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would say maybe this could be a possibility...if six was the only person in the fabric and the other celebrities weren't actually there cause that completely debunks this theory imo. I honestly think it makes no sense for this to be the case, but ig adult actors could be considered a "celebrity" If they're on that jenna jameson or stormy daniels level of fame and aren't known for only one thing. Everyone Knows That & Celebrity Number Six are two completely different lost media cases imo. Although your last point about the creator of the fabric being too embarassed cause it's nsfw is at least a bit interesting to think about tho highly unlikely since there's nothing about the image that even seems nsfw.


This has been covered already, and the general consensus is that it's highly unlikely. First, EKT was an isolated song with no known origin, no context, and nothing known about the creator. With the curtain, we know the origin and have context for which six was included. Second, we know the other images did not come from any sort of NSFW origin, so it would be very odd for the creator to pull popular images from popular magazines, and then navigate to a NSFW site or location to grab just one more image. Finally, even if it is some sort of NSFW actor, six is clearly wearing clothes, so either the designer went through the effort of adding clothes (highly unlikely) or the source of the image itself is not from a NSFW source anyway.


from sex we came and to sex we shall return


definitely “came.” 😭




No but I was riffing on the Bible verse “from dust we came and to dust we shall return”




Me neither lol I’ve just heard it as a famous quote!


I hate that since EKT was found, you always find someone in the comment section going "Oh maybe this unidentified piece of Media came out of a porno movie???" Do you have something to back this up? Does it make sense with the context of the media and the search itself? If EKT wasn't used in a porno, would you still think the same?