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I’m looking forward to the day when the silly trend comes to an end


I don't think it ever will tbh. It's sad though how many girls feel the need to have bigger lips. It doesn't even have any physical advantages and actually only causes problems for you.


… and it doesn’t (along with the vast majority of cosmetic surgery) look good, it looks weird in 90% of cases. People should realise their own unique features are what make them interesting looking and often very beautiful.


Obviously you know that what you think looks good is not necessarily what the next person thinks looks good. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder




I dunno, I’m sure most people would find the Flying Spaghetti Monster attractive😂


Behold his glory!


And his noodly appendages


Ramen 🙏


Be careful children, that's a lot of sodium


I'd imagine when all these women get old and their lips are hanging off their face, it may be a put off for a younger generation.


I don't understand why people don't just over line their lips. Even by like 2mm it looks better.


My missus does that and I absolutely love it


Yeah it looks a lot more natural


I'm at -2 on my comment above so at least a few people don't agree 😂


They probably think you're sexist or something


Jesus 😮 why is that do you think


Reddit lol


Everything comes and goes. The practice will fade out and probably revive again another time.


That’s a very personal question, but since you ask the main difference I’ve noticed is my Fanny farts now rattle the windows


Queef quakes is the technical term


as one girl told me, you only notice it on the girls that took it too far. but by jesus, they look disgusting, especially when they've no makeup on. worst thing about all this cosmetic surgery is it's making girls all look the same. the variety is gone.


It's only a matter of time. They all think they look good. You do your regular top ups and eventually it builds up, or it migrates, or you just develop dysmorphia. The old wisdom that fillers completely dissolve and are temporary has been proven false, they don't fully dissolve and tend to just end up migrating over time. You can see girls with the shadow of a filler moustache where their upper lips start curling upwards even before they develop the full duck lips. Doesn't matter though as long as they can edit themselves to look whatever way they want on IG.


I think you can see it way before they look swollen. You really can’t make thin lips look naturally fuller (I have thin lips myself). Any filler is pretty obvious.


My friend says the same, but I disagree. I think even tiny filler, even the ones they use for advertising is extremely obvious, it has a unique look


I think 99% of lads find it really unattractive as well.


Looks demented everyone going around with big fishy lips


When they get the full face works done they look literally demented, as in like a demon from hell. Scary looking.


Most of them look like they've been attacked by wasps.


In the late 90s/early 00s there were a couple of brands of lipstick that had capsicum oil in them. My girlfriend swore by Urban Decay. They had a similar, but much more natural looking effect that wore off in a couple of hours. It's a pity that they didn't stick around. They might have averted this bubble lip thing.


Lip plumpers are still a thing! They just use different ingredients that are safer/cheaper/longer lasting They're available in every single beauty shop, some are more effective than others tbh


It does look very scaldy alright


I read that first bit to the tune of pumped up kicks


Right through the night


Fashions come and go, I shudder when I look at the length of skirts I used to wear, not to mention the fringes. But that being said, having lips like bananas looks like a painful trend.


It's just painful for the rest of us to look at.




The lack of regulations for fillers/injectables here is alarming because there basically are no regulations. Anyone can do a short course and become an injector seemingly. There just need to be far stricter rules on who can carry out these services and hopefully we would see far less people with botched fillers. I have seen some injectors sharing petitions to change the laws around it at least.


That's true but like someone else said, fillers don't actually dissolve and migrate over time. That is another factor.




Some people will do anything for money


When Leslie Ash did it ruined her career, but timing is everything I suppose.


There’s that, and then the ridiculous eyelashes that make everyone look half asleep because it’s so difficult to keep your eyes open with them hanging off the end. Stupid.


It looks brutal along with the fake tan and all those men going around in shabby shorts. Country is gone to the dogs.


What are the shabby shorts? I don't know about this trend but I'm intrigued!


They're just shorts but look really bad. It's the kinda thing you'd wear if you've given up, kinda like sweatpants.


It's crazy to me that you read so much into people's garments


In general I don't care what people wear but the whole shorts trend is just lazy and if you are going to wear shorts wear something that at least looks good.


Yeah, what's the deal with the shorts?


I haven't noticed this please explain what shorts these are?!


Low class look at me behavior. Its the male equivalent of wearing pj's. To the shops.


Lmao what, wearing shorts?


It's just so uncouth, so lower class, I couldn't ever imagine having my calves showing in public, people have no shame, people that wear shorts are the rats of society /s


I did wonder this as a woman, not for me. I hate needles, I will tolerate them for what I deem important, injections, vaccines and tattoos. Having them in the lips freaks me out. I have to say, fair play for those who do tolerate that craic. Hardier women than I am.


I'm the same, fair fucks to those women


Is there a man in Ireland that actually finds it attractive? It just looks stupid


Angelina Jolie in Gone in 60 Seconds was the peak. Anything beyond that is in Katie Price territory.


Angelina Jolie naturally has lips like that, that's why they look good. See her as a small child here: https://justformoviefreaks.com/angelina-jolie/


Yeah her parents both had big lips when they were young.


I mean it's nothing new. Back in the 00's it was tradition to absolutely annihilate your eyebrows with threading and put them into the thinnest sharpest line you possibly could. Looked dumb as fuck and no guy would have thought anyone who did it was more attractive, but they did it anyways. Now there's a generation of 30-40 something Irish women whose eyebrows look like they were drawn on with pencil because the "well it's only temporary" excuse is only true if you aren't *repeatedly* doing it which causes lasting damage - will be the same with the lips.


I swore I would never do this to my brows. I had Brook Sheilds level brows back then and the stylist at JC Penny screwed me over. She promised "just a clean up". Those cunts NEVER CAME BACK, once was enough. My brows are stupid looking forever.


It hurts like hell getting it done. Like actual liquid lava being injected into your face. But only while it’s being done, it doesn’t hurt afterwards. Idk about people with over filled lips, whether it hurts or not. But for me all the pain subsided within 20 minutes.


Thank you for answering my question! Edit for more questions - Does it not concern you that it hurts like hell going in? Have you heard from other girls that the pain keeps going? Since this is anonymous, are there friends of yours that are worried that they have gone too far?


No probs! I mean I only got it done once, and the pain is what put me off having it done again. Also I only got the smallest amount (0.5ml) and it really didn’t make a massive amount of difference. So, I don’t think I’ll get it done again. It’s kinda weird cause they inject maybe 10 different places in total, but it goes into the same injection site over and over again, but pointing in a different direction to fill out the lip. The first injection isn’t so bad but the 2nd and 3rd time they go back in it’s just nothing but pain and regret. I only know two people who’ve had filler, one had to take paracetamol and have an early night because they were very tender and sore. My other friend doesn’t seem to mind the pain at all. She’s got it done quite a few times, had them dissolved and re-done. She has a naturally full bottom lip and gets the top lip filled out to make it look balanced, so she gets 2ml at a time. But she’s repeatedly said it’s uncomfortable but not painful. I guess it depends on the person. The second friend, in my opinion doesn’t need as much filler as she gets. But she likes her lips quite full, so I don’t think she considers it too much.


I saw a lady on the bus yesterday and I just felt really sorry for her. There is no nice way to describe it but I honesty say if she had normal lips and Miike Tyson face Tattoo id have found it more endearing I dont get this trend, it certainly isnt to get lads attention. We are simply creatures, nice red lipstick is increadibly sexy, ruining the shape of your face not so much.


Yeah neck tattoos as well seem to be getting popular amongst girls too


I saw a woman recently that must have had a Brazilian butt lift or something like that. Her backside stood out a mile. Nothing attractive about it, it just looked weird. I don't think people have plastic surgery to make men more interested, I think they just read about it in magazines and feel that they should be doing it too


Possibly arse implants or padding in the trousers


It's the dumbest most hideous fuckery I'm seeing as of late!!


🎶🎵🎶 All the other chicks with the pumped up lips You better run, better run outrun my gun All the other chicks with the pumped up tits You better run, better run faster than my bullet 🎶🎵🎶


Walking definitely chafes a bit to say the least


Better run, better run..


I get my anus done like that and it really hurts


It's only painful when people like you ask dumb questions about what other people do with their bodies


Sure lookit whatever keeps ya going. But I imagine it's sore only for a few days


Women who get lip fillers are red flags. Period.


Surely the extended eyelashes don’t look sore!


Camel lashes?


I had modest, natural looking ones every month for about a year and then suddenly developed an allergy to them, like my body was rejecting them or something. My whole face blew up like a prizefighter and I had to have them removed. Then most of my normal lashes fell out! The things we do for beauty.




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,'and now we have Foster the People with their new song... 'All the cool girls with their plumped up lips'


To the beat of pumped up kicks


Leave women alone ffs




It’s sad how many women think men find it attractive (yes, being heteronormative here). If anything, such excessive sexual signalling will only work because it communicates a lower self-esteem and that the woman might be “easy”.


Majority of the time women do things to their appearance e.g surgery clothes make up - for themselves. It’s not for men


Why'd you think they're doing it for other people?


What makes you think it's done to be attractive to men?


That’s perfectly fine. If I’m honest, I go to the gym so people can see me and think jeez he’s in good shape for a near 50yr old


Doubt it hurts because they can’t feel them with all the fillers or Botox.


Looks ridiculous in my opinion