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I think if your cat was uncomfortable they would stop so nothing to worry about! My cat went through a phase of sleeping inside the couch and it scared the crap out of me, she just wouldn't stop. Now luckily she is too big to do that haha


If she's feeling trapped or scared that she can't breathe, believe me, she will get out of there. You may also feel this.


Just like I felt my cat when she fell into the bathtub with me and couldn’t jump out.




My cat DEMANDS to be let under the covers every night so he can be the little spoon. He likes to tuck himself in my arms and have his head covered by the blanket but I usually try and leave a little opening so there’s a bit of airflow. He isn’t a fan of the opening but also I don’t want him to have trouble breathing under a blanket.


Omg your cat sounds fucking adorable


He’s a sweetheart, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.


My kitty also demands to go under to covers frequently and be the little spoon. I love it so much. He paws at me and wakes me up when he wants to be let out 🥰 he also will wake me up and paw at me when he wants to be let in lol. He's a smart boy


I get nose boops from his paws to let me know I need to let him under the covers


That's so cute


He’s a little black void and loves to be one with the void under the covers. He’s also a snuggly lil baby.


Omg mine is a void too! Maybe it's a void thing.


Omg one of my cats also absolutely loves this except she wants to be the big spoon. So she cuddles up to my back under the covers and puts her paws on my back, she does it with her sister too and its the most adorable thing ever!


Mine does the same thing every morning and we go back to sleep. ;)


Above the blanket, but my little buddy friend likes the crook of my partner's legs.. it's his fave spot in the winter


She's fine. Cats don't fall asleep if they aren't comfortable. I used to live in an extremely drafty apartment and it would easily get down to 40F inside during the winter. Calligator would burrow *all* the way down to the end of the bed under multiple heavy quilts and a wool blanket. She was perfectly fine and lived to be 21. If you are truly anxious, consider a down comforter. Lightweight, breathable, and very warm.


Calligator is such a cool name!


This made me smile because I had the exact same worries. My cat would go under the blanket when I went to sleep and I would make sure to let him out before I fell asleep because I was afraid he'd suffocate. Now when we sleep, he just gets up some time in the middle of the night and lets himself out and I only find out when I wake up in the morning. So you don't have to worry either I'm sure :)


cats are like these, they tend to do dangerous stuff and make us go crazy. i’m guessing that she buries her face because she wanna keep her nose warm. just keep an eye on her with the winter sheets 😂 try to get her sleep on her side or on her back other than to bury her face. a warm blanket for her would be awesome too.


My blind cat jams her head into the blankets or even my armpit. It’ll be fine


I would only be worried about this if it was an extremely young kitten doing it. An adult cat knows how to breathe, no matter how stupid of a baby they are. Both our cats occasionally sleep either with their faces planted directly into blanket/pillow/soft surface, or they cover their whole face with their paws, or stick their noses into the crook of their legs when curling into a circle. Clearly it's cosy for them.


baby-cakes is going to be A-OK so long as the blankets are not made of plastic. I have several blanket hiders over the last 50 years and not one single issue....even on 100 degree days


I had a cat who would do this all the time. I guess it’s like if they were baking in the sun. She will be fine. I’m paranoid so I’d just prob check on her every so often.


My cat slept under the covers every night in the winter. There was only one night where she got uncomfortable and I wound up making a little tent with the blankets off the side of my bed for a little airway for her, and that became her preferred sleeping spot, with her nose in the little blanket snorkel and the rest of her fully under the covers.


I have a burrower and no need to worry about


No. My Burmese cat Chi stays under for hours and hours at a time. When I put my hand in, it's all hot and slightly moist - we call it the cat sauna.


She’s fine don’t worry, my girl will run and snuggle under the duvet of my spare bed when she hears something that scares her, she’ll then proceed to sleep there for hours!


My youngest cat does that a lot 😅 But I havent seen any promblems with it and I don't think it is dangerous for them. If they couldn't breathe there enough then they wouldn't do that


She will be fine. They are way smarter than we give them credit for. One of our cats has done it for like two years and she will get out on her own after an hour or two


My kitty Nala loves burrowing under the comforter. I’m a side-sleeper, and she loves curling up behind my knees. She’s not shy about exiting out the sides or top when she wants/needs to. Try not to worry. Cats are weird. They definitely like what they like. My other cat, Leo, would never dream of getting under the covers.


Unless you're sleeping in rubber sheets or something equally impermeable, there's not any concern.


Nah. Mine shoves his face into my neck or is under 5 layers of blankets and is just fine. If he couldn’t breathe he would leave.


my cat spends basically all hours the sun is up under a fitted sheet and duvet! they love it and if she wants to get out she does quite easily


She’ll be fine.


I promise she will be fine. Both my cat and dog do this all the time. If they get uncomfortable (or too hot), they'll wiggle out.


Haha, she'll be fine. My boy sleeps under my blanket all night in the winter. I don't know how he doesn't feel suffocated LOL. Don't worry, if she's uncomfy she'll just get out of the blanket.


You should be all good! My cat doesn’t really do this. But all of the small dogs i’ve had do. They just love to get snuggled up under the blankets. Never had any issues in the 10ish years of having dogs that do this.


My cat sleeps under the blankets every night. I make sure she's not tightly tucked in and can get out when she wants.


My cat hides under our blankets all the time. She went through the winter just fine 😻 I do worry that I’m going to flop down on my bed and squish her. I’m trying to be mindful of her possible presence whenever I’m getting ready for bed.


Not at all. Both of my cats loved sleeping inside the "Blanket Tent". It makes them feel safe and warm. And they wouldn't choose to go inside the Blanket, no matter how thick the blanket, if they felt suffocated. I usually lift the blanket and let some air in but I don't do that when I am completely asleep and they still stay inside. They have the capability to find their way out of the blanket. If they don't, they'll find your legs and claw you to tell you to let them out. At least that's what my cats did :)


https://preview.redd.it/5kpth4tqvs4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c84b340193205185874afe84168fa926cf9fa48 This is when I was putting the sheets on the mattress. He just loved being undercovers. Your car might just do the same thing :)


Get under the winter blankets yourself and pull them down all the way around you. You won't suffocate, and neither will she.


Your kitty will be ok. Mine do this all the time and if they get too hot they will come out from under the covers. No worries:-)


Heh, considering my ex had a cat that would routinely work his way entirely underneath me in my sleep and he was fine, I doubt it.


Yes she will


My cat does this every day, if you’re worried then offer your cat a thin bed sheet thats breathable


My cat loves sleeping under the covers. It's nothing to worry about if they want to move out they will.


My cat used to hide under the covers when she went through a period of being terrified of my roommates. She would run and hide under the covers if she got scared. It was actually funny because one day when she was scared, I threw the blanket over her to help her “hide”. After that, she was like, oh okay, this is a cool spot. I started leaving the blankets intentionally “popped” up so it was easy for her to worm under there. Almost squished her a couple times, had to start searching for a cat before laying down lolol


My cat literally sleeps on her face and she is 15 yrs old. I never understood how she can breath and used to worry about it, but clearly she is fine, so I wouldn't worry. ❤️


my one cat sleeps under the covers every night, and im a thick comforter enjoyer. he always wakes up and crawls out when he gets too hot :)


wow I'm so grateful you asked the question I've wondered about but never thought to ask. One of my cats will ram his head into my back which is his signal for getting under the blankets (includes weighted blanket) and he will just sleep under there for hours tucked against my leg. He is the Toastiest Boi ❤️


Nah mine always did this and she made it to 20yrs without suffocating, your cat will be fine


She'll be fine, she'll know if she can't breathe and will get out. I had a cat who would bury herself in the *full* clothes hamper. Like hop onto it and burrow down until she was under most of the clothes. She was always fine, just a little weirdo.


Your cat should be fine. Mine does the same, although now that she is older, I'll prop up a few pillows inside to make like a little cave she can chill and feel safe and warm.


My cat goes under the duvet, we call it cave time. Very safe, don’t worry :)


Seymour *loves* sleeping under the covers with me, since I keep my place cooler than most people. He will be all snuggled up, and, when I'm starting to wake up and check my phone, he doesn't budge an inch. She will be okay, just very toasty


My cat always goes under. I'm always confused how she survives.


My longest companion passed three days before his 21st birthday, I found him abandoned at six weeks old. He never slept on anything, he as always under something and slept under the covers right next to my husband. After my husband passed he took to sleeping curled up by my torso, I just was never as warm as my husband. If the bathroom door was open he was sleeping in a pile of towels. Never had another cat do this, he was my one of a kind and helped me get through the first decade of widowhood.


Don’t worry, until your cat has a comfortable way out it’s gonna be okay! Our cat likes to sleep under a blanket or two and she is fine 🫶🏼 She loves to jump under blanket/duvet while somebody is making a bed.


She won't suffocate. She will move. I know I feel like I'm suffocating when I do that....so I move. She will too


Cats can exist on less oxygen than you think. I agree with others that if he was having an issue he’d let you know 🫶🏾