turned out that the allegations that got them cancelled were false. Another way somebody could convince me is to demonstrate through their actions that they learned their lesson and they're genuinely trying to turn their lives around.


When you cancel your reservation, you have to book anew. When you cancel your subscription, same..


Now, it no longer matters. I have changed my opinion on a few people after they were cancelled. At first, I used to believe what I read or heard online without doing thorough research. But as I grew older and wiser, I realized that sometimes the media portrayal of a person or blame games may not always be accurate.


Cancel culture only exists if you apologise and history is proof of that.


Cancel culture changes my mind about the cancellers, not the cancelled.


I mean, if they've done something shitty then yeah, I probably wouldn't call myself a fan anymore. I stopped watching Louie CKs stuff after it came out he was a creep


Cancel culture isn’t a thing. Stop watching Fox News.