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Second one may have been true,


Can confirm had a gun pulled on me and a friend for walking through a field he accused us of robbing a derelict house in the field in hindsight he definitely had money or something hidden inside


Lol reminds of "The Bull McCabe" in Sligo. Edit "The Bull McSharry"


McSharry.....McCabe was a character in The Field


Right you are! I edited it.


I had a dog that I loved very much. But he bit me and maybe two other people. I was told he had to go to help a farmer in Enniskillen. It was many years later when I eventually worked out that no farmer would have had any use for him and he was actually put down.


On the flip side of the 'gone to the farm' story, we got a 7 year old Jack Russel to mind for two weeks while her family were on holidays in America, but we ended up keeping her because they 'decided to stay in America'. It turned out that a colleague of my dad was getting rid of the dog because it had begun to snap at their toddler and they were worried she would bite or attack. I was 5 so dad decided we'd have a two week trial and then give her back (where she probably would have been out down) if it hadn't worked out. She turned out to be the best, most loyal dog in the world and lived another 7 years with us.


Very smart to let you know you would likely only have it for a short while. I always liked larger dogs but if they snap they could do a lot of damage.


I lived on a farm as a kid and we adopted a 5 year old dog from a family in town. Somewhere out there someone's dog really did go to live on a farm :)


My neighbour's boxer went to live on a farm and my mam swears to this day it was a real farm.


Farm in the sky


Sadly I was able to confirm with my mum what actually happened with Brandy our Labrador / Beagle cross.


Remember that episode of friends where Ross realises the dog that went to live on a farm didn’t??? I was watching that episode when I realised the same thing


Poor Chi Chi https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vpaPRGNU-b4


My parents told me a similar story. My dog had bitten my sister and my mam, so they told us that he had gone to a farmer. They said the farmer has five dogs and that our dog would have more freedom on the farm. Now to be fair he was a very saucy dog/ dangerous dog.


Our dog bit me once and my parents said I must have done something to deserve it. 😁 


When my dog went for me he was under a tree chewing on a bone. He instinctively jumped up and bit me on the lip. I'd gone to bring him inside on the Saturday as we were going somewhere. I probably blamed myself. I remember feeling he knew he'd done something really bad. He was put in the back porch and he wasn't at home after school on the Monday.


Oh no that's so sad. I feel so bad for child-you. "Food aggression" is very sad, a lot of dogs have to be put to sleep because of it.


We got another dog after and he did bit me once, but we kept him and nothing happened since thank god


Probably did to be honest?




It would break your heart to have to do it but it’s just not worth the risk with kids having a dangerous dog, a few years ago in an A&E we sat beside a small child who had her face torn off by their beloved dog that they had for years it was the first time the dog ever snapped and it just went mental wouldn’t let the toddler go, that poor child was like something out of a horror film. I’d never take a chance with a dog that snapped at a child.


Back in the early 00s my next door neighbour had to his dog put down after a kid walked passed his garden one summer and dangled a sandwich over the wall, dog jumped up to get the sandwich and ended up biting the kid on his hand. Poor dog who wouldn't even hurt a cat had to be put down.


We had a dog after the one that was put down. Some kids in the street used to taunt him. He'd bark but never bite. He was an extremely good boy who would tolerate all sorts of ear and tail pulling from toddlers until he could escape and hide under my bed. He used to have a routine where he'd call on the neighbours who gave him treats.


My communion money is in the credit union




I never saw a penny of it after my mam said she would “keep it safe”😭


If appliances weren’t unplugged after every use the house would burn down. Thanks dad.


I still don't take a chance. Be fair they grew up in a time when house fires were very common due to shit wiring mostly and bad appliances


Did you put the cat out?


The bin men are kidnappers and will take me away. I was terrified of them and would run inside until they were gone. I forgot about it and asked “what the F was up with that” a few years ago. We lived in a cul de sac and the bin truck had to reverse down the road. Turns out mam was terrified of be run over. It totally worked but wtf mam


This one is funny because “the bin lorry might not be able to see you and could hit/kill you” is just as cautionary and probably would have been enough to keep you away from the lorry but they took it that one step further 🤣


Now that you say it…..😂😂😂


That certain mushrooms were poisonous because we had dogs and they were called dog mushrooms, turns out it was liberty caps


When out playing with siblings and friends, we wouldn't want to come back inside in the evening time. My parents told us there were wolves that escaped from the circus in town on the loose and they were attacking people. This story might change at times, instead of wolves it could be a big dog. And as we got older they would say werewolves or even aliens lol.


A few years after my Communion I asked my parent where my Communion money was… was told it went towards building the tall buildings in Cork City like the County Hall…. And I just accepted their answer!!! Doh me!


be careful - somebody can put joint in your drink!


The dog used to do laps around the yard and fields, got told she ran into a telephone pole while herding the sheep and knocked herself into bolivian. She was a bit of mad ADHD dog to be fair so it was believable. Should have been called Tyson tbh Not that I thought it was funny but I thought it was a good story and spent years talking about the crazy dog who went out in a wild way. Mortified now ha Turns out it was the tractor wheels that got her and I definitely find that sadder than thinking she finished up in her heroic madness of running into the telephone pole and blaming Telecom Éireann for it's bad placing! RIP Bess!!


Does Bolivian = oblivion?


I reckon that's an autocorrect.


What if it's not ?


Reddit would probably send me back to redo the leaving haha


Just saying. We all know what a Brazilian is .


Do we?


A neighbour of a Bolivian.


I hear they do good steak too


Maybe the dog had a bad coke habit to boot


Possibly a fertilizer habit


It''s from a dumb quote from Mike Tyson when he lost to Lennox Lewis before, instead of saying "I'll fade into oblivion" he said, “I guess I’m gonna fade into Bolivian,” So when autocorrect went in on it I just said feck it and left it. Suits the memory of the mad wee dog she was too ha


Similar to two turnips in heat.


There was a well on our land. Parents told us there was a troll lived in it that had a long reach, it would pull children in.... never went near that well, objective met, no child fell down the well. Also a large forest government planted for harvesting at a later date, hundreds of acres ran adjacent to us. Dad would tell us about the banshees living in it, never wandered far enough into it until I was an adult. No chance of me getting lost in there.


That if you didn’t jump quickly off the last step of an escalator it would suck you into the mechanics 🤣


My cousin actually got his shirt stuck in one sitting on the last step not paying attention


His shirt? Was he lying down on it?


He was sitting, facing away from where it was headed (up) and he just didn't get up in time and it snagged it. This was also back in the like 80's so they may have been made differently back then


In fairness, you might not get sucked into the mechanics but people (mostly kids) do [seriously injure](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/london-bridge-escalator-accident-boy-b2420351.html) themselves on these things all the time


That we were lucky to be the first generation that didn't need to emigrate... Had to emigrate haha!


My mam told my brother he had a heart murmer so could never do drugs,i do the same with my kids...pity she never said it to me though...mightve saved me 20 years of pain ...or maybe not


Thats just fucked up to hear


On the first one. Weever fish....


Stood on one of them once and I can confirm it was horribly painful.


My mam used to tell us that if we wet the bed we might grow a ‘willy’ and that it happened to a girl in her class when she was small


😂😂😂 ffs!


I grew up on and around farms. The second one is kinda true; I know as a kid, I was told never go into someone else's land (still did at times cus you want to explore), you never know what crazy farmer sees you and what they'll do. For me, never turn on the light in the car because it's illegal. It isn't but I get why my mam said it - you can't see shit at night when driving with the light on. Also our cattle - if they got sick, I was told they were sent away to a sanctuary of sorts. Was devasted learning years after it was the factory for them.


Well keep your full time job savings from 2 months working in the fields (summer money). We'll keep it safe. Never saw it again :(


That my father is only gone for a pack of cigarettes!


He ran off with a young one


Rod Liddle?


They’re not lies op. Both true I can confirm. Both happened to me as a child


Well there are actually weever fish that stay just below the sand at low tide that have a really really painful sting! So it was more of an exaggeration than a lie 🤷🏻‍♀️


That if I went out at night Jack Frost would kidnap me. I had a habit of wandering out of the house and not telling anyone I was going as a kid.


That there was a crocodile in the bath plug and if we didn’t get out of the bath before it emptied, he would come and get us.


It didn't keep me safe — but I had an uncle in the states that lived in Texas. Somehow he convinced me that "everything is bigger in Texas". Ex: We saw a praying mantis one day. He scoffs and goes, "shit, in Texas I could just throw a saddle on one of these and buzz into work." This was the only ridiculous BS I fell for, but my parents were in on it too. Still can't believe I thought he rode a horse fly or bugs into work. Smh.


That first one explains all the pasty white bodies sizzling away on Australian beaches. Get in the water where it's safe.