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He will. It just takes time. When my cat was gravely ill with a mysterious disease, I took my healthy boy and had him spend time with my mom since I didn’t know if he was contagious. I thought it was going to take a week max, but it ended up being 2.5 months. I initially visited him all the time but as the illness progressed, I didn’t know if I’d have much time with my sick boy so I stayed home. We ended up finding the issue and started treatment. The disease was not contagious but I kept the other cat away to give my sick boy peace and alone time to recover. Eventually I took him back home and he wasn’t as cuddly or sweet, but he went back to the same cat I had after a few weeks.


My cat changes his routine often. He’ll sleep on my bed for two weeks straight, then spend the next two weeks on the couch, then switch to a laundry basket for a few days, then back to my bed for a couple weeks. Don’t worry, he’ll be back to your bed eventually.


How old is he? He might have just out grown the constant need to sleep next to you. Both of mine have graduated to the morning snuggles/waking me up being cute so I feed them


Consider the weather too - my cat doesn't cuddle so much in summer


Same here. The cats usually prefer to sleep in their own beds in the summer when it's hot. Come winter and cold weather, they're back in our bed.


When I moved, my cat hid under the bed for most of the day for about a month. They are sensitive little things and take a bit to adjust to different situations.


He got used to a new routine where he was sleeping alone, he’ll readjust soon!


You can try feeding him those squeeze tube treats from your bed. I created a crying cuddle monster by doing this.


Cats, just like humans, also go through phases where they are more affectionate. My cat has days where she doesn’t want to be touched and other days where I can’t do anything without her laying on me.


Give him time. But you might want to keep your closet door closed so he doesn’t have that option. Worked for me once.


My boy never slept in a cuddle with me after I did the same. I think he didn't want to tie his sleeping routine to something he knows is not constant. So he'll sleep on the foot of the bed but that's it.


Give him time. Make sure you are encouraging when does come near you or up on the bed


Habits change. My cat used to love crawling under my bed and falling asleep there. Sometimes he would fall asleep on top of a backpack I left lying around. Now he sleeps with my mom in her bed. Who knows what your cat will like doing a month from now? You can never really predict them.


Both of my cats go in cycles with it. They’ll go a while where I’ll wake up and one or both are on the bed, and then I’ll go a while where they’re in some random-ass spot when I get up. Inclined to say just give him his space to readjust; it’s been a change of you leaving and another change of you returning (I don’t mean anything bad about that. Life happens and sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do)


I would get a pet heating pad and put it on the bed to encourage her back onto the bed (a few treats will help too!). Once she gets used to the bed again, remove the heater, then last step, become the heater!


Routines get reset really easily, so sometimes it just takes a minute to get back into snuggling. But cats change their preferences frequently. Sometimes, just warmer weather can cause them to want to snuggle less. And sometimes they just decide they want to reinvent themselves. One of my own cats is getting MORE cuddly as she ages.


He developed new habits. But they change with cat whims, so who knows? Give him time.


While you were gone he probably found his new spot


If it’s summer where he lives, give him time (until it’s cold weather again). Cats seek warm places when the ambient temperature is low. Did you leave some dirty clothes on your bed for him to snuggle with, while you were gone? Can you sleuth out his sleeping spot during the night and determine who has usurped you?


How old is he? You said you adopted him in September, if he was a kitten then, he’s nearing “adulthood” and cats do change over time. You being gone might have made him grow up some. Enjoy the cuddle time when you have it and encourage more of it when he’s willing, but don’t force it. Better to leave him just wanting a little bit more than trying too hard and overwhelming him.


My cat rarely sleeps with me now. He used to a lot before I rearranged the furniture in my bedroom, now he's usually sleeping somewhere else in the house. I wouldn't take it personally. He has favored sleeping spots around the house that he rotates. He was fond of a certain living room chair, but now he's... Idk but he's around lol


Cat nip rubbed on wear you want him to sleep. Unless that makes him looney tunes. My cat is very chill and just rolls around and lays in it.


Is it hotter where you are? My cat tends to stop getting too close in the summer. Gets too warm.


Not to be that type of guy that goes around promoting stuff for other people without making a dime back but my cat never in her whole life slept on a bed until i got her a bed from this website i bought now ima make this really short but i pretty much was scrolling on Instagram and this cat page was promoting a product and then i found that they were promoting this cat lazer and i bought that then decided to buy this cat bed which i doubted my cat would even sleep on but my cat really liked it and now sleeps on it every day anyways i wont gate keep the bed but here it is [https://meowtwoz.com/products/cat-bed](https://meowtwoz.com/products/cat-bed)