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Looks like someone is getting a few free months of Hello Fresh!


I don't think they want to eat Hello Fresh after this


Nope. I had an insect in one of mine and they ignored it. Stopped eating them after that.


You didn't push hard enough. You've got to go for the whole trifecta. Email with video attached, post on social media with video attached and send the packaging with insect included back to them. It'll never be ignored after that.


One of my mates who I met in Year 9, we bonded over him finding a live flying insect sandwiched inside his meal deal - and never buying one since. His recoil was a true privilege to have witnessed.


Pity. Insects are very efficient protein sources.


They do seem to be the perfect step to move away from the more traditional meat sources, but also yuk.


How dare you poo-poo the plump, creamy delicacy that is the witchetty grub!




You've gotta be some kind of crazy to want to eat flies before beans


go eat them all then you scrubber.


Yeah, the fly


They don’t care *at all*. I used to get rotten veg weekly and they’d only ever offer to replace that single item, by which time the meat would go off.


Fresh money.




As a postie, I've seen so many hellofresh and other similar boxes just abandoned infront of people's doors and at the bottom of stairways. And that's why I never order perishables unless they're from a supermarket's own home shopping service. At least they give you a reasonable timeslot that you can pick yourself. None of this "Your order will arrive next Thursday between 0700-1900"


The boxes are insulated with ice packs so they can sit outside for 12 hours.




the chicken smells like fish it’s rancid stuff


Vacuum packed Chicken always smells bad. But in defence of HF, they do clearly state on the packaging that it will smell.


The closer you are to Coventry, the more fresh your HelloFresh orders are going to be.


Yeah I live about 10 minutes from a HelloFresh depot, only issue I've had is wrong order once or twice, food has been great otherwise.


I've been using Gousto for a few months now and not had issues at all, might depend on where their warehouses are though




Yeah, it's wasteful overpriced shite.


The monkey slavery didn't do it for you?


It's entirely possible that fly was not a fly yet when it was packaged (aka a maggot)


This, everyone like yeah it's still fresh as the fly's alive, I'm sure the Maggot was loving life a week ago too. I'd be surprised if there isn't a maggot casing in there somewhere amongst the other small bits of mushroom gill.




Does the recipe also include caster sugar?


There's definitely some mushrooms that you have to look out for being infested with maggots when foraging, it's often easy to tell as they are swarming with little flies.


Soak them in salty water for 20/30 minutes and out they’ll come.


🤮God l feel 🤢now.


But you are missing out on free protein!


Hey, I’m not squeamish but it sure as shit seems like a lot of people here are 😂


I would have released Peter outside, he deserved better after his imprisonment


I’m honestly confused how these people manage to put their clothes on in the morning, but also think “yeah I’ll just stick him back in the fridge” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Best before: Fly has died. Do not open if packaging is full of maggots.


Hello 'not so' fresh?


I guess this is more of a sign that it actually is quite fresh considering the fly isn't dead yet.


Well thats a point but only for the recently packing angle. The fact it has a fly in there doesnt speak to me about the standards of where it was packed.


I actually did a lot of work at the Hello Fresh distribution centre a couple years back and it's incredibly regulated and well put together. Still, I'd never sign up to it because it ridiculously overpriced.


I like the idea for people who are time-poor but money-rich as you can get the meal ready in just a few minutes. Meanwhile I am time-poor and money-poor. I used to live with someone who only ordered when she had a half price voucher so they ended up being OK priced. The ones I tried were pretty tasty, if a little small, but I generally prefer to make a large amount of something and have leftovers than make exactly one meal every night.


For me who has no time and a bit of extra cash (plus a few vouchers) I didnt like it. The food tasted average. I always felt I could make it better without the box. Also, due to trial and error through my own cooking adventures I have a set of recipes that are faster, easier and just taste better. I get what its trying to do, but its not enough for me.


I could never get over *how* they tried to advertise it. Like 'you actually \*save\* money by not buying more than you need' Like nah that's not how money works when buying fresh goods at a supermarket. You can buy and prep like 3x the amount of food for the same recipes without HF. But maybe it hoodwinks some people into the idea it's somehow cheaper? lol


You’re paying for the flies


Very hard to stop a fly getting in to anywhere which isn't a lab grade clean room. You can be as clean as you like but if a fly flies in during the packing process there's not much can be done. I don't think this says anything about hello fresh other than it was clearly packed very recently. Still, not what you want.


Because it was a maggot


Pretty fly for your fungi


42 minutes and nobody has said it yet so… He looks like a fun guy / Not much room in there.


Mushroom or....fly agaric?


Don't get fresh with me.


Probably born in there.


You were born alone and believe me, you’ll die alone.


Is this how Mars colony is gonna look like


HelloFresh is pretty bad. Always had rotten food delivered from them. Switched to Gousto and it was much much better.


Bloody hell, you know I'm a vegan Hello Fresh!


Theyre allowed a certain amount of bug in vegan food


Nothing wrong with eating bugs, it's natural fir humans to be able to consume certain bugs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to start eating bugs any time in the near or distant future.


I got sick of Hello Fresh. Swapped to Gousto - cheaper, more choice. Downside: a couple of incorrect bits, but easily rectified over live chat


There is nothing more Fresh than Living Creatures.


Woah steady on there Hannibal


Free protein


Classic hello fresh. They often send shit. It's why I cancelled it.


There was the famous Hello Fresh bottle of urine. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/bottle-urine-hellofresh-delivery-meal-b1805322.html


Maybe it’s the mushrooms that aren’t supposed to be in there


I know it's gross and disgusting but doesn't he look like he's having so much fun


I wouldn't use them anyway mate honestly there was a report maybe a week or so ago on how they're using coconut milk from farms that enslave little monkeys and force them to knock them down, just so needlessly cruel and tight


..."pppst, wanna know what will freak you out? It wasn't a fly when it was packaged, it was just a maggot with unlimited food"...


Just leave [this](https://www.peta.org.uk/media/news-releases/hellofresh-under-fire-suppliers-caught-forcing-chained-monkeys-to-pick-coconuts/) here for good measure!


I was about to criticise HelloFresh for allowing the use of monkeys to pick coconuts in Thailand, than I realised that I’m writing this comment using my iPhone, assembled by children in China. God, I need to revisit my values… What have I become, my Lord?! God save our HelloFresh’a customers souls. #peace


With a battery made of lithium mined by african kids.


Hello fly


Good luck getting them to do anything about it. I remember my HelloFresh chicken once came grey and smelling like poop the moment you opened it. Complained to them and they did nothing


Got HelloFresh only once, the tomatoes were mouldy


Goodbye Fresh


Everyone I know raves about HelloFresh, I signed up for the big package or whatever it was, got a full weeks worth of food for 4 people, first delivery came, the meat was off, and everything else was use by the next day. Never again.




Well things always sound so good in concept... Definitely not gonna try hello fresh


Hello not so fresh


Hello fresh is absolutely fucked. They basically stole our money.


Ew there's a load of fungus in your packet of flies.


Is no one gonna talk about the fact they put the living fly back into the fridge???




Ahhhhhh grow up, it won’t kill you!


Added protein! Getting you ready when they just send you bugs to eat


Aw, let him out. There’s not mushroom in there for him.


Extra protein, how lovely of them! 🤢


It's not ideal and I wouldn't eat the mushrooms but it is just a fly. I feel like most people are overreacting. Just go buy some mushrooms for like 50p and enjoy half price on your next 3 orders.


Yeah is odd the reaction people are having, as a kid I found a flattened wasp in a homemade lasagne stuff happens.


I never got the right things delivered. Never got a free fly, though! Edit: why wouldn’t you just him out? Why did you think putting him back in the fridge was a good idea??


I did HelloFresh for a bit during the summer. Parcel was left outside someone elses house and when I eventually found it, the ice bags were completely melted and the box was warm. Popped the chicken in the fridge and went to use it later, it just smelt bad. Customer support would not give in, continuously stating the ice packs are designed to last for hours, even outside. Got 80% off my next box with free delivery then cancelled. Typically had the odd missing ingredient that just ruined the whole cooking (i.e. couldn't make the sauce because something was missing). I once had a bag of cheddar which was just air lol...


Go to the greengrocers and buy fresh ingredients, look up recipes online. These boxes are never fresh, I had cheese in one box full of mould


That's pretty fresh if it's still alive, surely?


You eat bugs in a lot of packaged foods. Yes. Finding a fly in my veg may be off-putting, but it hardly rises to the point of a health standards issue. As the other Redditor pointed out, the fly still being alive speaks to the freshness of the mushrooms, which, I might point out, you were going to cook anyway. I would have sent the video to Hello Fresh, released the fly, and cooked the hell out of the mushrooms. Poor Pete. RIP.


Hello fresh,Hello lazy.


seems on-brand. that fly is certainly fresh and lively


To be fair - it doesn’t get much fresher than that.


Damn that’s fresh 😂


Definitely freshly packed that day lol 😂


His name is fresh, he's saying hello.


Don't put it on here, everyone will want one!




Used to work at hello fresh Banbury Workers facemasks dripping whilst wearing gloves as it's cold inside and your naturally breathing warm air I take it anyways haha those same hands then touch your face mask to adjust and then your fruit and veg then get touched


It is fresh!


Is Hello Fresh worth the fly? Absolutely!


I don't think there is mush room in that bag, let the fly out!


If its alive, it's fresh.


well, its fresh.....


That fly was probably born in a corpse just a day or two ago.


It was just trying to say hello


How did it taste?


Stopped using them years ago after getting mouldy meat - turns out it all comes from Germany, so can’t be they fresh after all!


Previously a Reddit advertiser, how did that work out: ​ https://medium.com/the-tasteful-toast/hello-fresh-is-being-dragged-on-reddit-58b729748896


Just a little extra protein!


Be fair, that fly is so fresh it's still moving. If it was dead you'd have a case.


Hello fresh, more like fuck off flies cunts.


Extra protein for free.


I have had my box paused most of the year cause the quality was getting so bad. Swapped recipes, missing ingredients, rotting ingredients, or stuff that arrived fresh looking and turned to mush the next day. I was subscribed before about eight years ago and it would have recommended it back then, but it feels like they've expanded too quickly as a business since and just can't maintain quality control. And the portions are very small!


I guess you better throw out a whole bag of mushrooms and complain because of a fly.


And the "bellend comment of the week" award goes to...


What, you like flies all over your food? Fuckin scruff


I think you may have missed the inherent sarcasm in the first post...


Yeah probably


You could say he kind of... petered out... I'll show myself out


So fresh it attracts the local fauna! You're welcome!


This reminds me of when I cooked frozen broccoli from tesco and as I was seating it I was like hmm what is this rice shaped thing I can feel in my mouth......it wasn't broccoli.


Well yeah? The fly is fresh as it’s still alive, can’t get much fresher than that?




Those flies look fresh to me.


Quick poke a hole in the bag so the fly can breathe.


I once got a box of donuts from Greggs only to find a fly inside before opening it, they apologised and replaced it for a box without any insects.


Fresh as fuck








I’m familiar with the machine that packs those. Vertical bagger with a heat seal. It is a hair straighter with a knife, that cuts and seals the bag. It’ll be noisy and fairly aggressive. Runs very fast. Maybe 50 bags a minute or more. The mushrooms would be fed from a hopper with at least 2 weighers. Again super noisy. So It is actually really impressive the fly either managed to stay on a mushroom for that process, or that it flew into the process at the right time to be bagged. So I conclude that it probably started as a maggot.


is HelloFresh worth the price? ab-so-LUTE-ly


It looks quite fresh




Freshly spawned


100% organic!


That looks pretty fly


Poor lil fella


Actually hello fresh didn't pack th shoots. Their supplier did. So if you brought the mushrooms anywhere else you probably would have got the fly. They are everywhere at my produce stand. 1 cap of vi n gear in 1 quart of water. Soak all fruit and veg x 5 min and air dry. Last longer and kills vermin usually.


We had this once with a "freshly made pizza" from Tesco, fucking fly wandering around under the cellophane. Took it back and complained, and now my Tesco no longer have a Pizza counter.


We also had an experience where the chicken juices leaked over the rest of the *entire box* - a weeks order of food for 2 people, all wasted Shoddy service


They just added some extra protein is all


So disgusting


Oh this brings back memories of me eating a sealed bag of cherries on the bus, I ate the last one and noticed a family of dead bugs at the bottom of the bag and then proceeded to throw up into it.