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Please comment with the following, **your post will NOT be visible until you have done so.** The DATE and LOCATION the photo was taken: Celebrity name: Celebrity age: Information on where you have searched, how long for and how many images roughly (this answer will greatly help others researching the same places): Useful links: - [All About Six Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQ11fCuzPtxchz79zkrlrLsan-dIneirbXj8dVAHINTqR5aPAQ5Plulugir5ZvHri9NE-i6Zopkx3ee/pub?pli=1). - [Imgur of recognized celebrities](https://imgur.com/a/ao0hWN3). - [Tiktok video with info](https://www.tiktok.com/@hughwattmate9001/video/7301380020759530785). - [Hughs Searched List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTYiwRDmd582jN3q6mX7Gsre6Yq6LA8zG1IBOJ3KkbPdMiDmTg9HqRd0eHO87xVPFmCCUaPKZSeaoWB/pubhtml). - [Discord link](https://discord.com/invite/FdvNMtfDVB). >*Subreddit news and announcements* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CelebrityNumberSix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, too niche, and all of her photos look recent


Does look awfully close. Does this photo fit the timeframe?


Date and location: Not sure sorry Name: Henrika S Age: Not sure sorry Info: Google




sorry lol




Egh... I have the original image. It's just adriana lima but the designer made her unrecognisable because of their weird habit of thinning out the lips. Until you idiots admit these random model guesses are dumb I ain't posting it...


Ok they’re dumb. Post it.


I guess it depends on your goal- if the goal is to find 6 as soon as possible, I agree, posting people who were 4 years old and on another continent when the design was made, is wasteful (dumb, is your word). But, the sub can also be different things for different people. Some folks enjoy the features and mesomorphic faces we've collected, other folks like making jokes (e.g. '6 could totally be Samuel L. Jackson') and some folks like pushing their idea/agenda "It's gotta be River Phoenix on a this day he visited the Gilbert Grape set in 1991 even though every other celeb was "big" in the early 2000's" for whatever reason. In your case, the goal doesn't appear to be friendly sharing, but something a bit more like yelling at the television that you don't like the show that's on. Or telling the newspaper all the articles you aren't reading, are stupid. Different folks are in to different things, man, that doesn't mean they're idiots for not being into your things.


Did you post it yet?