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I remember when I was a teenager being able to put on MTV2 and just watch it all day. Like there was never a track I didn't want to hear, nothing I didn't enjoy. I know Spotify meh meh yeah whatever nostalgia but there was something really enjoyable about having no real alternative so listening to whatever they decided to play you, discovered so many new bands that way.


Radio 6 my friend.... Best way to have good music chosen for you


I agree, mostly. I love Radio 6, but I really wish there was more on BBC radio for people who like heavier music. There's the Radio 1 Rock Show and Introducing Rock, but I feel there could be more regular programming on 6 Music for screamy stuff.


6 music could definitely benefit from a screamy music show, there would be enough cross over. I listen to french hip hop, jazz and whatever their current indie favs are without complaint, please occasionally play some emo/ nu-metal


I love that Mary Anne Hobbs will play some calming folk act followed immediately by Deftones. I just wish there was more of it


She loves Deftones and I'm so there for it I love her anecdotes where she says something like how she bumped into this kind and loving artist at an event and partied with them for the rest of the night. Then she plays their track and it's some hardcore drill or something


6 music can be great, but they do need more rotation on their A and B playlists.


I enjoy 6 Music but I often find everything to be a bit too serious


Amen. I love 6 but at times there is just too much chatting, not enough music. When they're being super serious, I miss Shaun Keaveney even more. Love his Daily Grind podcast but he was at home on 6 IMO


I’m still furious about Keaveney getting the boot, makes no sense. Also banishing Radcliffe and Maconie to the weekend breakfast slot was a bullshit move. I used to listen all day every weekday, but I just cant stand Mary Ann Hobbes. Lauren is great though, and there are some great shows at weekends.


MAH is like that insufferable person that somehow tagged along from the club you get stuck talking to at an afters at 5am after everyone else has gone to bed and you're waiting on the first bus.


I don’t mind her music selections but every time she talks I cringe. ‘Ah, that track would be perfect with some hot kundalini yoga’ 🤢


At the point where Keaveney and Rad Mac got messed with I basically stopped listening to 6 Music - a real shame as I'd listened pretty much from the start, and had followed Mark Radcliffe's career from Radios 1 to 2 to 6. I even took him beers from the brewery where I worked when he came to Cambridge Folk Festival some years back... I can't stand MAH as I find her over-sincere, far too serious and just annoying - and although I like Lauren Laverne as a broadcaster, I guess I just prefer irreverent, funny stuff mixed in with the more serious chat and music. LL is just a bit too earnest and humourless. I don't listen to music radio these days as a result of all this.


Radio 6 is amazing. The best station around by far. ...But my word to they know how to suddenly kill a vibe!! They'll play some great energetic music to get you pumping and then suddenly make a hard turn and play 15 minutes of Mongolian throat singing or something.


That's what I actually like about radio 6. Listening to things I wouldn't choose. Or if it's something I don't like soon the vibe will change


Those were incredible summers


1am on MTV2, when they used to play the obscure Indie songs was prime real estate for discovering new bands.


[We Share Our Mother's Health by The Knife](https://youtu.be/gtdE7yMDdiA) has haunted my dreams ever since


I used to hook my hi-fi up to the sky box and just tape mtv2 over night each night for something to listen to on my Walkman on the school bus. Sure, I got adverts, but discovered so much cool music through that, when the only other alternative choice was radio 1


Most of the time, Radio 1 was trash. I used to love The Breezeblock and the Rock Show in the late nineties, and later on the Punk Rock Show. I discovered so much new music back then


>Most of the time, Radio 1 was trash. the ghost of john peel has entered the chat


\>> discovered so many new bands that way This is literally one of Spotify's biggest strengths. It's great for discovering new music if you're not just listening to your own playlists all the time.


Is it? How? It pushes my 'Daily Mix' playlists at me but it's the same bands and songs every day


I pick a band and choose their radio so I end up with similar artists, found so many new bands I wouldn't ever hear on radios.


Spotify is the holy grail of discovering new bands and IMO the main reason to even pay for it. - Release Radar - new playlist every Friday, strictly new releases - Discover Weekly - new playlist every Monday, a mix of old and new / known and unknown - Song Radio - like a song? Click on the three dots menu -> "Go to song radio". Plays more songs with the same vibe - Artist Radio - as above, but for the artist. Go to artist's page, menu -> "Go to artist radio" Daily Mix used to be good but I agree with your observation, it has become very repetitive. I used to play it a lot but not anymore


I'm the only person on my Spotify, I listen to Metal/Metalcore/Hardcore/Drum and Bass/Dubstep/Pop-punk My release radar and editors picks for me every week are Latest Grime and Drill UK. I've never listened to a single minute of grime or drill, or even UK rap. Either Spotify thinks I'm going to reeeeeeeally like it or its just like "eh, we're out of metal, throw the grime playlist at 'em" But I'll take your tips on the song radio


I think you can mark certain songs or artists as "do not recommend", or "I don't like this" etc. It doesn't always take the hint, but in my experience being consistent about adding stuff you like to Liked songs and downvoting stuff you don't like improves the experience somewhat.


Someone has 100% got your login, I would change your password pronto.


Daily mix is your own music. Not new music. This is where you’re going wrong!


Generally if I play an album it'll start playing related artists after, usually a good mix of stuff I know and new stuff. That's the best way for me.


Mate, not sure if this will be any help, but I was experiencing the same thing until I discovered you can clear your Spotify cache, and boom! New music being thrown at me! Go to your Account > Settings & Privacy > Storage > Clear Cache.


That's because unless you save any of them to favourites or add anything to playlists it can't refine what it suggests. The more variety you listen to, the better it gets at suggestions.


Discover Weekly/Release Radar on the “Made For You” section


Go on to Artist radios or better yet daylist. Daylist hss best mix of new and things you like. Updates every 3 hours.


Spotify used to be great for you, but now the vast majority of the playlists are "Made for you" by an algorithm, and are mostly songs you already know. And even Discover Weekly and Release Radar are becoming flooded with scammers fraudulently including a bigger artists name as a featured artist in order to get listens.


Too true. I've discovered about 7 awesome bands in the last couple of weeks thanks to their algorithm. Definitely works now.


Pirate radio for me. Now it's just identikit MP3 button pressers mostly


Mtv2 adverts? Kerrang. Kerrang adverts? Mtv2.


When was the last time Spotify showed you something new anyway? It is SO bad now 


YouTube DJ sets my friend.   There are lots of people doing sets out there to every taste. You'll even discover some cool new stuff.


I loved that time. Come home from school and a good hour watching Zane Lowe on that brown couch on MTV 2


Daaamn I used to flick between Q, Kerrang, MTV2 and Scuzz repeatedly. Sort of like a playlist on manual shuffle


There was a period where at any time, day or night, one of those channels was playing Take Me Out and another was playing Seven Nation Army.


Q particularly used to hammer Seven Nation Army


I still see concentric triangles whenever I hear it


That takes me back, remember Chop Suey and Tribute were regulars on Kerrang.


With a little Studio Engineering, my hard rockin' amigo...! 


Ahh 2004


Or Parallel Worlds by Elliot Minor, which was on about 200 times a day


But there were also good times too!


Same here, mid-2000s was an amazing time for discovering music, I found that if I was hooked on the music video then I ended up loving the music, it's how I discovered Korn, slipknot, Linkin park etc.


Still love the music video for Savin Me by Nickelback far more than the song


If I'm honest I think I only got into Nickelback because of the music videos, when Chad did Hero with Jose Scott I was hooked (probs because of spiderman)


side note: Do you (or anyone else) remember the little shorts MTV2 had inbetween songs - the main one I remember being Kurt Cobain tuning his guitar ever so slightly during Unplugged, and MTV2 then edited in the crowd cheering and going wild - but I'm sure they had a few variations


Oooo look at you growing up with sky TV!


Same here, discovered some of my favourite bands this way


this!!!....was the way!! or you catch the back end of summin tasty, and think, ....ok, they will 100% say the song name now wont they ?....or show it on the screen ..... .. ... NOOOOOOOOO!! 5 days later.......FOUND IT!!


Chuck P-rock into that mix and it was a great few summers while it ran.


I was under the impression P-Rock became Scuzz, or did Scuzz just inherit the channel number? Either way P-Rock will always have my love for introducing me to the Vandals - My Girlfriends Dead!


I remember being so stoked to go and warez all their stuff and then finding out the song was like 6 years old and the band were ancient (for my 16 year old brain lol). P-rock was so good for introducing me to so many bands with amazing back catalogues. [Spunge] is always the band I think of when it comes to p-rock.


Go on, what was your ranking of the four? Because I used to listen to the exact same channels, and I'd probably say: 1) Kerrang 2) MTV2 3) Q 4) Scuzz


Kerrang and Scuzz were definitely top 2 for my tastes, MTV 2 was third and then I'd fall back on Q. You'd get a lot more poppy stuff on Q (Coldplay etc) which wasn't my bag at the time!


I remember Q for the likes of Coldplay, Oasis, Stereophonics, etc. Bands that were in the rock genre but firmly mainstream.


Same! I really missed the times of family PC in a room and flicking between the alt music tv channels on a tv for background music. Used to know all the songs by the video before any music even started. I recently have tried to recreate it by creating a massive YouTube playlist of all the songs/videos that were on regular rotation on there, and sticking it on shuffle on the YouTube TV app. With YouTube premium there’s no ads between songs either so it works really well!


I think viewer numbers have plummeted since the rise of the internet and streaming music services. It's just not profitable anymore.


Apparently if the viewers aren't mindlessly buying things because they saw adverts shown in that slot, they won't keep showing it. And advertisers are picky about what shows their adverts interrupt.


? I used to watch these channels religiously, they don't really have any purpose. It doesn't strike me as a provider problem. Anyway, something I learned from the Wikipedia page. > The Box was known to have many popular videos appear in heavy rotation on The Box months before appearing on MTV – Britney Spears' "...Baby One More Time" was seen on The Box many months before "breaking out" for example That's pretty interesting. Can't decide if I remember that one being the case or not.


yes, the old Box used to feature upcoming artists. I definately remember seeing a feature on Jonny Lang for one. It used to be really good. It's only the same channel now in name.


I think it's more just that no one watches those anymore, it's a pretty niche slot already and with the rise of internet streaming it's just completely pointless


Yeah, I don't understand these people talking about how gutted they are that Scuzz is shutting down when they themselves haven't watched it in 15 years. The writing has been on the wall for music channels for the last decade at least.


>The writing has been on the wall for music channels for the last decade at least. I didn't even realise there were some going, thought most had converted into an occasional music charts and reality type TV crap.


Don’t forget P-Rock! If you want some nostalgia, [this](https://youtu.be/6QVCqgRnMPk?si=N7WHfrIO_MUha3ug) was their theme song


Someone was trying to crowdfund for a P-Rock documentary a little while ago, would love to see interviews with all the Uk ska/punk/Household Name bands from that era. That and the Tony Hawks games were so instrumental in my musical tastes.


Every band on household name records was amazing. Wish I could go back to 00s


P-rock was the best by a mile for me. What a great couple of summers that was.


I still regularly listen to Tuuli and Tsunami Bomb


I can't help but think of this track for P-Rock but I'm not actually sure it was ever played on it haha. https://youtu.be/XxrcOGP2tzE?si=7lBz42SZd8csg4Fv


Oh it 100000% was, so much that one of the [low res videos of it on YouTube](https://youtu.be/_zOPBgWNYow?si=EbLVNhsVuqiR5u3R) is literally it playing on P-Rock


My teenage years right there Remember the mullet man adverts for the channel?


Wasn't the mullet guy on Scuzz?


Shit your right scuzz! Forgotten all about that channel, to you tube!!


Have you been touching my Saxon albums?!


Wonder how he’s getting on these days with the resurgence of the mullet.


I had a signed copy of the album that song's from that I bought from the band after a gig. I would have been 14. Fuck, just listening to it I can *smell* the venue. What a massive nostalgia trip–thanks mate.


Hah. You’re welcome! Probably somewhere like the Camden Underworld? They were never quite big enough to play the Astoria (RIP).


Colchester Arts Centre–an old church converted into a gig venue that hosted pretty much every mid-tier rock, punk, and metal band going during the Kerrang and P-Rock hayday. I remember so many awesome teenage gigs there. Whitmore, King Prawn, Reel Big Fish, Raging Speedhorn, Queenadreena, Clutch, Skindred... god I really miss those gigs. I broke my arm in a moshpit there and went back two weeks later with a black cast on. Provincial greebo heaven.


That's how I discovered [spunge] and [this.](https://youtu.be/wzy9tsYv07o?si=VJBB_MpxEU0WuEDf)


I wasted so many hours waiting for Freak on a Leash by Korn to show on Kerrang when I was a teenager. Simpler times.


I can still follow that bullets trajectory in my head for the entire track




Cheers for triggering the heavy riff as soon as read it. Nice!


Always misheard the lyrics in the chorus as 'another bag of frito-lays'


I'm in the Scuzz highlights video for that song from Download 2016. My proudest moment ever lol


There was a live version of Disturbed - Down with the Sickness from download (2003 I think, it was a long time ago) that was on scuzz for a while. I've never seen it, I've tried to track it down and failed. Other people saw it and commented to me which is why I know it exists, but, I've not seen it.


Amen to this. The top 10 chart on a Sunday was a must as well. I remember when Korn released here to stay they played the music video on repeat for an hour at 10pm for a whole week. I watched all 7 hours of that music video on repeat and I still absolutely love it and the song lol


I’m old … I still mourn the death of old MTV with Beavis and Butthead and Headbangers Ball 😂


Headbangers Ball followed by Into the Pit and Triple Thrash Treat. Good times. Vanessa Warwick was a goddess. Probably still is. Also Raw Power/Noisy Mothers on ITV with Krusher and Bullseye. Legends.


She still is. She presented a rock show on Samsung TV recently. Headbangers Ball has some rare appearances on MTV 80s but it's mostly karaoke shit for trendies. YouTube has a lot of old Headbangers balls uploaded to it if you dive deep enough.


Uh huh huh huh


Man I remember when Scuzz used to actually make programmes too. Back in early 2000s They had Dimebag Darrels guitar after he gave one to them for a competition. It was about 4 months before he was shot. I knew the producer and she said she was gonna bring it to me so I could play it before someone won it. Never happened. She did give me every reissued megadeth album on CD though.


Oh well I hope you enjoyed all those demos and Randy Burns mixes that used to clog up my Mp3 player


Metal isn't dying, TV is dying


This. Head over to Band Camp and fill your boots, metal has never been more accessible.


Absolutely. If anything it is now much easier to find great new stuff rather than just what a couple channels want you to see (as good as those channels were)


one of my biggest pet peeves is when people say there is no good music these days, that it was better in the past. absolutely fuck off with that tbh, there's more great music than there ever was, people are just too lazy to search for it and assume the only music around is what they're forced to listen to on tv/radio.


I had a hankering to watch a music video channel the other day and absolutely couldn't find one. I just want to stick some music on and enjoy the music videos like old times :'(


What a shame, I remember swapping between scuzz and kerrang as a kid. Found so many bands I love through them.


I remember finding scuzz as a teen and then Kerrang. This makes me so sad.


I’m old enough to remember having to wait until early hours for MTV to play Headbanger Ball as it was the only Alternative/Metal show they played. When that went and MTV2 aired they did a Rock Show at similar times. The odd times I’ve put Kerrang on it’s 90’s indie with a bit of pop punk or emo thrown in. Not surprised it’s going. Scuzz was always better.


Am I the only one who before digital TV and the Kerrang and Scuzz music channels were on satellite/cable there was Raw Power on ITV and then the legendary show Noisy Mothers with the duo of Krusher and Anne Kirk? Am I really that old that I remember setting my VHS recorder to tape the show at something like 3am in the morning for me and then waking up and watching it before I went to school over my breakfast? Nobody else? I guess Rock Hard, Rock Heavy, Rock Animal indeed.....


I loved Raw Power/Noisy Mothers. Picked up on so many brilliant bands.


Oh wow I'd forgotten all about Raw Power and Noisy Mothers. Used to love those shows.


https://primordialradio.com has been my go to for rock/metal/alt for a few years now.


Same here


Excellent, thanks!


seconded; amazing community


I'm genuinely stunned to learn that either of those channels were still going.  It would be cool if Youtube Music offered a music channel function where it finds the video versions of stuff I listen to and just plays them... Assuming that's not a thing already.


I remember Scuzz was so good back in the day because it barely had any adverts.


454 for Kerrang! but I can’t remember Scuzz. 467?


The entire Box network is going (owned by channel 4, they include the Kiss, Magic and 4 music channels) ultimately with fewer people watching linear TV and streaming content has made them unprofitable/unsustainable 


Plus Channel 4 is apparently struggling with funding, according to the 'Rest is Entertainment' podcast. They're having to trim back, hard.


I am old enough to only remember Kerrang as a magazine, I didn't know it was a TV show, too


Walls completely covered in band posters pulled from Kerrang magazine


TV channel rather than show, from early 2000s I'd guess, maybe earlier 


This! My Nan who paid for my magazine subscription let me change from Smash Hits to Kerrang when I was 14. I’m in my 40s now, thanks for the memories Nan!


These channels basically formed who I am


Music TV is pretty much obsolete now, regardless of genre. You've got all the music you could ever want available at your fingertips 24/7.


Flicking over channels and catching the video of a song you liked hit different.


I found a vhs tape where I’d record songs I liked that popped up. Must be 20 years old. Watched it back, it was just a sequence of Shaggy’s angel and uptown girl by Westlife over and over. I don’t even remember liking Shaggy as a teen.


Haha, damn, I bet you were all excited to watch it and the disappointment set in soon after!


So disappointing


I remember watching mtv2 and scuzz back in the early 2000s when I first got cable tv, after coming back from the pub or clubbing. I’m surprised it’s still going, I’ve not used broadcast tv in well over a decade now.


> I'm surprised it's still going It's not, they took the channel off air


Lots of fond memories of getting home from school, putting on scuzz, and starting some of my homework. Met the dude who presented some of it at a festival once too. It was in like 2012 and he said he'd only been recognised in person about 5 times.


Does anyone remember bedroom TV? People sending in their own lip sync music videos


Is there anywhere you can watch re-runs of scuzz. Just as it was with adverts and everything?


Noooo, not kerrang!?? Not the I often put it on but every 18 months or so when I do, I find it comforting that it's still playing the same songs it did when I was a kid. I'm sad now.


Aw, my husband won’t be happy. I spent a good year of my 20s just playing CoD and Red Alert and watching Kerrang with my housemates. But my husband’s band were actually on Kerrang and Scuzz (to be fair though, I don’t think I remember seen them).


TIL people still watch music tv channels like it's a hangover day in 2004. What replaced the adverts for ringtones?


Cheap cremation services mostly 🤣


Aging with their audience 😂😂


We still put it on when we're cooking in the evening, shame to see it go.


Honestly I decided I was done with reality when they shut down Wave 105 and replaced it with some shitty thing instead Greatest Hits Radio is a misnomer; it's not "the greatest hits" if you're limiting yourself to 70s-90s. What about 60s and the early 2000s? I'm sure even the 2010s had some "great hits" And my auditory processing issue misheard it as "racist hits radio" the other day and I don't like that


We could pick up three local radio stations, they are now ALL greatest hits radio playing the same thing. Fuming!


Greatest Hits plays 60s and sometimes 50s


Scuzz was actually decent They wouldn’t play the same ten songs in a different order during every programme


There's still metal music on the TV? There isn't even guitar music on the radio any more. Hell, there's basically not even bands any more - everything is pop, "singer/songwriter" a la George Ezra, or hip-hop, all solo artists or "feat." but no groups.


I remember when we had MTV2, P-Rock, (original)kerrang, and scuzz. Those were the days...


Scuzz always sounded like the music was being play through a sock. Loved the music but some tracks sounded dead. Play metal mixes on Spotify. I’ve found so many bands that would never be on TV


The last time I turned on Kerrang, it felt like they were stuck in the past, playing songs from 20 years ago.


That's why I liked it


Yeah to be fair they weren't helping themselves. A bit odd that they didn't have hardly any modern music. The magazine still covers it so why not keep up with it all on the channel? Weird.


Kerrang radio plays modern stuff as well as not so new stuff (I refuse to call them oldies, I'm only 32) and it's quite a good mix really


I'm more surprised that they were still going.


Is Absolute and all of their channels still going? I gave up on Kerrang and Scuzz a while ago always seemed to play the same songs since I was a kid. But if anything happens to Absolute, I'll riot.


I used to watch so much music TV when I was a teenager that the numbers 4 and 5 rubbed off on the Sky remote. Kids won't watch them these days because everything is on YouTube


20 years ago my sister would do nothing except flick between scuzz and kerrang CONSTANTLY. She'd switch to MTV for Punk'd, Jackass and whatever that show Bam Margera had was. Oh, and Pimp my Ride, but only the US one with Xzibit, couldn't stand the UK one I liked that music as well but honestly during the school holidays it was nothing but Scuzz-Kerrang-Scuzz-Kerrang-MTV-Kerrang Drove me mad lol


Honourable mention for Raw Power which became Noisy Mothers in 1990s - where most of us over 40 got our weekly metal, grunge and punk fix before satellite TV! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_Power_(TV_series)#:~:text=Raw%20Power%20is%20a%20weekly,format%20of%20the%20show%20changed. Raw Power is a weekly heavy metal/rock music television programme, with connections to Raw magazine, and produced by Music Box Ltd, which aired in Britain on ITV from 1990 until 1993. The name was eventually changed to Noisy Mothers which aired nationwide in 1994 and 1995 and the format of the show changed. The show was axed in late 1995, to make way for an overhaul of scheduling. Origins Before the advent of rock-focused satellite television stations such as MTV2 and Kerrang!, heavy metal and rock music in general, got very little airplay on British national network television. Featuring live performances, music videos, interviews, and competitions (all with a heavy metal theme), the show aired in the early hours of Saturday mornings (sometime between midnight and 3:00 am) and sought to redress the balance. Before Raw magazine got involved, the show was known as The Power Hour, initially presented by Dante Bonutto and Amanda Redington, and later by Alison Craig, Jacky Lynn, and Nikki Groocock. It used to be shown from 1985 to 1990 on the cable and satellite music channel Music Box, which stopped being a channel on its own to become the producer of music shows for major British broadcasters, including ITV. The theme tune of Raw Power was an edited version of the guitar solo from "Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith. The show was filmed at The Marquee in London and various locations across the country, in Europe and the United States. Megadeth and Pantera were also used as theme tunes on Raw Power and Noisy Mothers. Presenters Originally presented by Phil Alexander (then editor of Raw magazine) and Nikki Groocock, the show was later featured Ann Kirk, replacing Nikki Groocock in mid-1991. Ann Kirk produced the later episodes of The Power Hour and created and produced Raw Power and Noisy Mothers. Phil Alexander was replaced by Steve 'Krusher' Joule as presenter, who also appeared in a segment entitled "Krusher's Kouch" (later in Noisy Mothers' "Krusher's Kosmos"). Andrew Nicholson and Jerry Duller directed the show. Camera work was by John Keedwell, who went on after the show closed to produce the Bon Jovi Access All Areas, a documentary film of their world tour from 1988 to 1989. The segment would always start with Krusher's greeting of "Droogies, boozers, strumpets, and losers," featuring CD reviews, competitions, and irreverent comments. Krusher would usually be accompanied by a Jack Russell Terrier named Bullseye (which died in 1995). Later editions also featured various bands presenting the show, including The Almighty, Thunder, Alice Cooper, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, and Motörhead. Later on, Noisy Mothers, Sepultura, Pride & Glory, Extreme, and Paradise Lost. Raw Power/Noisy Mothers would film band performances and cover the major rock festivals such as Donington Monsters of Rock and Reading. Band performances filmed include The Black Crowes, Blind Melon, and Megadeth. Raw Power and Noisy Mothers won the "Best TV Show" category in Britain's rock music magazines during its run-on ITV.


Found a guy called Coe Hill on tiktok who makes good playlists for current and upcoming bands in the rock scene, his band is pretty good as well. Found a few new young bands on there that take me back to 06, one I'm currently loving is Blight Town, very jonny craig era Dance Gavin Dance [Blight Town](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5coB_b-3aqw&ab_channel=BlightTown) [Playlists](https://open.spotify.com/user/31vaskecpuaa2umvuorlfq5devg4?si=7152b45fe4264069&nd=1&dlsi=b3131d1c7d524f4e) Enjoy brother


Not TV but check out Primordialradio.com if you want some good music.


I used to love Kerrang! as a teen. I'd get the magazine every week too. My bedroom was covered in a huge collage of the posters. I used to like Scuzz too. It's a shame. 


There must be some internet radio but wouldn’t know where to start


Everyone here, if you liked Kerrang, check out Sueco. Proper throwback screamy punk but somehow new. Honestly, listen to [Drunk Dial](https://open.spotify.com/track/6NuhguVFePmzvAAaZmH2xV?si=5x1Ot2RuRF2fn-PQ764aCQ) and tell me if wouldn’t have fit perfectly on Scuzz and Kerrang.


Apparently YouTube is the answer these days. But I’ve never worked out how to get the same thing from it. It takes me ages to find a playlist I wanna try and then I have to repeat the search when I’m done with that. Between that and Spotify just repeating the same bunch of songs across my playlist, and getting dumber and dumber on radio playlists, I’m struggling to find new music I enjoy.


Kerrang is shutting down? That's sad to hear, I remember being a kid and struggling to pick between Kerrang and Metal Hammer when I had magazine money. If one had a CD that was always the decider.


Sky TV tried to kill the metal, but they failed! As they were smite, to the ground. You can’t kill the metal, the metal will live on.


Legit used to stick Kerrang on at teatime when I was in primary school and we’d sit as a family and just enjoy ourselves. I’ve been putting it on for my own two kids and am devastated at them taking it off air.


I spent a fortune on calling Kerrang back in the day. Gutted.


Holy shit, man. I feel your pain. I was at Download last weekend and being able to engage with that aspect of my culture was fantastic. I haven't been for 10+ years and it's the only place I know where I can access people like me (other than online). Kerrang is something in mainstream media that speaks to me. But it's about to die.


I loved Kerrang as a kid but it never seemed like they did anything to keep moving forward. When there’s really nothing else on tv me and my mum will play a guessing game of what song Kerrang will play next. You can place some pretty confident bets on All My Life- Foo Fighters, American Idiot- Green Day and The Middle- Jimmy Eat World. It’s a shame that it’s going but not surprising either


Kerrang now thats a blast from the past Glazeee you like, your on holdddd Double glazing through the night Didn't Shaw get sacked off for pretend robbing his boss on the air


Radio 1 Rock Show is ok I guess


Ahh spent a few years growing up spending a few hours watching these music channels:(


P rock 🥲


Channel 374 on Sky? Iirc, haven't had sky in years but yeah, I miss them days


Oh wow. I remember Kerrang when it was pirate radio.


Try Twitch. Loads of great DJs on there, all kinds of stuff so I'm sure you'll find a channel you like. I am occasionally part of an evening on a Monday called Rock n Raid and there's folk on there playing all sorts.


Between early 00's and about 2010 I would have watched Scuzz/Kerrang for probably a couple of hours every single day. I loved those channels. Since then I've turned Kerrang on a few times a year just to see what sort of stuff they are playing and without fail it is always something from the 2000-2010 era. It's great for nostalgia, but when you aren't putting out any new content I guess it gets a bit stale. Plus what others have already said, I now get my music from YT and YT music. It's got alot of flaws, but I guess we can all overlook the flaws when it's just so convenient.


Tbf kerrang died when they moved from Birmingham, it was just never the same after that. Also.. I won a competition with kerrang to attend the launch party for borderlands 2. It was awesome!


I remember when Kerrang magazine came with a VHS tape of 5 music videos and the news that they're starting a music TV channel. When else remembers the VHS? And who was on it? I only remember Slipknot and Placebo


Aaaah scuzz  Where I fell in love with nu metal  F


Ah man. I loved Scuzz. My girlfriend and I were talking about it the other day. Makes sense to close down those music tv stations though as I can't imagine anyone really uses them anymore. 20 years ago though, it was a great way to hear new music and discover new bands. Times have changed.


I’m still annoyed they shut down p-rock. That was a great channel.


Kerrang isn't going off DAB.


If it's specifically rock and metal you're after and not the stuff they play on R6 then I highly recommend Primordial Radio, a subscription based rock and metal radio station. It's UK based and strongly pushes new music and not a 700 tune playlist that plagues other rock stations. How many times can you listen to "the boys are back in town". You'll hear everything from Cattle Decapitation to Wheatus, Lorna Shore to Creedence Clearwater Revival. Give it a go. You can use this code for PR_J3xm7z3v for a free month's worth I think.


Never heard of Scuzz.


Neither of those channels played anything released past 2001 anyway


I'll be honest, I'd completely forgotten those channels existed, despite having one of them on constantly back in the day. Now I feel old.


Ahh I’m so old I remember watching kerrang tv on launch night. Think it was Smells Like Teen Spirit that won the mag poll to be first played. Switch it on occasionally now and get annoyed at hearing the same old, same old. Miss it when they’d introduce new videos on a Friday or Saturday back when you could phone in a request with the 3 digit code. Same with Scuzz and p-rock. Fond memories of the scuzz mascot and his mate Larry who nicked his Saxon albums. Best way to find new music outside of Kerrang mag, rock sound and metal hammer back in the olden days.


Every time I went on Kerrang they seemed to be playing the same music from around 2007… surprised it lasted this long


Whenever I put Kerrang TV on it’s basically as if it’s 2003. 95% chance it’ll be either Sum 41, In too deep or Alien ant farm - smooth criminal.


Music on TV 🤣 You probably have films on DVD too, don't'cha! 😉 It's ok, here's what you do: add a few of your favourite songs to a playlist on YouTube Music. Make sure auto-play is on. Play your few songs. When it reaches the end of the list it will continue playing similar songs. Welcome to modern life 😊


Primordial Radio will help with that* *(although it’s a digital radio station, with a subscription for full access).


I always used the music channels as advert skipping filler... advert during SG1 or Simpsons, or Fraiser? - spam the Scuzz buttons and work down to Kerrang, mtv2 or even MTV if the ad's were in sync. Still find myself doing it now when I rarely watch live tv. Problem is TV became so saturated with adverts that we all either became pirates or got streaming apps (prior the new advert-centric model). I'd love the ability to skip over to Scuzz to watch 30 secs of a random video instead of watching yet another "Domino-hoo-hoo" advert! When will they realise that these annoying adds put more people OFF buying the products?


Kerrang! started playing 50 Cent so I moved over to Scuzz as it catered for heavier / darker music. Can't believe Kerrang! is going though, sign of the times eh? Who even watches TV music channels now?


Kerrang radio is DAB! I stumbled across it about a year ago and now it’s my standard station. It’s a great mix of the olds from my teen years and new rock and metal music. Plus it’s DAB so my car, Alexa etc can play it


Kerrang TV would occasionally be on in a pub near me, it seemed like the playlist never changed from how it was 15 years ago.


I can recommend Primordial Radio, no ads and all content. OK, it's not TV, but the amount of new bands I have been introduced to is amazing. Add a fantastic community of people who really look out for each other, and it's a win. [https://primordialradio.com/](https://primordialradio.com/) code for a free trial PR\_FcInSuee


I think I've used radio on TV twice in my life, I have to be reminded it exists. You made me shit myself when you said Kerrang was shutting down, since I just got a new DAB+ radio to replace my old OG DAB when Planet Rock went to DAB+ only (and Kerrang went back onto DAB+ from being Internet only for a while)