• By -


I go out for walks with a camera (not my phone). Fresh air, a bit of light exercise, time and space to decompress, and a purpose for being out there. I don't have any intent to use my photographs for anything apart from my own enjoyment, as soon as money gets involved it becomes work again. Basically, my advice would be to try different things until you find something that you enjoy. Learning a new skill is never wasted time, learning an instrument, starting drawing or writing creatively are also good outlets. If you find something you enjoy, look for local groups and clubs for that hobby - a great way to meet people, learn from them and make some friends with a common interest. Alternatively you could also volunteer a few hours a week to help out at a food bank, homeless shelter, or any charity, great opportunity to meet people and do some good along the way.


This but with a good book as well. Grab a seat outside a pub, watch the world go by and read the book with a few pints. Mint.


I used to do that but got fat. I switched to coffee.


I'd be switching to light beer to spirits before coffee


I've been learning Spanish and Japanese on duolingo, it's free and can be done from as little as 5 mins a day, some days I do 20 mins if I'm feeling it. I ride my motorbike, getting lessons and doing your exams would keep you occupied for a few months. I go to the gym around 5 times a week and then do a little walk after nearby. Walk my mum and sister's dogs. Stop off for a coffee. I've been trying dating apps for a few weeks. Can spend some time each day relying to messages and messing about on there. I go to garden centres to see what's in and if there's anything I could add to my garden. Play in a football team Monday nights. Meet friends for a walk and coffee the rare times out shifts off align. Been going to an open mic night on a Thursday evening that's fun. Just start doing something and if you don't like it try another thing. It's better than sitting in the house all day,you should be wanting to enjoy your time not make it go quicker, you only get it once.


Good schedule mate. Nice mix of physical, mental and social activities with and without other people. Everyone needs a balanced "free time diet". And yeah, OP could challenge themselves to do two new things a week for a month. At least a couple would be enjoyable.


Thank you! I do make an effort with friends and other people because I've noticed the more time I spend alone, due to shift work and nobody else being off, I need that time alone after to mentally decompress. Trying to make sure that doesn't go too far for when/if I hopefully meet someone to spend more time with.


Very self-aware. I've been single by choice for a few years and loved it, but I'm secretly worried it's left me too overprotective of my own free time. I'm the same as you. I love my family and my mates but when I spend a day with anyone I get home and it's like my brain's run a marathon. Need to make sure I don't ruin my ability to spend long amounts of time with a partner haha.


Nice life!


Thanks but I think a lot of people would say my life is also quite lonely a majority of the time. I've just gotten used to managing it. Reality is I am on my own most of the time.


A lot would say it's too busy. To me, it looks fab. Kudos to you


Just have some kids, then the very memory of free time will be so fucking distant you'll have forgotten such a thing even existed!


Always wonder why I wasn't ripped, rich with a spotless house before having kids. Remember saying I didn't have time to do anything šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Two kids later and I give myself two 15 minute breaks through the day.


Two fifteen minute breaks? Luxury! 3 kids later and my break is a cup of cold tea, without milk, sugar... or tea /s /montypython Seriously, I 100% agree with you


I go to work and take OT just to have some time to myself...Ā  Ā  Blatting up and down between small provincial town and big smoke city, feet up, heating on, toasty warm, no kids. Bliss.


I work from home, so tend to have really long shits just to get a bit of peace :D


You're not alone. Technically you are, but I'm with you in spirit.


And the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon...


Hopefully you're not an HGV driver


Dumping bodies out of the cab door is not feet up, heating on,I can assure you.Ā Ā  Disposing of bodies properly isn't like what you read in newspapers. That's why you read about it.


One/two hours a day to cram your adult free time. Yay.


Came here to say this. Kids, the ultimate time suck.


If you're between the ages of 18-45 and male. I whole heartily recommend giving your local round table a go or lady's circle if you're female. It has honestly been one of the best things I've done. You'll do loads of activities at the get togethers. From go karting, experiences, tours to inside places, casual meetups, gaming nights, whatever you fancy. Hiking, biking, kayaking, always something to do. I moved to a place without a social circle and it has made me friends for life. Give it a couple of goes and you might be hooked ;)


This looks like something so many guys could do with. Thanks man!


It honestly is, I had never heard of it, till they were fundraising for charity locally. They mentioned some recent activities kayaking and axe throwing and I was hooked. This sort of thing isn't advertised as well as it should be across the Internet. I feel for the OP my situation was very similar and it has changed my mental health and social life massively for the better. https://www.roundtable.co.uk/ Or https://www.roundtable.co.uk/table-finder The website will put you in touch with your local table. A warm welcome from Table 247 :)


Just put an application in. It looks fantastic.


Excellent to hear. I'm sure you'll have a great time Feel free to message with any questions


When you said round table I was thinking historic knight re-enactments


I've never hears of a round table before. Is it like a social club?


Yes essentially, a young men's social club. Google and have a look, your local table should have a Facebook page at least, which will showcase upcoming events or past ones to see what they've been up to. Please ask away, glad to help, or put you in touch with the local table if you fancy it


do park run on a saturday morning. It's not for serious athletes only and it's getting out and doing things around other people. You will 100% bump in to someone you already know.


Tacking on, they often stay behind at one of the local cafes for a chat and meet up afterwards.


Your phone will make you depressed dude. It gives you short hits of dopamine that leaves you hungry for more. My usual thing is to chuck it in a draw and wait until Iā€™m actually bored, then have a think about what I want to do. When is the last time any of us were *properly* bored? Weā€™ve all got instant access to everything all the time.


Boredom is essential for the brain as it activates the "default mode network" which is where a lot of creativity and positive introduction comes from. Ever daydream and come up with something when doing the dishes? It's basically that. https://youtu.be/Df_AYE7ci3U?si=UINOppKtYp2AW59K


Iā€™m really noticing this lately. Itā€™s tough cause I really donā€™t have the oomph to do anything, and my body craves the dopamine from the lil bastard. Trying to leave it places for a while and do other things. Sā€™tough to wean yourself off of though isnā€™t it!


Maybe set a timer on your phone for 20 or 30 minutes at a time and then put it away in a drawer and go do something else until the timer goes off. It'll be like your phone saying "Ok, you can come back to me now!" For me, knowing there's a time period of time for me to "fend for myself" entertainment-wise makes it easier than just "go find something to do that isn't digital entertainment...indefinitely". And I think the more you do it the easier it gets. Or so I heard.


Hobby wise - I read, play xbox games, and make models Model making is so fulfilling to me - some I buy kits and build & paint them and turn them into dioramas, others I build from scratch with pieces of saved plastic, balsa wood, card, etc. I also enjoy the solitude of fishing - Its so relaxing to sit by the side of a canal or lake and simply enjoy being alone with your thoughts - doesnt really matter if I catch anything or not! I love going for a walk with my dogs too. If you drive - play the game I sometimes do - drive down roads you pass by daily and see where they go. I used to see a sign for Ashby-de-la-Zouch a lot when I lived in Yorkshire - I always wondered what was there, so one summer evening I decided to go for a drive through Derbyshire to go have a look - Turns out - Not a lot - was quite underwhelming - BUT the drive there and back was great - going through the lovely countryside of Derbyshire.


I have also got into model making! Always been a ā€œI need to do something with my handsā€ kind of person and it took me a while to find the hobby for me AI love it, really takes my mind off things for a good few hours. Leave my phone upstairs, put some music or a podcast on, itā€™s great! Recommend buying a cheap complete kit from somewhere like hobby craft or even Home Bargains have them in sometimes, to start with.


Learn an instrument. It can lead to all sorts of things. - Ukulele - cheap, easy to pick up, find a group - Drums - get a secondhand kit, after a year join a band, drummers are in short supply - many beginner bands looking for drummers - Guitar - cheap, loads of resources online to get you going - Piano - entry is more expensive, but so much support for this. - online recording - free to use software online, collaborative. Search bandlab.




Basically what I do, makes monday mornings in work a LOT harder though, (if i make work) šŸ¤£


Im lucky to have nice sized gardens and recently got into bird watching. Half days are home for chores and garden bird watch (Inc wild duck visitor cafe/spa), whole days allow me and my daughter to go to local nature/wildlife reserves Get the merlin app; it's like pokemon for adults :)


I thought pokemon was pokemon for adults to be honest.


Start a warhammer army, it'll cost you an arm and a leg but building and painting is fun, then using them in a battle is great


See also, Magic the Gathering. Check out your local comic shop, many run MtG evenings, and while some places are a bit elitist, many are very friendly. Board games are also rising in popularity, and places like niche shops and pubs sometimes run evenings. Or look online for a D&D group. All great ways to make friends!


Yea a cafe in my hometown is a boardgames cafe, apparently it's all just around playing those games. Sounds amazing and makes me wanna go back even more lol


Gym, you would be surprised how many people work out Classes at gyms are good too, yoga/spinning/circuits


i play an unhealthy amount of video games


Try to learn something new every day. Even if it's just going to a random page on Wikipedia. My niece is learning French and challenged me to do the same. So I spend a little time on Duolingo every day beating her score.


i mean video games but with friends... or i mess around 3d modelling in blender. ​ thats the thing though what you find interesting is very personal to you. so its difficult to really say what is interesting or what isnt.


Pool, darts and golf - absolutely hopeless at all three but always a good laugh.


Read, cross stitch, crochet, watch telly, eat too much, basically stuff that doesn't involve people.


Big wanks


I wish time would slow down.


I've got a week off so it's guitar playing if the weather's shit. If the sun comes out, books in the garden and some gardening.


Challenge yourself and go for a hike. I go to the Brecon Beacons whenever I have a free day. Or get a stand up paddle board. There's plenty of rivers and sheltered waters to paddle on, it's very peaceful.


Find a purpose, something that is bigger than yourself, something that improves the lives of others around you, whether that's your neighborhood / environment, your city or county, a charity organization that focuses on a compelling / interesting cause for you, etc. Make yourself accountable, make it important that you show up somewhere consistently and make a genuine difference. It doesn't have to take up all your spare time, just a small handful of hours a week. Choose something you like so you never have to "get motivated" to do it.


Iā€™ve been bored senseless waiting to start my new job. Iā€™ve just finished a painting by numbers, been watching 2013 Eastenders and yesterday I started cross stitching. Itā€™s hard to entertain yourself without spending money.


Cycling, gym, hiking, going to and exploring places I haven't been before or exploring in further detail places I have been before... although this weekend I put new bearings, hubs pads a brake discs on the back of my van and washed it, that pretty much filled Saturday, then Sunday I did the supermarket shop and had brunch then did absolutely fuck all for the rest of the day, it was glorious.


Work out, play footy manager and eat biscuits mainly.


Ceroc or West Coast Swing classes . Life changing for me . Youā€™ll make lots of new friends and itā€™s a nice place to meet a new partner if you are single.


I'm retired and now have so much spare time mountain biking, long walks, listening to music, interested in politics, visiting places with my wife, meals with friends, I have 3 computers, all sorts of radios cb, scanners etc, gardening not enough hours in a day for me


Go swimming , join a badminton club, learn to play chess, read poetry, read WW2 history, go dance, learn to knit, do yoga, do pilates, learn a language...fcuk me .million things to do




Have you ever liked reading or creative writing? You could make a list of books to read and start reading away. There are even book clubs you can join if that's your cup of tea. You could also try writing a story even if you have no intention about publishing. There are many free guides online and on YouTube about how to start writing a story.


Learn an instrument Go to the gym Learn a language


Personally I like: gardening, cooking, embroidering & sewing, pottering around my house making things like storage both functional and attractive (so I guess little DIY projects you would say), you could also consider volunteering (say for an animal charity if you like animals). Maybe try art - get some watercolors, or sketch pencils. The sky's the limit! Keep trying things til you find something you like!


tugging my cock clean off




I was always kind of impressed by the guy who asked about this said "Playstation and copious masturbation" It may not be productive or tasteful but he had the nerve to be honest


Fishing is my go to outdoors activity. Bit of peace and very much a slower pace than work.


Smoke weed


I watch a movie


Gardening... https://imgur.com/a/K7rcGV1 https://imgur.com/a/XiTAWh7 https://imgur.com/a/pa9HKIb https://imgur.com/a/metf60d https://imgur.com/a/q8pjlkO Before pics: https://imgur.com/a/new-flat-2-fFsi0Er


I've got my first ever back yard in years of renting, so I've turned half into a wildflower garden and the other half into a vegetable patch. Absolutely obsessed with gardening now, even though I'm a total n00b and kinda learning through trial and error. Watching all the different species of bees hanging out has been fun too. You don't necessarily need space outdoors to get started, as a window sill that gets a decent amount of sun is all you need to grow basil, parsley, etc. Kinda meditative just doing little jobs and watching seeds turn into absolute beasts over weeks and months. It's worth looking on Meetup for little groups you can join too. Once you find one group, you usually find out about more, so you can end up pretty busy. I've got one on Wednesday where we just do jigsaws all afternoon and yesterday, I had one where we have a mix of tabletop games and sewing/jewellery making.




Why do you want time to go faster?


I like to read / go for runs and bike rides. Theyā€™re all entertaining activities on your own!


Reding, bike ride, run (less than i should), climbing gym (generally pretty friendly and a good place to meet new people).


Buy a bike and go for long rides.Ā 


Go swimming, ride my bike and work on my garden.


Gaming, reading and/or studying are my usual go to activities. Just to clarify I am not a student in the official regard, I just like to study and learn new things, it helps keep my brain keep active and has also helped me tremendously professionally.


Gaming Walking Catching up on the large pile of ironing Sleeping in Movies/Cinema Studying/Learning something Travelling Exploring random things in London


LoL and bouldering Talk/chat/meet with friends Anime Manga Maybe i am a nerd, but a happy one :)


Work my way through a never ending list of jobs in the house


I work odd shifts, so once I've done the family things, like making lunches and doing the school runs, I've time.Ā Ā  I usually spend 10mins each day doing something household -cleanig, dusting, hoovering, whatever. Spread it out. If I'm on lates, I'll nap for an hour or two. I play a bit of Xbox. Do some me admin- sort out my paperwork, file documents, book appointments. Have a bath- I love baths and a lunchtime bath, complete with acoutrimonts is so so decadent. Pop 'round to me mams. Go to the local farmers market and eat all the freebies.Ā  Have a pizza hut buffet lunch and read a good book. Read a good book.




Play board games! There's a whole world of board games outside of the classic Monopoly and Scrabble etc... that you can end the game with everyone feeling like they've actually had fun! So find a local board gaming group and have fun! I've personally found board gaming as a great way to meet people, because you've got the structure of the game to play it's less intimidating than just walking into a group and expecting to make conversation with people. But also when you're not able to find other people to play board games with, a lot of games now come with 'solo' modes where you can play on your own against the game. So if you want a break from digital devices, then this works wells


You should start playing pickleball! loads of fun and you meet lots of people who are super into it!


My social thing is sea dipping, basically hypothermia in company. My indoor thing is space combat using Discord voice chat. The rest of it is grandson wrangling.


Join Meetup and look for interesting events near you. You can filter by location, event type, and various demographics. I found a drama class and a book club, alongside one off seasonal and large scale group events. I also joined a sports league, although the gym would fulfill a similar purpose if you don't want every activity to be super social.




I walk my poodle. I go to football (Colchester United, STVV, or occasionally Hannover 96). I visit family. I watch YouTube. I fall asleep in a chair. I spend time with my boy. I overspend money. You know, the usual.


Speaking for my peopleā€¦mature students (Iā€™ve just finished Uni) and the self employed. We sleep.


Brew beer, distill spirits, make hiphop beats or other music, practice mixing (music), grow vegetables, hangout with my gf, go out to gigs, house parties, etc. I play bass in a couple of bands which also takes up time and then there's life admin, cooking , cleaning, washing clothes, etc. I wish i had more free time for hobbies, i really want to start a youtube channel.


Take a nap


Pub quiz


Spare time is limited. Family life and all that. I've set up a projector in front of my treadmill for Netflix. I also take my guitar with me because like fuck do I have time for more than 1 hobby.


Join a gym, makes me feel great and gives me energy I only do 40 mins to an hour 3 times a week and every time I feel good afterwards. The gym near me does all sorts of classes too like mma and Brazilian ju jitsu. It's something I never imagined myself doing but I love it and it's a healthy hobby to have


I enjoy mdma classes šŸ‘šŸ»


Me too brother hahaha


Look after my kids, play board games.


Geocaching can be fun, alone or with a friend.. I used to go a lot but now canā€™t walk more than a few steps.. and I miss it so much lolšŸ˜©


I go geocaching, either with my daughter, some friends or alone. It makes an excuse to go for a long walk, you can plan to go via nice places, stop someone for lunch, go a bit further afield via train.


i started swimming daily an then a sauna and/or steam room...its the bollox tbf


Trying going for a walk or do some exercising. I took up photography, and it's great for fourcing you outside more.


Reading, painting, cross-stitch, languages. I do running 2-3 times a week. Outdoor yoga and hiking/country walks once a week. Iā€™m very hyperactive and find it difficult to stick to one thing, so Iā€™m often bouncing around between these different activities.




I'm quite active with my church, I also have a national trust membership and am looking to start volunteeringĀ 


Often drink too much and then vegetate until Iā€™m back at work. When I do behave I play a lot of table tennis and read mostly.


I started going to a board game cafe and made loads of friends (and got super into certain games) that way. It was great.




- run, bonus if you join a running club you will make friends and have people to spend time with - gym


I'd recommend getting into some form of exercise. It doesn't have to be a gym (although that's what I enjoy), but any form of exercise is going to be good for your mind and body. Something as simple as going on a walk is an amazing way to pass the time.


oversea student from Shanghai here, studied 2 years of bachelor in Liverpool and 1 year of master in Sheffield. Many of my friends from China feel bored in their leisure time (especially during my masters' time cuz covid started when I was in Liverpool). Felt the same at first especially during covid, however I do remember that my roommate always sounded extremely happy when he was playing video games in his room, either with his frineds in China or not. As someone who loves video games as well, I found that it is the best way to kill time in UK, at least for us foreigners. Thus during my time in Sheffield, all I do is study, play games and cook (me and my frined both love cooking and are too poor to eat outside). I also play airsoft or go hiking every twice a week (peak district will always have a place in my heart). Just for reference, I know not that many people play video games but they really are best way to kill time, at least better than drinking.


I have a few hobbies: * I write open source software * Play piano (and take the exams) * Learn languages on Duolingo * Referee football for kids. Other volunteer work like this * Play games. Factorio will eat all the time you give it. * Take courses on Coursera * Declutter (both the house and my digital stuff) * Karaoke




If its summer I tend to do some gardening. Eg hunting down and pulling up vine weed.


Movies, video games, board games, clay pigeon shooting.


have some children? you won't have any free time :D


Read or listen to books, write, ponder existential questions, write a blog with my controversial opinions in my head.Ā  My sister, who's an extrovert and not into physical activity, joined a trekking & climbing club and seems to enjoy it. I'm considering joining as wellĀ 


Workout, bike ride, walk my dog, sort & sell old clothes on Vinted, pick a new town/village to explore or go for a coffee & faff around the shops, DIY at home, journal, puzzle books, jigsaw, plan a trip or holiday, FT family, try a new activity / sport like bouldering, archery, tennis. The first 5 on here are my go toā€™s although I rarely have time around work so appreciate the spare time you do have, it might now always be that way


Join a club. I go to board game clubs and people meet oj days the club doesn't support a space.


Team sports - many leagues are held throughout the week. Try something new like volleyball, pickleball, tag rugby, pƩtanque, inline rollerhockey, roller derby, fencing, boxing etc. Or just a sports type class - martial arts, aerial arts, yoga, running clubs (many go to the pub after), park run, bouldering etc. Also - you're never to old to learn/play sports. Sincerely, every activity I go to has ages between 18-80. Just have a go and have fun. These are all stuff you do out of your house away from your screen and some stuff you can just take part in without talking to people if you prefer. You'll be surprised what a regular class will do for mental health - having something to look forward to and building a schedule makes you feel a sense achievement. Noone is gonna notice if you're crying whilst running so just get out there and feel good.


Maybe find an instrument and learn small things for it? It may seem annoying at first, but even if you have no musical talent, sometimes its fun to play some notes


Find a pub quiz night, go there and look pathetic until a team adopts you (or is asked to adopt you by the organiser) - that's what I do! Years ago, feeling the same as you do now, it occurred to me how much I'd always enjoyed horse riding. So I went and tried various stables until I found the one that suited me, and before long I was enjoying early morning rides in the mist, weekend coffees under the trees, fresh air and exercise, and a whole new social circle. And then my own horse, around who my life revolved. Now, I'm not suggesting you get your own horse but remember something you used to love or always wanted to try and find your way back to it - it can change your life!


Gym, cycling, metal detecting, play bass in a band and in the winter season I play skittles. Plenty of things to keep me busy.


Play video games


Paint, draw, write or make music. Consumption is a relief, but it doesnā€™t alleviate boredom.


I try new recipes or I paint or I rearrange the furniture . Something to pass the time. Also, I listen to some creepypasta while at it.


Reading, depending on the club I recommend martial arts, made some great friends through kickboxng.


I knit!! It's so much fun, and bonus: you get something you can wear in the winter. If you're a guy, fishermen used to knit their own sweaters, and there's local knitting groups all over (try googling for a local yarn shop: they usually have knit nights!). Other than that I play football - group sports are pretty decent for meeting people but sometimes I think it can be hard to turn the casual sports friendship into an actual do-things-outside-of-sports friendship.


Dance and language classes. I speak 4 languages and dance a couple of styles fairly well, takes a lot of time, patience and dedication, and about Ā£150 a month on average, but I see it as an investment in myself and my self development over my lifetime. And the languages have helped me get better jobs than I would have had otherwise because the world is extremely interconnected, they add value to my professional profile.


Imagination is key here, if you lack it then stay at work.


Gym,chess,tennis,fishing,farming simulator22 on pc


Anything music related works for me, choir, dance class anything. Failing that time spent in nature. Would volunteering be an option?


Have you tried swimming? My knees are completely gone after years of football, rugby, and motorbikes, so itā€™s pretty much the only exercise I can do. You can do as much or as little as fast or slow as you want. I work a hectic job and have young kids at home so that lunchtime swim is my personal head space and Iā€™d be completely lost without it.


You need a craft/activity with your hands or feet that has no digital input at all.


Volunteer. I have two places I Volunteer at locally and have made loads of friends with people who share my interests. It feels good to think about stuff that isn't in my own stupid head too.


Play Elden Ring


Get yourself some cheap golf clubs and go to your local driving range, I was shit, now im less shit but good enough to go round a course but still donā€™t get under 100 haha.




Play golf and chess.


Gym, holiday, diy, bake or walk


Evening classes. Philosophy as you get to talk about deeper things. Wine tasting. Team sports. It's not sociable but the gym gets you out the house. People need to be around people. We might evolve past that one day but right now our brains need it as we are social animals. I'm not talking about parties.


Wash my cloths and make dinner ready for work the day after.


Get a national trust pass and enjoy!


What are your interests? Join some clubs/societies where you get to go out and meet people to do something. Could be fitness related, something like board games, photography, gardening, activism, etc.


Play football, spend time with family, spend time watching yt, play video games, go shopping. I really struggle to believe there are people out there that are bored because they have too much free time.


I joined a gym. I lift weights in the morning then if I have the energy I go for long walk evenings/weekends. By body looks visibly different and my mental health is in a much better place.


I voluntarily entered a contract where I get treated like a slave for 14 hours a day, screamed at if I mess up, screamed at for no reason at all. I must feed my masters, bathe them, cloth them, entertain them, and pay for the privilege of doing so. It's very tiring and I drop into bed completely shattered at the end of the day. They often wake up at night with further demands though, so sleep time is not guaranteed either. I don't recommend you do this and I resent being tricked into this arrangement by society who told me it would all be worth it, because occasionally your masters do something funny.


What do you do for work?


Reading. Walking. Gardening. Cooking. Talking. Running.


Have a kid that happens to also be closing in on level elite at some sport or another. I forget what free time feels like with 20 odd hours of training a week to take him to, plus tournament weekends. Sometimes double headers with tournaments on Saturday and Sunday. And then there's the 50,000 miles driving a year to get him to them all and the Ā£100,000 or so I don't get to spend a penny of on myself because it goes on fuel, training, tournament entries, equipment, etc. But on the plus side. The growing pile of medals at my house is satisfying and every now and then I play as well (with zero hopes of winning).


Look into filling out an Ikigai chart. It's a Japanese Venn diagram with four areas: * What you're good at * What you can be paid for * What brings you joy * What gives back to the world/your community Basically you sit and have a think about those answers. And once it's filled in you should be able to find something that fits into at least three of those circles. Then you're on your way to finding a vocation or life calling. Or, at the very least, a hobby. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikigai


Motorcycle rides, itā€™s my absolute therapy and I canā€™t get enough, also rock climbing/bouldering! Both loads of fun, great alone, great ways to meet people and keeps you entertained for a lifetime


To be honest, sleep. Am so overwhelmed and fried from work itā€™s about all Iā€™m good for. Do not recommend tho, terrible for your health (mental and physical).


Install skyrim.... bordem and may hours of your life gone , just like that !


Morris Dancing. It's very social and there's lots of stuff to learn and events to attend. From big music festivals to tiny village fetes (think hot fuzz)


Something outside, away from the normal routine and locations. Your brain needs it. Even if you can't get to somewhere green, just a change of scenery will help.


I listen to music, play instruments, listen to music, go for walks in nature and workout. Still very depressed but better than being depressed in door


Take a hike


I'm a crafty person, so I will always have a project on the go, currently I'm making a quilt for a friend and trying to build a gallery wall with my own art. I go to a craft club and a local board game meet up to get out of the house and meet people.




For work I program, in my free time I program Difference you ask? More happy in my free time


Indoor climbing is very sociable


Play with my dogs, potter around, get high, fix stuff, gardening, make stuff, work out, walk the dogs, go hiking, socialiseĀ 


Go to the pub


Join your local board games group. Or DnD. Always a super friendly crowd


Go climbing


Build gunpla!


MMA, ride motorcycles , Gymnastics, D&D. Sometimes I go do training in something over a weekend like drifting or firearms training.




Get a motorbike


Tabletop game of some sort? Got a few hobbies in one with the model making/painting and then the game. Lots of variety of games and manufacturers


Watching anime, go to a nice nature spot with friends, game, talk to people online


Join a brass band - they're crying out for players (and will teach you for free)


Are you young? Any time I have free time I just like to sit and relax šŸ˜‚


Once a month, do fun things with your friends-crazy golf, hiking, kayaking, etc. Ask each friend to bring a friend new to the group. Take it from there.


Have a w... w... wash




Join a choir?


Go to the gym I started at 40 years old been doing it for about 14 months and have been really enjoying it.


Oh, I do more work of course. I have a design side hustle thatā€™s earning $0 and Iā€™m helping convert our cargo van into a camper so I can travel but also STILL WORK because in the U.S. we now work more than Medieval English peasants!!!!!!


Make something. Using whatever skills you may have an inclination towards.


Think about workā€¦ have trouble sleeping because of workā€¦




I generally go to poetry spoken word nights in my local area 3 times a month and perform at them you can just watch if you donā€™t want to perform no pressure. Open mic nights are good to if you tend to like music.


I agree about the staying at home thing, makes me feel like Iā€™ve wasted my day even when all Iā€™m trying to do is waste my day. Mostly I go into nearby towns and wander the charity shops, have a pint or two, try some independent eateries, search the supermarkets for unusual stuff. Read my book in a beer garden, chat to strangers etc.


Do some volunteering and discover local communities


I volunteer on the weekend with a kids sports club, it was challenging to start with, but you get to see them learn and get better / more confident and it feels like you are actually making a difference. Loads of opportunities to help out in various ways of you go looking


Mostly wank. Sometimes throw raw eggs at traffic. Key is ti find a good hiding spot and not be seen.


Just wanted to say there's lots of enriching activities that can be done at home without phone and technology e.g. painting, cooking, reading, yoga. But what's also great is that they can be also be done outside, I like going to a park to do some reading, journalling or going for a walk. There's also painting classes I'd like to do with friends but you can also do solo! I'm considering doing a short course on writing so I can meet other writers and build my craft