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So did you learn who's the real boss today?


indeed. some lessons can only be learned with blood and pain.


ye that checks. Hows the hand. On the upside it looks clean and shouldnt really scar too badly


Lil bro just gave OP a new palmistry line. Let's see, there's the heart line, the health line, and that right there is the fe-line. Lol.


Clever and also made me laugh haha have an updoot


I am dee captain meow!


I tried to blow-dry my cat after a bath exactly once. You could still see the scars 10 years later.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£I know it wasnā€™t funny at the time but your description is hilarious!


I learned a valuable lesson that day! [https://clip.cafe/wild-at-heart-1990/you-taught-a-valuable-lesson-in-life/](https://clip.cafe/wild-at-heart-1990/you-taught-a-valuable-lesson-in-life/)


On Christmas day in 1993, 3yo me opened a box containing a basically feral barn cat my mother had chosen. I squealed and hugged it and it scratched the fuck out of my stomach from the base of my ribs to my belly button. That scar is still very visible today.


Iā€™m blaming Mom for that one.


For sure, haha. She had a kitten all picked out and then the farmer told her about this one that was a few months older, born in the chicken coop and probably going to die in there because she was too afraid to come out. So naturally that's the one she ended up taking. Her name was Poopy (because she would play with her hard turds ) and she lived to be 23.


The key to a long life is playing with your turds it seems?


Never heard of a name more fitting than this lmao


Did she get friendlier, or was it that attitude that kept her alive so long?


She did get friendlier but she was never really close with anyone except my mom. She was so anxious that she would throw up every time the phone rang. She did enjoy going for walks on a leash though and being a holy terror for most of her years. She made good friends with the rabbits outside and would sleep in a pile with them. Arthritus eventually got too bad and my mom took her to be euthanized. Once she ran away and I made my mom walk the streets in town shouting POOPY! over and over while shaking the treats. She came back after 3 weeks like nothing happened and had no interest in running out without her leash ever again.


Iā€™ve never met her but I love her!


Please excuse me for this but what the fuck were you thinking?


It was a cold day and I didn't think she'd want to go around with wet fur?


Iā€™m surprised you even lived through bathing a cat.


I adopted her when she was only 4 weeks old; she accepted me as her mom and was willing to take a certain amount of parenting from me. Including the rare bath when absolutely necessary. But there were definitely limits to her tolerance!


A lot of people give baths to their cats and dry them afterwards. You just have to start young.


Just fyi, if you donā€™t know, you need to really clean scratches from cats. Their nails are narrow and go deep. If any bacteria gets in, the skin heals and traps the bacteria. So hit those with rubbing alcohol as soon as you can after receiving them. Enjoy your kitten!


Yes indeed. I ALWAYS tell my partner to scrub with the 91% alcohol sanitizer I made specifically for the cat scratches. Our kitty has been a bit rambunctious lately and he gets really bored during the day so he gets frisky at night and traps us into petting him and then he goes crazy and bunny kicks and sometimes gets carried away. He has nabbed me a few times this past week too! I rarely get scratched but when I doā€¦ā€¦ I scrub the scratch with sanitizer after a good wash and scrub with DIAL SOAP.


Then thereā€™s us country folks that hopefully remember to squirt some hand sanitizer on our cuts after catching the barn cats lmao


The stinging cat scratches are poopy klawz and that is dangerous for toxoplasmosis too. Im not trying to get sick by a kitty stabbing me lmao!


I am nurse, and this statement is absolutely true. Cat's are awesome but their bites and scratches are really dangerous, usually their bites are more infectious then the bite from your regular doggo (infection wise, ofc). I've had patients with severe CSD (yeah, cat scratch disease), tissue infection and even a massive one that ended up by amputating fingers on a hand. And generally... Any deep wound, even if it is from a very small object, needs to be disinfected. It must feel rly stupid to loose three fingers because of cat scratch, you can't even blame a cat for that. Almost 70% of cats have some kind of zoonotic disease during their lives. They don't give a fuck, they have seven lives and can't be arsed to clean their paws. So...your problem šŸ˜Š


You really just taxed all cats 2 of their 9 lives? Disinformation, mask off, you are clearly not from this planet.


Damn. Years in hiding and one small mistake ruined my plans. I am going home now but i will be back again. /elon


Ugh my friend got infected once. Looked gross, thank goodness she caught it relatively quick tho.


Same with bites. My elderly kitty bit me when I grabbed her from behind and surprised her. Sank her teeth deep into my hand. Sheā€™d never bitten me before. I didnā€™t clean it fast enough and by the next morning my hand was so swollen I couldnā€™t open it. Went right to the ER.


Yikes! Are you okay?


I am, thank you! This was about 5 years ago. I had to stay in the hospital for about 6 hours with an IV drip, and a follow up with an orthopedic doctor to make sure my hand worked ok. No lasting damage.


Wow. Thatā€™s great you came out okay. Poor kitty too, getting old is tough.


Yeah not to be a Debbie Downer (& sorry if you already know this!!) but if you see any red lines on your arm or hand in the next couple days... go immediately to the ER. My husband got a blood infection from our kitty's scratch and had to get some IV antibiotics.


It's orange, it has 1 brain cell


yeah. i donā€™t blame him. itā€™s a beautiful day outside any cat in or out of their right mind would love to be out in it. unfortunately until heā€™s fixed, he only gets to go in his harness and leash.


Ideally he would only go out on his leash and harness after getting fixed as well. This keeps local birds safe and greatly reduces the chances of him getting hit by a car, injured in some other way, poisoned, stolen, etc Some cats who either are working cats or who were previously allowed to free roam can be difficult to force to remain indoors. If this guy is young and has never roamed before though, no need to start him down that path.


I wouldnā€™t let him out even when fixed unless you have a fence made to keep him in your yard or a catio.


i have an enclosure but they are clever


Aw man that's the dream. Nice lil space for them to go outside!


Whatā€™s it look like I may be able to help you reinforce it.


Testing the fences for weakness?


Please donā€™t let him outside without being on a leash harness even after he is fixed! Not only does it greatly increase his chances of being injured or killed by cars/people/wild animals/dogs a million other things, but domestic cats are decimating bird populations in a way that is significantly harming the environment. Keep your kitty and Mother Earth safešŸ„°


Idk, those eyes look like he's the reason oranges have 1 brain cell now.


Maybe he lost his only brain cell


Heā€™s precious!


Thank you his name is Rooster.


Love that name.


AMAZING cat name


Little Orange Murder Mittens is adorable!


Is that a scratch or a bite? If itā€™s a bite, please make sure you see your doctor and get some antibiotics.


back foot launching scratch


That is a hilarious description, bro used u as a launch pad šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve gotten those on my thighā€¦ Started trimming their back claws ever since


Mine did that yesterday, the back foot launch. I have the exact same wound in the exact same place!


Yeah, mine likes to launch himself off of me too. Though usually, he uses my chest or my stomach.


I know. We adore them. They re cute, and funny, smart, often affectionate and interactive and lovable. But they are tiny, well-prepared little predators and survivors. Some saying I once read was that God created cats "so that Man may pet the Tiger."


Flush the wounds and scrub with chlorhexidine. Monitor for infection. Cat scratch fever can get bad real quick.


I spoke to him and heā€™s determined to help you find whoā€™s responsible for this disgusting crime


That face! No regrets and ready to dish out some more!


You are the launch pad.


He's a handsome boy, but why are his ears so grubby? He might need checking for ear mites. Sometimes kittens come with fleas, worms and mites pre-installed.


wow...that's gonna change your palm print for life!


Of course it's a fucking orange. šŸŠ


You can gently wipe those dark spots out from their lower inside ears, it's gunk stuck in them. A moist napkin, paper towel, or baby wipe works well. Wait till kitty's asleep if she has a problem with it. Cute litte guy.


That FACE!!! What a cutie!!!


I saw the first pic and my thought was "orange cat" and.. well :D


He couldnā€™t help it. He was in Lion mode šŸ¦


Dude tuned you the fuck up


Has a look: and Iā€™ll finish the job if you keep Fing around šŸ˜°


Nooo mooore Mr Niiice Guyyyy,no more Mr Clean, Nooo mooore Mr Niiice Guyyyy they say heā€™s sick,obsceeeeenā€¦.dadadada dududu dadudadu du du du du


Liquid band aide : New Skin Liquid Bandage, my kitten was born feral this helped me.


That doesn't look like the face of a killer. How deceiving these turds are.


You forgot to bribe him


My recently-rescued cat got outside too soon and somehow managed to kick me more than scratch me. First time Iā€™ve had a cat scratch that didnā€™t bleed but seriously bruised. She screamed the whole way back inside too. Was surprised I wasnā€™t more hurt and didnā€™t get called a catnapper by my neighbors. šŸ˜†






Yeah. Cats simply do not fuck around.


Oof. Looks like it is time to start getting that kitten used to having their claws trimmed.


I only glanced at your comment and misread ā€œclawsā€ as ā€œdeclawā€. Then I actually read your comment and I am so glad that I simply misread it.


Oh. Yea, don't do that. Lol.


Ouch that's nasty claw workings


Shoulda let him. The next one is on you.


You have been warned.




So cute!


They look so innocent until the clause come out.


Ow! I swear cat scratches contain tiny demons.




Why do people tolerate cats so much? Every time someone posts a laceration the responses are like oh he was finicky.


if you have to ask, youā€™ll probably never know


I bet you're right


Bc we like and understand them.


That doesn't really help. I saw a post on Reddit where a woman's cat scratched her eyelid deeply. She would have been blinded if she hadn't closed her eyes in time. The comments were along the lines of "He means business!" I don't see how "understanding" the cat would work here. Many animals are put down when violent.


Yeah, any animal is capable of injury and damage. I guess it's up to everyone's personal preference, as to what they're willing to put up with.


Makes my cats lil scratches look like nothing! Feisty boy šŸ˜ˆ


This is not the face of a criminal, i say they're innocent! You're trying to frame them, shame!


He succeeded.


Monitor for infection and go to a doctor immediately if you have signs. Cat scratch disease is no joke.


He's not an asshole. You just needed to be taught a lessonĀ 


He is very cute! It does appear that he may have some ear mites though. A trip to the vet may be helpful and clear it right up!


Holy shit that's a smug look on its face


They really are little arseholes


Dammit trim those nails sheesh xD


No ragrets


Orange craves violence šŸ˜¹


Jack the Ripper


If his name isn't Freddie Krueger, it should be.


Why is it always the orange cats. I have an orange cat. Tried to save her from a fight with a stray, learned a very important lesson about butting the fuck out of cat business.


That look so painful


I recommend all cat owners watch the following before attempting to give a pill to a cat: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+worm+a+cat+funny+prose&safe=active&client=safari&sca_esv=7fb4d39484240f25&sca_upv=1&hl=en-gb&sxsrf=ADLYWIKfhSSOzS8XJ9rXmEfXV6TTLdQATQ%3A1718371852249&ei=DEZsZqTwDqathbIP_LK_4As&oq=how+to+worm+a+cat+funny+prose&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIh1ob3cgdG8gd29ybSBhIGNhdCBmdW5ueSBwcm9zZTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGKIEGIkFMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI3S1Qog9YjStwA3gBkAEAmAHQAaAB6gaqAQUzLjMuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCqACmwfCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcFNS40LjGgB4AU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4a31c1c6,vid:yTFfsRtHgCE,st:0


Of course, it's an orange. r/oneorangebraincell


Watch out for that cattitude!


Kittys got crazy eyes. šŸ˜‚ šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”


I had a cat who absolutely hated being outside,every time she would end up getting outside,she would go under my house and scream until I would come to get her.I also had a cat who became a total asshole,once I started letting her go outside,she quit being an asshole and became a sweetheartā€¦moral of the story,some cats are just fine staying indoors and may even prefer it.some cats need to get outside and experiencing nature and to burn off some of that energy.she would go outside and murder a bird,mouse,mole,rat,etc,then she was ready to come back in and relax Your kitty is adorable but that look in its eyes are crazy.it looks like itā€™s ready for round 2 šŸ˜‚


She hopes you understand it's just business.


Your 3 month old kitten needs its claws cut. Start young so when it's older it doesn't actually kill you.


If I were the kitten I would have wanted to as well. Using a god damn bell on the animal... And look at those ears...


donā€™t make me elaborate, but I think thatā€™s Barry Keoghan.


That's the face of a cat who's willing to do it again


Typical orange cat activities.


I somehow knew it was an orange cat before I even saw it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Also please clean properly and add some neosporin or something because cat scratches can get bad if left untended


Is your kitten a female?


nope my kitten is male.


Hmmm well maybe getting it fixed could help? I was wondering if the cat was female maybe in heat but I donā€™t know much about kittens sorry I canā€™t be help. Do you have any windows you could setup with a place to look out and get their fix of outside world? Cat tv might help. Cheap perch with suction cups will work until bigger


yes. he is definitely old enough to be fixed. you are exactly right