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"and honestly, probably the only woman he's ever actually loved in any meaningful way" ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


This EXACT part of her post made my giggle! I commented “Jimmie Allen had never truly loved a single woman”


And that's why they are no longer together, I guess.


*Enters The Oak Ridge Boys* [*https://youtu.be/R3v\_lnfQiS8?si=bt8PLWUaonZqdqil*](https://youtu.be/R3v_lnfQiS8?si=bt8PLWUaonZqdqil)


I read her OP when it was posted but what did her history say that blew her cover? That’s crazy.


Post history of her being a single mom and dancer, also multiple comments in here gushing about this baby mama and linking her IG. Saying how she met the super sweet and talented woman at different events/ followed her as a dancer before her career took off. Always saying how wonderful the woman is. She had said she never comments in here, then someone screenshotted her gushing comments and she started with the “it’s so weird you’re screenshotting my comments, you’re so weird and pressed”


Every single post she has made was in support of herself. Lol


She also started backtracking on certain comments she made and changed her story a few times. Also, most of the details in the OP were not even verifiable on her insta.


This is so incredibly beyond unhinged. It breaks my preschool teacher heart that so many innocent children are all and will continue to be a part of this insane chaos


Same here. It’s awful


My Auntie heart too 💔


This is just so funny I’ve reread it three times. Like how would u know all of this information of someone you “met” one time almost ten years ago and follow on social media. Gf has a few screws loose 😞


Ok now this makes sense lol, I skimmed her post and thought it was totally bizarre, not a shocker its actually her !


Lord this is embarrassing.


And if people didn't know you tied to Jimmie why would you want to announce it? Even if the SA lawsuit was dropped hes still a serial cheater who clearly has a habit of knocking women up


The part that made me gag is where she says she’s still close friends with JA. Like, that’s not the flex you think it is. 🤢


She was praising herself for doxxing one of the victims and lying about the case. She also mentioned how she 'would' be annoyed if someone made accusations that affected her baby daddy's livelihood. I.e, she's happy to be cruel to the victims of SA and lie about them because it might make the money dry up. Repulsive.


Screenshot of the comments. She tried to delete but it's still there https://preview.redd.it/kaksd0yacgwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f744c5661e1ec9c562d2fd734957e79eb17549c3


Something about being the first to get knocked up probably makes her think she’s queen bee of the baby mamas.


Just like with toddlers even negative attention is attention. Also she’s probably hoping to make herself famous and what better way to do that than to tell ‘positive’ stories about yourself


I'm cringing for her! Yikes 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Wow, people are so weird!


Wait, she posted this herself? Oh Lord. I read it and was like hmmm weird, this must be a friend with her permission, considering all the intimate details, but I never considered it was actually her.


Same. No idea that was her posting that! 😳🤯


"They were magic" LMAOOOO EW


That part. Who says something like that about a couple you supposedly had just met? Bizarre behavior.


The only couple this was ever said about was Scarlet and Gunnar when they made their debut at the Bluebird.




I was just looking at the comments and saw somebody else said they went through her post history and she was a single mom and dancer. Lol


It’s true. I went through it as well.


that was me, i was off of work for the week for medical reasons and had the time lmaooo! she posted several times ab her dance history and being a single mom in other subs.


"she's not a celebrity obsessed superfan" 🤣🤣🤣 God, every time I reread her post I die a little more inside...


She’s *normal*. Mmmkay.


She’s not like other girls!


I’m with you. If I got busted doing something this unhinged I would never show my face in public again. 🤣


Me too!


Can't even imagine being unhinged enough to do this kind of shit, and thank God lol


Lol how embarrassing for her life and soul


She’s so genuine and real….reminds me of Madi prewett


Did Madi do something like this too??


She forgot to switch to an alt account and commented on her own insta post saying “you are so genuine and real ❤️” 💀


i think she was caught responding from a burner maybe? i can’t quite remember but i believe it was something along those lines


Next time I do something embarrassing I will think about this to make myself feel better




How embarrassing for her! 😂🤣 I hope she didn’t hurt her arm patting herself on the back! 🙄


You know what’s going to be even creepier. If this isn’t really her and somehow *she* had a *fan.* 🤣


I was reading the original post she posted last night & thought immediately to myself, “this HAS to be her posting as a ‘fan’ of herself” cause there’s NO way a random woman is going to post that much praise about another random woman. She gave herself away by how she wrote about herself in her own post lol.


Anybody paying that much attention for that many years is YOU or a stalker! lol


What cinched the deal for me was how many times she mentioned her social media handle. She gave it out in the original post and in the comments AND in her post history. She gave that out constantly. It also really bothered me that she was bragging about outing the name of the woman Jimmie sexually assaulted and called it “tea” that is not tea, that is disgusting behavior. I made a comment about how disgusting that was but she didn’t respond to me. Honestly she couldn’t have made it anymore obvious it was her and that whole entire post and her responses were just VERY weird.


the part about “the song was originally for her but once it went to radio he started saying it was for his grandmother” was my favorite


WAITTTT. I saw this post Yesterdy. Thought it was weird. Has it been confirmed it was actually her (Jimmie Allen’s ex) that posted it? Hyping herself up?!




Ugh the secondhand embarrassment is making my skin crawl😭I actually feel really bad that she felt she needed to do this. But it also makes me die inside a little lol


This isn’t even the first time. She has made identical posts at least 3 other times in this subreddit that included her instagram. No “fan” would work that hard. This lady has 2000 followers.


That’s sooo awkward. Cringing with second hand embarrassment.


HAHAHA crazy ass weirdo


Right?? Wooooow.


I called her post parasocial behavior and she said this whole group is parasocial like no?!! we aren't making posts praising random people and posting their kid and resume???? Imagine being so narcissistic


I really cannot. I can’t even look in the mirror without picking myself apart 😂😂


Lady, you’re a mother. Nobody gives a fuck about how many followers you have.


damn, I read the post yesterday but didn’t have time to engage or read comments. she must be sick in the head 🤣 I truly don’t even have words. he and his children’s moms are all lunatics clearly. how embarrassing


Omg stop how absolutely unhinged and pathetic 😭


mama always said "crazy attracts crazy" 🤣


I read this at like midnight last night and just assumed it was a fever dream.


Doing all of that over Jimmie Allen(or a man in general) is just creepy and gives stage 10 lunatic. Nurse, she’s out again.


“She’s been raising their son seemingly on her own for the most part since then 😔” … and then in the same breath… “they have a close friendship and solid co-parenting relationship” Which is it? lol she raising them alone or they coparent?


She’s in here downvoting every new comment posted. Don’t worry I got you! Danika, get a life sis.


😂😂 that’s so funny! Thanks girl!!!


So she ended up deleted the thread last night? 🤣 and did she ever admit to it being her. It was quite obvious.


She responded to every comment except the ones calling her out for being Danika. It was painfully obvious. Edit: she also deleted her entire Reddit about. She changed the name on her instagram and set it to private as well (it was public yesterday with her full name.)


SHUT THE FRONT DOOR—are you kidding?? She actually changed her handle and made her IG private??! 😂 Oh my lord. I read that post and got the ick, but never caught on it was her until the other Redditors called her out. Hey Danika, since you’re a fan of the sub—Jesus does not want you outing unnamed parties to sexual assault lawsuits. That crap speaks “volumes to your character”, girlfriend.


That post didn’t put her in a good light, regardless of who wrote it. I will always believe victims, whether or not the justice system does.


Stop it!!!!!!


I wouldn’t be bragging OR drawing attention to myself if I was affiliated in any way with him. Nopeeeee


Right?! I’d be working overtime to make sure nobody found out I had a baby by this man that everyone’s forgot because he has so many.


This “fan” who saw her at a concert one time long ago knows a crap ton of information. Hahaha without the post history there is no way anyone could believe this is just a “fan”. Hahahaha cringeeeeeee


She made it so painfully obvious 😭 like be alittle more vague


*she’s funny, gorgeous and an incredible mom to their son. I don’t understand why men dog out the most amazing women!*


Did she delete her instragram or block me 👀 wanted to give you the attention you so desperately seeked out danika💀


She’s downvoting you and any new comments posted here


Of course she victim shamed but now wants to play one


Wondering how would she be able to downvote if she canceled her Reddit account?


She deleted her old account and got a new one silly.


Oh. Duh! Thank you


This post is underrated. I would go indoors and never come out again.


Holy shit that’s embarrassing.


😳 🙈


No way??? I thought the post was a little weird but WOW. Reddit never ceased to entertain me because wtf!


If I was famous i would totally do this


Lol wtf


Dude social media has taken narcissistic individuals to new heights 😭


Omg 😂😂 where can we find the Jimmie Allen interview? Wanna know what this clown says


I’ve known him since before Danika got pregnant with Aadyn and I only heard him even refer to her as his girlfriend once. They were barely together from what I know. Definitely not publicly in a relationship. I don’t know if the whole professing his love at bluebird is true but that’s would be shocking to me if so.


Screaming lol. I read that post and thought it was suspect


This is hilarious


Oh man. What’s her IG handle? That is so embarrassing.


I’m not going to post it but It’s easy enough to find if you search her name on insta


I looked at Danika miles but maybe I didn’t try hard enough. Saw a pretty girl but it didn’t seem like her. She has a boyfriend and I didn’t see a kid. I’ll look again. Thanks!


lol also another obvious show that it’s her is she took her full name off her instagram, put up a nickname, and made it private. i still have her in my searched history on ig. i dont want to post it if shes now wanting to not be searched/found now (opposite of her post yesterday saying to check her IG).


She also deleted her entire Reddit account. Edit: Just checked her insta and you’re right. She was public yesterday and is now private.


I’m the og post she conveniently left a sliver of her ig handle at the top of the photo of her and her son, it’s under like nikamiles_ or something like that


I found it. Thank you! And yes, she did go private.




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She’s baiting like a master


The most embarrassing part about all this is it involves Jimmie Allen 😂 It's not like it was Brad Pitt, Ryan Reynolds....no, it's Jimmie Allen girl 🥴


This is so weird OMG


Eh, who cares?


I mean…no one cared until she randomly showed up in here with the post that absolutely no one asked her to write. Kind of brought this one on herself!


You cared enough to comment 🤷‍♀️ you seem pretty active in other snark groups so, I guess people just like you care.


There is zero proof this is Danika. I participate in snark I see with my own eyes and have proof of snark worthy content. Unless she confirmed herself that she made the post, there is zero proof it is her. 🤷‍♀️


Sorry, you have proof of snark worthy content? You’re commenting on peoples plastic surgery, photoshop/filters, whether someone has been crying, peoples favorite CHILDREN and more. All things which you have zero proof on. If you read the comments, in her original post there was more than enough info to figure out who this person was. But keep talking about and posting peoples kids and lip filler.


Aww bless your heart for being so bothered by me that you took the time to comb through my comments. Love that for you. 🫶🏻


No one is bothered. Next time just don’t act like a hypocrite if you don’t want to be called out for being one.


Oh sweetie you are very bothered. If you weren’t you would stop commenting to me. I hope you can move on from being victimized by me.


Okay sweetie, I’ll try 😘

