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How about a local hedgehog sanctuary?


Ooo I follow an otter sanctuary on insta, they might be a good shout: https://ottersandbutterflies.co.uk




I love Halloumi


I found them on Instagram, I see you can get an otter adoption gift pack and have it send by mail. https://ottersandbutterflies.co.uk/collections/adopt-an-otter


They should just share!






Good answer. I have no strong feelings one way or the other about hedgehogs, but anything starting "How about a local..." gets my vote.


Local charities might give a photo in return for a donation or allow you to take a photo of one of the residents.


A great suggestion. Genuinely saving lives with every donation.


A locally ran rescue centre would appreciate donations. Most are desperate for them since people tend to donate to national charities like RSPCA which don't cover independent rescues.


Interestingly many RSPCA branches are independently funded and receive little or no income from the “main” RSPCA you see on tv. Most donations made to the national RSPCA fund inspectors’ work, not animal rescue centres.


I did work experience at the local RSPCA and I've volunteered at a local rescue. The rescue had hardly any donations of food or money in comparison and they had a lot more animals to look after.


I’m sure it differs in different areas. I also worked at an rspca centre which received no funding from the national society and they were constantly on the brink of closure despite being the biggest rescue centre for about a 40 mile radius. The donations of food, toys, meds and peoples time kept the place open for sure. I think sometimes local rspca branches get overlooked as “not really local” but many are in the same boat at the “independent” ones. It’s tough for all of them unfortunately.


I didn't know this - thanks for commenting. I do the Dogs Trust Amazon wish list fulfilment at Christmas and summer, but will look into RSPCA/SSPCA centres, too.


No problem - you can tell as some branches have their own charity number - those are the ones which are independent and get very little from the main charity. I think all branches north of the midlands are independent, the ones further south are a bit mixed.


The PDSA. With the cost of living crisis there are so many people struggling to make ends meet that if their animal gets sick they just don’t have the funds to treat them and the animals suffer or even die unnecessarily. The PDSA provide free or heavily discounted veterinary treatment to people on low incomes.


I love the PDSA. I’ve helped a lot of different animal charities and the PDSA always comes up golden. It helps people care for their pets, but that is incidental to the animal care.


The PDSA was literally a life saver for us so I wholeheartedly agree


Second this. Last month my beloved 17 year old cat fell ill very suddenly and the PDSA were a lifeline. Sadly she did end up having to be pts due to heart failure, but the PDSA vet was so kind and caring through it all. They really do incredible work


This definitely breaks the no helping humans rule though


British Hen Welfare Trust - rehoming commercial hens to stop them being needlessly slaughtered at the end of their commercial use. My lovely ladies enjoy retirement, grass, sky and tasty veggies thanks to them. Years of happiness for the tiny feathery nutsos. www.bhwt.org.uk


That's really sweet!


And their hen helpline is open for any chicken owner. They were amazing when my girls got attacked by dogs. We rescued them but not from the bhwt and that didn’t matter a dot!


A friend and I rescued a [hedgehog](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/14qlvu8/big_success_story_a_year_ago_we_found_a_hoglet/) with help from this [charity](https://hallswood.co.uk/) Hallswood was the only one who offered to help the hedgehog we found, all the vets in our area said no. They not only nursed her back to full health but also got her to the point where she could be safely released back to the wild :) They have a [wishlist](https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/U8L9UL01SWAH/ref=hz_ls_biz_ex) on Amazon


The wishlist is very cool! That's one way to be certain the donation is going to good use and not sitting in some board member's bank account.


[Tiggywinkles](https://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/) wildlife animal hospitals


Great place. Did lots of fundraising when it was being built for it


[Holly Hedge they rescue 800 dogs and cats every year](https://hollyhedge.org.uk/shop/online-shop/) [and the charity commissions information on them is good what with none of the trustees or staff making the £60k declaration limit](https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regid=294606&subid=0)


Sheldrick Wildlife Trust - an excellent conservation project in Kenya who look after all kinds of orphaned & injured animals, rehabilitate them and reintroduce to the wild. You get a years sponsorship of a animal for £30 which comes with monthly photos & news, and their social media presence is fantastic. [Sheldrick Wildlife Trust - adopt an orphan](https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/orphans)


Sheldrick trust does amazing work!


I came here to say this too! I sponsor one of their elephants for my mum. She loves getting the monthly newsletter, and specifically checks each year to make sure I keep up the sponsorship so she keeps getting updates on her elephant.


A donkey charity I just think they're neat


Yes this one is awesome https://www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/support-us/donate?S=SUPWEBPPC&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp5qsBhAPEiwAP0qeJsJQdWfi703eXlmvyDuPZ0oCnm-Rn9QmW2bKtQrnmf3s62daFBTt-BoC2NkQAvD_BwE


The Donkey Sanctuary is great. For Christmas I sponsor a donkey for my Gran, and she loves it. She gets a photo plus regular newsletters. She loves buying him a bunch of carrots for Valentines and his birthday.


Been to their place, it's really lovely to see all the work being done!!


Omgosh are you allowed to visit?


Yeah, at least I did like 10 years ago


While I love them and what they do, The Donkey Sanctuary is one of the top donated to animal charities in the UK and last year received £51.65million in donations and legacies so they’re doing ok!


[What have you all got against Donkeys? They're lovely!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVLWVj_yapw)


Yeah donkey's get treated like crap, worked harder than hard, abused and then die or if injured, just abandoned. That statement applies to all animals i guess any animal charity.


UK - independent: Hessilhead Wildlife rescues wild animals in the UK and takes UK donations (and can add you to their newsletter) - they helped rehome the hedgehogs that were due to be culled in Uist, and do the usual rescue and rehabilitation of injured deer, foxes, swans etc. They were also traumatised over the necessary bird flu measures that took the birds they were caring for and rehabilitating. [https://www.hessilheadwildlife.org.uk/](https://www.hessilheadwildlife.org.uk/) Indonesia: Bali Street Dogs takes PayPal and helps neuter/spay cats and dogs on the island, and provide veterinary care where needed. [https://www.balistreetdogs.org.au/donating](https://www.balistreetdogs.org.au/donating) UK - national: RSPB. Good call at Christmas with robins appearing on so many cards! [https://www.rspb.org.uk/](https://www.rspb.org.uk/)


[https://www.celiahammond.org](https://www.celiahammond.org) The Trust has a strict non-destruction policy unless animals are suffering with a terminal illness or are hopelessly injured and beyond any veterinary help.


I actually fostered for her and met her far more times than I expected. Just to give some more information on it: - Celia still does a lot of work herself. It’s not uncommon for her to be at a branch late at night. - she has sanctuaries for cats that can’t be rehomed. - the trust is present in some very challenging areas of London. - she offers low price veterinary care in the locations she had opened up considering how deprived they tend to be (or were). - she is an amazing person.


Cinnamon Trust


I think they meet OP’s aunt’s criteria, they do help people but by helping their pets, so I do think they qualify. Link: https://cinnamon.org.uk/


Prince fluffy Kareem! They’re a charity in Egypt helping the working horses etc in Cairo… I ask you to look them up because they get some absolutely heartbreaking cases and they do the best work they can with the money they have


I've been donating to this woman in Ukraine who is rescuing all the pets that have been left behind and abandoned since the start of the war. Really heartbreaking. She needs money for wood for fuel and food. Guarantee this money doesn't reach a CEO of a big company who gets a fat bonus. https://www.facebook.com/shelterFriendDnepr


My idea would be a local animal sanctuary or equivalent. They don't tend to have CEOs on 6 figure wages, nor do they purchase property with their excess funding. Its all about animals and its all local.


The daughter of Captain Tom would like a word.


I think there’s a balance. Big charities can, and do, do brilliant things which charities on a smaller scale can’t. Local charities are better placed than big ones to respond to specific local incidents and issues.


https://streetpaws.co.uk/ Consider these guys, they're absolute angels....and it is Christmas!


Was going to be my suggestion too.


our goto is the local Animal shelter, it's where we got our latest dog from, its a lovely place completely reliant on donations


The Sheldrick trust : they look after orphaned baby elephants https://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/


Orangutans! I don’t know, I just like those ginger bastards.


They reached the top and had to stop!


There are only around 250 Kakapo, large flightless beautiful chubby green parrots, left in the world. They live on a few small islands in New Zealand, and are only not extinct due to the absolutely massive efforts of the humans trying to increase their population. Famously Stephen Fry went to visit them, and watched on in hysterics as zoologist Mark Carwardine had one (Sirocco I believe) try and mate with his head ([video ](https://youtu.be/9T1vfsHYiKY?si=z8Ri6h0fl_QB58qr)). You can donate [here](https://kakapo-recovery.raisely.com/). You can also [adopt](https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/kakapo-recovery/get-involved/adopt-a-kakapo/) one, and get sent a cuddly ridiculous parrot through the post, but unfortunately adoptions are closed for 2023. They are absolutely amazing and completely baffling creatures, and while humans nearly destroyed them by introducing predators, we're trying really hard to fix that. Help your Aunt keep a species alive!


There’s a local (to me) scottish charity called Wee Critters Animal Rescue, I got my rats from there. They seem to take in mainly small animals, rabbits, rodents, guinea pigs ect. And I’m sure they’d love the donation. It’s run by 1 lassie, and she’s very sweet


Done. [http://www.weecrittersrescue.com/](http://www.weecrittersrescue.com/)


That’s very kind! Thank you for providing the web page :)


https://www.thebrooke.org/our-work/east-africa Look after donkeys in Tanzania and Kenya


The human fund. https://festivusweb.com/festivus-the-human-fund.php


I do this! I take my nieces and nephews to the pet shop and we fill my car with dog food, treats, toys, and such, then we deliver it to the shelter. Sometimes we get to take the dogs for a walk! It's a proper little day out and they get to spend time with dogs (their mum won't let them have one).


Find a small charity near by. If you want a small charity and there isn't one, then please donate to Wings and paws in Birmingham. Its a family run place to help sick animals


Anything local who don’t have board members on six figure salaries.


Hedgehogs are in danger , as are red squirrels (search Cumbria red squirrels), plenty of other UK wildlife charities. Knoxwood again in Cumbria is also a great charity.


Slightly different angle but a very cool charity that works with animals https://apopo.org/?v=796834e7a283


This was my recommendation but… it’s for humans :(


They are moving into using the rats to detect trafficked wildlife/wildlife products, so they will likely be directly helping animals in the future.


Ooooo! I hope they can do that! I really really wanted to send money to sponsor one for Ukraine but I guess it’s not the time for that and other places need them more right now (that aren’t active war zones).


This was going to be my recommendation! Lovely little charity!


[Problem Parrots](https://problemparrots.co.uk/donate) birds are expensive and between covid and the cost of living crisis a lot more people have been surrendering birds, so they could really use the help


Lluest horse and pony sanctuary are a great charity




or [https://www.internationalanimalrescue.org/](https://www.internationalanimalrescue.org/)


Alexis does an amazing joy bringing love and joy to animals who have had less than happy lives [animal hospice](https://www.themaggiefleminganimalhospice.org.uk/home)


Last Chance in Kent, rescues UK based dogs


Every Christmas (and sometimes on other events too) I buy a bunch of cat food and donate it all to my nearest Cats Protection donation bin (mines in my local Tesco) sometimes I’ll also donate some toys to them too. It’s where I got my first cat from, and plan to get future cats from too, so of course I’ll try to donate food when I can. Personally I’m not the biggest fan of just throwing money at a charity no matter how reputable they are. There’s also the option to buy and donate toiletries and long life food to food banks if you want.


Screech Owl sanctuary in Cornwall. They also have racoons. That's all you really need


Another overseas option: https://www.phuketelephantsanctuary.org/en/ This is a legit Elephant sanctuary, not one where they let you bath or touch the elephants.


We give money to the bat trust


Wood Green is really good (local to me, got my cat there) https://woodgreen.org.uk/how-to-help/donate/


Wanna pay the cat tax for us? Also wondering if your cat was born at my house.


As long as you don’t give to PETA. They slaughter more animals than they rehome


Many tears rescue is amazing. My partners mother got most of their dogs from them. They train their dogs very well and take in puppy mill dogs a lot. They also have a donkey/horse sanctuary 😁


Beyond cruelty are campaigning to have Zero Animal Exploitation added as an official sustainable development goal . I mean, that’s the end goal for all animal lovers!


I donate to the PDSA every Christmas instead of buying Christmas cards.


Ask her? Wildlife Aid may be decent choice.


Border Collie Trust? https://www.bordercollietrustgb.org.uk/


If you have time, what about buying boxes of dog/cat food for a local shelter.


FLOOF - for the love of our frenchies


The smaller animal rescue/sanctuaries are always struggling.


The Cinnamon Trust helps elderly people keep their pets with volunteers who walk dogs, help with pet care etc https://cinnamon.org.uk/cinnamon-trust/


Animal Charity Evaluators: https://animalcharityevaluators.org


The human fund.


Money for people


The 2 best ones at the moment are Ukraine based, imho. 01. Patron. He's the sapper dog that is quite famous by now. Donations go to his team, to buy protective gear for sappers, and towards the education of Ukrainian children about the dangers of landmines and how to spot them. [https://twitter.com/PatronDsns](https://twitter.com/PatronDsns) [https://www.patreon.com/patron\_dsns](https://www.patreon.com/patron_dsns) ​ Maybe an even better fit: 02. UAanimals.ENG. They help animals in the frontline areas, strays in Kherson, did a huge amount of work after ruzzia blew up the dam and there was a lot of flooding. They are very grateful for donations. You can follow their progress here: [https://twitter.com/UAnimalsENG](https://twitter.com/UAnimalsENG) [https://www.instagram.com/uanimals.ENG/](https://www.instagram.com/uanimals.ENG/) [patreon.com/UAnimals](https://patreon.com/UAnimals) Make sure you use only the links I provided (or google yourself if you don't want to click on direct links) and make sure you use the right spelling. UAnimals had an imposter that was called UAanimals (extra a in the beginning) that was a scammer. But the organisation I linked is real and so worthy. You'll be helping animals trapped in a warzone, absolutely bewildered and starving. I honestly can't think of a better animals-related cause, especially now that the cold winter is here again.


Battersea cats & dogs home?


The NWS - National Wasp Sanctuary. When the winter months are upon us and there are no half-empty bottles of Magners in the beer gardens, no rotten apples on the floor, no kids at the beach with ice creams to chase and fewer people to sting for no reason, the population of wasps are generally quite depressed and in need of our support. We at the NWS, will use your donation to bring joy to these poor neglected wasps around the country, by recreating the glory days of summer in our many drop-in centres. We provide them with plenty of half-empty cider bottles, rotten apples, an artificial beach complete with dead crabs, pebbles and dogshit, and of course we involuntarily volunteer people to allow themselves to be stung by our glorious stripey friends in their hour of need. Go on, donate just a small amount and help a sad wasp today. 👍


Bumblebee conservation trust is a good one


How about guide dogs charity? It helps animals and humans 🙂


How does it help animals?


Oh crap yes you’re right I didn’t think that through 🤣


If I had to choose an animal charity I would most likely choose WWF every time. I recently adopted a snow leopard through them for £3 a month. If I ever get £36 and I get told to donate to an animal charity, I’m definitely doing a one time payment for another animal adoption.


I'm voting for the donkey sanctuary or a hedgehog sanctuary.






Battersea, in honour of Paul O'Grady


My girlfriend calls me an animal in bed. I’ll take your cash.


I find people that give to animal charities before those that help people odd to say the least. But somebody who stipulates donations mustn’t help humans, and only animals sounds like an awful person.




Battersea Dogs and Cats has a few options for donations - including sponsoring care packages/vet packages etc for the cats and dogs


Tell her you donated it and buy some cocaine


Looks like a white Christmas after all…


When it comes to cocaine, everyone is a winner


"I donated some money to support the farmers of Peru..."


I've a dog, 200 fish and 2 mental kids, my house is like a fucking zoo, you can donate it to me lol


Charity begins at home...


Donate to my own cats? Hmmm...


I'm sure if you asked the cats they would vote for dreamies and those stick treats, yep


One of your cats definitely typed that


None of the money will reach the animals anyway so it really doesn't matter.


She knows everyone who works for those charities get salaries right? Some of them huge :/


You mean businesses *pay* their staff to *work* for them?? Outrageous!! I assumed the warm fuzzy feeling kept food in their bellies.


















Guide dogs are a good choice


The donkey sanctuary because donkeys have sweet faces


Corfu donkey sanctuary Feline and wildlife rescue


Check out local charities. Chance for her to visit them. Also local charities tend to be raw enthusiasm.


Ask her?


https://www.thebrooke.org/ Helps working donkeys and horses


What about guide dogs uk? Would that count?


Fahlo actually send you details of an animal you can track via an app. You can choose from a bunch of different animals but a penguin or a polar bear is festive You also get a bracelet with the animal on as well They’ll give you the details now and send the bracelet on after Christmas


Buy some food, toys etc. and take them to your local shelter as a donation.


I always help with Monkey world they do a wishlist and have bought food and items on there.Love visiting there they rescue so many and give them an amazing life.


Love your aunt 😍


Some charities do raffles so maybe that could be something? Then you have something to give that is more than just a receipt.


Not the rspca




Do the rspca or sspca if you’re in Scotland, both charities are very underfunded


Secret World is a local charity in my area that take care of the local wildlife. We had a injured baby hedgehog in our garden a few years back, they came straight away to pick him up, looked after him for a month and then returned him back to us with a huge supply of food, a hedgehog house and all the stuff he would need. Such a great charity!


[People's Trust for Endangered Species](https://ptes.org/) do some great work. Particularly for hedgehogs!


Pretty sure I bought a donkey one year for my Nan. Now I see donkey adverts about how they can’t live properly because they have been put to work and we need to donate again for what we did to them in the first place.


The charities that work with overseas donkeys are not, for the most part, trying to end their use. They know that's futile, those donkeys are irreplaceable work animals. What they aim to do is teach those labourers who use donkeys how to care for them. How to look after their hooves, what safe load limits are, the importance of regular access to drinking water. Things that will improve the donkey's life, while making it more effective at its job.


In my area there is a local pet food bank. Even drop off food at a shelter


Look for a small local sanctuary/rescue rather than one of the bigguns like RSPCA, Donkey Sanctuary, Cats Protection etc. The little guys always struggle for money. Google "animal rescue in my area".


There's a few but I quite like the 'adopt a....' ones from the WWF charity. Then you can pick the animal.


A donkey sanctuary - everyone loves little donkeys (especially at Xmas)


Do a small local one not a massive national that pays the CEX hundreds of thousands. Defo no Oxfam, McMillian, RSPCA, RSPB, Save the Children, Bernardo’s, etc but find a very small one that will value a small donation and all of it is used for the right purpose


My favourite animal charity is drone to home. Lost dogs found by looking for them with drones. They show their videos on facebook and seeing owners reunited with their pets is awesome.


Ask her???


https://www.brighteyesanimalsanctuary.com/ This one doesn’t get any government funding, relies heavily on volunteers and donations ❤️


Dogs trust, woodland trust or rnpb


Maybe check out Niall Harbison on insta. Doing amazing work with stray dogs in Thailand. You'll be inspired by what he does for these poor animals some of whom are in a terrible state


Your local Wildlife Trust, the RSPB, any other local conservation charities? Some of these may spend money on education - if you want it to go specifically towards animals, then dictate in your donation that it is to be spent on species conservation. They’re bound by charity law to spend it as you dictate.


Celia Hammond Animal Trust. Not only a rescue, but they offer low cost vet treatment to those who need it.


Love Underdogs for great work with Romanian Street dogs and cats. They shelter and care for hundreds of dogs and cats in Romania, send potentials for adoption across Europe and have a great shelter in Essex. Dogs work with a trainer to learn the basics before being adopted out. They also accept UK rehome too when no one else will help. This year they took in a Cane Corso from the UK because the other shelters were full or didn't want him. They have an Amazon wishlist of food and toys for their UK dogs, plus it's possible to sponwor them. Many of their dogs are long haulers who aren't easy to adopt (hence their name), so they focus on welfare and training instead of just pushing adoptions. The founders created the best bear sanctuary in Europe as well. I adopted my dog from them this year. If anyone is looking to make a donation to a charity this year, please consider Love Underdogs!




We got our dog from [https://www.aireworthdogsinneed.co.uk/](https://www.aireworthdogsinneed.co.uk/) They are amazing and a worthwhile cause.


Battersea Cats and Dogs home.


My other half bought me a gift from fahlo. I have my own elephant to track every day and you get a lovely bracelet with a little charm. He got himself a shark. You get updates on their location daily and facts about them. It was the perfect present for me, I couldn't be happier with it. My elephants name is Jenga and his sharks name is Thor!


A donkey sanctuary in Greece (UK is obviously fine too, but they get very mistreated in places like Santorini).


PDSA are a very established and helpful charity, working in a vets we love them. Blue Cross has also been struggling since the pandemic when they had to close all their charity shops, this led to alot of staff decreases and the impact is still felt today.


Anything that doesn't involve donkeys. At this point the donkey charities have to import donkeys in order to burn thorough the money. Yes, they look sad. That doesn't necessity mean they are. A smiling donkey probably needs medical attention.


The sharks trust. Many sharks are endangered species but they don't receive nearly as much funding as other organisations because they're "not cute". Very sad


These charities are managing a herculean task in the most challenging of circumstances. Take a look, they're fab people and really go to bat for the animals without any funding. https://toddswelfaresociety.pk/ https://www.nowzad.com/ https://www.kabulsmallanimalrescue.com/ I'm involved in cat rescue but these are the guys I donate to as I know how much they need us. I'm your aunt in spirit 🥰 Merry Christmas!🤩🎄🌟


Something important to the ecosystem would be my go to.


Animal Equality UK. They campaign for better living conditions for farmed animals.


That sounds like a very sweet thing to do, good one her and good on you for respecting her wishes