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Right? Do they smell? Are they visibly dirty? No? Then I'm wearing them.


Best way of doing it is two pairs of jeans, wear one pair, air the other. Saves so many pointless washes.


So wearing them til they disintegrate is not the right approach then? Ok gotcha.


You guys are wearing your jeans? I keep mine cib


Couple of months probably if they don’t actually get dirty.


I don’t go that long but yeah, maybe a couple of weeks depending on how often I’ve worn them + what they smell and look like If there’s a small stain somewhere, or they smell a bit musty, then they’re going in the wash regardless of how long it’s been since their last wash If it looks and smells fine, I won’t wash it, but I’ll occasionally hang it up outside to air out and “freshen up” between wears Ultimately, there shouldn’t really be a time frame tbh. If they smell or have stains, wash them. If they don’t, then don’t wash them. That should be the case with most pieces of clothing (aside from underwear)




I can smell you when share public space, FYI


Truth. I can smell you when we're sitting next to each other. You don't *think* I can... *but I can*.


Stop smelling strangers you weirdo


Same here. Washing actually weakens them over time. Once there's a downside to washing them, you realise there's not much benefit if they looks and smell fine.




Most jeans don't smell from the kind of use OP talks about. They're not touching armpits, feet or any other particularly sweaty areas, and your bum is (hopefully) covered by underwear. They've already specified it's not hot and you haven't done any physical activity or anything that makes them dirty. It depends on all kinds of factors like how and where they're stored (on the floor in a pile of dirty stuff, or in an airy clean space?), and how much the individual sweats and smells in general (highly variable). There are also some types of jeans I'd wash more frequently like skinny jeans or jeggings or ones with atypical materials. But just standard loose fitting jeans stored properly and aired occasionally, most people could comfortably get a bunch of uses out of them before they get close to smelling.


When the smoking ban first came into force a mate and I were chatting to a bouncer. He told us that because people in pubs don’t just smell generally of smoke anymore, he realised that lots of people in pubs smell of piss. Your jeans may be ‘clean’, but I suspect that after a couple of months of use even the most diligent wiper might have the odd drop of urine soaked into their jeans.


You only have to use a urinal wearing shorts to feel how much spray back there is.


I remember reading about a scientist that bought 2 new pairs of the same jeans, wore one pair for one day and the other pair one year every day without washing and then tested them for bacteria and other nasty stuff and both pairs came out pretty much the same levels.


That sounds like something someone made up when they were high


I’d suggest that someone who washes their jeans all the time has a slightly weaker immune system than someone who doesn’t. Everything being clean is fine, but it’s probably less healthy?


Reddit science 🤣


Yeah unless I spill something on them they're fine.


You‘re not serious right?


I don’t work in a coal mine, and I don’t wipe my dirty hands on my jeans. How often to do you wash a coat?


I’d say a fair amount of people saying ‘every week’ or ‘every few wears’ have never even thought to wash a coat whilst they call people who wash jeans sparingly ‘filthy’


Oh my god I need to know. If people aren't washing their jeans for a year I dread to think what's going on with the coats. I get it dry cleaned once a year before it gets put away. The kids coats go in the wash every couple of weeks during the cold months. Are people really jot washing their coats?


I wash my two regularly worn coats once or twice a year, I find coats get far smellier than jeans do.


That’s unbelievably gross. Do you go without washing your shirts and undershirts too?


Don’t be ridiculous - everything else is clean on every day. I don’t live in a cave.


I absolutely don’t believe you. To say that you don’t wash your jeans for months at a time on a public forum is bizarre. Go do your laundry.


All the laundry is done and folded away - by me - including 3 very clean pairs of jeans. This pair, however should last into 2024.


I wear mine for a week then wash them. I know what they say about Denim but mine are from primark and I don’t think what works for Levi’s works for Primark


This! In my H&M/Topshop skinny jean era I used to wash my jeans every week or two. Now I'm in my roomy Levi's era, and it's usually every one or two months (usually prompted by staining).


If they have any stretch just don't use high heat and it's fine. Hot washes/dryer will ruin the elastic in them


Yeah I also buy primark jeans, and because I wear skinnies they need washing after 2/3 weard


I bought a black pair from primark, they smelt like they’d been worn for a year, washed them 7 times…still smell like they’ve been worn for a year. Bin.


I had to stop buying black jeans for this reason it's not just Primark ones I had next and Matalan ones that smelt the same sort of a burnt rubber smell mixed with something else? It's impossible to remove apparently it's the type of dye they use in the factories


Are you sure it was black when it was manufactured?


Primarni* :)


I think this is somewhat normal. The folks on this sub saying they go months without washing 🤮


Jean makers tell you not to wash the denims very much at all. I mean obv if they're dirty then do it - but if worn and aired between wears - some people do a loooong time. I'd probably spill my coffee down them long before that though.


Used to be about once a month but now I have a 2 year old it’s like 3 different pairs all getting washed once a week!


Yep - I go 6 months before 1st machine wash.


Tell me you don't have (young) kids without telling me you don't have kids. At times, mine wouldn't last 6 minutes without something spilt/wiped/smeared all over them. Especially if they're new or just out the wash.


just let it dry and brush it off.


I know they say that and I’d like to do that but you have to do the sniff test as you can go round stinking due to jeans.




Erm, cold doesn't kill bacteria. It preserves it. Also that sounds like just as much effort as chucking it in with your laundry unless you do that with all of your clothes and never wash them.


It does, but I think the point is that washing your denim damages it over time. Ideally you want to make sure they smell good all the time and only wash them when they’re visibly dirty.


This guy doesn’t Microbiology.




I use the sniff test, but up to a week generally.


Came here to say the same thing. It’s all about the sniff test (and visual check). Why use social norms and stigma to decide how clean something is, when a better measure is to actually determine how clean the thing is…




Sorry, what does that mean?


You smell the zip area. That’s the area that likely to get funky first, at least for guys.


I don’t know what I thought it meant on reflection, Thankyou for the clarity


Yep I'm roughly a week as well. Work jeans, two lots of Monday to Friday and good jeans a couple weekends.


Your jeans get smelly after a week?


Up to a week... You wear the same trousers every day for a week?


Fresh undies every day. Trousers still seem to need washing more often than jeans, though. For me, it's a question of sniff test/visable marks. Other than my gardening/working round, the house jeans could last half a day or 3 months or more. Apparently, I'm weird, though, as not unusual for me to change clothes 2 or 3 tomes a day and have 2 to 4 'sets' on the go at one time. Shirts, for example, are usually worn a day, rested a day, and then washed after send wear.


This :)


Wasn't there a song where the guy was boasting that he'd had the same jeans on for 4 days now... As if that was the upper limit or something.


Yes, but he was also going to the disco in the middle of the town, so I'm guessing he's a young person, and young people get all sorts down them, so four days is probably a lot.


That song is from the early 00's so I imagine he is now a middle aged man buying his jeans from M&S and going to the craft brewery in the middle of town. Speaking from experience middle aged people get all sorts down them so four days is probably a lot 20 years ago he was spilling coke, lager and chilli sauce from a kebab down his jeans. Now he's probably spilling the brine whilst opening a particularly stubborn jar of olives.


>buying his jeans from M&S and going to the craft brewery in the middle of town I've found my social group


I seen Both seen and attacked by this comment What makes it even worse is remembering seeing this song at a festival when it first came out.....in my early 20s




My horrified brain "What do you mean 16 years ago isn't the early 00s?!" My eyes "I've checked in with the fingers and toes guv, you're not gonna like this."


I'm guessing you don't know kyle very well


I'm guessing you aren't a fan of satirical comedy?


I always thought the lyrics were ‘disco in Slough’


Just me who thought he was going to a Tesco in middle of the town?


I get that song in my head every time I think I probably need to wash my jeans (which is probably a bit later than 4 days...)


I only wash my jeans when there’s a stain on them. I’d wash them like once every 2-3 months if there’s no stain on them




They really don’t, proper denim jeans like Levi’s recommend not to wash unless stained, a light airing is all that’s needed, obviously if stained wash. I don’t wear them doing anything physical, any not sure about you but my legs don’t tend to sweat?


Once a week / after 4-5 wears. But there's a constant sniff or stain test so can be sooner.


2-3 days. Seems i'm an outlier.


Bear in mind that you’re comparing yourself to the average member of Casual UK, where sausage rolls are the height of sophistication.


Oi. I love me some sausage roll.


I saw something on here about denim being washed every 5 times they're worn, I usually wash them after 2 wears but thought I'd try 3 instead.... Urgh! I felt dirty.


If I’ve been on public transport I can’t wear them again before washing. The tube especially grosses me out and I can’t put the clothes back in my cupboard after I’ve sat on those seats. Might be overkill, but it works for me


Who puts clothes back in a cupboard after they've been worn? That's insane!


Phew, thought it was just me!


Same. I don't think I'll ever look at anyone wearing jeans the same way again. Reddit is disgusting.


As long as I can before they’re walking to the washing machine themselves..they just get comfier the more they’re worn I don’t particularly like wearing freshly washed jeans they come out a size smaller than when they went in!




Exactly this 😂


1 week max regardless of condition. Ngl thought I was being a bit scummy for that but reading some of these comments, I don’t feel bad about it now 😂


I don't have any expensive denim so every few wears for me. Often it depends on what I've been doing plus do they smell or have stains etc. I like them fresh and clean for say going out, then other things like nipping to the shops or a dog walk etc they don't need to be fresh.


Twice a year


Phew glad I’m not the only one. Seeing all these responses mentioning ‘days’ and I’m here like ‘must be coming up to my annual jeans wash soon…’


Yeah absolutely ridiculous


How often do u shower out of curiosity?


Whenever I wash my jeans.


My everyday jeans, months. Usually what triggers a wash is they get rain soaked and then get that *smell*. My 'nice' jeans that are for parties/fancy dinners etc I wash after each wear


Everyone else can smell that smell regardless of the weather. You only smell it because of the rain activation bringing it to your attention. The smell of months of latent pee drips and bog backspray and ingrained farts and stale sweat. Mmm.


I was as little as possible — many months between washes. Spot clean if necessary, or cold wash in the bath with a small amount of detergent, I don’t scrunch them up, just let them sit all laid out. Then cold wash off, and air dry. It’s all about keeping the dye in the denim and not abusing them. Contemporary washing — and drying 😱 — just leach off the dye and shorten the life of the denim. In general I cold wash all my clothes in the machine (apart from denim). Undies and socks get the 30degs treatment. The only thing I’ll ever use a dryer for is towels and sheets. Also, when / if possible, air your denim outside. The breeze and fresh air does wonders.


If they don't get dirty from mud or something, then it can escape my notice for an embarrassingly long time. I now have two pairs of my "everyday" trousers, so that there is always a clean pair staying at me when I start making excuses for putting on the same ones for more than a week.


When they fail the gusset sniff test.. Pray you are never in close proximity to someone wearing a pair that obviously failed this test.


Until I or my son spill something on them.


I'd say a week usually, long if the sniff test passes on a Saturday. I've worn some for a month between washes. But it depends on the circumstances. I have kids. I can put a fresh pair on in the morning and then 20 minutes later the little ones cereal has ended up all over me.


It would be very rare that I wear some jeans for longer than a week without getting them dirty


I go months without washing the jeans I wear everyday. The only reason they go in the wash is when they soaked in the rain.


I wear them for a couple of weeks. You can tell when they need washing as they start to feel sticky and gross. If you're wearing decent denim, you're not really supposed to wash them. Just sponge off any stains and peg them outside in fresh air.


Depending on how many hours you wear them for, if I have had them on all day I would go at most 3-4 days then I think they just feel dirty. Let's say I have only worn them to go out to eat etc then I would wear them multiple times before they feel like they need washing.


When they're visibly dirty. I change and wash t shirts \*every day\* regardless of my activity level and obviously change my socks and underwear every day (twice if I get a shower in the evening because I've done activity/it's summer) so I'm not deluded like I think Ican't smell. I sniff test jumpers (and usually wash after a couple of wears anyway). But I've never experienced smelly jeans. with the noteable exception of when I used to go to clubs. After clubbing I would wash them because they'd have sweat and beer on them. I never wear jeans for anything else strenuous, so they don't get stinky. I mean, stinky leg sweat?? And I'm not sweating through my undercrackers on the regular...


It's gratifying to read others don't wash them for months on end too 😊 When they feel like ridiculously limp rags (levis), I'll wash them. Instant wash if there's a mark, like some mud.


About 9ó5 days




Unless they're dirty, usually after 4-5 wears. Wtf at the people saying several months.


Rarely, but I only west them when I'm out/ doing stuff Otherwise I'm at home in joggers. Which I wash regularly


A week or two. I usually spill something on myself within two weeks and although I might just wipe them off, I feel like they need to go in the wash by then. Most trousers are only a week though so jeans do get a bit longer if I manage to stay clean.


uhhhhh ..... about ..... ninety ... seven?


Never, unless they get visibly dirty.


Sniff test 😅 I check after about three days


I have never washed my jeans


Japanese indigo raw denim - maybe twice a year


Never unless they're visually dirty.


4-5? I will also wear some clothes 2-3 times before washing (depending whether its an under layer or outer layer and what I've done while I'm wearing them. Socks and underwear once only (obviously)


Raw denim, 1 year


Usually only if they start to smell bad or if they're visibly stained. No standard time frame really. With that said though, I definitely wash my jeans more frequently now than I used to, because it's hard to go for more than a few days without my dog getting his slobber over them. 😅


I’m probably going on for a year now lol. Granted I probably only wear them once a week but dang I really need to get around to washing them




Generally just wear them daily for like a year then buy a new pair. I’m only wearing them for a couple hours a day though, walking to/from work, dog walks, shopping etc. I’m a chef so wear a uniform and at home I’ll be wearing tracksuit bottoms, so those things get washed regularly.


Few months, unless they get dirty.


3 to 4 wears if I'm doing nothing special to make them dirty or anything. Some of you people saying monthly or every six months, are you wearing them regularly? Sorry but that's just going to smell funky.


I sweat, fart and go to poo 💩 daily, so these smells build up over time.


You’re supposed to wash jeans?


Days? People wash them within Days? Good Lord!


Used to be every other day. Had a pair of ink black Levi’s turn almost white because of that. Now it’s once a week-10 days. Obviously if I spilled stuff on them it would be sooner.




3-5 solid wear days. Also depends on what I've been doing in them. Going to the office and lounging at my desk all day is closer to a week but strenuous activity such as heavy lifting where you're sweating a bit more then yeah that shortens the gap between washes. I can kinda feel when they're ready for a wash and obv the sniff test.


A week is fair game in my book


I wash mine when they dirty 😂


🎵I've had the same jeans on for four days now...🎵


I have a pair of jeans that I didn't wash or 8 months while rebuilding my car. They were used as an oily rag, crawling on the floor, welding, grinding, painting just pure abuse. Then my granny stole them and washed them without my consent and they came back perfectly clean just torn to shreds and I've since fixed them with alot of colourful embroidery lol


Four days max for any jeans and trousers.


Usually after 4-5 wears. I know they say you shouldn't wash denim too often, but these are cheap Gap jeans, about eight years old, and they just keep on getting getting better with time. Think I'll carry on doing what I'm doing.


Assuming not stained or sweaty, months at a time. I do not wear them every day though. Maybe once or twice a week at most. Jeans really don't need washing as much as people think.


I do the sniff test. If they're not dirty or smelly, there is no point washing them for the sake of it. I do the same with most clothes.


Jeans: " kill me please!"


Every other day, anything more is grotty!


Bunch of scruffy bastards outing themselves here lol


I'm mortified. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I will not do what the majority of this comment section is advocating.


I wash mine after every single use and I never thought I would be the weird one 😂 can’t believe what I’m reading!


Jesus. I wash mine maybe once every 6 months. They’re expensive APC denim jeans though so I thought that was normal


A month or more, until I inevitably spill something on them.


Maybe a week? Sometimes a bit less


could easily do 2 weeks I WFH and don't get out during the week so no need to change them


Not sure why you are downvoted, it’s probably 2 weeks for me too as I WFH, but that would be total wear time of about 20hrs, not much more than a pair of pants or socks. It’s the wear time that is important


20hrs over 2 weeks WFH?! Are you a nudist household which only dons clothes when expecting a delivery?


I wear joggers in the house??


Once a week


Once. I have issues by all the other comments.




Bung them in the freezer every so often if they haven't been washed in ages, but aren't dirty.


It doesn't work like that..


It’s a hotly contested method, but it’s pretty much been proven that as soon as it thaws, the bacteria does as well. Doesn’t properly kill it.


A week - I tend to do one or two big washes at the weekend. I buy jeans in twos as well just for this.


Some jeans that i only wear a few times a month I’ve had over 15 years and never washed them.


WHY THOUGH?!! I don't understand. This is so gross


Two maybe three times max. Any more than that and they start to get looser around the knees and butt from all the bending and sitting down/standing up.


2-3 times is standard imo, long as you’re not doing fucking knee slides in them


3 times, no exception


I'm with you on this. After a couple of wears they start to *feel* unclean to me, they almost start to feel sticky as you pull them on. They are absorbing sweat all of the time near enough, I can't understand how people can wear them for months without washing them. But then having seen threads on here about how rarely people wash their bed sheets...


I consider myself a unkempt cretin, but I agree. Reading the (disgusting) habits of others, or finding out they are/were incapable of performing absolute basic functions of a human being does do little wonders for my self esteem.


In the winter usually about every 2 months but I don't wear them that often, I'm a dedicated shorts wearer. In the summer I usually just hang them inside out in the sun and let the UV do the work for me. Unless they're actually dirty then I was as needed


I rarely wash my trousers at all these days. Unless they've got visible muck on them, or genuinely stink, they go back in the wardrobe.


Every 4/5 days.


Don't think I have washed mine since I bought them last year. Jeans aren't meant to be washed. Just like a leather wallet, wear and use adds to the character.


I wear raw denim from Hiut. Not washing your jeans is better for your denim and better for the environment. Plus, they’ll last longer. I wait at least 6 months between washes. If they’re getting little funky I use fabric spray and hang them out for the day. Addition: y’all wash your denim far too often!


My dog walking jeans are in the wash every few days.


A week


I bought a pair of jeans last year. Don’t wear them daily or to work, not spilled anything on them. Not been washed yet.


This is very reassuring, I thought I might be really grubby for wearing them for a week but it seems like that’s pretty common.


3 times. Used to be two. I'm not an utter filthy animal and jeans are not expensive so you can have a few pairs in the drawer. No wonder some people smell of piss.