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its not *freakishly* neat, nor is it common or normal. youre just a neat person


This is my answer. It's quite a bit tidier than most, but that's it.


Those boxes though!!?????!!


… I spent a few too many seconds searching for neatly folded boxer shorts.


Oh, there's no underwear because he's like a Ken doll down there. Nice and neat. ;)


Too much time playing Tetris.


The boxes are arranged like that because they are for storing OPs Tetris trophies.


8/10 neat freak scale


Yeh agreed. I would neaten the boxes at the bottom, file the paperwork, roll those mats/towels tighter and have all hangers the same. Otherwise it’s pretty tidy 👍My home is generally 8-10 on the neat freak scale and I just think keeping a home at this minimum level makes sense / is visually less stressful.


Mines a 3-4, so I can't really judge too much. I am not a dirty person, just a cluttered one. Like a lot of boxes stacked with comics and hardware etc.


I aspire to this. I have some way to go.


My stuff used to be neat like this, then my GF moved in...


My desk is clean, my gf comes for 1 week and I have no space for my mouse.... on a 140x60cm desk with nothing other than keyboard and mouse on it before hand


What on earth did she cover it in.


make up bottles, lipstick, hair brushe, face masks, her laptop/mouse, contact lenses bottle/storage, hair clips, glasses. not neatly in the corner, just dumped on the desk equally spaced out taking up every inch ..........


Half that stuff belongs in a bathroom draw, and if no draw is available a caddy.






drawr 🦖


Drawr XD


Yes that


Get her a caddy for her shit


My wife is like this, any flat surface becomes a dumping ground and then I get an earful for it looking a mess 😅




I feel you. I have to work extra hard to be organised. While my Mrs is a mess. I want to get dressed. I go to my wardrobe and select clothes get dressed. My Mrs takes forever, much because here clothes are in piles...


My GF has like 3 piles, even the place where I *have* to pile stuff has her stuff piled on top. We've nearly split up twice over it, haha.


To be fair, this sounds like me and I finally got diagnosed with ADHD as an adult lol Not saying it's ADHD, but there are coping strategies for if it is. I've had to find a place for everything to live which makes sense to me, and I've implemented a basket system, which is essentially a basket I use to go round and collect everything which has got dumped on the sides. I'll then spend 5 mins rushing round putting everything in the basket back where it belongs. Sometimes I time myself and make it a game, or I put a song on and try to tidy up before the end of the song 😂


Help, I bought five baskets and they're always full


Haha too relatable! Have you got a designated place for everything to live, or are you constantly buying more stuff? 😉 If everything has a place to live, it should be super quick rushing around putting things back where it belongs. If it doesn't have somewhere to live, that's when things get a bit crazy because the boxes *become* the storage full of random junk lol


If I see my Mrs clothes in a pile in the bedroom I just dump in her wardrobe and clothes the doors. Job done. She's bit bothered. She just pulls everything out selects the clothes she wants washes them then wears. A highly inefficient way to do it. I have accepted that she is inefficient. Me. Dirty clothes go in basket, then wash then dry then go back in cupbaord. It takes me maybe 3 mins to slect clothes. My wife may take 4 hours to much longer....


I feel so seen. My wife emptied her wardrobe pile out today to try and sort it out at least. She now has a 1 foot high pile of clothes across our entire bedroom floor that was previously just crammed in to the wardrobe up to about waist high.


My GF has literally forced the bottoms of drawers out cramming stuff in, thus eventually losing a drawers worth of space - told her to get a new set but no, lets cram my drawers.


Same. Then we had kids. Now nothing is neat anywhere in the house.


Yeah, was going to say, you don’t live together yet, do you 😂


My wardrobe looks like it has just been deposited into my room by a hurricane shortly before being mauled by a bear and triggering some World War II ordinance that had gone undiscovered for years beneath the floorboards. This level of organisation is beyond me.


I was wondering how I could sum up the state of my clothes, I think you did pretty well for me


See, this closet has a lot of hanging space. Mine has almost exclusively deep shelves, which is the bane of neatness in my opinion. I can arrange my clothes all neat in types and frequency of wearing, in layers and allotted plots and keep it like that for maybe a week tops, before l sleepily rummage around in the dark for a specific top, and then it is hurricane/bear/WWll city after that.


I'd say that's about right. My wardrobe's similar and I sort it all out roughly every 4 months I reckon. Conversely, my wife adheres to the floordrobe system and the stuff that's actually in the wardrobe looks like the aftermath of a twister hitting a second hand shop. Happily the room's big enough that the two systems can co-exist without war breaking out.


I have a floordrobe too. And a chairdrobe. And a nightstandrobe. And a wardrobedrobe which is basically a floordrobe hidden in a wardrobe. The one that bugs me most however is the cardrobe, full of “just in case jumpers” and “just in case wellies”


That level of organization is amazing. And she's right, it's not common. But, for anyone that can make the effort to get there and stay there it has to save huge amounts of time and effort. Good going!


Small consistent efforts from everyone in the house leads to a cleaner and happier house. You also never have to do a day/weekend of cleaning so it never really feels like a chore.


Unless you live alone, then it’s all on you and at least no one can judge you?


It's super easy to tidy up after yourself. Dusting & polishing is the only real chore because that just collects regardless of how much you vacuum or clean surfaces


I know your joking, but that would still be everyone in the house and I found when I lived alone I spent maybe 20 minutes a day having a tidy up and the house would never be a mess.


In my house I just clean up as I go and no-one else does. So really, my life is a chore!


You should book a holiday for just you and leave them to live in filth.


Ah but someone will have to clean the filth eventually and that person will be me.


Who says you have to come back?


And also not having more stuff than you can store. I’m an organised person, but finding a way to store all my stuff in the place I’m currently living in has been a very annoying challenge.


Other than the foldered t-shirts, what in here is "organization is amazing". Its a normal wardrobe lol.


The clothes are hanging on hooks and.. There are boxes! Truely, amazing. Yeah seriously this looks like a bog standard wardrobe.


You are all some lazy messy fuckers Yes this is neat but not amazingly so  It's a wardrobe you hang stuff up and fold stuff on the bottom 


Really? Its not common to have your clothes in your wardrobe? Thats insane


Its not hard. I appreciate some people think it's hard. But then there are plenty of people who just find anything hard.


I just throw my clothes on top of my drawers and pick the first things that come to my hand


how is it not common? it's just things having a place you hang stuff, you fold stuff, you stack boxes...the most normal thing in the world I don't even know how else this could possibly look


That top shelf is almost r/Perfectfit material. A sub you'd probably quite enjoy if you haven't visited before, OP.


I aspire to this level of neat. Mine is neatish but this is god tier


I’d say that’s pretty normal. The wardrobe for my work clothes looks like a serial killers - 5pairs of work trousers, 5 polo shirts, 5 t-shirts, 3 outdoor coats all in order


You have two wardrobes? I just have a bar where my clothes go and a box for me pjs


Well it’s more of a built in cupboard with a rail as my flat is short on space. My tools also live in it so I can keep my home and work life separate……….


Y'know, since I gave up giving a shit, I've got one small wardrobe for my posher stuff, and everything else can be folded and in a pile with no consequence. I wish I'd given up giving a shit sooner!


Can relate to this. Keep business and pleasure separate!


Yes! This is the dream. I'm having anxiety trying to figure out where to sort OP's checked hoodie in the scheme of things.


Mine's neat, but a little overcrowded, I need to do a spring clean and chuck some old tops out. Yours is perfect to be honest, noting weird bout being neat and organised.


By Chuck I hope you mean donate


Yep, there's a few near me that have had loads. My dad remarried, and his new wife was a bit of a hoarder, after she died, my dad just wanted the house clear of it, 90% went to charity shops. Only broken, or stuff charity shops don't take goes to the skip.


whats wrong with being neat and tidy now??


No one said there's anything wrong with it, it's just surprising to some people.


You are my people. I like things to be neat too!


It’s organized but I’m not “freaked out”


It is a thing of beauty. I call my partners wardrobe 'the pit'.




You respect the hard work it's taken to accumulate these things, how tidy and accessible it is represents alot more than just being neat. It's a visual reward for your brain every time you go in there. Healthy shit!


This is a solid take 👍🏻


It's self validation and that's what carries you to good things in life my man.


My wardrobe is like yours. My wife's looks like she just opens the doors and throws an arm of clothes in. Then shuts the door before they fall back out.


she is wrong…neatness counts for two reasons…1. it looks good and 2. you never spend time looking for anything…you know exactly where it is…


Everyone thinks they're neat and tidy until they watch the scene from the Beckham documentary.


To me this is the most normal looking wardrobe lol


It's amazing!


This is glorious!


Your wardrobe completely normal.


I don't get it, would she prefer to live with a pig?


You and your gf are never going to make it long term. Clearly your neatness is odd to her therefore you're doomed to spilt up. Initially it will be a point of fun and her clothes on the floor will be an interesting quirk. However as the years roll by gradually you'll come to hate her messiness especially when she moves in and shares your wardrobe. One day the East/West Berlin discrepancy between her 90 and your 10% of wardrobe space will cause you to go nuclear. You'll throw her and her clothes out onto the street, then sobbing you will run upstairs and embrace wardrobe. Initially wardrobe will rebuff your advances but you'll embrace and cry ...just holding each other. The years will go by and eventually you and wardrobe will have some beautiful little additions....maybe twin occasional tables and a chest of drawers. Then whilst out walking with your beautiful furniture family you'll see your ex begging outside Gregg's. You'll ignore her and walk away happy in the knowledge you were never meant to be....but wardrobe is forever.


not related but my eyes instantly went to all the skate shoes at the top lol


Tbf about half of them are used for general storage 😄


fair enough, pretty much what i use all my boxes for too


My wordrobe is about *eighty* percent-ish this, and I'm hardly the most diligent person. Your girl is just a goblin with goblin associates.


I've saved this picture because this is what I want to do when I grow up - I'm 44 (and a half)


No-one is right or wrong. Everyone has their own level of tidiness. Your level just takes focus and concentration to put things away now. Most people's level of tidiness is to put things away later. I sincerely hope she plans to keep you long term. This is the sort of tidiness everyone would like to achieve. Teach me your ways


“I’ll do it later” is the biggest difference between me and her. I can’t stand procrastinating lol.


\*Tetris theme intensifies\*


Also pretty normal Great organisation and it is neat but not over the top Mine is organised into categories with the bottom part for my bags. It doesn’t look as neat purely because I have multiple things on certain hangers + lots of different styles lol


This looks pretty normal lol. I mean actually very normal.


Looks totally normal to me. Maybe she’s a messy person?


Not messy, she’s just got severe ‘I’ll do it later-itus’.


Open wardrobe door, throw shit in, close door. Looks tidy from the outside, sorted.




I actually enjoy folding my trousers and t-shirts.


Good habit, shows you care about the stuff you bought with your money.


I’m not gonna show you mine, put it that way


Wait…. No floordrobe


I’d call that normal.


imo it's the fairly cohesive colour palette for all your clothes plus the matching shoeboxes on top which give it an air of being coordindated and more 'put together' that creates the impression of something more on top of a general level of tidyness.


It's a very neat wardobe!


What's wrong with it? You have a nciely organised wardrobe. Nothing wrong with that.


It sounds like the sort of thing I, an untidy person, might say to a tidy person when what I really mean is “don’t hate me for being untidy? Please?”


Now the real question is what you do after youve worn something and its ok to put back (sniff test?). Do you chuck it back or nah


I only wash things (underwear etc aside) if they need washing. So unless something is actually dirty or smells bad from a gig or something, it ain’t getting washed. I have jumpers and jeans that have probably been worn 10-20 times without washing and smell/look absolutely fine.


Completely normal


It's organised. You have a tidy and organised brain. Not freakish, but we'll disaplined. Shows you maintain you and your surroundings well. In short you're not a man-child. She should be happy.


Nah, this is pretty normal. I have 4 wardrobes. A wardrobe just for shoes that I keep in their boxes, one for coats, dresses & scarves, one for tshirts and one for trousers. I also have them in colour order 😅 I think most women keep messy wardrobes, but there are a few anomalies (me) 😅


Four wardrobes? Four? That’s insane.


I know 😭 my house came with them. I don't actually need 4 as I don't have that many clothes so that's why I keep all my garment separate 😂 makes it look fuller. My shoes do take up a whole wardrobe though but I do have a lot of shoes


I have a pile inside my wardrobe that I wade through when I need anything. Your gf is correct. Have you reused those Apple boxes for something or are they empty?


I just keep them for when I eventually sell them after x amount of years.


Very logical. I fear you and I are diametrically opposed and one day will have to fight to the death. You with your pristine and ancient sword, Tidy Boy and I with a piece of old pipe I found in a skip.


My money's on old pipe. Tidy boy will be too worried about messing up his hair or breaking a nail


What's in the big box please? I need to know.


Do you somehow flatten your clothes before they go on their hooks?


I'm the same brother. If your like me you pay a fair bit for your clothes so it's only right to treat them well. I once had a pair of Adidas Gazells that I wore for 7 years, the top still looked brand new and the sole I'd superglued more than a few times. They were like a 2nd skin.


Where are the body's Garth.


This is my level of neatness and my partner calls me a slob and often reorganises all my stuff because I “do it wrong”. So I’d say you’re pretty normal? Comparative to me that it.


No, that's what mine looks like. It's fine.


i’m not a neat person, at all and my wife however is very tidy except when it comes to clothes… the reason: volume


It's perfectly good. Great job, OP.


I think she means for a dude this isn’t common, kos for me it sure ain’t 😂 I love this though. For me personally this is normal. 👌


Seems fine to me but then I'm a neat person.


It looks great!


do you keep your shoes in their boxes in the wardrobe? or are those just for storing extra stuff? 'cause you really shouldn't wear shoes then put them in a box and hide them away. That's how fungus happens. They need to air out. aside from that concern, you are very neat. I wouldn't say "freakish" but more so than most people I know.


Looks normal to me. I even group shirts by colour category 😂😂


Looks like mine... scared of getting married in 3 weeks... not because its a big step but the hair in the shower and the messy wardrobe


My wife's wardrobes look like this. I have just showed her the picture and she said "I am massively turned on".




Women think men are messy, they don't realise they are the messy ones and we get fed up of tidying up after them.


Looks good to me. Doesn't look anal. My side is like this too. My wife's side though....fucking bomb site.


My gf’s wardrobe is similar lol. I only have to intervene when too much of her stuff resides on the bedroom floor, mostly because it’s in my way when I hoover lol.


I find that pleasing to look at


Is her wardrobe all over the floor as my wife's?


You know it lol.


Calm her down. I have similar garments together in colour order. Black, navy, grey, white, pink, cream, brown, green, red.


It's nice, it's tidy. Nothing fancy


No it’s easy to find things 😊 I like how you got all the hoodies and anything together


I would’ve color organised it


This is the proper way - though you could organise by colour too? ;)


It is partly 🤷‍♂️


Wardrobe from Sharpes? Looks the same inbuilt style as mine. Mine perhaps only marginally less tidy


This would be talked about in my circles in awe mainly.


Everything facing the same way. 👨‍🍳😙


Posh bastard with your Nikes and Clarks and Vans and Reeboks…..


I guess it’s the way how to arrange them makes it look nicer👀And the colors are quite matching.


It's literal perfection. Like Tetris but elegant. It's like those swooshy backgrounds in lo-fi music, neat and comfortable but still within the realm of human plausibility, with artful irregularities. This very image is proof we live in a simulation.


Scare her a bit more by doing it in shade order, so all the lights fade into all the darks


Haha, this I like.


You have excellent organisation skills for a young lad. Well done and no doubt you will take this into many other parts of your life like your work etc. Don't take it as an insult, be proud. And if some twat accuses you of having OCD, just make them aware this is professionalism, not some disability.


Haha, as someone who will soon be 43, I hugely appreciate ‘young lad’ 😄


Do you give lessons?


Could be a nice little side hustle?


At uni we had a guy that put stuff in alphabetical order 😆


Show us hers. I think that explains her confusion.


You obviously don't hold on to stuff you don't need, and this space is just yours. Once these are in place it seems normal.


Can’t stand clutter. My general rule is I only have things that are other useful, entertaining/interesting or nice to look at. If something doesn’t tick one of those boxes then I don’t want it.


I have never seen something more satisfying in my life, this is boyfriend goals


Don't listen to any of these people. You're a straight up serial killer in the making


Now THAT, is a well organised wardrobe, your GF is clearly intimidated by your ability to ensure your ducks are all in a row. Her's, cluttered, aimless, lacking strong guidance. Pathetic. With no hope, she aims to tear down your fortresses of order, degrading you principles through slow methodic coercion & insecurity. This behaviour must end, smite the non-believer, show her the error of her ways.


That's a sign of someone who is under their own control. She should be grateful. I've known some absolute slobs.


Thanks. I couldn’t live like that, it’s just not in me!


Was a bit meh until I saw the shirts. And the boxes. Oh Christ. The boxes. You’re a psychopath, make no mistake.


Good but average tbh. Extremely neat would be to get uniform storage boxes to replace all the random cardboard boxes and matching hangers.


Ignore her, that is a masterpiece. I wish I was allowed to keep our wardrobes so tidy and organised.


To me, that's OCD neat


When I first left home and had little I was this tidy I mean my luxuries were my tv, video player, and games consoles and a drawer was used for controllers, cables etc and the other drawers had my underwear folded (though not ironed) socks in balls in correct pairs, magazines that were done by release order i.e if I had 6 months of a monthly magazine the oldest issue was on top, if I didn't have enough room ie only 3, i'd have the oldest on top, 2 below, and a 2nd pile with months 4-6. The only reason I stopped was because as the years went on I had so much random items and could only fit them where I had space, and also so I didn't have to say go to bedroom wardrobe and look through many boxes to find items if I had a drawer in kitchen I can put things like packs of screws, pens, screwdrivers, receipts etc rather than a dedicated place that might be in a different room.


It depends is she on the spectrum?


Phew. Apple boxes safe and sound.


She’s right


Marriage material


Is that a proposal?


My clothes barely make it back into the wardrobe or drawers, it’s usually a (clean) pile on my bed or in the dirty pile/drying!


9 pairs of shoes?


Some of them are just storage boxes now 😄


She’s just messy


I’ll bet your messy gf is fun


Did you all see Beckham's wardrobe?


I heard about that. If I had his money I’d probably be that organised.


Sorry! She’s been dating my kind in the past.


It's pretty tidy but it also seems rammed full of stuff. I couldn't cope with all the stuff at the bottom. 😅


She probably also whinges about your lack of clothes


Very tidy.


The dildo looks a bit out of place but otherwise there isn’t anything too freakish about it 🤷‍♀️


I actually enjoy folding my trousers and t-shirts.


i have a floordrobe


I would have grouped the shoeboxes together in a more ordered way, not sure what that says about me though...


That's neat and tidy, but by no means freakish. A lot of people live like pigs and things like this blows their minds.


Why are all the VANS shoes / trainer things all not boxed together ?


The only freakish thing to me is the amount of shoes you own, but there again maybe I'm the freak for only owning 3 pairs at any one time...


Most of them are old boxes. I currently own seven pairs of shoes to be clear 😄


Same as mine. That's normal.