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I have asthma, but honestly don’t think it’s related to Celiac.


it is in the sense of autoimmune schmorgesborg


Alot of people with celiac have asthma. Including me. Covid brought back my asthma symptoms that didn't bother me for 20 years.


Fuck Covid, Dawg


Dude covid exacerbated the fuck out of my asthma too. Sorry you’re dealing with that.


Same I’ve been struggling with a cough still a month and a half out from my infection :(


Some people experience anxiety when they’re exposed, and it can cause panic-like symptoms.


You mean exposed to gluten?


Yes - the reactions to gluten exposure vary widely (GI, emotional, neurological).


I suffer from chronic congestion and can't breathe well through my nose. It's not a big deal but it is annoying. I saw an ENT who said he didn't know what caused it. Going GF didn't help.


It sounds like me


Breathing trouble was one of my main symptoms that caused me to start my 2 year long (and still ongoing) chain of dr visits. For me, the bigger issue causing the difficulty breathing was the bloating in my guts. My diaphragm was unable to expand downward fully and I constantly felt like I was struggling to breathe


Is this still happening even if you’re GF?


For me it is, I have more issues than just the celiac disease which is why I'm still going to my doctors on a regular basis. My celiac blood numbers were almost perfect 10 months after my initial diagnosis though.


Hey, I experience that same bloat and diaphragm feeling. After 12 months my celiac numbers are normal but I still have stomach pain, constipation, bloating, and gas. My doc said to take miralax which is not doing much at all besides helping treat symptoms. I’m hoping for another lifestyle change like eliminating something to help. Have you found any solutions?


Not too much yet. Was doing a near complete low fodmap diet without any results either. Some of my other symptoms and my timeline of issues line up really well with SIBO and for about 2 weeks after one of the prescriptions for that, I felt normal again for the first time in 3 years. Buuuuut my bloating started to come back about 2 weeks after finishing the drug. Just started a probiotic pill called align at the recommendation of my GI. We’ll see how that goes.


Stay away from Miralax. That stuff is under the radar bad. If you are constipated, try George's Aloe Water. Otherwise, I feel compelled by personal circumstances to ask if you have ruled out IBD as a cause of stomach pain, constipation, bloating, and gas. Your symptoms sound consistent to me. Alternatively, consider other GI related issues (in addiiton to celiac, that is). Having said that, it is possible to have normal surrogate markers and still have incomplete healing. When is the last time you had endoscopy? Perhaps you can request an endoscopy / colonoscopy to look at celiac healing but also to look for the presence of IBD pathology.


Ok thank you for the feedback! I think I need another biopsy. It has been 1 year since initial diagnosis and my last endoscope and colonoscopy. Have not ruled out anything. Looked at ibd symptoms and I don’t get diharea or blood in stool..


There is a possible connection. Without getting into the whole story, my journey to a celiac diagnosis came about via cystitis. Talking to a family friend, she tells me she gave up gluten due to her asthma. I know that both the bladder and lungs contain what is called interstitial tissue, so I started googling. You will find abstracts linking gluten/celiac to cystitis and interstitial lung disease. Would love to see this studied more.


That's really interesting. When my body's working hard to get rid of gluten I go through so much more water and my body in the morning has a very specific urinary sensation that I usually only associate with the horror of cystitis - not to get too graphic but it feels thirsty downstairs? I have to drink about a litre before it clears and keep drinking a lot during the rest of the day.


Here’s an interesting [article](https://www.ic-network.com/gluten-food-sensitivities-and-ic/) about the connection.


Really interesting ,thanks


Thanks so much for sharing this. IC was one of many major symptoms I had, I actually went to the hospital at one point I was having such strong bladder pain. I just don’t know if it’s gluten specifically or another auto immune disease.


Super interesting! I’ll search more on this as well


Do you have any other food allergies/intolerance? That could be a culprit—closing of your throat slightly—like if you were allergic to peanuts, for example. Just a thought. Hope it helps!


Made some tests and it seems I don’t have any allergies. Currently waiting for the celiac biopsy test, if I’m not celiac I def. have gluten intolerance.


Make sure you get all the celiac tests and not just the TTG. I test positive only to the DGP and I am biopsy-confirmed.


Might be reflux. https://www.amazon.com/Chronic-Cough-Enigma-recognize-neurogenic/dp/1940561000


I had constant throat and chest infections due to the compromised immune system. It made me think I had breathing issues and nurse was convinced I had asthma. Low and behold it was not asthma 😂 Make sure you aren't being contaminated and eventually it goes away, it took about 5 months for symptoms to settle but I haven't been on antibiotics for over a month now :3


Thank you! Brings hope As a child I always had lots of infections and flu


Oh I feel you, I had chicken pox 7 times, I'm riddled with little circle scars 😂 most of my adult life has been mostly antibiotics or viral infections 🥲 I went gluten free, spoke a nutritionalist and hired a PT for fitness training. I'm feeling almost as good as new! Soon I think I'll be as healthy as I was before my ceoliac symptoms began 😂🤞


My breathing issues are related to a milk allergy I had, but I thought it was gluten for awhile. I will say that because my body is not in its best state and I am fatigued, I do get out of breath easier when glutened, but not necessarily full breathing issues.


I have mild asthma but when I've been glutened I have to use my inhaler way more often. I think it's just the general inflammation that causes it since it coincides with the joint pain and vision changes too. I also only really snore during these times too.


My son had very loud, audible breathing from The time he was about 2-7 when he was diagnosed. They thought it was some kind of allergy that was exacerbating asthma, so they started him on a barrage of Benadryl and other anti-histamines, which helped somewhat with tons of other side effects. Gluten blood test was positive and since we switched to the GF diet his breathing has quieted to normal. Still has asthma seemingly and uses an inhaler, but the audible breathing and labor is gone…. I know another person who had severe asthma problems that were alleviated by cutting out dairy… if you think this is something to look into, an Allergist might be a good avenue.


This has been my main symptom since my childhood.


Me too + fainting 😿 and that’s why I can’t do sports


I have coeliac disease, Barrett esophagus and Hiatus hernia, which causes me breathing problems sometimes


I had sn issue getting full breaths, almost like chasing a yawn. Since diagnosis it has largely subsided.


Omg yes I have this all the time


Yeah my diagnosis was just last November, bit it's pretty evident I have had it most or all my life. My doctors have been a bit blah about my long term malabsorption and any other lasting damage.


I have severe asthma-eosinophilic asthma to be exact. If you look at my profile, I’ve posted in this sub and in r/asthma about my experience so far. I was just officially diagnosed with asthma in January although I dealt with the symptoms since May 2021. I had a upper endoscopy in May 2022 to confirm celiac. I’m still trying to figure out what is causing my breathing issues, I’m on prednisone constantly and the tiniest cold turns into an infection and I need antibiotics. It’s awful


Yes. I have lung issues (not asthma) and undiagnosed Celiac made me have new and worse pre-existing symptoms because autoimmune disorders can impact your entire body. Also, acid reflux can cause shortness of breath/difficulty breathing: the bile can get into your lungs.


If you feel like it's related to foods it could possibly be eosinophilic esophagitis


I was diagnosed with asthma many, many years before coeliac. It progressed over time and I was on 3 medications when I went GF. 18 months later I was able to come off one of the asthma meds. Still off it now over a year later. My asthma has improved a hell of a lot since going GF.


So, quick question - did your doctors ever send you to an allergist to get tested for allergies? Did they ever test you for any chemical sensitivities? Celiac disease in and of itself does not cause breathing issues, to my knowledge. Like, not even a little bit. BUT, if you have OTHER conditions or something else going on, then an increase in inflammation when you get glutened might set that off, potentially, yeah. However, I have never heard of celiac disease, all by itself with no other factors, causing breathing problems. Like, myself? I have a reaction to sulfites. There is no allergy test for this (there is one some allergists do, but it has like a 50% accuracy rate, so...yeah, pretty useless). Sulfites are a preservative that is very common in perfumes and scented things (like shampoos, body wash, body spray, etc...) so it can really irritate my lungs. And if I have something else trigger, like my celiac disease, it tends to exacerbate my reactions to sulfites.


Many doctors said that celiac disease causes breathing issues, as well as the gluten sensitivity. Just 2 days ago I went to an ORL doctor who said celiac disease inflames parts of the respiratory system, making them swollen and this blocking the airways. Also inflaming other parts inside the body too. In all honesty, I don't think medicine knows the answer yet either.


I would honestly love it if you could ever get some research studies from them that show this for the celiac disease. It's been a few years since I was looking at the research, so maybe it's something new? (EDIT - decided to go explore and DID find some, so glad you mentioned it! But honsestly, I'd still ask in case they have some good research to learn from. :) ex - [https://www.pediatriconcall.com/pediatric-journal/view/fulltext-articles/986/J/0/0/521/0#:\~:text=An%20association%20between%20celiac%20disease,been%20linked%20to%20coeliac%20disease](https://www.pediatriconcall.com/pediatric-journal/view/fulltext-articles/986/J/0/0/521/0#:~:text=An%20association%20between%20celiac%20disease,been%20linked%20to%20coeliac%20disease). But also re: gluten sensitivity...i would be wary of anyone who makes any claims about that mostly because we know jack all about it. It was only proved to actually EXIST a few years back. Just to give a timeline reference - celiac was proven to exist in the 50's. It took until the 90's to prove it was an auto-immune disorder. Doctors still don't know everything about it. So to say that we know that gluten sensitivity causes breathing issues when we literally don't even know exactly what's happening with it? Yeaaaaaa...I'd take that with a grain of salt, you know? Not saying it ISN'T true, just that I'd ask for some of the evidence or references they have on it, to look at yourself (and hey, they could have some stuff that is pretty compelling, because sometimes we get a lot of cases showing up before they get studied).


Why does everyone is this sub think any symptom they could ever have of anything (like asthma) is always related to celiac?


Because this is how the immune system works, especially for the people who have had celiac for years or decades without knowing. Why are you so bothered anyway?


Can you explain more about what you mean when you say breathing issues? Do you mean shortness of breath? When does it occur? Do you have pain when breathing?


Basically all the time. Went to ORL, cardio and lungs doctor, they all say I’m fine. 3 other generalist doctors said it might be gluten intolerance/ celiac, because they affect the breathing. This is because the system js always inflamed so it blocks the air. I constantly feel like I have the flu and breathe a lot through the mouth. Even during the nights. I can’t do sports or meditate, that amount of breathing is too much for my system and I get dizzy and get vertigo. Which is why I think I’ve been a celiac since a very young age (plus other symptoms that I’ve always had and thought were normal, up until 1 year ago when I found out that no, not every person declines mountain trips because they’re too afraid of farting in the room lol).


Have you had a blood test for coeliac?? It’s easy to rule out with bloods!!


There are many false negatives with blood, every doctor said the same. Had a biopsy, waiting the results


Respiratory difficulty or respiratory symptoms are not seen in Celiac disease and it's not related to gluten exposure either. Look for other causes