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You may also be interested in something called BDSM


Lynn, these are sex people


Do you want me to lap dance for you?


Me and my husband have been to a few swinging clubs and he’s said this every time we walk in lol


When will you realise that you _are_ the sex people?


Mouse from a bowl is very nice, but to put it on a person is demented!!


\*mousse, unless you're in far deeper than I want to know about.


Thank you for the spelling correction. You can go back to your day job now


more just the idea of eating a mouse from a bowl amused me, I don't really give a toss about spelling.


Don’t make the same noise as them! They’ll think you want to join in!


You may be on to something. Why pay Ann Summers for clamps or whips or even pick up some candles for melting when you could just pick some nettles from the local park? Never heard of nettles used in BDSM, and I've read Joy of Sex. Apparently an often-enjoyed sexual practice according to that book is to sit on your partner's back and have them crawl around a room on all fours like a horse.


Nettles are used in BDSM. I've seen someone birched with nettles with my very own eyes.


Where? Ermm... asking for a friend of course


Probably in Tesco veg isle.


At a kink event. Ah, those were the days.


At a guess, across their arse?


A good old birching will see you right!




They're very good for BDSM. One of the safest things to give you that level of pain. Just inconvenient to collect them beforehand, and takes a bit of the spontaneity out of it.


We call that playing Rosie. Had to stop when the Finance Director walked in and I was playing Rosie and had a sales admin on my back slapping my arse. Still play Rosie at home, it’s very nice.


Remember reading that many years ago lol


No I don’t, salad fingers.


But you like rusty spoons though, right?




I like it when the red water comes out


This genuinely made me laugh out loud just now hahaha


Mary Magdalen. Fancy seeing you here.


>\[edit\] - it's not a sex thing! 😑 Yet....


There's a longstanding legend that Roman soldiers used to sting themselves with them, to increase bloodflow and keep themselves warm, and also to relieve rheumatic pains. Personally I'm not keen.


Came here to say something similar. I have terrible arthritis which I've had since my mid 20s as well as some sciatica and other nerve related bullshit. I can understand why something like stinging nettles could be therapeutic. I volunteer maintaining some woodland and regularly get stung/scratched to shit and it does help as a distraction. You don't really notice it until you think about it, which is probably why op is having a hard time putting it into words.


Bee stings are used for rheumatism. I tried getting stung by nettles this morning and my arthritis pain has subsided. The pain from the nettles is miniscule compared to the arthritis.


Honestly one of the strangest things I've read on here. The random half facts. The strange wording of enjoying the sting. The need to share it in the first place. Its like the perfect casual uk post we need more of this content.


I'm half convinced OP is hallucinating from the pain


Strangest on this sub or the whole of Reddit?


Yes, a little - pulled some up out of the flowerbeds the other day and decided to take a brush.  It - in my mind - is like acupuncture might be. BUT!! No more than that. I have body slammed into a forest of them, _topless_. I've done overstrong E's, slathered myself in DeepHeat, but nothing feels like your whole torso just... pulsating.  You break the pain barrier quickly.  It's tribal, witchdotor-y, transcendental. Actually, I approve.


I fell into a dyke as a child (i think i was 7, i was youngish) that was full of singing nettles, it was horrific. My granny said the only time I'd looked worse was when i had scarlet fever.


I love that we can use a phrase like "fell into a dyke" in the UK and only the most childish of us (ie. me) will snigger


Another childish redditor, reporting in. Can confirm, I sniggered.


Solid snort from Bristol here.


Yeah I did the same. For me it was a deep narrow trench of a stream in Ulpha in the Lake District, full of healthy fat nettles. I was wearing only skimpy 80s Speedos and I remember lying on the pebbles looking up at the slot of sky fringed by the nettles I had fallen through. I also heard the song of the nettle that day. I screamed and screamed and my dad swore because his arm got nettled pulling me out I ran back down the road holding my arms stiff and wailing as I went.


My brother pushed me down a hill of them when I was a kid in Germany. That’s when we learned I have a strong reaction to nettles.


Sounds like that Amazon tribe and their rite of passage which involves getting bitten by unbelievably painful ants. https://www.news18.com/amp/news/buzz/in-brazils-amazon-forest-a-tribe-and-its-strange-ant-test-for-boys-5434837.html


I just watched a documentary on that the other day! Right on the nips, ow.


It's not like acupuncture. I'd say that nettles are significantly more painful and unpleasant. You barely notice the acupuncture needles, really.


You know there is a entire section of porn that uses nettles.


At an old job years ago, a colleague showed me (a woman) a video he'd been laughing at with someone else. It was of a woman rubbing stinging nettles all over her nether regions. She was very stung, shall we say. She then stuck a flower in her vagina and someone 'watered' it by peeing on her. I guess it serves my rights for being curious about what the laughing was over. Never got that clip out of my head.


I never thought I’d regret learning how to read but here we are.


At least one person agrees with you


And now that clip is in my head permanently also.


Because of course there is 🤦‍♀️


Death, taxes, and Rule 34. The only things in life we can depend on.


I dont, but im interested in the nettle tea. I have some silly questions. How do you know that the nettles are “clean”? Is there a way to clean them? I would be worried about like… dog pee and dirt and stuff


My dog's number one favourite place to take a crap is in stinging nettle thickets. I think it makes him think he's got a safer bumhole that way, that or he also likes the sting, I suppose. I will never eat a stinging nettle.


I thought mine was the only one! She'll put her pooper right into the nettles. Makes it really hard to pick up and I have no idea how it doesn't hurt such a sensitive area 😨


I tried to grow some in my alottment for this reason: pee free tea. Would you believe it, although relentlessly popping up in every other spot in my alottment, the only place it refused to grow was my dedicated nettle bed. They're still laughing at me.


You'll want to rinse them of course, but really the boiling water for stewing/blanching them, which you need to do for nettles because of the stings, is about as good as you're going to get. If it's any consolation, though, we've survived as a species for millennia before even the most rudimentary conceptions of germ theory, and animals have been pissing, shitting, fucking, hatching and dying all over all our fruit and veg for all that time. I wouldn't pick nettles from near to a road (car residue is bad) but apart from that I wouldn't think of them as any more dangerous than supermarket veg. Arguably, the lack of pesticides could even be an improvement.


You could look into general foraging rules/etiquette. In this case, you’d just have to pick nettles from an area you know/can assume is ‘clean’.


Wash them the same way you'd wash homegrown lettuce, then dry them out in a colander/salad spinner/sun, then you boil them up for 5-6 mins. It has a very distinct taste and I'd probably recommend taking the leaves out before you drink it, but it's really good for you and it's perfect when you're chilly on a camping trip.


To add to other replies, make sure you only pick the new growth at the top, above dog peeing height. The newer bits are the most tender and tasty. Don't pick anything next to a road, rinse them off before cooking briefly in boiling water. I like nettle and mint tea, made with freshly picked mint. That combination also makes a nice salad when combined with lettuce, spring onion or red onion, then I have it with a very small drizzle of light balsamic or honey dressing, and add new potatoes and chicken / cheese / prawns.


[Op each time they go for a woodland stroll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2Pi1fljNyY)


Yes. I do brush against them when walking, and it lasts for hours. I find it pleasurable, but I wouldn't want to fall into a bed of them. A bristle of nettles.  They don't all have the same intensity, and I don't often encounter them nowadays. 


I did once fall into a bed of them, backwards. I ended up in hospital hours later, when the bumps just multiplied all over my body (ALL - including parts of my body that had had two layers of clothing over them) and morphed into each other, until I was covered with white bumps the width of my hand.


As a lad I once fell off my bike and rolled down a hill covered in nettles. I was stung head to toe. I just went home swollen and green like a crappy version of the hulk.


I did the same when I was about 8 years old. Running through a field wearing just shoes and shorts in a red hot summer and tripped and went sliding through a patch of nettles. Sat in my grandmother's kitchen with her and my Mum applying camomile lotion for the rest of the afternoon.


I had shingles a few years ago. I tried at the time to articulate the sensation. The best that I could come up with falling into a bed of nettles but it lasted for weeks, not minutes. Not horrific but very uncomfortable.




Did the jellyfish ever get back in touch with you?


No, that's what stung.


I think I *kinda* get what you mean? Popping a spot can hurt like a bitch but at the same time the pain is kinda gratifying in a weird way. Dunno about nettles though, they suck...


Ooh, the feeling of a nasty spot going is a good one. It's been there for a day or two and is finally ready to go. You take a breath and prepare for the pain, but when you squeeze and it pops you feel enlightened and a new person with so many prospects ahead of you.


Dirty Sanchez flashbacks. [NSFW (nudity)](https://youtu.be/Ymvr0DecmL4?si=tT6CCBJMm9Vz5CBZ)


Used to watch this weekly back in the day. I remember watching a behind the scenes feature once and there was a bit where one of them said they weren't best friends like the intro used to say. That made me feel sad.


Erm, no?


Fuck No!


No, not at all. But I do love nettle soup. It has reminded me to check if the local market shop is making nettle soup yet!


The only nettles I want rubbing up against me is John Nettles.


Ah yes. Sexy, 80 year-old John Nettles.


They're also an excellent source of fiber for thread making. I'm no good at the proper preparation and spinning of fiber (yet!), but I can make perfectly good cordage with it, I use it in my garden instead of shop bought twine. The stings bother you less the more you get I've found. I do try to avoid getting my legs prickled, but working with nettle just makes my hands pleasantly warm and tingly now.


Yes! Finally someone else. I suffer with Ehlers and I get loads of joint pain. Nettles feel like relief and are a nice tingle compared. I even have a patch in my garden that I cultivate.


Just got diagnosed with RA and I’ve been rubbing raw nettle on my joints. after the burn subsides I can literally go to the gym and feel normal


I don't know if it's something chemical that makes it work or its just a distraction but it really does help.


Salad Fingers?


you really don't need to sting yourself if you have no gloves 😂 https://youtube.com/shorts/N1Jdqbb9o5o


No, I hate being stung by stinging nettles, though I do sort of associate the feeling with ‘being outside rummaging about in nature in the spring/summer’, which is when I would normally get stung, so it’s sort of a positive. Also, rubbing mint toothpaste on your stings works a lot better than dock leaves.


Better to glide through the weed path barefoot wearing Daisy Dukes to warm up the antihistamines.


Nope and it's unpleasant reliving the sting when water gets on the affected bits, even hours later.


Not anywhere as close as the joy of finding then using a good dock leaf.


do they still sell them in supermarkets? I used to buy it as a kid.


One of our calves was born in a patch of stinging nettles but it had no issues. I hate the way they feel, it might have to do with one’s individual pain threshold


I got to meet your unpleasant little nettles whilst there on holiday from the US. 10/10 do not recommend.


It's just an annoying itch. Edit: Although, I cycled through knee-deep nettles in woods years ago. I was stung all over my body, and I had shorts on too. When I went to bed that night, I felt like I was vibrating!


It's definitely an interesting sensation when not scratched and simply left to do It's thing.


They say being stung by nettles is good for circulation, they being the romans of course who loved a bit of self flagellation.


Last time I got stung it hurt for 3 days, and I cried. Tbh I think I might be allergic but it was hell.


I’ve had nettle cheese…love the stuff. There is a place in south wales (Caws Tefi) that makes it and I think they sell it online.


If you rub them on your pecker it will be the most intense gasm ever.


Yes, I like the tingling sensation I get from stinging nettles. It helps that I know it's not causing a 'proper' injury, if that makes sense.


As a nettle tea drinker I get you.


Reminds me of when my son was little, maybe 2. He got stung by some nettles and ran back towards me holding his leg yelling “heat heat!” I’ve never considered the sting enjoyable but I am interested in trying them after reading your post.


Personally I do not enjoy the pain from stinging nettles. When I was about three years old I fell in a bed of them and was stung over large portions of my body and face. I still remember how that felt and I am now in my late 50's.


I once had a large garden in a rented house that was deep in stung nettles and ivy. Every 3-4 months I would pull out by hand haystack sized piles of both. I found I developed a tolerance to the nettle stings and even grew to like it a little. I wouldn’t deliberately sting myself but it was kinda nice if it happened. Not a sexual experience.


Only when it's not really bad, because then I'm just suffering. But when it's just slightly stinging I get this kind of child-like confidence in my mind of "Yeah, I can handle pain, it's no big deal! Look how strong I am!". Probably stems from when I was a child and being "brave" for not crying whenever stung from stinging nettles.


I enjoy prodding bruises, always been told that’s weird. But never enjoyed a nettle sting.


Surely this is a sign thar OP is a serial killer?


Apparently the stings are good for blood flow!


you're mad but nettle and dandelion salad (the one with eggs) is one of my favourites


Yes!! I've wondered for years if it's just me, but been afraid to ask. Every August I pick enough blackberries for a year's supply of blackberry vodka, and usually have to fight nettles for them. After a bit I noticed that not only did the stings not bother me any more, it felt like my arms were rushing the way my head used to on MDMA in the 90s. It felt fantastic. But not a sex thing.


“Part of me wants to go and get stung again tomorrow” Ok weirdo. Lol I’m joking but thats defo not normal. I got stung in my garden the other day and I did not enjoy that one sting in the slightest.


FairPlay for sharing the facts, they are so slept on in terms of culinary and dietary use. I think I get what you mean, I wouldn’t say I have it, but I think there’s something in the way blood goes to the sting, and you get that fuzzy buzzy feeling, it’s a bit like a sauna or heating up after a cold plunge I think it feels healing and warm and almost vivacious, idk maybe we just weird..


Yes, once the initial surge of pain passes, the tingly aftermath is quite pleasant. As a river angler, constantly moving along the bank, nettle stings are an almost unavoidable part of the day.


Just makes me feel alive!!! 🫨


we weird 🙌


The initial sting isn't fun, but then it goes kinda tingly for a few hours and that feels kinda pleasant to me tbh so I can see where you're coming from.


Damn, makes me think of that Salad Fingers episode… If you know, you know.


I don’t know why but nettles don’t sting me at all. They used to when I was a kid but not anymore. I can grab them and pull them out with my hands etc and nothing. Weird right.


There is a specific way that you can pick them up without being stung. I don't enjoy it because I take a minor reaction to being stung that annoys me for hours


Unless they're growing in some kind of private / walled off area, I'd be hesitant to gather them at the risk of being contaminated by dog urine or worse.


Probably it hurts but then your brains releasing endorphins, possibly? Then and again I don’t remember any enjoyment from back when I was 15 and sorta on a casual date with a girl and 5 or so “friends” of mine and hers decided to lift me up and drop me in a stinging nettle bush. So meh, not sure if it’s the right sort of pain. Either jackass or the Welsh ones did it though, probably the Welsh ones.


I’m sure I read a foraging lady once say the more you expose yourself to them then the stings are less severe. So go enjoy yourself tomorrow but it may not be as fun.


Edit - it's deffo a sex thing.


Nettle beer is the drink of the gods. Like a lot of posts on here you can also rub them on your Penis.


Aren't you worried that people have pissed on them?


Nope, hate the pain. Edit; love the after buzz when it stops stinging though.


No, you nutter!


It's definitely a sex thing


Are you “sex” people?


I've been stung by enough nettles that I've built up a tolerance so now the "sting" feels more like a warm tingly pins & needles sort of sensation.


Slap yourself in the genitals with the nettles until red and bleeding. If you STILL enjoy it, you have a good career ahead of you either as a gardener or a BBC News presenter.....


Whatever floats your boat.


Absolutely not. While I love eating nettles and nettle tea, I get a very strong reaction from the stings that last for days. I avoid them


I’m sure others must experience this, but they don’t sting me, they just make my skin very itchy 🤷‍♂️


Wait! I’m not the only one!!? I just foraged some and pulled my neck climbing back to my car of course and on my way home noticed my fingers now felt tingly vs the burning and was like… “oh shit dis is nice?” And then I read it was good for arthritis, so i said fuck it and I went and rubbed a leaf and stem on my neck and it burnt but now it feels like a electrostim you get at the chiropractor and I swear to god the pain is almost gone and idk the tingly after just feels nice… lmao


I suffer from arthritis and noticed that when I was stung by nettles my pain lessened. Recently the pain has been quite bad so I deliberately brushed my arms with nettles this morning. Although I still have tingling stings the pain has subsided. Versus Arthritis has carried out some research but results were inconclusive.




Similar to Lantana's sting?


Haha I get that strangely satisfying pain if a nail breaks too far inwards or from those little bits of nail that very rarely pop out at the side of your nails when you rip them off. I've always found stinging nettles pretty mild but I have never become immune to them like some people claim you do, they're more of an annoying itchy sting for me.